258 resultados para bays
The occurrence, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays were analyzed based on four samplings (winter 2003, summer 2003, winter 2004 and summer 2005). Samples were obtained by surface horizontal hauls, using a 200-µm mesh conical-cylinder plankton net. The distribution and abundance of eggs indicate a remarkable seasonal and annual variation of spawning activity in the region, especially when the two summer campaigns are compared. In summer 2003 the highest quantitative values were recorded, especially for Camamu, where the maximum reached 106.56 eggs.m-3, with an overall average of 43.46 eggs.m-3 for the two areas. In summer 2005 values were relatively low, the overall average being 3.49 eggs.m-3. The larval taxonomic composition is characterized by the predominance of gobiids, with small variation from summer to winter. Considering all the campaigns and samplings undertaken in both areas, larvae of 11 families were identified: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae and Tetraodontidae.
The analysis of the phytoplankton and environmental parameters of the time series in Alfacs and Fangar bays (north western Mediterranean) from 1990 to 2009 shows some trends. There is an increase in the average water column temperature, 0.11, 0.01, 0.80 and 0.23 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter respectively in Alfacs Bay and 1.76, 0.71, 1.33, 0.89 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter in Fangar Bay. The trends in phytoplankton populations show a shift in the timing of occurrence of Karlodinium spp. blooms and an increase of the Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundances. There is a lack of correlation between the average seasonal temperatures and the toxic phytoplankton abundances.
Alfacs and Fangar Bay in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean are the major sites in Catalonia for shellfish cultivation. These bays are subject to occasional closures in shellfish harvesting due to the presence of phycotoxins. Fish kills have also been associated with harmful algal blooms. The comparison of phytoplankton dynamics in both bays offers the opportunity to reveal differences in bloom patterns of species known to be harmful for the ecosystem and aquaculture activities. Field research is underway under the GEOHAB framework within the Core Research Project on HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments. The overall objective of this study is to improve our understanding of HAB biogeographical patterns, and key elements driving bloom dynamics in time and space within these semi-constrained embayments. Via the comparative approach we aim to improve the prediction for monitoring purposes, with a focus on Karlodinium spp. associated with massive kills of aquaculture species. This objective is addressed by incorporating long-term time series of phytoplankton identification and enumeration with the first results of recent field work in both bays. The latter includes the application of optical sensors, to yield a complementary view with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution of bloom phenomena.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The relationships between the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of the shrimp Nematopalaemon schmitti and water temperature, salinity, and texture and organic-matter content of the sediment, were analysed in Ubatumirim, Ubatuba and Mar Virado bays on the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly, from January 1998 through December 1999, from a shrimp boat equipped with double-rig nets, along six transects in each bay. In total, 2 116 specimens of N. schmitti were caught. Their distribution differed among bays, transects and seasons (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Highest total abundance was found in areas of high organicmatter content, in substrate composed mainly of very fine sand and silt and clay, and during winter and autumn. Although multiple regression analysis showed no significant relationship (p > 0.05), observations suggest that water tempera ture, sediment texture, organic-matter content, and the presence of biodetritus and plant fragments, provided favourable environmental conditions for the establishment of N. schmitti in the region.
The occurrence, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays were analyzed based on four samplings (winter 2003, summer 2003, winter 2004 and summer 2005). Samples were obtained by surface horizontal hauls, using a 200-mu m mesh conical-cylinder plankton net. The distribution and abundance of eggs indicate a remarkable seasonal and annual variation of spawning activity in the region, especially when the two summer campaigns are compared. In summer 2003 the highest quantitative values were recorded, especially for Camamu, where the maximum reached 106.56 eggs.m(-3), with an overall average of 43.46 eggs.m(-3) for the two areas. In summer 2005 values were relatively low, the overall average being 3.49 eggs.m(-3). The larval taxonomic composition is characterized by the predominance of gobiids, with small variation from summer to winter. Considering all the campaigns and samplings undertaken in both areas, larvae of 11 families were identified: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae and Tetraodontidae.
