894 resultados para biaxial compression
Biological tissues are subjected to complex loading states in vivo and in order to define constitutive equations that effectively simulate their mechanical behaviour under these loads, it is necessary to obtain data on the tissue's response to multiaxial loading. Single axis and shear testing of biological tissues is often carried out, but biaxial testing is less common. We sought to design and commission a biaxial compression testing device, capable of obtaining repeatable data for biological samples. The apparatus comprised a sealed stainless steel pressure vessel specifically designed such that a state of hydrostatic compression could be created on the test specimen while simultaneously unloading the sample along one axis with an equilibrating tensile pressure. Thus a state of equibiaxial compression was created perpendicular to the long axis of a rectangular sample. For the purpose of calibration and commissioning of the vessel, rectangular samples of closed cell ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) foam were tested. Each sample was subjected to repeated loading, and nine separate biaxial experiments were carried out to a maximum pressure of 204 kPa (30 psi), with a relaxation time of two hours between them. Calibration testing demonstrated the force applied to the samples had a maximum error of 0.026 N (0.423% of maximum applied force). Under repeated loading, the foam sample demonstrated lower stiffness during the first load cycle. Following this cycle, an increased stiffness, repeatable response was observed with successive loading. While the experimental protocol was developed for EVA foam, preliminary results on this material suggest that this device may be capable of providing test data for biological tissue samples. The load response of the foam was characteristic of closed cell foams, with consolidation during the early loading cycles, then a repeatable load-displacement response upon repeated loading. The repeatability of the test results demonstrated the ability of the test device to provide reproducible test data and the low experimental error in the force demonstrated the reliability of the test data.
Analytical and computational models of the intervertebral disc (IVD) are commonly employed to enhance understanding of the biomechanics of the human spine and spinal motion segments. The accuracy of these models in predicting physiological behaviour of the spine is intrinsically reliant on the accuracy of the material constitutive representations employed to represent the spinal tissues. There is a paucity of detailed mechanical data describing the material response of the reinforcedground matrix in the anulus fibrosus of the IVD. In the present study, the ‘reinforcedground matrix’ was defined as the matrix with the collagen fibres embedded but not actively bearing axial load, thus incorporating the contribution of the fibre-fibre and fibre-matrix interactions. To determine mechanical parameters for the anulus ground matrix, mechanical tests were carried out on specimens of ovine anulus, under unconfined uniaxial compression, simple shear and biaxial compression. Test specimens of ovine anulus fibrosus were obtained with an adjacent layer of vertebral bone/cartilage on the superior and inferior specimen surface. Specimen geometry was such that there were no continuous collagen fibres coupling the two endplates. Samples were subdivided according to disc region - anterior, lateral and posterior - to determine the regional inhomogeneity in the anulus mechanical response. Specimens were loaded at a strain rate sufficient to avoid fluid outflow from the tissue and typical stress-strain responses under the initial load application and under repeated loading were determined for each of the three loading types. The response of the anulus tissue to the initial and repeated load cycles was significantly different for all load types, except biaxial compression in the anterior anulus. Since the maximum applied strain exceeded the damage strain for the tissue, experimental results for repeated loading reflected the mechanical ability of the tissue to carry load, subsequent to the initiation of damage. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide experimental data describing the response of the ‘reinforcedground matrix’ to biaxial compression. Additionally, it is novel in defining a study objective to determine the regionally inhomogeneous response of the ‘reinforcedground matrix’ under an extensive range of loading conditions suitable for mechanical characterisation of the tissue. The results presented facilitate the development of more detailed and comprehensive constitutive descriptions for the large strain nonlinear elastic or hyperelastic response of the anulus ground matrix.
The deformation of alkali metals K, Rb, and Cs under epitaxial deformation is studied via the ab initio pseudopotential plane wave method using the local-density approximation. Under loading from the stable fee phase, metastable stares along directions [001], [111], and [201] are identified. One metastable state, presented at direction [201], has a very low symmetry in contrast to the planes [001] and [201]. Our results show that the softening direction and sequences of growth is significantly affected by the existence of the metastable states and magnitude of the energy barrier. The resulting softening sequences from soft to hard are [201], [110], [001], and [111] under biaxial compression and [001], [111], [201], and [110] under biaxial tension. An orthorhombic deformation path is used to investigate the fact, that the structure of the alkali films K and Cs evolve from the quasihexagonal structure into the (110)-oriented bcc structure, observed by experiments.
