999 resultados para bem-estar de suínos


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O aumento na demanda de proteína animal e o aumento da população mundial levaram a 8 produção animal a obter o máximo de rendimento. Sob essas circunstâncias, a produção animal tornou-se 9 mais concentrada e controlada, o que resultou no confinamento dos animais. Desde que mais atenção foi 10 dada a fatores econômicos e rendimento por animal, o bem-estar e comportamento animal foi negligenciado. 11 Contudo, hoje em dia, o bem-estar animal está ganhando mais importância devido à pressão dos 12 consumidores e grandes mercados. Isso não necessariamente significa que fornecer boas práticas de manejo 13 aos animais irá melhorar bem-estar, pois alguns animais podem apresentar distresse mesmo sob boas 14 condições de ambiente . Contudo, a questão antes de qualquer tomada de decisão de investimentos em bem-15 estar animal deveria ser quanto é perdido quando o bem-estar animal é pobre, ao invés de quanto pode ser 16 ganho com os investimentos em bem-estar animal, ou simplesmente fazer isso porque é melhor para os 17 animais. Portanto, uma vez que o bem-estar animal representa um papel importante nas perdas durante a 18 produção, a cadeia produtora de carne deve adaptar-se para mudanças nas regras de bem-estar animal, 19 regulamentos e boas práticas de manejo pré-abate. Nesse artigo de revisão, o bem-estar animal é discutido 20 como uma alternativa para agregar valor melhorar a qualidade da carne suína.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the pre-slaughter management of pigs there are stressors, which depending on the duration or severity, are able to alter the quality of meat. One of the factors considered critical to the welfare is the fasting period in the farm. This practice is fundamental and proven relevance in the production chain. Besides the effects on meat quality and welfare of pigs, fasting is among the main factors responsible for the incidence of skin lesions, can significantly influence the incidence of esophagogastric ulcers and is also important to avoid any contamination of carcasses by gastrointestinal contents. When fasting is done right, it has a positive impact on welfare, meat quality and conditions of welfare during the pre-slaughter management of pigs


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do modelo de carroceria (MC) (metálica dupla ou simples e simples de madeira) sobre a freqüência de diferentes tipos de lesões na carcaça (FLC) e sobre a qualidade da carne dos suínos. Foram utilizadas 360 fêmeas com peso vivo médio de 132,72±11,09kg. Para a análise estatística, considerou-se no modelo os efeitos de bloco (BL), o MC e a interação entre MC x BL. Verificou-se um efeito do MC sobre a freqüência de lesões na carcaça provenientes de briga e a freqüência total de lesões, sobre o pH1 do músculo Semispinalis capitis (SC), sobre o pH U dos músculos SC, Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Semimembranosus (SM) e sobre a cor dos músculos LD e SM. Suínos transportados em carroceria metálica simples apresentaram maiores valores de pH e da cor dos músculos avaliados. Conclui-se que suínos transportados em carroceria simples apresentam maior prevalência de lesões na carcaça e que o transporte dos suínos em carroceria metálica teve efeito positivo sobre os valores de pH e da cor carne.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of a shower before and after pig transportation on welfare, meat and carcass quality. We used 384 crossbreeding animals (females and castrated males), from 16 farms in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. A 2x4 factorial arrangement of treatments was employed with two distances from farm to slaughter plant (less than 50km and more than 50km) and four showering protocols. These protocols were applied on pigs: no showering at farm or slaughter plant (Control), no showering at farm but showering at the plant (NMG_MOF); showering at the farm and no showering at the plant (MOG_NMF); showering at the farm and plant (MOG_MOF). None of the factors influenced (P>0.05) physiological variables related to stress (cortisol and lactate in blood samples), number of carcass lesions and the characteristics of meat quality.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Knowing the importance that the poultry industry represents for the Brazilian economy, this work, searched to understand and to identify new welfare pointers inherent to the animal that contributed for the increase of the productive effectiveness, studying different behavior reactions in broiler breeders, in climatic chamber. The experiment was delineated as a Latin Square 3x3x3, where the variable: temperature of air, birds ration and birds age had been controlled. The birds of different ages had been lodged in distinct boxes. Observations of the behavior of the birds in two schedules of the day had been made, being one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon, during a period of 15 minutes each through video cameras, installed in the ceiling of the climatic chamber, having no interference of human being in the register of the data. It was verified the influence of the controlled variables in diverse observed behaviors where it was concluded that the presence of food resulted in bigger occurrences of aggressiveness reactions.


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Brazil is an important poultry meat export country, and large parts of its destination are countries with specific rearing restrictions related to broiler s welfare. One of the aerial pollutants mostly found in high concentrations in closed poultry housing environment is ammonia. There are evidences that broilers welfare may be compromised by the continuous exposition to this pollutant in rearing housing. This research aimed to estimate broilers welfare reared under specific thermal environmental attributes and bird s density, as function of the ammonia concentration and light intensity inside the housing environment using the Fuzzy Theory. Results showed that the best welfare value (0.89 in the scale: 0-1) approximately 90% of the ideal was found in the conditions that associated the ideal thermal environment, with bird s density between 13-15 birds m-2, with values of the ammonia concentration in the environment below 5 ppm, and light intensity near 1 lx. Using the predictive method it was possible to estimate broilers welfare with relation to the ammonia concentration and light intensity in the housing.


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The study of female broiler breeders is of great importance for the country as poultry production is one of the largest export items, and Brazil is the second largest broiler meat exporter. Animal behavior is known as a response to the effect of several interaction factors among them the environment. In this way the internal housing environment is an element that gives hints regarding to the bird s thermal comfort. Female broiler breeder behavior, expresses in form of specific pattern the bird s health and welfare. This research had the objective of applying predictive statistical models through the use of simulation, presenting animal comfort scenarios facing distinct environmental conditions. The research was developed with data collected in a controlled environment using Hybro - PG® breeding submitted to distinct levels of temperature, three distinct types of standard ration and age. Descriptive and exploratory analysis were proceeded, and afterwards the modeling process using the Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE). The research allowed the development of the thermal comfort indicators by statistical model equations of predicting female broiler breeder behavior under distinct studied scenarios.


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The swine breeder rearing environment directly affects the animal's performance. This research had the objective of developing a thermal, aerial and acoustic environmental evaluation pattern for boar housing. The experiment was carried on a commercial swine farm in Salto County -SP, Brazil. Thermal, aerial and acoustic environment data of rearing conditions were registered. Data were statistically analyzed using as threshold the ideal housing environment that leads to animal welfare. Results showed that ambient temperature was around 70% beyond normal range, while air relative humidity, air speed and gases concentration were within threshold values. Noise level data besides being within normal range did not present large variation. In relation to the fuzzy logic analysis it was possible to build up a scenario which indicated that the best welfare indexes to male swine breeders happens when thermal comfort index are close to 80%, and noise level is lower than 40 dB. In the other hand the worst welfare index occur in the sector where the thermal comfort values are below 40% at the same time that the noise level is higher than 80 dB leading to inadequate conditions to the animal, and may directly interfere in the reproduction system performance.