3 resultados para biodegradacao


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The persistence of MCs in aquatic environments and their difficult removal in the conventional water treatment is a challenge to companies of sanitation. However, the MCs are susceptible to degradation by bacteria present in water, sediment and sewage effluents. In this study, we investigated the biodegradation of MCs by microorganism present in carbon filters with biological activity (BAC) and their phylogenetic identification by sequencing gene 16S RNA. A study of water containing MCs was used, with different compositions, plus a filters BAC effluent. The results showed that of MCs were biodegraded by microorganism present in the biofilm. This study provides the ability to complete biodegradation of MCs by bacteria present in BAC filters and the possible use of these microorganisms as alternative of the removal of MCs in the treatment of drinking water


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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O fungo lignocelulebtico, agente causal de podridão branca em madeira, Phonerochacte chrysosperium resistente a benomil, tem se mostrado eficiente como degradador do fungicida carbendazim. O fungo foi cultivado em BD complementado com 100,9 ug/ml de metil benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamato (Carbendazim ou MBC) por 22 dias, sob agitação. A determinação dos resíduos, realizada a partir do segundo dia e quantificada por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiência demonstrou que o carbendazim e rapidamente degradado por P.chrysosperium, sendo que aproximadamente 76% ocorre nos primeiros 6 dias de incubação.