874 resultados para bacteria, degrading pollutants, microarrays, environmental activity, bioremediation


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Une des meilleures techniques pour décontaminer l'environnement d'éléments toxiques (comme par exemple le dibenzofuan, DBF et le 4-chlorophenol, 4CP) déposés par l'homme, à bas coûts et sans le perturber considérablement, est sans doute la biorémédiation, et particulièrement la bioaugmentation. Malheureusement, si plusieurs microorganismes ont démontré leur efficacité à dégrader les composés toxiques en conditions de laboratoire, plusieurs tentatives afin de les utiliser dans l'environnement n'ont pas abouti. Ces échecs sont probablement le résultat des pauvres connaissances des réactions de ces mêmes microorganismes dans l'environnement. L'objectif de mon travail a été de mieux comprendre les réponses de ces bactéries au niveau de leurs gènes lorsqu'elles sont introduites ou prospèrent dans des conditions plus proches de la réalité, mais encore suffisamment contrôlées pour pouvoir élucider leur comportement. Le fait de résister à des conditions de sécheresse a été considéré en tant que facteur clé dans la survie des bactéries amenées à être utilisées pour la biorémédiation; cela implique une série de mécanismes utilisés par la cellule pour faire face au stress hydrique. Le chapitre II, par une approche métagénomique, compare les réactions de trois souches prometteuses pour la biorémédiation (Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6, Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and Pseudomonas veronii 1YdBTEX2) vis-à-vis du stress hydrique simulé en conditions de laboratoire. L'objectif ici est de découvrir et de décrire les stratégies de résistance au stress, communes ou spécifiques, employées par les bactéries. Mes résultats montrent que les trois souches ont des sensibilités différentes au stress hydrique. Entre les traits communs trouvés, il y a une diminution de l'expression des gènes flagellaires ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'expression de solutes compatibles, mais qui sont souche-spécifiques. J'ai étudié plus en détail la réponse génomique de RW1 par rapport aux inoculations ainsi que sa croissance dans le sable contaminé et non-stérile (chapitre III), et je les ai comparé à des cultures en milieu liquide. Mes résultats indiquent que RW1 peut résister efficacement et peut croître dans des conditions presque sèches et peut également dégrader le contaminant (DBF, dans le cas présent) si les pré-cultures sont réalisées dans le même type de contaminant. Par contre, notre hypothèse du chapitre II se révèle fausse car le comportement de RW1 est très diffèrent de celui observé dans des conditions avec stress hydrique induit par l'addition de sel ou de PEG. Plus intéressant, les réponses de RW1 en milieu liquide sont très différentes de celles observées dans le sable, révélant ainsi que cette souche peut reconnaître le milieu dans lequel elle se trouve. Les mêmes expériences en sable contaminé, cette fois-ci avec 4CP, ont été réalisées pour A6 (chapitre IV) dans l'espoir de compléter la comparaison entre le stress hydrique et l'adaptation dans le sol. Malheureusement, il n'a pas été possible d'obtenir d'échantillons de bonne qualité pour les hybridations des microarrays afin d'étudier la réponse transcriptionnelle dans les différentes phases de croissance dans le sable (contaminé ou non). Toutefois, j'ai appris qu'Arthrobacter ne peut pas croitre dans les sols hautement contaminés si les conditions du sol sont très sèches, elles ont en effet besoin de suffisamment d'eau pour dégrader des quantités importantes de 4CP. Ces observations dirigent l'attention sur le fait que les études sur l'efficacité de l'inoculation de bactéries doivent être testées dans des conditions le plus proche possible de l'environnement ciblé, tout comme les concentrations optimales pour l'inoculum. Finalement, nous avons étudié le comportement de A6 dans la phytosphère avec deux dégrés d'humidité (chapitre V). A6 ne montre pas de réaction particulière face aux changements d'humidité, et à nouveau, ces réponses ne peuvent être liées aux changements d'expression des gènes observées dans les conditions de stress hydrique simulées. Cette étude a permis d'identifier la présence de composés phénoliques dans les feuilles qui peuvent potentiellement améliorer les propriétés de dégradation ou qui permettent d'effectuer de façon plus rapide la réaction de dégradation des contaminants dans un processus de phytoremédiation par A. chlorophenolicus.


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This thesis entitled Development of nitrifying ans photosynthetic sulfur bacteria based bioaugmentation systems for the bioremediation of ammonia and hydregen sulphide in shrimp culture. the thesis is to propose a sustainable, low cost option for the mitigation of toxic ammonia and hydrogen sulphide in shrimp culture systems. Use of ‘bioaugmentors’ as pond additives is an emerging field in aquaculture. Understanding the role of organisms involved in the ‘bioaugmentor’ will obviously help to optimize conditions for their activity.The thesis describes the use of wood powder immobilization of nitrifying consortia.Shrimp grow out systems are specialized and highly dynamic aquaculture production units which when operated under zero exchange mode require bioremediation of ammonia, nitrite nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide to protect the crop. The research conducted here is to develop an economically viable and user friendly technology for addressing the above problem. The nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) generated earlier (Achuthan et al., 2006) were used for developing the technology.Clear demonstration of better quality of immobilized nitrifiers generated in this study for field application.