Das Werkstoffverhalten von stahlfaserfreiem bzw. stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton unter biaxialle Druck- Zugbeanspruchung wurde experimentell und theoretisch untersucht. Die Basis der experimentellen Untersuchungen waren zahlreiche Versuche, die in der Vergangenheit an faserfreiem Stahlbetonscheiben zur Bestimmung des Werkstoffverhaltens von gerissenem Stahlbeton im ebenen Spannungszustand durchgeführt wurden. Bei diesen Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass infolge einer Querzugbeanspruchung eine Abminderung der biaxialen Druckfestigkeit entsteht. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse sind zur Verbesserung der Werkstoffeigenschaften des Betons, Stahlbetonscheiben aus stahlfaserverstärktem Beton hergestellt worden. Die aus der Literatur bekannten Werkstoffmodelle für Beton sowie Stahlbeton, im ungerissenen und gerissenen Zustand wurden hinsichtlich der in der Vergangenheit ermittelten Materialeigenschaften des Betons bzw. Stahlbetons unter proportionalen sowie nichtproportionalen äußeren Belastungen erklärt und kritisch untersucht. In den frischen Beton wurden Stahlfasern hinzugegeben. Dadurch konnte die Festigkeits- und die Materialsteifigkeitsabminderung infolge Rissbildung, die zur Schädigung des Verbundwerkstoffs Beton führt, reduziert werden. Man konnte sehen, dass der Druckfestigkeitsabminderungsfaktor und insbesondere die zur maximal aufnehmbaren Zylinderdruckfestigkeit gehörende Stauchung, durch Zugabe von Stahlfasern besser begrenzt wird. Die experimentelle Untersuchungen wurden an sechs faserfreien und sieben stahlfaserverstärkten Stahlbetonscheiben unter Druck-Zugbelastung zur Bestimmung des Verhaltens des gerissenen faserfreien und stahlfaserverstärkten Stahlbetons durchgeführt. Die aus eigenen Versuchen ermittelten Materialeigenschaften des Betons, des stahlfaserverstärkten Betons und Stahlbetons im gerissenen Zustand wurden dargelegt und diskutiert. Bei der Rissbildung des quasi- spröden Werkstoffs Beton und dem stahlfaserverstärkten Beton wurde neben dem plastischen Fließen, auch die Abnahme des Elastizitätsmoduls festgestellt. Die Abminderung der aufnehmbaren Festigkeit und der zugehörigen Verzerrung lässt sich nicht mit der klassischen Fließtheorie der Plastizität ohne Modifizierung des Verfestigungsgesetzes erfassen. Es wurden auf elasto-plastischen Werkstoffmodellen basierende konstitutive Beziehungen für den faserfreien sowie den stahlfaserverstärkten Beton vorgeschlagen. Darüber hinaus wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine auf dem elasto-plastischen Werkstoffmodell basierende konstitutive Beziehung für Beton und den stahlfaser-verstärkten Beton im gerissenen Zustand formuliert. Die formulierten Werkstoffmodelle wurden mittels dem in einer modularen Form aufgebauten nichtlinearen Finite Elemente Programm DIANA zu numerischen Untersuchungen an ausgewählten experimentell untersuchten Flächentragwerken, wie scheibenartigen-, plattenartigen- und Schalentragwerken aus faserfreiem sowie stahlfaserverstärktem Beton verwendet. Das entwickelte elasto-plastische Modell ermöglichte durch eine modifizierte effektive Spannungs-Verzerrungs-Beziehung für das Verfestigungsmodell, nicht nur die Erfassung des plastischen Fließens sondern auch die Berücksichtigung der Schädigung der Elastizitätsmodule infolge Mikrorissen sowie Makrorissen im Hauptzugspannungs-Hauptdruckspannungs-Bereich. Es wurde bei den numerischen Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung des Last-Verformungsverhaltens von scheibenartigen, plattenartigen- und Schalentragwerken aus faserfreiem und stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton, im Vergleich mit den aus Versuchen ermittelten Ergebnissen, eine gute Übereinstimmung festgestellt.
