945 resultados para basal endogenous losses
To more precisely formulate feed and predict animal performance, it is important to base both the recommendations and feed formulations on digestible rather than total amino acid contents. Most published data on the digestibility of amino acids in feed ingredients for poultry are based on excreta digestibility. Ileal digestibility is an alternative and preferred approach to estimate amino acid availability in feed ingredients. Both methodologies are described and assessed. In addition, the differences between apparent and standardised (in which corrections are made for basal endogenous losses) digestible amino acid systems are discussed. The concept of a standardised digestibility system as a mean of overcoming the limitations of apparent digestibility estimates is proposed. In this context, different methodologies for the determination of basal endogenous amino acid losses are discussed. Although each methodology suffers from some limitations and published data on endogenous losses at the ileal level in growing poultry are limited, averaged data from repeated experiments using the 'enzymatically hydrolysed casein' method are considered as the best measure of basal losses. Standardised ileal amino acid digestibility values of 17 feed ingredients commonly used in broiler nutrition are presented including grains (barley, corn, sorghum, triticale, wheat), grain by-products (wheat middlings, rice pollard), plant protein sources (soybean meal, canola meal, corn gluten meal, cottonseed meal, lupins, peas/beans, sunflower meal), and animal by-products (feather meal, fish meal, meat and bone meal). This comprehensive set of the ileal amino acid digestibility of feed ingredients in broiler nutrition may serve as a basis for the establishment of the system in broiler feeding and for further research.
A determinação da absorção real de fósforo (P) em bovinos deve levar em consideração a fração endógena mínina do mineral, que se perde nas fezes. de modo geral esses cálculos são feitos utilizando-se tabelas cujos valores foram obtidos em outros países, com outras raças de animais e em condições bem diferentes das condições brasileiras. O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a perda endógena de P nas fezes e estimar a exigência mínima de P em novilhos da raça Nelore (Bos indicus). Foram utilizados 18 novilhos castrados, com peso médio de 190,82±27,53 kg e idade aproximada de 12 meses, divididos em três grupos de seis animais, e mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Os animais receberam dieta básica constituída de feno de Brachiaria decumbens e uma mistura de concentrados durante os 30 dias de período experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de diferentes quantidades de fosfato bicálcico em níveis de 0,12, 0,24 e 0,36% de P, com base na dieta total. Foram aplicadas injeções de 32P nos animais para a determinação da perda endógena fecal de P. A perda endógena mínima fecal de P para uma ingestão zero do mineral, calculada por interpolação, foi de 5,72 mg/kg de peso vivo e para um balanço zero, o requerimento mínimo foi de 8,84 mg/kg de peso vivo por dia.
The aim of the present study was to compare the protein-free diet, guanidinated casein (GuC) and enzyme hydrolysed casein (EHC) methods for the quantification of endogenous amino acid (AA) flow in the avian ileum. Growing broiler chickens (5 weeks old) were used. All three assay diets were based on dextrose, and in the GuC and EHC diets GuC or EHC were the sole source of N. Endogenous AA flows determined with the use of protein-free diet were considerably lower (P < 0.05) than those determined by the GuC and EHC methods. The, total endogenous AA flows determined by the GuC and EHC methods were almost 3-fold greater (P < 0.05) than those determined by the protein-free diet. The endogenous AA values obtained from GuC and EHC methods were similar (P >0.05), except for the flow of arginine, which was lower (P < 0.05) in the EHC method. