5 resultados para bioactivator


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Development of new technologies, aiming at increasing productivity in different crops, involves constant research on the effectiveness and application of these techniques in seed treatment. In this study, it was aimed at evaluating physiological potential of rice seeds treated with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (strains DFs185, DFs223, DFs306, DFs416), or with two dosages of the insecticide thiamethoxam. The variables assessed were: germination (G); first count of germination (FCG); cold test (CT); length of seedlings aerial parts (LAP), root system (LRS), and total length (TL); emergence speed index (ESI); emergence (E), at 14 days; and dry phytomass (DP). Treatments have had a positive effect on percentage of G, FCG and E. The strain DFs185 has promoted increase in percentage emergence, for five of the six lots assessed. The variables: LAP; LRS; TL; ESI; and DP have undergone low or none influence of treatments; and there has been no toxic effect of rhizobacteria or insecticide thiamethoxam. In the cold test, a negative effect of treatments has been detected. Seed treatment with rhizobacteria, as well as with thiamethoxam, improve quality of low quality rice seeds. The strain DFs185 is promising for treating rice seeds, once it stimulates seed germination and emergence.


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Thiamethoxam is a systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid group, nitroguanidin family which affects the nicotinic receptor acetyl choline in the insect membrane, wounding the nervous system and causing the death of the insect. It was used with success in the control of initial pests of several crops. It was considered that thiamethoxam has a bioactivator effect, because in the absence of insects promoted increase in vigor, development and productivity of crops. This work was carried out to verify if thiamethoxam causes histological changes in sugarcane roots. In this work, it was used optical microscopy, images arrest, tissue biometrics and statistical analysis, in young roots of sugarcane RB 83 5486 after the treatments with different thiamethoxam concentrations. It was determined changes in histological structure of tissues 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the treatments, establishing its effects on root plant anatomy. It was verified that thiamethoxam increased root cortex width, increasing the vascular cylinder and the metaxylem vessel elements number in the vascular tissue until 21 days after application.


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Thiamethoxam is a systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid group, nitroguanidin family which affects the nicotinic receptor acetyl choline in the insect membrane, wounding the nervous system and causing the death of the insect. It was used with success in the control of initial pests of several crops. It was considered that thiamethoxam has a bioactivator effect, because in the absence of insects promoted increase in vigor, development and productivity of crops. This work was carried out to verify if thiamethoxam causes histological changes in sugarcane roots. In this work, it was used optical microscopy, images arrest, tissue biometrics and statistical analysis, in young roots of sugarcane RB 83 5486 after the treatments with different thiamethoxam concentrations. It was determined changes in histological structure of tissues 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the treatments, establishing its effects on root plant anatomy. It was verified that thiamethoxam increased root cortex width, increasing the vascular cylinder and the metaxylem vessel elements number in the vascular tissue until 21 days after application.


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A cana-de-açúcar é uma espécie amplamente cultivada em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Sua propagação é realizada através do plantio de porções caulinares contendo uma média de três gemas. Tal prática requer grande quantidade de material vegetal, o que reduz o ganho dos produtores. Adicionalmente, a utilização de grande quantidade de material vegetal para o plantio dificulta algumas práticas em relação ao manejo da cultura, como transporte e armazenamento. A utilização de mini-toletes, contendo uma única gema, representa uma alternativa ao plantio convencional. Existem limitações impostas à utilização de mini-toletes, relacionadas à baixa disponibilidade de reservas de nutrientes e de água, devido ao reduzido tamanho dos toletes. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o vigor e o desenvolvimento de plantas de cana-de-açúcar provenientes de mini-toletes. No primeiro experimento, comparou-se plantas provenientes de diferentes tipos de propágulos e gemas. Foram avaliados o número de brotações, a porcentagem de brotações, a altura das plantas e as massas de folhas e raízes. No segundo experimento, avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação de biorreguladores em mini-toletes provenientes de gemas apicais e basais. Foram realizadas as determinações do número de brotações, da altura das plantas, da área foliar e das massas secas de folhas e colmos. No terceiro experimento, avaliou-se a aplicação de ureia como fonte de adubação nitrogenada e tiametoxam, um inseticida sistêmico com ação bioativadora, no desenvolvimento de plantas originárias de mini-toletes. Realizaram-se as seguintes determinações: número de brotações, altura das plantas, área foliar e massas secas de colmos, folhas e raízes. No quarto experimento, plantas de cana-de-açúcar originárias de mini-toletes tratados com agroquímicos foram submetidas ao déficit hídrico. Foram avaliadas a altura das plantas, a área foliar e as massas de raiz, folha e caule. Foi possível concluir que plantas provenientes de gemas superiores e de toletes contendo três e duas gemas apresentaram um melhor desenvolvimento. De maneira geral, os resultados indicaram que a cana-de-açúcar não responde de maneira evidente ao uso de reguladores vegetais em mini-toletes. A utilização de ureia aumenta o desenvolvimento de plantas originárias de mini-toletes. Em conjunto com diferentes doses de ureia, a utilização de tiametoxam incrementa aspectos do desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar. Adicionalmente, foi possível concluir que a aplicação de agroquímicos em mini-toletes alivia os efeitos negativos do déficit hídrico no desenvolvimento radicular. A partir dos resultados obtidos no presente trabalho, foi possível concluir que a utilização de ureia, tiametoxam e agroquímicos melhora o desenvolvimento de plantas de cana-de-açúcar originárias de mini-toletes.


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Thiamethoxam is a systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid group, nitroguanidin family which affects the nicotinic receptor acetyl choline in the insect membrane, wounding the nervous system and causing the death of the insect. It was used with success in the control of initial pests of several crops. It was considered that thiamethoxam has a bioactivator effect, because in the absence of insects promoted increase in vigor, development and productivity of crops. This work was carried out to verify if thiamethoxam causes histological changes in sugarcane roots. In this work, it was used optical microscopy, images arrest, tissue biometrics and statistical analysis, in young roots of sugarcane RB 83 5486 after the treatments with different thiamethoxam concentrations. It was determined changes in histological structure of tissues 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the treatments, establishing its effects on root plant anatomy. It was verified that thiamethoxam increased root cortex width, increasing the vascular cylinder and the metaxylem vessel elements number in the vascular tissue until 21 days after application.