934 resultados para bilateral painful ophthalmoplegia


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Around 3% of the individuals with painful ophthalmoplegia have bilateral complaints. In the vast majority of these cases, appropriate investigation demonstrates a secondary etiology, and we are not aware of idiopathic cases reported. Herein we report a case of bilateral ophthalmoplegia where extensive investigation did not suggest a secondary cause.


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Myotonic dystrophy is a disorder with frequent ophthalmologic features. A 44-year-old black male with myotonic dystrophy is described. The patient displays a previously unreported type of motility disturbance in myotonic dystrophy in which there is an apparent limitation of motility that simulates a bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Myotonic dystrophy may be considered as another possible cause of pseudo-internuclear ophthalmoplegia.


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Background. The authors compared the efficacy of bilateral balanced and canine guidance (occlusal) splints in the treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain in subjects who experienced joint clicking with a nonoccluding splint in a double-blind, controlled randomized clinical trial.Methods. The authors randomly assigned 57 people with signs of disk displacement and TMJ pain into three groups according to the type of splint: bilateral balanced, canine guidance and nonoccluding. The authors followed the groups for six months using analysis of a visual analog scale (VAS), palpation of the TMJ and masticatory muscles, mandibular movements and joint sounds. They used repeated analysis of variance and a XI test to test the hypothesis.Results. The type of guidance used did not influence the pain reduction; yet both occlusal splints were superior to the nonoccluding splint, on the basis of the VAS. Despite similar outcomes in relation to opening, left; lateral and protrusive movements, TMJ and muscle pain on palpation, subjects who used the occlusal splints had improved clinical outcomes. The frequency of joint noises decreased over time, with no significant differences among groups. Subjects in the groups using the occlusal splints reported more comfort.Conclusion. The type of lateral guidance did not influence the subjects'; improvement: All of the subjects had a general improvement on the VAS, though subjects in the occlusal splint groups had better results that did subjects in the nonoccluding splint group.


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The hypertrophy of the mandibular coronoid process is a rare condition, progressive and of unknown etiology, characterized by the over development of the coronoid process determining their size increased, resulting in progressive and painful limitation of mouth opening. The mandibular hypomobility is a present symptom in several diseases and associates it to a specific cause requires detailed clinical and imaginologic examination. The cone-beam computed tomography has the potential to provide complementary informations above than conventional radiography. It also has the advantage of eliminate overlaps, provide high resolution image, helping not only in diagnosis, but also in planning the surgical procedure. Here we report a case of male patient, who appeared at the clinic for an evaluation of a trismus. He had no pain, only discomfort for progressive limitation of mouth opening. On physical examination, only a limited mouth opening has been found. Although the movements of laterality and protrusión were posible, they were very limited. Cone-beam computed tomography examination was performed, that showed an image compatible with bilateral hypertrophy of the mandibular coronoid process.


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The acute compartment syndrome describes a posttraumatic or inflammatory edema, which leads to a painful constraint of muscular movement and paresthesia. An increase in pressure in the anatomical compartment is postulated. The main symptoms include local swelling, sensory loss, local muscle weakness as well as late livid discoloration. Therapy of choice is an early fasciotomy with decompression to avoid serious complications like muscle necrosis. Here we report a 22 year old patient who postoperatively suffered from a bilateral paresis of the foot jack. Further examinations by electromyography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) led to the diagnosis of an acute bilateral compartment syndrome.


