960 resultados para basic slag
A escória siderúrgica é uma alternativa para a correção da acidez dos solos e é constituída de silicato de cálcio. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se os efeitos residuais da aplicação de silicato de cálcio nos atributos químicos do solo e da planta em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico com capim-Marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), sob intensidades de pastejo em lotação rotacionada. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com intensidades de pastejo avaliadas pelas ofertas diárias de forragem de 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg t-1 de MS por PV nas parcelas experimentais, enquanto a aplicação superficial de silicato de cálcio combinado com calcário dolomítico, respectivamente, nas doses 0 + 0; 2 + 0; 4 + 0; 6 + 0; 2 + 4; 4 + 2 e 0 + 6 t ha- 1 nas subparcelas com quatro repetições, duas épocas (verão e inverno) e avaliação em três profundidades do solo (0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm). Os atributos químicos do solo pH em CaCl2, Ca, Mg, K, H + Al e V, avaliados 720 dias após a aplicação, apresentaram resultados favoráveis do poder residual do silicato de Ca e do calcário. A oferta de forragem 200 kg t-1 e o tratamento somente com calcário dolomítico (0 + 6 t ha-1) elevaram o valor de pH em CaCl2 e o V, principalmente na camada de 0-10 cm. Os teores de Si no solo foram influenciados pelas doses aplicadas de silicato de Ca, apesar de não terem causado alterações significativas nos teores foliares de Si. A composição químico-bromatológica foi afetada somente pelas ofertas e épocas. As ofertas, épocas e a interação época x oferta resultaram em efeitos na produção de matéria seca no pré-pastejo, com maiores produções para a oferta 200 kg t-1 e menores para a de 50 kg t-1 nas duas épocas. O resíduo (pós-pastejo) foi influenciado pelas ofertas e épocas. As ofertas 50 e 100 kg t-1 e o tratamento com 2 t ha-1 de silicato de Ca promoveram as maiores taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca.
MgO based refractory castables draw wide technological interest because they have the versatility and installation advantages of monolithic refractories with intrinsic MgO properties, such as high refractoriness and resistance to basic slag corrosion. Nevertheless, MgO easily reacts with water to produce Mg(OH)(2), which is followed by a large volumetric expansion, limiting its application in refractory castables. In order to develop solutions to minimize this effect, a better understanding of the main variables involved in this reaction is required. In this work, the influence of temperature, as well as the impact of the chemical equilibrium shifting (known as the common-ion effect), on MgO hydration was evaluated. Ionic conductivity measurements at different temperatures showed that the MgO hydration reaction is accelerated with increasing temperature. Additionally, different compounds were added to evaluate their influence on the reaction rate. Among them, CaCl(2) delayed the reaction, whereas KOH showed an opposite behavior. MgCl(2) and MgSO(4) presented similar results and two other distinct effects, reaction delay and acceleration, which depended on their concentration in the suspensions. The results were evaluated by considering the kinetics and the thermodynamics of the reaction, and the mechanical damages in the samples that was caused by the hydration reaction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
A escória de siderurgia ferrocromo pode-se constituir em uma fonte alternativa de Ca e Mg, bem como em corretivo da acidez do solo, melhorando a sua fertilidade e o estado nutricional de culturas. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da escória de siderurgia ferrocromo nas alterações dos atributos químicos do solo, na nutrição e no desenvolvimento de mudas de maracujazeiro. Para tanto, instalou-se um experimento em condições de casa de vegetação, empregando-se as seguintes doses crescentes da escória: zero; metade; uma vez; uma vez e meia e duas vezes a dose para elevar a saturação por bases do solo a 80%, correspondendo às doses de: 0; 0,375; 0,750; 1,125 e 1,500 g dm-3, respectivamente. O substrato utilizado foi um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, ácido (vasos com 2,8 dm³), que foi incubado com a escória de siderurgia, por 30 dias, para posterior semeadura do maracujazeiro, cultivando-as por 85 dias. A aplicação da escória de siderurgia ferrocromo promoveu a neutralização da acidez do solo. Entretanto, mesmo em doses relativamente baixas (360 kg ha-1), houve diminuição no acúmulo de nutrientes e na produção de matéria seca das mudas de maracujazeiro.