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Los sistemas de agua dulce constituyen fuentes vitales para el desarrollo de la vida. Entre otras causas, el excesivo y poco controlado uso de pesticidas por las prácticas agrícolas modernas ha contribuido con la degradación de estos ecosistemas en la provincia de Córdoba (Secretaría de Ambiente, 2008). Los pesticidas son compuestos tóxicos y químicamente estables en el ambiente. Diversas especies microbianas presentan la capacidad para mineralizar dichos compuestos, siendo uno de los mecanismos de descomposición más importante. En el presente trabajo se pretende (1) Detectar y cuantificar principios activos de pesticidas en diferentes aguas ambientales de la región centro-sur de la provincia de Córdoba; (2) Aislar y caracterizar especies bacterianas a partir de muestras de aguas superficiales y subterráneas de la región que demuestren ser eficientes en la biodegradación de diferentes pesticidas. Para ello, se estudiará la presencia de 10 pesticidas organoclorados y organofosforados (lindano, 2,4D, DDT, p,p-DDE, �-endosulfán, �-endosulfán, clorpirifós, dimetoato) y herbicidas (atrazina) en muestras de agua superficiales y subterráneas (8 - 12m de profundidad) de la región agrícola centro-sur de Córdoba. Se establecerán diferentes puntos de muestreo en las principales cuencas hidrográficas: Río Tercero y Embalse de Río Tercero, Canal Desviador de Bell Ville, Laguna La Salada, Río Saladillo, Río Carcarañá y Río Cuarto. La determinación de pesticidas se realizará mediante Cromatografía de Gases (GC). Conjuntamente, se realizará el aislamiento de microorganismos a partir de las muestras de agua suplementadas con diferentes concentraciones de pesticidas (López et al., 2005) y se procederá a la caracterización morfológica y bioquímica (Lechevalier, 1989). Se realizarán curvas de crecimiento (DO600) y se determinará la viabilidad celular mediante el método de recuento en placa. El potencial catabólico de cada aislamiento se determinará analizando la concentración residual de pesticidas en el sobrenadante de los cultivos (Benimeli et al, 2003) y mediante ensayos de resting-cell (Hernández et al, 2008). Finalmente se realizará la caracterización genética (Weisburg, 1991) de los aislamientos que demuestren una mayor eficiencia en la biodegradación de pesticidas. El presente estudio pretende abordar una temática prioritaria como es la contaminación ambiental de ecosistemas acuáticos de la provincia de Córdoba. la detección de principios activos de pesticidas sería, por lo tanto, un indicador de contaminación de origen antropológica y brindaría información respecto al deterioro de la calidad del agua. Por otra parte, el aislamiento de bacterias adaptadas a las condiciones ecológicas de la región y capaces de metabolizar eficientemente diferentes pesticidas como fuentes de carbono y energía sería beneficioso para su utilización en futuros ensayos de biorremediación.


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Pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) is widespread due to unsuitable disposal of industrial waste. They are mostly defined as priority pollutants by environmental protection authorities worldwide. Phenanthrene, a typical PAH, was selected as the target in this paper. The PAH-degrading mixed culture, named ZM, was collected from a petroleum contaminated river bed. This culture was injected into phenanthrene solutions at different concentrations to quantify the biodegradation process. Results show near-complete removal of phenanthrene in three days of biodegradation if the initial phenanthrene concentration is low. When the initial concentration is high, the removal rate is increased but 20%-40% of the phenanthrene remains at the end of the experiment. The biomass shows a peak on the third day due to the combined effects of microbial growth and decay. Another peak is evident for cases with a high initial concentration, possibly due to production of an intermediate metabolite. The pH generally decreased during biodegradation because of the production of organic acid. Two phenomenological models were designed to simulate the phenanthrene biodegradation and biomass growth. A relatively simple model that does not consider the intermediate metabolite and its inhibition of phenanthrene biodegradation cannot fit the observed data. A modified Monod model that considered an intermediate metabolite (organic acid) and its inhibiting reversal effect reasonably depicts the experimental results.


