995 resultados para automatic feeding


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) produzidas em tanque-rede, providas de dispensadores automáticos de ração, alimentadas em diferentes frequências - uma vez por hora e a cada duas horas - e períodos - durante o dia, à noite ou ambos. Dezoito tanques-rede de 1.0m³ foram colocados em um tanque de 2000m² com dois metros de profundidade e renovação de água de 5%. Cento e setenta tilápias, com peso inicial de 16.0±4.9g foram distribuídas em cada tanque-rede de 1m³ e a taxa alimentar foi ajustada a cada 21 dias junto com as biometrias. As medidas foram coletadas de março a julho (outono e inverno). Observou-se diferença significativa para peso final (P<0.05) entre os tratamentos. O aumento da frequência alimentar melhorou o desempenho produtivo de tilápias-do-nilo produzidas em tanque-rede e permitiu melhor manejo alimentar. A melhor conversão alimentar para alta frequência, 24 vezes dia-1, pode resultar em uma economia de até 360kg de ração por tonelada de peixe produzido, melhorando a sustentabilidade econômica para produção de tilápia e sugerindo menor poluição ambiental.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In 1998 the first decorticator was developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory and patented for the purpose of extracting fibres from pineapple leaves, with the financial help from CNPq and BNB. The objective of the present work was to develop an automatic decorticator different from the first one with a semiautomatic system of decortication with automatic feeding of the leaves and collection of the extracted fibres. The system is started through a command system that passes information to two engines, one for starting the beater cylinder and the other for the feeding of the leaves as well as the extraction of the decorticated fibres automatically. This in turn introduces the leaves between a knife and a beater cylinder with twenty blades (the previous one had only 8 blades). These blades are supported by equidistant flanges with a central transmission axis that would help in increasing the number of beatings of the leaves. In the present system the operator has to place the leaves on the rotating endless feeding belt and collect the extracted leaves that are being carried out through another endless belt. The pulp resulted form the extraction is collected in a tray through a collector. The feeding of the leaves as well as the extraction of the fibres is controlled automatically by varying the velocity of the cylinders. The semi-automatic decorticator basically composed of a chassis made out of iron bars (profile L) with 200cm length, 91 cm of height 68 cm of width. The decorticator weighs around 300Kg. It was observed that the increase in the number of blades from 8 to twenty in the beater cylinder reduced the turbulence inside the decorticator, which helped to improve the removal of the fibres without any problems as well as the quality of the fibres. From the studies carried out, from each leaf 2,8 to 4,5% of fibres can be extracted. This gives around 4 to 5 tons of fibres per hectare, which is more than that of cotton production per hectare. This quantity with no doubt could generate jobs to the people not only on the production of the fibres but also on their application in different areas


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A injecção de Zamak em Portugal é uma actividade corrente, sendo usada na produção de inúmeras peças de pequena dimensão, nomeadamente em acessórios de vestuário, no fabrico de cablagens metálicas para a indústria automóvel, no fabrico de placas indicativas de marcas nos mais diversos produtos, entre muitas outras aplicações. Quando a quantidade de Zamak injectada em cada ciclo é relativamente baixa, o tempo que demora a consumir um lingote é bastante longo, pelo que não se justifica que o forno esteja equipado com um sistema de alimentação automática de lingotes. No entanto, quando as peças injectadas possuem uma maior massa ou o número de cavidades por molde é maior, um lingote pode ser consumido num período de tempo suficientemente curto para ser necessário um operário permanentemente atento à alimentação do forno. Neste caso, justifica-se a inclusão de um sistema automático que vá descarregando lingotes à medida que aquele que está a abastecer o forno é consumido. O presente trabalho foi elaborado com base na necessidade de uma empresa fabricante de máquinas para a injecção de Zamak, a qual pretendia dotar alguns dos seus modelos com este sistema, indo de encontro às necessidades dos seus clientes e ampliando a gama de acessórios que passa a poder disponibilizar em torno de cada equipamento.


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The aim of this thesis is to develop a fully automatic lameness detection system that operates in a milking robot. The instrumentation, measurement software, algorithms for data analysis and a neural network model for lameness detection were developed. Automatic milking has become a common practice in dairy husbandry, and in the year 2006 about 4000 farms worldwide used over 6000 milking robots. There is a worldwide movement with the objective of fully automating every process from feeding to milking. Increase in automation is a consequence of increasing farm sizes, the demand for more efficient production and the growth of labour costs. As the level of automation increases, the time that the cattle keeper uses for monitoring animals often decreases. This has created a need for systems for automatically monitoring the health of farm animals. The popularity of milking robots also offers a new and unique possibility to monitor animals in a single confined space up to four times daily. Lameness is a crucial welfare issue in the modern dairy industry. Limb disorders cause serious welfare, health and economic problems especially in loose housing of cattle. Lameness causes losses in milk production and leads to early culling of animals. These costs could be reduced with early identification and treatment. At present, only a few methods for automatically detecting lameness have been developed, and the most common methods used for lameness detection and assessment are various visual locomotion scoring systems. The problem with locomotion scoring is that it needs experience to be conducted properly, it is labour intensive as an on-farm method and the results are subjective. A four balance system for measuring the leg load distribution of dairy cows during milking in order to detect lameness was developed and set up in the University of Helsinki Research farm Suitia. The leg weights of 73 cows were successfully recorded during almost 10,000 robotic milkings over a period of 5 months. The cows were locomotion scored weekly, and the lame cows were inspected clinically for hoof lesions. Unsuccessful measurements, caused by cows standing outside the balances, were removed from the data with a special algorithm, and the mean leg loads and the number of kicks during milking was calculated. In order to develop an expert system to automatically detect lameness cases, a model was needed. A probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifier model was chosen for the task. The data was divided in two parts and 5,074 measurements from 37 cows were used to train the model. The operation of the model was evaluated for its ability to detect lameness in the validating dataset, which had 4,868 measurements from 36 cows. The model was able to classify 96% of the measurements correctly as sound or lame cows, and 100% of the lameness cases in the validation data were identified. The number of measurements causing false alarms was 1.1%. The developed model has the potential to be used for on-farm decision support and can be used in a real-time lameness monitoring system.