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid, threonine and glycine were the predominant endogenous AA present in digesta from the distal ileum. The contents of methionine, histidine and cystine were lower compared with other AA. The method of determination had no effect on the AA composition of endogenous protein, except for threonine, glutamic acid, lysine, arginine and cystine. The concentrations of threonine and arginine were lower (P < 0.05) and that of lysine was higher (P < 0.05) with the EHC method compared with the other two methods. The concentration of glutamic acid was greater (P < 0.05) and that of cystine was lower (P < 0.05) in the EHC and GuC methods compared with the protein-free diet method. The results showed that the ileal endogenous flows of N and AA are markedly enhanced by the presence of protein and peptides, above those determined following feeding of a protein-free diet. It is concluded that the use of EHC and GuC methods enables the measurement of ileal endogenous losses in chickens under normal physiological conditions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho foi realizado objetivando-se determinar a composição corporal de proteína, gordura e energia e as exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia para mantença e ganho de peso de ovinos Morada Nova. Foram utilizados 30 cordeiros com peso vivo (PV) médio inicial de 15 kg. Para determinação da composição corporal, pela metodologia do abate comparativo, seis cordeiros (animais-referência) foram abatidos aos 15 kg, seis aos 20 kg (abate intermediário) e os demais foram distribuídos em seis grupos (um para cada dieta) de três animais, de acordo com a relação volumoso(V):concentrado(C): 40:60, 55:45 e 70:30. Os cordeiros em cada grupo foram abatidos quando o que recebia a dieta com maior teor de concentrado atingiu 25 kg de PV. A composição corporal variou de 181,53 a 178,74 g de proteína; 72,37 a 131,11 g de gordura e 1,81 a 2,34 Mcal de energia por kg de peso de corpo vazio (PCV). As exigências líquidas de ganho variaram de 222,30 a 218,6 g de proteína e de 3,30 a 4,28 Mcal de energia por kg de PV ganho. As perdas endógenas de nitrogênio foram de 0,332 g/kg0,75/dia. A exigência líquida de energia para mantença, estimada pela produção de calor em jejum, foi de 52,49 kcal/kg0,75 de PCV. As exigências de proteína e energia metabolizável para cordeiros dos 15 aos 25 kg de PV, com ganho de peso diário de 100 g, oscilaram de 53,46 a 60,19 g/dia e de 1,47 a 2,00 Mcal/dia, respectivamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da ingestão de rações com diferentes níveis de fósforo, por cabritos em crescimento, sobre a perda endógena fósforo. Dezoito animais da raça Saanen, machos, castrados, com 4 a 5 meses de idade, peso vivo médio de 25 ± 1,2 kg, foram alojados, por 45 dias, em gaiolas de metabolismo. Os animais receberam rações com três níveis de P (0,08; 0,15; e 0,38% na matéria seca) e semelhantes níveis de proteína bruta, energia metabolizável e relação Ca:P. Após 38 dias de fase pré-experimental, os animais receberam injeção (0,5 mL) com 7,4 Mbq de 32P (Na2HPO4 - livre de carregador), via jugular esquerda. Foram coletados sangue, fezes, urina e sobras das rações. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, fazendo-se a análise de regressão para o P ingerido. A ingestão média de P variou de 20,9 a 132,3 mg P/kg PV/dia e influenciou a excreção de P fecal. A quantidade de P endógeno variou de 7,6 a 45,4 mg/kg PV/dia e foi também influenciado pela ingestão de matéria seca e P inorgânico no plasma. A exigência líquida de mantença para os caprinos estudados foi de 6,87 mg/kg PV/dia.
In vivo and in vitro experiments were conducted to determine digestibility of GE and nutrients, as well as DE and ME of carbohydrates fed to growing pigs. The objective of Exp. 1 was to determine the DE and ME of 4 novel carbohydrates fed to pigs. The 4 novel carbohydrates were 2 sources of resistant starch (RS 60 and RS 70), soluble corn fiber (SCF), and pullulan. These carbohydrates were produced to increase total dietary fiber (TDF) intake by humans. Maltodextrin (MD) was used as a highly digestible control carbohydrate. The DE and ME for RS 60 (1,779 and 1,903 kcal/kg, respectively), RS 75(1,784 and 1,677 kcal/kg, respectively), and SCF (1,936 and 1,712 kcal/kg, respectively) were less (P < 0.05) than for MD (3,465 and 3,344 kcal/kg, respectively) and pullulan (2,755 and 2,766 kcal/kg, respectively), and pullulan contained less (P < 0.05) DE and ME than MD. However, there was no difference in the DE and ME for RS 60, RS 75, and SCF. The varying degrees of small intestinal digestibility and differences in fermentability among these novel carbohydrates may explain the differences in the DE and ME among carbohydrates. Therefore, the objectives of Exp. 2 were to determine the effect of these 4 novel carbohydrates and cellulose on apparent ileal (AID) and apparent total tract (ATTD) disappearance, and hindgut disappearance (HGD) of GE, TDF, and nutrients when added to diets fed to ileal-cannulated pigs. The second objective was to measure the endogenous flow of TDF to be able to calculate the standardized ileal disappearance (SID) and standardized total tract (STTD) disappearance of TDF in the 4 novel fibers fed to pigs. Results of the experiment indicated that the AID