866 resultados para bake-out system


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In the present study, the main emphasis was to find out it seasonal and ecosystem specific variations of calcium magnesium, phosphorus, copper and zinc in the water and the sediment has any role to play in altering the concentration of these elements in different tissues of intermoult p.indicus as evidenced by the seasonal studies in the grow out and the marine ecosystems


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The main purpose of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions is the investigation of the QGP. The ALICE experiment situated at the CERN has been specifically designed to study heavy-ion collisions for centre-of-mass energies up to 5.5 per nucleon pair. Extended particle identification capability is one of the main characteristics of the ALICE experiment. In the intermediate momentum region (up to 2.5 GeV/c for pi/K and 4 GeV/c for K/p), charged particles are identified in the ALICE experiment by the Time of Flight (TOF) detector. The ALICE-TOF system is a large-area detector based on the use of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) built with high efficiency, fast response and intrinsic time resolution better than 40 ps. This thesis work, developed with the ALICE-TOF Bologna group, is part of the efforts carried out to adapt the read-out of the detector to the new requirements after the LHC Long Shutdown 2. Tests on the feasibility of a new read-out scheme for the TOF detector have been performed. In fact, the achievement of a continuous read-out also for the TOF detector would not be affordable if one considers the replacement of the TRM cards both for hardware and budget reasons. Actually, the read-out of the TOF is limited at 250 kHz i.e. it would be able to collect up to just a fourth of the maximum collision rate potentially achievable for pp interactions. In this Master’s degree thesis work, I discuss a different read-out system for the ALICE-TOF detector that allows to register all the hits at the interaction rate of 1 MHz foreseen for pp interactions after the 2020, by using the electronics currently available. Such solution would allow the ALICE-TOF detector to collect all the hits generated by pp collisions at 1 MHz interaction rate, which corresponds to an amount four times larger than that initially expected at such frequencies with the triggered read-out system operated at 250 kHz for LHC Run 3. The obtained results confirm that the proposed read-out scheme is a viable option for the ALICE TOF detector. The results also highlighted that it will be advantageous if the ALICE-TOF group also implement an online monitoring system of noisy channels to allow their deactivation in real time.


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Background. Childhood immunization programs have dramatically reduced the morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine-preventable diseases. Proper documentation of immunizations that have been administered is essential to prevent duplicate immunization of children. To help improve documentation, immunization information systems (IISs) have been developed. IISs are comprehensive repositories of immunization information for children residing within a geographic region. The two models for participation in an IIS are voluntary inclusion, or "opt-in," and voluntary exclusion, or "opt-out." In an opt-in system, consent must be obtained for each participant, conversely, in an opt-out IIS, all children are included unless procedures to exclude the child are completed. Consent requirements for participation vary by state; the Texas IIS, ImmTrac, is an opt-in system.^ Objectives. The specific objectives are to: (1) Evaluate the variance among the time and costs associated with collecting ImmTrac consent at public and private birthing hospitals in the Greater Houston area; (2) Estimate the total costs associated with collecting ImmTrac consent at selected public and private birthing hospitals in the Greater Houston area; (3) Describe the alternative opt-out process for collecting ImmTrac consent at birth and discuss the associated cost savings relative to an opt-in system.^ Methods. Existing time-motion studies (n=281) conducted between October, 2006 and August, 2007 at 8 birthing hospitals in the Greater Houston area were used to assess the time and costs associated with obtaining ImmTrac consent at birth. All data analyzed are deidentified and contain no personal information. Variations in time and costs at each location were assessed and total costs per child and costs per year were estimated. The cost of an alternative opt-out system was also calculated.^ Results. The median time required by birth registrars to complete consent procedures varied from 72-285 seconds per child. The annual costs associated with obtaining consent for 388,285 newborns in ImmTrac's opt-in consent process were estimated at $702,000. The corresponding costs of the proposed opt-out system were estimated to total $194,000 per year. ^ Conclusions. Substantial variation in the time and costs associated with completion of ImmTrac consent procedures were observed. Changing to an opt-out system for participation could represent significant cost savings. ^


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The Weberian sense of work and life suggests that working is something around which the rest of life flows. Moreover, work life and domestic life have been defined as separate for most people based on physical structures. That is, being physically in a building at work limited your ability to interact with those who are not nearby – not part of work. As such, social conventions regarding the uses of media at work have become part of our cultural sensibilities – we “know” it is not proper to have romantic discourse over the office phone, much less romance during work! Doing so becomes news. Yet, despite the construction of such distinctions, these workspaces and places have always been difficult to render as such. For example, one might consider the relatively recent development of teleworking from the 1980s or the “putting out system”[1] which dates back to the 1400s – both requiring work in the home. The papers in this special issue draw our attention to some of the ethical issues raised by the growing pervasiveness of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in our everyday lives and the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to make distinctions between being somewhere (like work) and being away from some things (like one’s friends, social interests and other parts of life that are not integrated into this space or place [2] )...