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Peer reviewed


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The ability to detect early molecular responses to various chemicals is central to the understanding of biological impact of pollutants in a context of varying environmental cues. To monitor stress responses in a model plant, we used transgenic moss Physcomitrella patens expressing the beta-glucuronidase reporter (GUS) under the control of the stress-inducible promoter hsp17.3B. Following exposure to pollutants from the dye and paper industry, GUS activity was measured by monitoring a fluorescent product. Chlorophenols, heavy metals and sulphonated anthraquinones were found to specifically activate the hsp17.3B promoter (within hours) in correlation with long-term toxicity effects (within days). At mildly elevated physiological temperatures, the chemical activation of this promoter was strongly amplified, which considerably increased the sensitivity of the bioassay. Together with the activation of hsp17.3B promoter, chlorophenols induced endogenous chaperones that transiently protected a recombinant thermolabile luciferase (LUC) from severe heat denaturation. This sensitive bioassay provides an early warning molecular sensor to industrial pollutants under varying environments, in anticipation to long-term toxic effects in plants. Because of the strong cross-talk between abiotic and chemical stresses that we find, this P. patens line is more likely to serve as a direct toxicity bioassay for pollutants combined with environmental cues, than as an indicator of absolute toxicity thresholds for various pollutants. It is also a powerful tool to study the role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in plants exposed to combined chemical and environmental stresses.


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The endocrine disruption hypothesis asserts that exposure to small amounts of some chemicals in the environment may interfere with the endocrine system and lead to harmful effects in wildlife and humans. Many of these chemicals may interact with members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are such candidate members, which interact with many different endogenous and exogenous lipophilic compounds. More particularly, the roles of PPARs in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism raise the question of their activation by a sub-class of pollutants, tentatively named "metabolic disrupters". Phthalates are abundant environmental micro-pollutants in Europe and North America and may belong to this class. Mono-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate (MEHP), a metabolite of the widespread plasticizer di-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate (DEHP), has been found in exposed organisms and interacts with all three PPARs. A thorough analysis of its interactions with PPARgamma identified MEHP as a selective PPARgamma modulator, and thus a possible contributor to the obesity epidemic.


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Innate immunity reacts to conserved bacterial molecules. The outermost lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative organisms is highly inflammatory. It activates responsive cells via specific CD14 and toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) surface receptor and co-receptors. Gram-positive bacteria do not contain LPS, but carry surface teichoic acids, lipoteichoic acids and peptidoglycan instead. Among these, the thick peptidoglycan is the most conserved. It also triggers cytokine release via CD14, but uses the TLR2 co-receptor instead of TLR4 used by LPS. Moreover, whole peptidoglycan is 1000-fold less active than LPS in a weight-to-weight ratio. This suggests either that it is not important for inflammation, or that only part of it is reactive while the rest acts as ballast. Biochemical dissection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae cell walls indicates that the second assumption is correct. Long, soluble peptidoglycan chains (approximately 125 kDa) are poorly active. Hydrolysing these chains to their minimal unit (2 sugars and a stem peptide) completely abrogates inflammation. Enzymatic dissection of the pneumococcal wall generated a mixture of highly active fragments, constituted of trimeric stem peptides, and poorly active fragments, constituted of simple monomers and dimers or highly polymerized structures. Hence, the optimal constraint for activation might be 3 cross-linked stem peptides. The importance of structural constraint was demonstrated in additional studies. For example, replacing the first L-alanine in the stem peptide with a D-alanine totally abrogated inflammation in experimental meningitis. Likewise, modifying the D-alanine decorations of lipoteichoic acids with L-alanine, or deacylating them from their diacylglycerol lipid anchor also decreased the inflammatory response. Thus, although considered as a broad-spectrum pattern-recognizing system, innate immunity can detect very subtle differences in Gram-positive walls. This high specificity underlines the importance of using well-characterized microbial material in investigating the system.


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This work reports on the anaerobic treatment of gasoline-contaminated groundwater in a pilot-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass reactor inoculated with a methanogenic consortium. BTEX removal rates varied from 59 to 80%, with a COD removal efficiency of 95% during the 70 days of in situ trial. BTEX removal was presumably carried out by microbial syntrophic interactions, and at the observed concentrations, the interactions among the aromatic compounds may have enhanced overall biodegradation rates by allowing microbial growth instead of co-inhibiting biodegradation. There is enough evidence to support the conclusion that the pilot-scale reactor responded similarly to the lab-scale experiments previously reported for this design. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Development of a granular sludge with high strength, high biological activity and a narrow settling distribution is necessary for optimal operation of high-rate upflow anaerobic treatment systems. Several studies have compared granules produced from different wastewaters but these have largely been from laboratory-fed reactors or compared granules from full-scale reactors fed similar wastewater types. Though two authors have commented on the inferiority of granules produced by a protein-based feed, the properties of these granules have not been characterised. In this paper, granules from full-scale reactors treating fruit and vegetable cannery effluent, two brewery effluents and a pig abattoir (slaughterhouse) were compared in terms of basic composition, size distribution, density, settling velocity, shear strength, and EPS content. The results supported previous qualitative observations by other researchers that indicate granule properties depend more on wastewater type rather than reactor design or operating conditions such as pre-acidification level. The cannery-fed granules bad excellent shear strength, settling distribution and density. Granules from the two brewery-fed reactors had statistically the same bulk properties, which were still acceptable for upflow applications. The protein-grown granule had poor strength and settling velocity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The antimicrobial activity of copaiba oils was tested against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast, and dermatophytes. Oils obtained from Copaifera martii, Copaifera officinalis, and Copaifera reticulata (collected in the state of Acre) were active against Gram-positive species (Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis, and Enterococcus faecalis) with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 31.3-62.5 µg/ml. The oils showed bactericidal activity, decreasing the viability of these Gram-positive bacteria within 3 h. Moderate activity was observed against dermatophyte fungi (Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis). The oils showed no activity against Gram-negative bacteria and yeast. Scannning electron microscopy of S. aureus treated with resin oil from C. martii revealed lysis of the bacteria, causing cellular agglomerates. Transmission electron microscopy revealed disruption and damage to the cell wall, resulting in the release of cytoplasmic compounds, alterations in morphology, and a decrease in cell volume, indicating that copaiba oil may affect the cell wall.