of GE and DM in diets containing cellulose or the novel fibers was less (P < 0.05) than of the maltodextrin diet, but the ATTD of GE and DM was not different among diets. The addition of RS 60, RS 75, and SCF did not affect the AID of acid hydrolysed ether extract (AEE), CP, or ash, but the addition of cellulose and pullulan reduced (P < 0.01) the AID of CP. The average ileal and total tract endogenous losses of TDF were calculated to be 25.25 and 42.87 g/kg DMI, respectively. The SID of TDF in diets containing RS 60, SCF, and pullulan were greater (P < 0.01) than the SID of TDF in the cellulose diet, but the STTD of the SCF diet was greater (P < 0.05) than for the cellulose and pullulan diets. Results of this experiment indicate that the presence of TDF reduces small intestinal disappearance of total carbohydrates and energy which may reduce the DE and ME of diets and ingredients. Therefore, the objective of Exp. 3 was to determine the DE and ME in yellow dent corn, Nutridense corn, dehulled barley, dehulled oats, polished rice, rye, sorghum, and wheat fed to growing pigs and to determine the AID and ATTD of GE, OM, CP, AEE, starch, total carbohydrates, and TDF in these cereal grains fed to pigs. Results indicated that the AID of GE, OM, and total carbohydrates was greater (P < 0.001) in rice than in all other cereal grains. The AID of starch was also greater (P < 0.001) in rice than in yellow dent corn, dehulled barley, rye, and wheat. The ATTD of GE was greater (P < 0.001) in rice than in yellow dent corn, rye, sorghum, and wheat. With a few exceptions, the AID and ATTD of GE and nutrients in Nutridense corn was not different from the values for dehulled oats. Likewise, with a few exceptions, the AID, ATTD, and HGD of GE, OM, total carbohydrates, and TDF in yellow corn, sorghum, and wheat were not different from each other. The AID of GE and AEE in dehulled barley was greater (P < 0.001) than in rye. The ATTD of GE and most nutrients was greater (P < 0.001) in dehulled barley than in rye. Dehulled oats had the greatest (P < 0.001) ME (kcal/kg DM) whereas rye had the least ME (kcal/kg DM) among the cereal grains. Results of the experiment indicate that the presence of TDF and RS may reduce small intestinal digestibility of starch in cereal grains resulting in reduced DE and ME in these grains. Digestibility experiments involving animals are time consuming and expensive. Therefore, the objective of Exp. 4 was to correlate DM and OM digestibility obtained from 3 in vitro procedures with ATTD of GE and with the concentration of DE in 50 corn samples that were fed to growing pigs. The second objective was to develop a regression model that can predict the ATTD of GE or the concentration of DE in corn. The third objective was to evaluate the suitability of using the DaisyII incubator as an alternative to the traditional water bath when determining in vitro DM and OM digestibility. Results indicated that corn samples incubated with Viscozyme for 48 h in the DaisyII incubator improved (P < 0.001) the ability of the procedure to detect small differences in the ATTD of GE or to detect small differences in the concentration of DE in corn. Likewise, compared with using cellulase or fecal inoculum, the variability in the ATTD of GE and the variability in the DE in corn was better (R2 = 0.56; P < 0.05 and R2 = 0.53; P < 0.06, respectively) explained if Viscozyme was used than if cellulase or fecal inoculum was used. A validated regression model that predicted the DE in corn was developed using Viscozyme and with the corn samples incubated in the DaisyII incubator for a 48 h. In conclusion, this present work used the pig as a model for human gastrointestinal function and evaluates carbohydrates from 2 different nutritional perspectives – humans and animals. The addition of novel carbohydrates reduced the digestibility of energy in the diets without necessarily reducing the digestibility of other nutrients. Thus, supplementation of novel carbohydrates in the diets may be beneficial for the management of diabetes. Aside from diabetic management, cereal grains such as rye and sorghum, may also help in BW management because of there low caloric value, but for undernourished individuals, dehulled oats, dehulled barley, and rice are the ideal grains. From an animal nutrition standpoint, high concentration of dietary fiber is undesirable because it reduces feed efficiency. Therefore, the inclusion of feed ingredients that have a high concentration of dietary fiber is often limited in animal diets. Although in vivo determination is ideal, in vitro procedures are useful tools to determine caloric value of food and feed ingredients.