Os micronutrientes são importantes na nutrição das plantas, especialmente em solos tropicais com baixa concentração devido ao intemperismo. Como fonte alternativa de micronutrientes, tem-se a escória, resíduo da indústria de produção de ferro-gusa e aço. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a escória como fonte de micronutrientes para mudas de goiabeira. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. As doses de escória foram aplicadas objetivando elevar em meia, uma vez, uma vez e meia, duas vezes e duas vezes e meia a saturação por bases do solo igual a 70%, correspondendo a 1,68; 3,36; 5,04; 6,72 e 8,40 g por vaso, além da testemunha sem aplicação. Após 90 dias de incubação da escória com o Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, cultivaram-se mudas de goiabeira (cv. Paluma) por 110 dias em vasos com 2,8 dm-3 de substrato, em viveiro telado, em Taquaritinga-SP, no período de outubro de 2000 a abril de 2001. A escória promoveu um efeito favorável na reação do solo e na disponibilidades de Zn, Cu, Mn e B do solo. Houve efeitos quadráticos nas concentrações de Zn, Cu e Mn do solo, que, por sua vez, estiveram associadas às doses de escória superiores a 5,8; 6,3 e 7,5 g por vaso, respectivamente, enquanto, para o B, esse efeito foi linear. A saturação por bases do solo, entre 51 e 55%, resultou em maior disponibilidade dos micronutrientes Zn, Cu e Mn no solo, ao passo que, para o B, esse valor foi de 65%. da mesma forma que ocorreu no solo, a aplicação da escória apresentou efeitos quadráticos nos teores de Zn, Cu e Mn da parte aérea e das raízes das mudas de goiabeira, enquanto, para o B, esse efeito foi linear. Concluiu-se, portanto, que a escória se comportou como material corretivo da acidez e como fonte de micronutrientes.
Resposta de mudas de goiabeira à aplicação de escória de siderurgia como corretivo de acidez do solo
A escória de siderurgia pode constituir-se em uma fonte alternativa de Ca e Mg, bem como corretivo de acidez do solo, melhorando o estado nutricional de mudas de goiabeira, podendo contribuir para o sucesso da implantação de um pomar. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da escória de siderurgia nas alterações dos atributos químicos do solo, na nutrição das plantas e no crescimento de mudas de goiabeira. Para tanto, instalou-se um experimento em Taquaritinga-SP, em condições de vasos, com doses crescentes de escória de siderurgia: zero; metade; uma vez; uma vez e meia; duas vezes e duas vezes e meia a dose para elevar a saturação por bases para 70%. Após 90 dias da incubação da escória no solo, procedeu-se o plantio das mudas de goiabeira (cv. Paluma), propagadas vegetativamente por estaquia, em substrato de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo ácido (vaso com 2,8 dm³), cultivando-as por 105 dias. A aplicação de escória de siderurgia elevou os valores de pH, SB, V%, e as concentrações de Ca, Mg e P, diminuindo H+Al do solo. Nas mudas de goiabeira, houve aumento significativo na altura, no número de folhas, na área foliar, nas concentrações de Ca, Mg e P da parte aérea e das raízes das plantas e, conseqüentemente, na matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes. Portanto, a escória de siderurgia mostrou-se viável na produção de mudas de goiabeira como corretivo de acidez do solo e fonte de nutrientes (Ca e Mg ).
A escória de siderurgia, como material corretivo e efeito residual prolongado, pode beneficiar culturas de ciclo longo, a exemplo da cana-de-açúcar, minimizando a queda de produção ao longo do ciclo produtivo. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar diferentes níveis de saturação por bases, utilizando, como corretivo do solo, a escória de siderurgia, comparando-a com calcário calcítico, nas alterações de alguns atributos químicos do solo, bem como na resposta da soqueira da cana-de-açúcar. Para isto, realizou-se um experimento com a variedade SP 80-1842, durante o terceiro e o quarto corte, nos anos agrícolas 2000/01 e 2001/02. Os tratamentos, dispostos em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial com quatro repetições, constaram de duas fontes de corretivos, calcário calcítico e escória de siderurgia, e quatro níveis de correção, estimados pelo método da saturação por bases (V %): testemunha (sem correção) e com correção para V % de 50; 75 e 100, tendo sido tais corretivos aplicados na época do plantio da cana-de-açúcar. O calcário calcítico e a escória de siderurgia promoveram efeito residual benéfico, após 48 meses da aplicação, na correção da acidez do solo e na elevação do valor da saturação por bases; a maior dose de calcário causou efeito depressivo no perfilhamento, no número de colmos industrializáveis e na produção da cana-de-açúcar, fato não observado com uso da escória de siderurgia; a aplicação da escória de siderurgia e do calcário, em pré-plantio, promoveu efeito residual positivo na produção da soqueira de cana-de-açúcar.
Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag media were studied as a potential treatment material in on-site sanitation systems. Batch and column studies were conducted to evaluate attenuation of the bacteriophage PR772 and 0.190 mu m diameter microspheres by BOF media, and to delineate the relative contributions of two principle processes of virus attenuation: inactivation and attachment. In the batch studies, conducted at 4 degrees C, substantial inactivation of PR772 did not occur in the pH 7.6 and 9.5 suspensions. At pH 11.4, bimodal inactivation of PR772 was observed, at an initial rate of 2.1 log C/C(0) day(-1) for the first two days, followed by a much slower rate of 0.124 log C/C(0) day(-1) over the following 10 days. Two column studies were conducted at 4 degrees C at a flow rate of 1 pore volume day(-1) using two slag sources (Stelco, Ontario; Tubarao, Brazil) combined with sand and pea gravel. In both column experiments, the effluent microsphere concentration approached input concentrations over time (reductions of 0.1-0.2 log C/C(0)), suggesting attachment processes for microspheres were negligible. Removal of PR772 virus was more pronounced both during the early stages of the experiments, but also after longer transport times (0.5-1.0 log C/C(0)). PR772 reduction appeared to be primarily as a result of virus inactivation in response to the elevated pH conditions generated by the BOF mixture (10.6-11.4). On-site sanitation systems using BOF media should be designed to maintain sufficient contact time between the BOF media and the wastewater to allow sufficient residence time of pathogens at elevated pH conditions. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The rates of reduction of FeO from iron-saturated FeO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slags by graphite, coke, bituminous coal and anthracitic coal chars at temperatures in the range 1 673-1873 K have been measured using a sessile drop technique. The extents of reaction were determined using EPMA analysis of quenched samples, and on line gas analysis using a quadrupole mass spectrometer. The reaction rates have been shown to be dependent critically on carbon type. For the reaction geometry used in this investigation the reduction rates of graphite and coke are observed to be faster than with coal chars. This unexpected finding is shown to be associated with differences in the dominant chemical and mass transfer mechanisms occurring at the reaction interface. High reaction rates are observed to occur with the formation of liquid Fe-C alloy product and the associated gasification of carbon from the alloy. The rates of reduction by coal chars are determined principally by the chemical reaction at the carbon/gas interface and slag phase mass transfer.
The reduction of FeO from iron-saturated FeO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slags by graphite, coke and coal char at 1 673 K has been investigated using a sessile drop technique. Metallographic analysis of samples quenched from the reaction temperature, and in situ observations of the reaction interface, reveal significant differences in the slag/carbon contact, and in the morphologies of the product iron and its composition; these differences were found to depend on the carbon type used in the reduction. In particular it has been shown that, in the case of graphite and coke, liquid Fe-C droplets were rapidly formed at the slag/C interface. Reactions of the slag with coal chars, in contrast, result predominantly in the formation of solid iron. These observations indicate that the reaction pathways, and hence reaction kinetics, are dependent on carbon type.
The basic reproduction number is a key parameter in mathematical modelling of transmissible diseases. From the stability analysis of the disease free equilibrium, by applying Routh-Hurwitz criteria, a threshold is obtained, which is called the basic reproduction number. However, the application of spectral radius theory on the next generation matrix provides a different expression for the basic reproduction number, that is, the square root of the previously found formula. If the spectral radius of the next generation matrix is defined as the geometric mean of partial reproduction numbers, however the product of these partial numbers is the basic reproduction number, then both methods provide the same expression. In order to show this statement, dengue transmission modelling incorporating or not the transovarian transmission is considered as a case study. Also tuberculosis transmission and sexually transmitted infection modellings are taken as further examples.
This study sought to identify factors involved in access to the services of a basic health unit. It is a cross-sectional, population-based study involving 101 randomly-selected families residing in the area covered by the health unit. An adult resident of each household was interviewed. The response variable was whether or not the resident frequented the health unit if he/she or anyone in the family required assistance to resolve a health issue. The independent variables investigated were service provision aspects, demographic and socio-economic characteristics, individual habits, morbidities and use of the health unit. In addition to descriptive and univariate analysis, logistic regression was applied in the multivariate analysis. The results show that access to the basic health unit is associated with the treatment received previously (OR = 3,224) with accessibility (OR = 0,146) and micro-area of residence (OR = 10,918). These findings suggest that access is related to the impressions created by the care received at the health unit and is based on experiences with the service, but can also be strongly modulated by individual aspects and factors related to the territory.
