964 resultados para bacteria genome nucleotide usage


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This study presents a new computational method for guanine (G) and cytosine (C), or GC, content profiling based on the idea of multiple resolution sampling (MRS). The benefit of our new approach over existing techniques follows from its ability to locate significant regions without prior knowledge of the sequence, nor the features being sought. The use of MRS has provided novel insights into bacterial genome composition. Key findings include those that are related to the core composition of bacterial genomes, to the identification of large genomic islands (in Enterobacterial genomes), and to the identification of surface protein determinants in human pathogenic organisms (e.g., Staphylococcus genomes). We observed that bacterial surface binding proteins maintain abnormal GC content, potentially pointing to a viral origin. This study has demonstrated that GC content holds a high informational worth and hints at many underlying evolutionary processes. For online Supplementary Material, see www.liebertonline.com.


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Bacterial genomes reflect their adaptation strategies through nucleotide usage trends found in their chromosome composition. Bacteria, unlike eukaryotes contain a wide range of genomic G + C. This wide variability may be viewed as a response to environmental adaptation. Two overarching trends are observed across bacterial genomes, the first, correlates genomic G + C to environmental niches and lifestyle, while the other utilizees intra-genomic G + C incongruence to delineate horizontally transferred material. In this review, we focus on the influence of several properties including biochemical, genetic flows, selection biases, and the biochemical-energetic properties shaping genome composition. Outcomes indicate a trend toward high G + C and larger genomes in free-living organisms, as a result of more complex and varied environments (higher chance for horizontal gene transfer). Conversely, nutrient limiting and nutrient poor environments dictate smaller genomes of low GC in attempts to conserve replication expense. Varied processes including translesion repair mechanisms, phage insertion and cytosine degradation has been shown to introduce higher AT in genomic sequences. We conclude the review with an analysis of current bioinformatics tools seeking to elicit compositional variances and highlight the practical implications when using such techniques.


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Background: Serine/threonine kinases (STKs) have been found in an increasing number of prokaryotes, showing important roles in signal transduction that supplement the well known role of two-component system. Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophic prokaryotes able to grow in a wide range of ecological environments, and their signal transduction systems are important in adaptation to the environment. Sequence information from several cyanobacterial genomes offers a unique opportunity to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of this kinase family. In this study, we extracted information regarding Ser/Thr kinases from 21 species of sequenced cyanobacteria and investigated their diversity, conservation, domain structure, and evolution. Results: 286 putative STK homologues were identified. STKs are absent in four Prochlorococcus strains and one marine Synechococcus strain and abundant in filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. Motifs and invariant amino acids typical in eukaryotic STKs were conserved well in these proteins, and six more cyanobacteria- or bacteria-specific conserved residues were found. These STK proteins were classified into three major families according to their domain structures. Fourteen types and a total of 131 additional domains were identified, some of which are reported to participate in the recognition of signals or substrates. Cyanobacterial STKs show rather complicated phylogenetic relationships that correspond poorly with phylogenies based on 16S rRNA and those based on additional domains. Conclusion: The number of STK genes in different cyanobacteria is the result of the genome size, ecophysiology, and physiological properties of the organism. Similar conserved motifs and amino acids indicate that cyanobacterial STKs make use of a similar catalytic mechanism as eukaryotic STKs. Gene gain-and-loss is significant during STK evolution, along with domain shuffling and insertion. This study has established an overall framework of sequence-structure-function interactions for the STK gene family, which may facilitate further studies of the role of STKs in various organisms.