The role of FSH and diurnal testosterone rhythms in specific germ cell transformations during spermatogenesis were investigated using DNA flow cytometry and morphometry of the seminiferous epithelium of the adult male bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata), the endogenous hormone levels of which were altered by two different protocols. (1) Active immunization of five monkeys for 290 days using ovine FSH adsorbed on Alhydrogel resulted in the neutralization of endogenous FSH, leaving the LH and diurnal testosterone rhythms normal. (2) Desensitization of the pituitary gonadotrophs of ten monkeys by chronically infusing gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue, buserelin (50 micrograms/day release rate), via an Alzet pump implant (s.c.) led to a 60-80% reduction in LH and FSH as well as total abolition of testosterone rhythms. The basal testosterone level (3.3 +/- 2.0 micrograms/l), however, was maintained in this group by way of an s.c. testosterone silicone elastomer implant. Both of the treatments caused significant (P < 0.01) nearly identical reduction in testicular biopsy scores, mitotic indices and daily sperm production rates compared with respective controls. The germ cell DNA flow cytometric profiles of the two treatment groups, however, were fundamentally different from each other. The pituitary-desensitized group exhibited a significant (P < 0.001) increase in 2C (spermatogonial) and decrease in 1C (round spermatid) populations while S-phase (preleptotene spermatocytes) and 4C (primary spermatocytes) populations were normal, indicating an arrest in meiosis caused presumably by the lack of increment in nocturnal serum testosterone. In contrast, in the FSH-immunized group, at day 80 when the FSH deprivation was total, the primary block appeared to be at the conversion of spermatogonia (2C) to cells in S-phase and primary spermatocytes (4C reduced by > 90%). In addition, at this time, although the round spermatid (1C) population was reduced by 65% (P < 0.01) the elongate spermatid (HC) population showed an increase of 52% (P < 0.05). This, taken together with the fact that sperm output in the ejaculate is reduced by 80%, suggests a blockade in spermiogenesis and spermiation. Administration of booster injections of oFSH at time-points at which the antibody titre was markedly low (at days 84 and 180) resulted in a transient resurgence in spermatogenesis (at day 180 and 228), and this again was blocked by day 290 when the FSH antibody titre increased.
Reward processing is linked to specific neuromodulatory systems with a dopaminergic contribution to reward learning and motivational drive being well established. Neuromodulatory influences on hedonic responses to actual receipt of reward, or punishment, referred to as experienced utility are less well characterized, although a link to the endogenous opioid system is suggested. Here, in a combined functional magnetic resonance imaging-psychopharmacological investigation, we used naloxone to block central opioid function while subjects performed a gambling task associated with rewards and losses of different magnitudes, in which the mean expected value was always zero. A graded influence of naloxone on reward outcome was evident in an attenuation of pleasure ratings for larger reward outcomes, an effect mirrored in attenuation of brain activity to increasing reward magnitude in rostral anterior cingulate cortex. A more striking effect was seen for losses such that under naloxone all levels of negative outcome were rated as more unpleasant. This hedonic effect was associated with enhanced activity in anterior insula and caudal anterior cingulate cortex, areas implicated in aversive processing. Our data indicate that a central opioid system contributes to both reward and loss processing in humans and directly modulates the hedonic experience of outcomes.
A field population of Ulva pseudocurvata Koeman et C. Hoek (hereafter termed Ulva) at Sylt Island (North Sea, Germany) exhibited biweekly peaks of gametophytic reproduction during the colder seasons and approximately weekly peaks during summer. The reproductive events lasted 1-5 d and were separated from each other by purely vegetative phases. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, a free-running rhythm was observed with reproductive peaks occurring approximately every 7 d. When artificial moonlight was provided every 4 weeks, fewer reproductive events occurred, and the reproductive rhythm became synchronized to the environmental artificial moonlight rhythm. In the laboratory, apical disks were entirely converted into reproductive tissue after 8 d cultivation, while almost all basal disks stayed vegetative, which prevented the entire loss of the vegetative thallus during reproductive events. Seasonal size reduction of the thallus occurred from late autumn onward and was determined to be controlled by a genuine photoperiodic response, since size reduction could be induced from May onward by experimental short-day (SD) treatment but was prevented in a long-day (LD) or night-break regime (NB). A daily fine-tuning occurred with gamete release early in the morning at the first sign of daylight, following an obligatory dark ("night") period of at least 1 h duration. No release took place if the overnight dark phase was replaced by continuous light. Blue, green, or red light all triggered gamete release after a dark phase at an irradiance of 0.1 mu mol photons . m(-2) .s(-1), while 0.001 mu mol photons . m(-2) . s(-1) was equivalent to a dark control.