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I develop a model of individuals’ intentions to discontinue information system use. Understanding these intentions is important because they give insights into users’ willingness to carry out system tasks, and provide a basis for maintenance decisions as well as possible replacement decisions. I offer a first conceptualization of factors determining users’ discontinuance intentions on basis of existing literature on technology use, status quo bias and dual factor concepts. The model is grounded in rational choice theory to distinguish determinants of a conscious decision between continuing or discontinuing IS use. I provide details on the empirical test of the model through a field study of IS users in a retail organization. The work will have implications for theory on information systems continuance and dual-factor logic in information system use. The empirical findings will provide suggestions for managers dealing with cessation of information systems and work routine changes in organizations.


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An apparatus is described that facilitates the determination of incorporation levels of isotope labelled, gaseous precursors into volatile insect-derived metabolites. Atmospheres of varying gas compositions can be generated by evacuation of a working chamber followed by admission of the required levels of component gases, using a precision, digitised pressure read-out system. Insects such as fruit-flies are located initially in a small introduction chamber, from which migration can occur downwards into the working chamber. The level of incorporation of labelled precursors is continuously assayed by the Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) technique and GC-MS analyses. Experiments with both Bactrocera species (fruit-flies) and a parasitoid wasp, Megarhyssa nortoni nortoni (Cresson) and oxygen-18 labelled dioxygen illustrate the utility of this system. The isotope effects of oxygen-18 on the carbon-13 NMR spectra of 1,7- dioxaspiro[5,5]undecane are also described.


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Currently there are 2 sources of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii production in Vietnam - natural production from the rivers and canals and aquaculture production from ponds and ricefields. An account is given of the production of this prawn in the Mekong Delta. The prawns are harvested primarily by a common small scale method using shelter traps. The total annual freshwater prawn production in Vietnam during 1985-90 was reported to vary from 5000 to 8000 tons, most of it from natural fisheries; although there are no official statistics on the production of farmed prawns, the amount is believed to be very small. The grow-out system includes intensive monospecies pond culture, and semi-intensive or extensive integrated rice-prawn or vegetable-prawn culture.


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The clinical trials of tumor therapy using heavy ions beam C-12 are now in progress at Institute of Modem Physics in Lanzhou. In order to achieve the precise radiotherapy with the high energy C-12 beam in active pencil beam scanning mode, we have developed an ionization chamber(IC) as an online monitor for beam intensity and also a dosimeter after calibration. Through the choosing of working gas and voltage, optimizing of the electrics and the read-out system, calibrating the linearity, the detector system provide us one of the simple and highly reliable way to monitoring the beam during the active pencil beam scanning treatments. The measurement results of this detector system show that it could work well under the condition of high energy C-12 beam in active pencil beam scanning mode.


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In this paper, the design and analysis of a new low noise charge sensitive preamplifier for silicon strip, Si(Li), CdZnTe and CsI detectors etc. with switch control feedback resistance were described, the entire system to be built using the CMOS transistors. The circuit configuration of the CSP proposed in this paper can be adopted to develop CMOS-based Application Specific Integrated Circuit further for Front End Electronics of read-out system of nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics research, etc. This work is an implemented design that we succeed after a simulation to obtain a rise time less than 3ns, the output resistance less than 94 Omega and the linearity almost good.


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Aquaculture of catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage), locally known as “ca tra”, and commonly referred to as striped catfish, river catfish and sutchi catfish, in Vietnam, having recorded a production of 683,000 tonnes in 2007, valued at about 645 million US$ is one of the largest single species based farming system, restricted to a small geographical area, in the world. The product is almost totally exported to over 100 countries as frozen fillets, as an acceptable alternative to white fish. Catfish is farmed mostly in earthen ponds, up to 4 m deep, in nine provinces in the Mekong Delta in South Vietnam. The results of the grow-out system of catfish farming in the Mekong Delta from a survey of 89 farms are presented. The farm size ranged from 0.2 to 30 ha with a mean of 4.09 ha. The frequency distribution of the yield in tonne/ha/crop and tonne/ML/crop corresponded to a normal distribution curve, where 75% of the farms yielded 300 tonnes/ha/crop or more. It was found that the yield per crop was significantly correlated (p < 0.05) to stocking density, pond depth and volume but not to pond surface area. Yields per crop was significantly different (p < 0.05) between upper and lower provinces of the Mekong Delta and water source (river versus channels), amongst others. It was evident that diseases and/or symptoms were observed to occur mostly in accordance with the onset of rains. In this paper the history of the catfish farming in the Mekong Delta is briefly traced, and current harvesting and marketing procedures as well as pertinent social elements of the farming community are dealt with.


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The aim of this study was to document experience gained with herd health management in veal calf production and to describe the calves' most frequent health problems. Fifteen farms with an 'all-in-all-out' animal flow system and 20 farms with a continuous animal flow system were investigated and data on animal movements, housing, feeding, medical treatments, and management were collected. Cadavers underwent pathological examination, and data were recorded from the carcasses of slaughtered calves. On the 15 'all-in-all-out'-farms, 2'747 calves were clinically examined by the contract-veterinarian upon arrival at the farm, and 71,1 % of the calves showed at least one sign of illness. The main causes of death were with 54,9 % digestive disorders (a perforating abomasal ulcer being the most frequent diagnosis), followed by respiratory diseases (29,6 %, mainly pneumonia). The meat color of 25 % of the carcasses was red. Calves from farms with the continuous animal flow system, which recruit mainly animals originating from the same farm, showed significantly better results regarding antibiotic use, performance and carcass quality than those calves from farms with the 'all-in-all-out'-system.