Am Fachgebiet Massivbau (Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau – IKI) des Fachbereichs Bauingenieurwesen der Universität Kassel wurden Bauteilversuche an zweiaxial auf Druck-Zug belasteten, faserfreien und faserverstärkten Stahlbetonscheiben durchgeführt. Dabei wurden die Auswirkungen der Querzugbeanspruchung und der Rissbildung auf die Druckfestigkeit, auf die Stauchung bei Erreichen der Höchstlast sowie auf die Drucksteifigkeit des stabstahl- und faserbewehrten Betons an insgesamt 56 faserfreien und faserverstärkten Beton- und Stahlbetonscheiben untersucht. Auf der Grundlage der experimentell erhaltenen Ergebnisse wird ein Vorschlag zur Abminderung der Druckfestigkeit des gerissenen faserfreien und faserbewehrten Stahlbetons in Abhängigkeit der aufgebrachten Zugdehnung formuliert. Die Ergebnisse werden den in DIN 1045-1 [D4], Eurocode 2 [E3, E4], CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 [C1] und ACI Standard 318-05 [A1] angegebenen Bemessungsregeln für die Druckstrebenfestigkeit des gerissenen Stahlbetons gegenübergestellt und mit den Untersuchungen anderer Wissenschaftler verglichen. Die bekannten Widersprüche zwischen den Versuchsergebnissen, den vorgeschlagenen Modellen und den Regelwerken aus U.S.A., Kanada und Europa können dabei weitgehend aufgeklärt werden. Für nichtlineare Verfahren der Schnittgrößenermittlung und für Verformungsberechnungen wird ein Materialmodell des gerissenen faserfreien und faserbewehrten Stahlbetons abgeleitet. Hierzu wird die für einaxiale Beanspruchungszustände gültige Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linie nach Bild 22 der DIN 1045-1 auf den Fall der zweiaxialen Druck-Zug-Beanspruchung erweitert.
This work reports on the growth by molecular beam epitaxy and characterization of InN/InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) emitting at 1.5 μm. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra show satellite peaks up to the second order. Estimated values of well (3 nm) and barrier (9 nm) thicknesses were derived from transmission electron microscopy and the fit between experimental data and simulated XRD spectra. Transmission electron microscopy and XRD simulations also confirmed that the InGaN barriers are relaxed with respect to the GaN template, while the InN MQWs grew under biaxial compression on the InGaN barriers. Low temperature (14 K) photoluminescence measurements reveal an emission from the InN MQWs at 1.5 μm. Measurements as a function of temperature indicate the existence of localized states, probably due to InN quantum wells’ thickness fluctuations as observed by transmission electron microscopy.
In biaxial compression tests, the stress calculations based on boundary information underestimate the principal stresses leading to a significant overestimation of the shear strength. In direct shear tests, the shear strain becomes highly concentrated in the mid-plane of the sample during the test. Although the stress distribution within the specimen is heterogeneous, the evolution of the stress ratio inside the shear band is similar to that inferred from the boundary force calculations. It is also demonstrated that the dilatancy in the shear band significantly exceeds that implied from the boundary displacements. In simple shear tests, the stresses acting on the wall boundaries do not reflect the internal state of stress but merely provide information about the average mobilised wall friction. It is demonstrated that the results are sensitive to the initial stress state defined by K0 = sh/sv. For all cases, non-coaxiality of the principal stress and strain-rate directions is examined and the corresponding flow rule is identified. Periodic cell simulations have been used to examine biaxial compression for a wide range of initial packing densities. Both constant volume and constant mean stress tests have been simulated. The characteristic behaviour at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales is determined by whether or not the system percolates (enduring connectivity is established in all directions). The transition from non-percolating to percolating systems is characterised by transitional behaviour of internal variables and corresponds to an elastic percolation threshold, which correlates well with the establishment of a mechanical coordination number of ca. 3.0. Strong correlations are found between macroscopic and internal variables at the critical state.
We study the effect of an external biaxial stress on the light emission of single InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots placed onto piezoelectric actuators. With increasing compression, the emission blueshifts and the binding energies of the positive trion (X+) and biexciton (XX) relative to the neutral exciton (X) show a monotonic increase. This phenomenon is mainly ascribed to changes in electron and hole localization and it provides a robust method to achieve color coincidence in the emission of X and XX, which is a prerequisite for the possible generation of entangled photon pairs via the recently proposed "time reordering'' scheme.
High density polyethylene (HDPE)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites containing 4 wt% MWCNTs were prepared by melt mixing followed by compression moulding into sheet. Compression moulded sheets were heated to just below the melting temperature and biaxially stretched at ratios (SRs) of 2, 2.5 and 3.0. The effect of stretching on the thermal and mechanical properties of the sheet was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and tensile testing. DSC results show that the crystallinity of all the stretched samples increases by approximately 13% due to strain induced crystallization. The melting temperature of the biaxially stretched samples increases only slightly while crystallization temperature is not affected. Tensile test results indicate that at a SR of 2.5 the elastic modulus of the stretched composites increases by 17.6% relative to the virgin HDPE, but the breaking strength decreases by 33%. While the elastic modulus and breaking strength of the HDPE/MWCNT samples continue to increase as SR increases they drop off after a SR of 2.5 for the virgin HDPE. This is probably due to the constraining influence of the nanotubes preventing the relaxation of polymer chains caused by adiabatic heating at high SRs. The addition of MWCNTs results in significant strain hardening during deformation. While this will lead to increased energy requirement in forming it will also result in a more stable process and the ability to produce deep draw containers with more uniform wall thickness