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Unresolved painful emotional experiences such as bereavement, trauma and disturbances in core relationships, are common presenting problems for clients of psychodrama or psychotherapy more generally. Emotional pain is experienced as a shattering of the sense of self and disconnection from others and, when unresolved, produces avoidant responses which inhibit the healing process. There is agreement across therapeutic modalities that exposure to emotional experience can increase the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. Moreno proposes that the activation of spontaneity is the primary curative factor in psychodrama and that healing occurs when the protagonist (client) engages with his or her wider social system and develops greater flexibility in response to that system. An extensive case-report literature describes the application of the psychodrama method in healing unresolved painful emotional experiences, but there is limited empirical research to verify the efficacy of the method or to identify the processes that are linked to therapeutic change. The purpose of this current research was to construct a model of protagonist change processes that could extend psychodrama theory, inform practitioners’ therapeutic decisions and contribute to understanding the common factors in therapeutic change. Four studies investigated protagonist processes linked to in-session resolution of painful emotional experiences. Significant therapeutic events were analysed using recordings and transcripts of psychodrama enactments, protagonist and director recall interviews and a range of process and outcome measures. A preliminary study (3 cases) identified four themes that were associated with helpful therapeutic events: enactment, the working alliance with the director and with group members, emotional release or relief and social atom repair. The second study (7 cases) used Comprehensive Process Analysis (CPA) to construct a model of protagonists’ processes linked to in-session resolution. This model was then validated across four more cases in Study 3. Five meta-processes were identified: (i) a readiness to engage in the psychodrama process; (ii) re-experiencing and insight; (iii) activating resourcefulness; (iv) social atom repair with emotional release and (v) integration. Social atom repair with emotional release involved deeply experiencing a wished-for interpersonal experience accompanied by a free flowing release of previously restricted emotion and was most clearly linked to protagonists’ reports of reaching resolution and to post session improvements in interpersonal relationships and sense of self. Acceptance of self in the moment increased protagonists’ capacity to generate new responses within each meta-process and, in resolved cases, there was evidence of spontaneity developing over time. The fourth study tested Greenberg’s allowing and accepting painful emotional experience model as an alternative explanation of protagonist change. The findings of this study suggested that while the process of allowing emotional pain was present in resolved cases, Greenberg’s model was not sufficient to explain the processes that lead to in-session resolution. The protagonist’s readiness to engage and activation of resourcefulness appear to facilitate the transition from problem identification to emotional release. Furthermore, experiencing a reparative relationship was found to be central to the healing process. This research verifies that there can be in-session resolution of painful emotional experience during psychodrama and protagonists’ reports suggest that in-session resolution can heal the damage to the sense of self and the interpersonal disconnection that are associated with unresolved emotional pain. A model of protagonist change processes has been constructed that challenges the view of psychodrama as a primarily cathartic therapy, by locating the therapeutic experience of emotional release within the development of new role relationships. The five meta-processes which are described within the model suggest broad change principles which can assist practitioners to make sense of events as they unfold and guide their clinical decision making in the moment. Each meta-process was linked to specific post-session changes, so that the model can inform the development of therapeutic plans for individual clients and can aid communication for practitioners when a psychodrama intervention is used for a specific therapeutic purpose within a comprehensive program of therapy.


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This prospective study examined the association between physical activity and the incidence of self-reported stiff or painful joints (SPJ) among mid-age women and older women over a 3-year period. Data were collected from cohorts of mid-age (48–55 years at Time 1; n = 4,780) and older women (72–79 years at Time 1; n = 3,970) who completed mailed surveys 3 years apart for the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Physical activity was measured with the Active Australia questions and categorized based on metabolic equivalent value minutes per week: none (<40 MET.min/week); very low (40 to <300 MET.min/week); low (300 to <600 MET.min/week); moderate (600 to <1,200 MET.min/week); and high (1,200+ MET.min/week). Cohort-specific logistic regression models were used to examine the association between physical activity at Time 1 and SPJ 'sometimes or often' and separately 'often' at Time 2. Respondents reporting SPJ 'sometimes or often' at Time 1 were excluded from analysis. In univariate models, the odds of reporting SPJ 'sometimes or often' were lower for mid-age respondents reporting low (odds ratio (OR) = 0.77, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.63–0.94), moderate (OR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.68–0.99), and high (OR = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.62–0.90) physical activity levels and for older respondents who were moderately (OR = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.65–0.98) or highly active (OR = 0.83, 95% CI = 0.69–0.99) than for those who were sedentary. After adjustment for confounders, these associations were no longer statistically significant. The odds of reporting SPJ 'often' were lower for mid-age respondents who were moderately active (OR = 0.71, 95% CI = 0.52–0.97) than for sedentary respondents in univariate but not adjusted models. Older women in the low (OR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.55–0.96), moderate (OR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.39–0.76), and high (OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.46–0.82) physical activity categories had lower odds of reporting SPJ 'often' at Time 2 than their sedentary counterparts, even after adjustment for confounders. These results are the first to show a dose–response relationship between physical activity and arthritis symptoms in older women. They suggest that advice for older women not currently experiencing SPJ should routinely include counseling on the importance of physical activity for preventing the onset of these symptoms.


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This paper proposes a novel approach to video deblocking which performs perceptually adaptive bilateral filtering by considering color, intensity, and motion features in a holistic manner. The method is based on bilateral filter which is an effective smoothing filter that preserves edges. The bilateral filter parameters are adaptive and avoid over-blurring of texture regions and at the same time eliminate blocking artefacts in the smooth region and areas of slow motion content. This is achieved by using a saliency map to control the strength of the filter for each individual point in the image based on its perceptual importance. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is effective in deblocking highly compressed video sequences and to avoid over-blurring of edges and textures in salient regions of image.