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Automatic recording of the frequency of feeding 'bites' was used to evaluate the effects of several organic acids (citric, metacectonic, lactic, acetic, and oxalic) on the stimulatory feeding behavior of Tilapia nilotica . Some of these acids are added to food stocks to retard spoilage. The results showed that citric acid at a concentration of 10(-2) to 10(-6) m, metacetonic acid at 10(-4) to 10(-6) m, and lactic acid at 10(-2) to 10(-5) m stimulated feeding. Fish tended to avoid metacetonic acid at 10(-3) m and acetic acid at 10(-3) m. Acetic acid at 10(-5) m and oxalic acid at 10(-6) m had no significant effects on fish feeding.


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Four 1-week trials were conducted to determine the effects of feeding rates on growth performance and body proximate composition of white sturgeon larvae during each of the first 4 weeks after initiation of feeding. Feeding rates (% body weight day(-1)) were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 for trial I; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 for trial II; and 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.5, 12.5, and 15.0 for trials III and TV Four tanks with 200 larvae each were randomly assigned to each of the six feeding rates. Average initial body weights of the larvae were 49, 94, 180, and 366 mg, respectively, for trials I-IV. The larvae were kept at 19-20 degreesC in circular tanks and fed continuously one of two commercial salmonid soft-moist feeds using automatic feeders. Proximate composition (%) of the feeds for trials I-III and IV were 13.9 and 14.9 moisture, 52.5 and 50.0 crude protein, 10.3 and 12.9 crude fat, and 8.1 and 8.7 ash, respectively. Except mortality in trial I, gain per food fed in trial III, and body ash in all trials, growth performance and body composition were significantly (P<0.05) affected by all feeding rates. Broken line analysis on specific growth rates indicated the optimum feeding rates of white sturgeon larvae to be 26%, 13%, 11%, and 6% body weight day-respectively, for weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 after initiation of feeding. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to provide a low cost system of thermal comfort, a common model of home fan, 40 cm diameter size, had its manual four-button control system replaced by an automatic speed control. The new control system has a temperature sensor feeding a microcontroller that, by using an optic coupling, DIAC or TRIAC-based circuit, varies the RMS value of the fan motor input voltage and its speed, according to the room temperature. Over a wide range of velocity, the fan net power and the motor fan input power were measured working under both control system. The temperature of the motor stator and the voltage waveforms were observed too. Measured values analysis showed that the TRIAC-based control system makes the fan motor work at a very low power factor and efficiency values. The worst case is at low velocity range where the higher fan motor stator temperatures were registered. The poor power factor and efficiency and the harmonics signals inserted in the motor input voltage wave by the TRIAC commutation procedure are correlated.


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This study was carried out to detect differences in locomotion and feeding behavior in lame (group L; n = 41; gait score ≥ 2.5) and non-lame (group C; n = 12; gait score ≤ 2) multiparous Holstein cows in a cross-sectional study design. A model for automatic lameness detection was created, using data from accelerometers attached to the hind limbs and noseband sensors attached to the head. Each cow's gait was videotaped and scored on a 5-point scale before and after a period of 3 consecutive days of behavioral data recording. The mean value of 3 independent experienced observers was taken as a definite gait score and considered to be the gold standard. For statistical analysis, data from the noseband sensor and one of two accelerometers per cow (randomly selected) of 2 out of 3 randomly selected days was used. For comparison between group L and group C, the T-test, the Aspin-Welch Test and the Wilcoxon Test were used. The sensitivity and specificity for lameness detection was determined with logistic regression and ROC-analysis. Group L compared to group C had significantly lower eating and ruminating time, fewer eating chews, ruminating chews and ruminating boluses, longer lying time and lying bout duration, lower standing time, fewer standing and walking bouts, fewer, slower and shorter strides and a lower walking speed. The model considering the number of standing bouts and walking speed was the best predictor of cows being lame with a sensitivity of 90.2% and specificity of 91.7%. Sensitivity and specificity of the lameness detection model were considered to be very high, even without the use of halter data. It was concluded that under the conditions of the study farm, accelerometer data were suitable for accurately distinguishing between lame and non-lame dairy cows, even in cases of slight lameness with a gait score of 2.5.