Imposex is the development of male sexual characteristics, i.e., penis and/or vas deferens in females of dioecious gastropods. This phenomenon has been associated to the use of the organotin based marine antifouling paints and used worldwide as a bioindicator of pollution by the TBT (antifouling agent) as well as to evaluate the related ecological impact. This study reports imposex in Stramonita haemastoma at south coast of Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil), specifically at Sepetiba and Ilha Grande Bays. All the stations where snails were found have shown imposex. Ilha Grande Bay presented the highest values of imposex indices when compared to Sepetiba Bay. The results suggest that high concentration of shipping activities and coastal morphology are the principal causes at the most polluted sites.
This paper is based upon data collected during the summers of 1912 and 1913. Mr. A. O. Hayes and Prof. van Ingen of Princeton University, while making a study of the general geology, stratigraphy, and palaeontology of the shores of Conception Bay, Newfoundland, came upon the manganiferous rocks of the Lower Cambrian exposed at Manuels, Topsail, Brigus, and other places. The following summer, of 1913, the writer as a member of the Princeton Newfoundland Expedition undertook a more detailed study of these deposits. In this paper therefore there has been an attempt to present as comprehensive a study of the manganese of southeastern Newfoundland. It is primarily chemical in its nature and the analyses herewith presented are from samples taken from the principal manganese-bearing beds.
Concentrations of organic and mineral nitrogen and phosphorus in waters from different types of bays were determined during summer of 1987. Content of organic nitrogen in surface waters reached 80-97% of total; content of mineral phosphorus was 60-100%. Concentrations of N_org and P_org in deep waters decreased to 70 and 40%, respectively. Distribution of organic matter in the bays was controlled by river run-off.
Contents of labile (acid-soluble) sulfides were determined in the upper layer of bottom sediments at 80 stations on the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea. Maximum values of this parameter occurred in black mud accumulated in zones of intense pollution in the Gelendzhik and Tsemess bays and in shelf areas adjacent to large health resort objects and to seaports. Contents of acid-soluble sulfides in sediments varied from 400 to 900 mg S/dm**3 of wet mud. In zones of moderate pollution they varied from 200 to 400 mg S/dm**3. Rate of sulfate reduction was 10-40 mg S/dm**3 of wet sediment per day. Obtained data show that accumulation of labile sulfides in the upper layer of shelf bottom sediments is directly related to anthropogenic pollution and is one of the most hazardous environmental aftereffects.
Transition of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb into solution is studied for experimental suspensions of coastal marine sediments with different degrees of pollution from the Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) over 30-70 days. Concentrations of dissolved metals were measured by a voltammetry method. Transition of Zn and Cd into solution was shown to be linearly dependent on initial pollution of sediments with these metals. Cadmium mobilization is due to gradual degradation of organic matter from sediments. Under degradation processes Zn quickly goes into solution during sedimentation and from silts, while in case of polluted sediments it is slowly mobilized during oxidation of sulfides. Behavior of Cu is complex because of binding of mobilized metal by dissolved organic compounds. Transition of lead into solution is negligible. Calculation of potential transition of metals from sediments into water on the basis of experimental data and its comparison with downward sedimentary flux showed that in the studied area secondary pollution of water by aerobic degradation of sediments is possible only for Cd.
Organic carbon in bays of the White Sea was studied for the first time in 1987. Bays of various types in the Kandalaksha Gulf and the Onega Gulf were investigated. Concentration of C_org ranged from 3.5 to 9 mg/l. The highest weighted-mean concentration of C_org occurred in shallow bays of the Onega Gulf (Suma Bay - 6.17 mg/l, Kolezhma Bay - 5.25 mg/1); slightly lower levels occurred in the Soroka Bay (4.85 mg/l) and Kem' Bay (4.78 mg/l). The lowest concentrations were in deep bays of the Kandalaksha Gulf (Chupa Bay - 4.35 mg/l, Velikaya Salma Bay - 4.10 mg/l). As a rule C_org concentration decreases with depth in deep-water bays (but increases slightly in the thermocline layer). The key factor governing organic matter concentration in the bays of the Onega Gulf with river runoff is allochthonous terrigenous organic matter, as indicated by negative correlation of C_org with salinity (R=-0.83+/-0.07, p=0.96) and nonsignificant correlation with primary production.