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Prophylactic surgery including hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) is recommended in BRCA positive women, while in women from the general population, hysterectomy plus BSO may increase the risk of overall mortality. The effect of hysterectomy plus BSO on women previously diagnosed with breast cancer is unknown. We used data from a population-base data linkage study of all women diagnosed with primary breast cancer in Queensland, Australia between 1997 and 2008 (n=21,067). We fitted flexible parametric breast cancer specific and overall survival models with 95% confidence intervals (also known as Royston-Parmar models) to assess the impact of risk-reducing surgery (removal of uterus, one or both ovaries). We also stratified analyses by age 20-49 and 50-79 years, respectively. Overall, 1,426 women (7%) underwent risk-reducing surgery (13% of premenopausal women and 3% of postmenopausal women). No women who had risk-reducing surgery, compared to 171 who did not have risk-reducing surgery developed a gynaecological cancer. Overall, 3,165 (15%) women died, including 2,195 (10%) from breast cancer. Hysterectomy plus BSO was associated with significantly reduced risk of death overall (adjusted HR = 0.69, 95% CI 0.53-0.89; P =0.005). Risk reduction was greater among premenopausal women, whose risk of death halved (HR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.25-0.79; P < 0.006). This was largely driven by reduction in breast cancer-specific mortality (HR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.24-0.79; P < 0.006). This population-based study found that risk-reducing surgery halved the mortality risk for premenopausal breast cancer patients. Replication of our results in independent cohorts, and subsequently randomised trials are needed to confirm these findings.


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Corporate and organisational fleet and road safety is of strong interest to government and government agencies in Australia and New Zealand. It has been identified that there is great opportunity to engage and assist organisations and corporations in the delivery of road safety and road safety measures to achieve nationally significant road related trauma reductions. This guide has therefore been developed through public sector funding for use by any workplace within Australia and New Zealand. Significant road safety benefits can be achieved by road safety government agencies (Australia and New Zealand) that engage with private and public sectors at their workplaces to address work related road safety issues. It has also been noted that organisational road safety advancement creates effective and sustainable outcomes, safer places of employment, and safer communities. This can be achieved without totally relying upon traditional and often lengthy processes such as further public legislation and/ or community attitudinal and behavioural change programs. Currently, there is little in the way of robust guides or support for those organisations that are wishing to adopt road safety within their places of employment, supply chain and/ or community. Due to this identified gap in available resource and support, it has been recommended that a practical organisational road safety guide be produced; hence the development of this guide. A guide, or supporting documentation, that bridges the gap between government and road safety research knowledge, internationally endorsed road safety methodology, and assists industry as the end user. To achieve this, the guide is designed to be non-specific to any industry sector and usable for small or large organisations, public or private, and engaging for senior executives and the personnel on the ground responsible for its implementation. Therefore, this guide is based on methodology and principles so that it can be applicable in a scalable way to the greatest number of public and private organisations while providing enough detail and ‘how to’ advice to enable organisations to generate their own solutions to road safety issues.


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IT was in the magnificent Manchester Cathedral that Eli Ward's pure soprano attracted the attention of the new dean, the Reverend Robert Waddington. When Waddington called for volunteers to help him polish the gold leaf on the altar railings, several choirboys came forward. Among them was Eli, a working-class 11-year-old from a council estate, who loved singing in the choir and was happy to help...


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Contralateral bones are often used in many medical applications but it is assumed that their bilateral differences are insignificant. Previous studies used a limited number of distance measurements in quantifying the corresponding differences; therefore, little is known about their bilateral 3D surface asymmetries. The aim of the study is to develop a comprehensive method to quantify geometrical asymmetries between the left and right tibia in order to provide first results on whether the contralateral tibia can be used as an equivalent reference. In this study, 3D bone models were reconstructed from CT scans of seven tibiae pairs, and 34 variables consisting of 2D and 3D measurements were measured from various anatomical regions. All 2D measurements, and lateral plateau and distal subchondral bone surface measurements showed insignificant differences (p > 0.05), but the rest of the surfaces showed significant differences (p < 0.05). Our results suggest that the contralateral tibia can be used as a reference especially in surgical applications such as articular reconstructions since the bilateral differences in the subchondral bone surfaces were less than 0.3 mm. The method can also be potentially transferable to other relevant studies that require the accurate quantification of bone bilateral asymmetries.