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Background: Serine/threonine kinases (STKs) have been found in an increasing number of prokaryotes, showing important roles in signal transduction that supplement the well known role of two-component system. Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophic prokaryotes able to grow in a wide range of ecological environments, and their signal transduction systems are important in adaptation to the environment. Sequence information from several cyanobacterial genomes offers a unique opportunity to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of this kinase family. In this study, we extracted information regarding Ser/Thr kinases from 21 species of sequenced cyanobacteria and investigated their diversity, conservation, domain structure, and evolution. Results: 286 putative STK homologues were identified. STKs are absent in four Prochlorococcus strains and one marine Synechococcus strain and abundant in filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. Motifs and invariant amino acids typical in eukaryotic STKs were conserved well in these proteins, and six more cyanobacteria- or bacteria-specific conserved residues were found. These STK proteins were classified into three major families according to their domain structures. Fourteen types and a total of 131 additional domains were identified, some of which are reported to participate in the recognition of signals or substrates. Cyanobacterial STKs show rather complicated phylogenetic relationships that correspond poorly with phylogenies based on 16S rRNA and those based on additional domains. Conclusion: The number of STK genes in different cyanobacteria is the result of the genome size, ecophysiology, and physiological properties of the organism. Similar conserved motifs and amino acids indicate that cyanobacterial STKs make use of a similar catalytic mechanism as eukaryotic STKs. Gene gain-and-loss is significant during STK evolution, along with domain shuffling and insertion. This study has established an overall framework of sequence-structure-function interactions for the STK gene family, which may facilitate further studies of the role of STKs in various organisms.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii SRDI565 (syn. N8-J) is an aerobic,motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod. SRDI565 was isolated from anodule recovered from the roots of the annual clover Trifolium subterraneum subsp. subterraneum grown in thegreenhouse and inoculated with soil collected from New South Wales, Australia. SRDI565has a broad host range for nodulation within the clover genus, however N2-fixationis sub-optimal with some Trifoliumspecies and ineffective with others. Here we describe the features of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain SRDI565, together with genomesequence information and annotation. The 6,905,599 bp high-quality-draft genomeis arranged into 7 scaffolds of 7 contigs, contains 6,750 protein-coding genesand 86 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomes sequencedas part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia forBacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii SRDI943(syn. V2-2) is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod. SRDI943was isolated from a nodule recovered from the roots of the annual clover Trifoliummichelianum savi cv. paradanathat had been inoculated with a soil collected from a mixed pasture in Victoria, Australia. SRDI943 has a broadhost range for nodulation within the clover genus, however N2-fixationis sub-optimal (20-54% of reference strain WSM1325) on T. subterraneum spp.Here we describe the features of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain SRDI943, together with genomesequence information and annotation. The 7,412,387 bp high-quality-draft genomeis arranged into 5 scaffolds of 5 contigs, contains 7,317 protein-coding genesand 89 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomes sequencedas part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encylopedia for Bacteriaand Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Ensifer sp. TW10 is novel N2-fixingbacterium isolated from a root nodule of the perennial legume Tephrosia wallichii Graham (known locally as Biyani) found in the Great Indian (or Thar) desert, a large arid regionin the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. Strain TW10 is a Gram-negative, rod shaped,aerobic, motile, non-spore forming, species of root nodule bacteria (RNB) that promiscuously nodulates legumes in Thar Desert alkaline soil. It is fast growing, acid-producing, and tolerates up to 2% NaCl and capable of growth at 40C. In this report we describe for the first time the primary features of this Thar Desert soil saprophyte together with genome sequence informationand annotation. The 6,802,256 bp genome has a GC content of 62% and is arranged into 57 scaffolds containing 6,470 protein-coding genes, 73 RNA genes and asingle rRNA operon. This genome is one of 100 RNB genomes sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Ensifer medicae WSM1369 is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that can exist as a soil saprophyte or as a legume microsymbiont of Medicago. WSM1369 was isolated in 1993 from a nodule recovered from the roots of Medicago sphaerocarpos growing at San Pietro di Rudas, near Aggius in Sardinia (Italy). WSM1369 is an effective microsymbiont of the annual forage legumes M. polymorpha and M. sphaerocarpos. Here we describe the features of E. medicae WSM1369, together with genome sequence information and its annotation. The 6,402,557 bp standard draft genome is arranged into 307 scaffolds of 307 contigs containing 6,656 protein-coding genes and 79 RNA-only encoding genes. This rhizobial genome is one of 100 sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Ensifer arboris LMG 14919T is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that can exist as a soil saprophyte or as a legume microsymbiont of several species of legume trees. LMG 14919T was isolated in 1987 from a nodule recovered from the roots of the tree Prosopis chilensis growing in Kosti, Sudan. LMG 14919T is highly effective at fixing nitrogen with P. chilensis (Chilean mesquite) and Acacia senegal (gum Arabic tree or gum acacia). LMG 14919T does not nodulate the tree Leucena leucocephala, nor the herbaceous species Macroptilium atropurpureum, Trifolium pratense, Medicago sativa, Lotus corniculatus and Galega orientalis. Here we describe the features of E. arboris LMG 14919T, together with genome sequence information and its annotation. The 6,850,303 bp high-quality-draft genome is arranged into 7 scaffolds of 12 contigs containing 6,461 protein-coding genes and 84 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomes sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Burkholderiasp. strain WSM2230is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative,non-spore-forming acid-tolerant rod trapped from acidic soil collected in 2001from Karijini National Park, Western Australia, using Kennedia coccinea (Coral Vine) as a host. WSM2230 was effectivein nitrogen-fixation with K. coccinea, but subsequently lost symbioticcompetence after long-term storage. Here we describe the features of Burkholderia sp. strain WSM2230, togetherwith genome sequence information and its annotation. The 6,309,801 bp high-quality-draftgenome is arranged into 33 scaffolds of 33 contigs containing 5,585 protein-codinggenes and 63 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomessequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopediafor Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Burkholderia mimosarum strain LMG 23256T is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that can exist as a soil saprophyte or as a legume microsymbiont of Mimosa pigra (giant sensitive plant). LMG 23256T was isolated from a nodule recovered from the roots of the M. pigra growing in Anso, Taiwan. LMG 23256T is highly effective at fixing nitrogen with M. pigra. Here we describe the features of B. mimosarum strain LMG 23256T, together with genome sequence information and its annotation. The 8,410,967 bp high-quality-draft genome is arranged into 268 scaffolds of 270 contigs containing 7,800 protein-coding genes and 85 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomes sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Ensifer medicae Di28 is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that can exist as a soil saprophyte or as a legume microsymbiont of Medicago spp. Di28 was isolated in 1998 from a nodule recovered from the roots of M. polymorpha growing in the south east of Sardinia (Italy). Di28 is an effective microsymbiont of the annual forage legumes M. polymorpha and M. murex and is capable of establishing a partially effective symbiotic association with the perennial M. sativa. Here we describe the features of E. medicae Di28, together with genome sequence information and its annotation. The 6,553,624 bp standard draft genome is arranged into 104 scaffolds of 104 contigs containing 6,394 protein-coding genes and 75 RNA-only encoding genes. This rhizobial genome is one of 100 sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Chlorarachniophyte algae contain a complex, multi-membraned chloroplast derived from the endosymbiosis of a eukaryotic alga. The vestigial nucleus of the endosymbiont, called the nucleomorph, contains only three small linear chromosomes with a haploid genome size of 380 kb and is the smallest known eukaryotic genome. Nucleotide sequence data from a subtelomeric fragment of chromosome III were analyzed as a preliminary investigation of the coding capacity of this vestigial genome. Several housekeeping genes including U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), ribosomal proteins S4 and S13, a core protein of the spliceosome [small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) E], and a cip-like protease (clpP) were identified. Expression of these genes was confirmed by combinations of Northern blot analysis, in situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry, and cDNA analysis. The protein-encoding genes are typically eukaryotic in overall structure and their messenger RNAs are polyadenylylated. A novel feature is the abundance of 18-, 19-, or 20-nucleotide introns; the smallest spliceosomal introns known. Two of the genes, U6 and S13, overlap while another two genes, snRNP E and clpP, are cotranscribed in a single mRNA. The overall gene organization is extraordinarily compact, making the nucleomorph a unique model for eukaryotic genomics.