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The process of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), performed by symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria with legume species, commonly known as α and β rhizobia, provides high sustainability for the ecosystems. Its management as a biotechnology is well succeeded for improving crop yields. A remarkable example of this success is the inoculation of Brazilian soybeans with Bradyrhizobium strains. Rhizobia produce a wide diversity of chemical structures of exopolysaccharides (EPS). Although the role of EPS is relatively well studied in the process of BNF, their economic and environmental potential is not yet explored. These EPS are mostly species-specific heteropolysaccharides, which can vary according to the composition of sugars, their linkages in a single subunit, the repeating unit size and the degree of polymerization. Studies have showed that the EPS produced by rhizobia play an important role in the invasion process, infection threads formation, bacteroid and nodule development and plant defense response. These EPS also confer protection to these bacteria when exposed to environmental stresses. In general, strains of rhizobia that produce greater amounts of EPS are more tolerant to adverse conditions when compared with strains that produce less. Moreover, it is known that the EPS produced by microorganisms are widely used in various industrial activities. These compounds, also called biopolymers, provide a valid alternative for the commonly used in food industry through the development of products with identical properties or with better rheological characteristics, which can be used for new applications. The microbial EPS are also able to increase the adhesion of soil particles favoring the mechanical stability of aggregates, increasing levels of water retention and air flows in this environment. Due to the importance of EPS, in this review we discuss the role of these compounds in the process of BNF, in the adaptation of rhizobia to environmental stresses and in the process of soil aggregation. The possible applications of these biopolymers in industry are also discussed.


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Objective Exposure to bioaerosols in the occupational environment of sawmills could be associated with a wide range of health effects, in particular respiratory impairment, allergy and organic dust toxic syndrome. The objective of the study was to assess the frequency of medical respiratory and general symptoms and their relation to bioaerosol exposure. Method Twelve sawmills in the French part of Switzerland were investigated and the relationship between levels of bioaerosols (wood dust, airborne bacteria, airborne fungi and endotoxins), medical symptoms and impaired lung function was explored. A health questionnaire was distributed to 111 sawmill workers. Results The concentration of airborne fungi exceeded the limit recommended by the Swiss National Insurance (SUVA) in the twelve sawmills. This elevated fungi level significantly influenced the occurrence of bronchial syndrome (defined by cough and expectorations). No other health effects (irritations or respiratory effects) could be associated to the measured exposures. We observed that junior workers showed significantly more irritation syndrome (defined by itching/running nose, snoring and itching/red eyes) than senior workers. Lung function tests were not influenced by bioaerosol levels nor dust exposure levels. Conclusion Results suggest that occupational exposure to wood dust in a Swiss sawmill does not promote a clinically relevant decline in lung function. However, the occurrence of bronchial syndrome is strongly influenced by airborne fungi levels. [Authors]


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Two-component systems (TCSs) allow bacteria to monitor diverse environmental cues and to adjust gene expression accordingly at the transcriptional level. It has been recently recognized that prokaryotes also regulate many genes and operons at a posttranscriptional level with the participation of small, noncoding RNAs which serve to control translation initiation and stability of target mRNAs, either directly by establishing antisense interactions or indirectly by antagonizing RNA-binding proteins. Interestingly, the expression of a subset of these small RNAs is regulated by TCSs and in this way, the small RNAs expand the scope of genetic control exerted by TCSs. Here we review the regulatory mechanisms and biological relevance ofa number of small RNAs under TCS control in Gram-negative and -positive bacteria. These regulatory systems govern, for instance, porin-dependent permeability of the outer membrane, quorum-sensing control of pathogenicity, or biocontrol activity. Most likely, this emerging and rapidly expanding field of molecular microbiology will provide more and more examples in the near future.