A monomeric basic PLA2 (PhTX-II) of 14149.08 Da molecular weight was purified to homogeneity from Porthidium hyoprora venom. Amino acid sequence by in tandem mass spectrometry revealed that PhTX-II belongs to Asp49 PLA2 enzyme class and displays conserved domains as the catalytic network, Ca2+-binding loop and the hydrophobic channel of access to the catalytic site, reflected in the high catalytic activity displayed by the enzyme. Moreover, PhTX-II PLA2 showed an allosteric behavior and its enzymatic activity was dependent on Ca2+. Examination of PhTX-II PLA2 by CD spectroscopy indicated a high content of alpha-helical structures, similar to the known structure of secreted phospholipase IIA group suggesting a similar folding. PhTX-II PLA2 causes neuromuscular blockade in avian neuromuscular preparations with a significant direct action on skeletal muscle function, as well as, induced local edema and myotoxicity, in mice. The treatment of PhTX-II by BPB resulted in complete loss of their catalytic activity that was accompanied by loss of their edematogenic effect. On the other hand, enzymatic activity of PhTX-II contributes to this neuromuscular blockade and local myotoxicity is dependent not only on enzymatic activity. These results show that PhTX-II is a myotoxic Asp49 PLA2 that contributes with toxic actions caused by P. hyoprora venom.
To report on the use of chronic myeloid leukemia as a theme of basic clinical integration for first year medical students to motivate and enable in-depth understanding of the basic sciences of the future physician. During the past thirteen years we have reviewed and updated the curriculum of the medical school of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. The main objective of the new curriculum is to teach the students how to learn to learn. Since then, a case of chronic myeloid leukemia has been introduced to first year medical students and discussed in horizontal integration with all themes taught during a molecular and cell biology course. Cell structure and components, protein, chromosomes, gene organization, proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, signaling and so on are all themes approached during this course. At the end of every topic approached, the students prepare in advance the corresponding topic of clinical cases chosen randomly during the class, which are then presented by them. During the final class, a paper regarding mutations in the abl gene that cause resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors is discussed. After each class, three tests are solved in an interactive evaluation. The course has been successful since its beginning, 13 years ago. Great motivation of those who participated in the course was observed. There were less than 20% absences in the classes. At least three (and as many as nine) students every year were interested in starting research training in the field of hematology. At the end of each class, an interactive evaluation was performed and more than 70% of the answers were correct in each evaluation. Moreover, for the final evaluation, the students summarized, in a written report, the molecular and therapeutic basis of chronic myeloid leukemia, with scores ranging from 0 to 10. Considering all 13 years, a median of 78% of the class scored above 5 (min 74%-max 85%), and a median of 67% scored above 7. Chronic myeloid leukemia is an excellent example of a disease that can be used for clinical basic integration as this disorder involves well known protein, cytogenetic and cell function abnormalities, has well-defined diagnostic strategies and a target oriented therapy.
The family Malpighiaceae presents species with different habits, fruit types and cytological characters. Climbers are considered the most derived habit, followed, respectively, by the shrubby and arboreal ones. The present study examines the relationship between basic chromosome numbers and the derivation of climbing habit and fruit types in Malpighiaceae. A comparison of all the chromosome number reports for Malpighiaceae showed a predominance of chromosome numbers based on x=5 or 10 in the genera of sub-family Malpighioideae, mainly represented by climbers with winged fruits, whereas non-climbing species with non-winged fruits, which predominate in sub-family Byrsonimoideae, had counts based on x=6, which is considered the less derived basic number for the family. Based on such data, confirmed by statistic assays, and on the monophyletic origin of this family, we admit the hypothesis that morphological derivation of habit and fruit is correlated with chromosome basic number variation in the family Malpighiaceae.
Soil acidity is one of the main limiting factors for the growth of pasture grasses in Brazilian soils. In addition to lime, slag can be used to correct soil acidity and help plants to absorb nutrients in adequate amounts. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate, under greenhouse conditions, the effects of slag and lime plus nitrogen (N) on marandu palisade grass plants` nutritional status as well as the absorption of macronutrients submitted to two cuts. The treatments consisted of two corrective materials (slag and lime), three corrective material rates (0.81, 1.61, and 3.22 g dm-3 of ECaCO3), three N rates (75, 150, and 300 mg dm-3) plus a control treatment, with four replications. Macronutrient contents in the forage plants were found to be present in adequate levels. The mean value of N accumulated in the shoot was 40.1 mg per plant, phosphorus (P) was 4.6 mg per plant, potassium (K) was 38.6 mg per plant, calcium (Ca) was 7.3 mg per plant, magnesium (Mg) was 6.7 mg per plant, and sulfur (S) was 3.5 mg per plant at the first cut. At the second cut, the nutrient accumulations values were N 50.8 mg per plant, P 6.3 mg per plant, K 20.7 mg per plant, Ca 21.6 mg per plant, Mg 24.0 mg per plant, and S 4.7 mg per plant. Macronutrients accumulation in the shoot of grass increased with the addition of both the correctives as well as the N rates.