Clarke, S. M., Mur, L. A. J., Wood, J. E., & Scott, I. M. (2004). Salicylic acid dependent signaling promotes basal thermotolerance but is not essential for acquired thermotolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal, 38(3), 432-447. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008
Expression profiling of BRCA1-deficient tumours has identified a pattern of gene expression similar to basal-like breast tumours. In this study, we examine whether a BRCA1-dependent transcriptional mechanism may underpin the link between BRCA1 and basal-like phenotype. In methods section, the mRNA and protein were harvested from a number of BRCA1 mutant and wild-type breast cancer cell lines and from matched isogenic controls. Microarray-based expression profiling was used to identify potential BRCA1-regulated transcripts. These gene targets were then validated (by in silico analysis of tumour samples) by real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays were used to confirm recruitment of BRCA1 to specific promoters. In results, we demonstrate that functional BRCA1 represses the expression of cytokeratins 5(KRT5) and 17(KRT17) and p-Cadherin (CDH3) in HCC1937 and T47D breast cancer cell lines at both mRNA and protein level. ChIP assays demonstrate that BRCA1 is recruited to the promoters of KRT5, KRT17 and CDH3, and re-ChIP assays confirm that BRCA1 is recruited independently to form c-Myc and Sp1 complexes on the CDH3 promoter. We show that siRNA-mediated inhibition of endogenous c-Myc (and not Sp1) results in a marked increase in CDH3 expression analogous to that observed following the inhibition of endogenous BRCA1. The data provided suggest a model whereby BRCA1 and c-Myc form a repressor complex on the promoters of specific basal genes and represent a potential mechanism to explain the observed overexpression of key basal markers in BRCA1-deficient tumours.
Background Ten to twenty per cent of breast tumours exhibit a basallike genetic profile and these tumours carry a poor prognosis. Breast tumours which contain germline mutations for BRCA1 commonly exhibit a molecular profile similar to basal breast tumours. BRCA1 is a tumour suppressor gene which is mutated in up to 5–10% of breast cancer cases and is involved in multiple cellular processes including DNA damage control, cell cycle checkpoint control, apoptosis, ubiquitination and transcriptional regulation.
Methods Microarray-based profiling was carried out using the HCC1937EV and HCC1937BR breast cancer cell lines. Basal gene and protein expression levels were analysed by qRT-PCR and western blotting. ChIP analyses were performed and demonstrated that BRCA1 regulates basal gene expression through a transcriptional mechanism involving c-myc.
Results We have previously carried out microarray-based expression profiling to examine differences in gene expression when BRCA1 is reconstituted in BRCA1 mutated HCC1937 breast cancer cells. We observed that p-cadherin and the cytokeratin 5 and cytokeratin 17 genes, which are strongly correlated with the basal phenotype, are differentially expressed when BRCA1 is reconstituted. In addition, qRT-PCR and ChIP analysis of BRCA1 reconstituted cells show that BRCA1 represses the expression of these basal genes by a transcriptional mechanism. Furthermore, abrogation of endogenous BRCA1 protein in the T47D cell line using siRNA results in reexpression of these basal genes, suggesting that BRCA1 expression levels may be important in basal gene expression. We have also demonstrated that BRCA1 is physically associated with the promoter regions of basal genes through an association with c-myc. Consequently, we have confirmed that siRNA inhibition of c-myc in T47D cells results in re-expression of these genes.
Conclusions Our results suggest that BRCA1 is involved in the transcriptional regulation of genes associated with the basal phenotype and that BRCA1 controls basal gene expression through a transcriptional mechanism involving c-myc. Further work is now concentrating on defining the relationship between BRCA1 and basal gene expression and how this may affect clinical responses to breast cancer chemotherapy.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is preferentially assembled into heteromeric alphabetagamma complexes. The alpha and gamma (not beta) subunits undergo proteolytic cleavage by endogenous furin-like activity correlating with increased ENaC function. We identified full-length subunits and their fragments at the cell surface, as well as in the intracellular pool, for all homo- and heteromeric combinations (alpha, beta, gamma, alphabeta, alphagamma, betagamma, and alphabetagamma). We assayed corresponding channel function as amiloride-sensitive sodium transport (I(Na)). We varied furin-mediated proteolysis by mutating the P1 site in alpha and/or gamma subunit furin consensus cleavage sites (alpha(mut) and gamma(mut)). Our findings were as follows. (i) The beta subunit alone is not transported to the cell surface nor cleaved upon assembly with the alpha and/or gamma subunits. (ii) The alpha subunit alone (or in combination with beta and/or gamma) is efficiently transported to the cell surface; a surface-expressed 65-kDa alpha ENaC fragment is undetected in alpha(mut)betagamma, and I(Na) is decreased by 60%. (iii) The gamma subunit alone does not appear at the cell surface; gamma co-expressed with alpha reaches the surface but is not detectably cleaved; and gamma in alphabetagamma complexes appears mainly as a 76-kDa species in the surface pool. Although basal I(Na) of alphabetagamma(mut) was similar to alphabetagamma, gamma(mut) was not detectably cleaved at the cell surface. Thus, furin-mediated cleavage is not essential for participation of alpha and gamma in alphabetagamma heteromers. Basal I(Na) is reduced by preventing furin-mediated cleavage of the alpha, but not gamma, subunits. Residual current in the absence of furin-mediated proteolysis may be due to non-furin endogenous proteases.