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Diseases caused by Tobacco streak virus (TSV) have resulted in significant crop losses in sunflower and mung bean crops in Australia. Two genetically distinct strains from central Queensland, TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard, have been previously described. They share only 81% total-genome nucleotide sequence identity and have distinct major alternative hosts, Parthenium hysterophorus (parthenium) and Verbesina encelioides (crownbeard). We developed and used strain-specific multiplex Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) for the three RNA segments of TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard to accurately characterise the strains naturally infecting 41 hosts species. Hosts included species from 11 plant families, including 12 species endemic to Australia. Results from field surveys and inoculation tests indicate that parthenium is a poor host of TSV-crownbeard. By contrast, crownbeard was both a natural host of, and experimentally infected by TSV-parthenium but this infection combination resulted in non-viable seed. These differences appear to be an effective biological barrier that largely restricts these two TSV strains to their respective major alternative hosts. TSV-crownbeard was seed transmitted from naturally infected crownbeard at a rate of between 5% and 50% and was closely associated with the geographical distribution of crownbeard in central Queensland. TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard were also seed transmitted in experimentally infected ageratum (Ageratum houstonianum) at rates of up to 40% and 27%, respectively. The related subgroup 1 ilarvirus, Ageratum latent virus, was also seed transmitted at a rate of 18% in ageratum which is its major alternative host. Thrips species Frankliniella schultzei and Microcephalothrips abdominalis were commonly found in flowers of TSV-affected crops and nearby weed hosts. Both species readily transmitted TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard. The results are discussed in terms of how two genetically and biologically distinct TSV strains have similar life cycle strategies in the same environment.