982 resultados para authorship analysis


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The judicial interest in ‘scientific’ evidence has driven recent work to quantify results for forensic linguistic authorship analysis. Through a methodological discussion and a worked example this paper examines the issues which complicate attempts to quantify results in work. The solution suggested to some of the difficulties is a sampling and testing strategy which helps to identify potentially useful, valid and reliable markers of authorship. An important feature of the sampling strategy is that these markers identified as being generally valid and reliable are retested for use in specific authorship analysis cases. The suggested approach for drawing quantified conclusions combines discriminant function analysis and Bayesian likelihood measures. The worked example starts with twenty comparison texts for each of three potential authors and then uses a progressively smaller comparison corpus, reducing to fifteen, ten, five and finally three texts per author. This worked example demonstrates how reducing the amount of data affects the way conclusions can be drawn. With greater numbers of reference texts quantified and safe attributions are shown to be possible, but as the number of reference texts reduces the analysis shows how the conclusion which should be reached is that no attribution can be made. The testing process at no point results in instances of a misattribution.


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This chapter demonstrates diversity in the activity of authorship and the corresponding diversity of forensic authorship analysis questions and techniques. Authorship is discussed in terms of Love’s (2002) multifunctional description of precursory, executive, declarative and revisionary authorship activities and the implications of this distinction for forensic problem solving. Four different authorship questions are considered. These are ‘How was the text produced?’, ‘How many people wrote the text?’, ‘What kind of person wrote the text?’ and ‘What is the relationship of a queried text with comparison texts?’ Different approaches to forensic authorship analysis are discussed in terms of their appropriateness to answering different authorship questions. The conclusion drawn is that no one technique will ever be appropriate to all problems.


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Current debate within forensic authorship analysis has tended to polarise those who argue that analysis methods should reflect a strong cognitive theory of idiolect and others who see less of a need to look behind the stylistic variation of the texts they are examining. This chapter examines theories of idiolect and asks how useful or necessary they are to the practice of forensic authorship analysis. Taking a specific text messaging case the chapter demonstrates that methodologically rigorous, theoretically informed authorship analysis need not appeal to cognitive theories of idiolect in order to be valid. By considering text messaging forensics, lessons will be drawn which can contribute to wider debates on the role of theories of idiolect in forensic casework.


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This research focuses on Native Language Identification (NLID), and in particular, on the linguistic identifiers of L1 Persian speakers writing in English. This project comprises three sub-studies; the first study devises a coding system to account for interlingual features present in a corpus of L1 Persian speakers blogging in English, and a corpus of L1 English blogs. Study One then demonstrates that it is possible to use interlingual identifiers to distinguish authorship by L1 Persian speakers. Study Two examines the coding system in relation to the L1 Persian corpus and a corpus of L1 Azeri and L1 Pashto speakers. The findings of this section indicate that the NLID method and features designed are able to discriminate between L1 influences from different languages. Study Three focuses on elicited data, in which participants were tasked with disguising their language to appear as L1 Persian speakers writing in English. This study indicated that there was a significant difference between the features in the L1 Persian corpus, and the corpus of disguise texts. The findings of this research indicate that NLID and the coding system devised have a very strong potential to aid forensic authorship analysis in investigative situations. Unlike existing research, this project focuses predominantly on blogs, as opposed to student data, making the findings more appropriate to forensic casework data.


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In the present state of the art of authorship attribution there seems to be an opposition between two approaches: cognitive and stylistic methodologies. It is proposed in this article that these two approaches are complementary and that the apparent gap between them can be bridged using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and in particular some of its theoretical constructions, such as codal variation. This article deals with the theoretical explanation of why such a theory would solve the debate between the two approaches and shows how these two views of authorship attribution are indeed complementary. Although the article is fundamentally theoretical, two example experimental trials are reported to show how this theory can be developed into a workable methodology of doing authorship attribution. In Trial 1, a SFL analysis was carried out on a small dataset consisting of three 300-word texts collected from three different authors whose socio-demographic background matched across a number of parameters. This trial led to some conclusions about developing a methodology based on SFL and suggested the development of another trial, which might hint at a more accurate and useful methodology. In Trial 2, Biber's (1988) multidimensional framework is employed, and a final methodology of authorship analysis based on this kind of analysis is proposed for future research. © 2013, EQUINOX PUBLISHING.


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This chapter introduces Native Language Identification (NLID) and considers the casework applications with regard to authorship analysis of online material. It presents findings from research identifying which linguistic features were the best indicators of native (L1) Persian speakers blogging in English, and analyses how these features cope at distinguishing between native influences from languages that are linguistically and culturally related. The first chapter section outlines the area of Native Language Identification, and demonstrates its potential for application through a discussion of relevant case history. The next section discusses a development of methodology for identifying influence from L1 Persian in an anonymous blog author, and presents findings. The third part discusses the application of these features to casework situations as well as how the features identified can form an easily applicable model and demonstrates the application of this to casework. The research presented in this chapter can be considered a case study for the wider potential application of NLID.


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In this paper we compare the robustness of several types of stylistic markers to help discriminate authorship at sentence level. We train a SVM-based classifier using each set of features separately and perform sentence-level authorship analysis over corpus of editorials published in a Portuguese quality newspaper. Results show that features based on POS information, punctuation and word / sentence length contribute to a more robust sentence-level authorship analysis. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.


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This article undertakes a content analysis of publications in the first 10 years of the new series of the journal Accounting History. In so doing, it adds to the prior literature examining publishing patterns in the accounting history discipline. The article commences by providing an historical background to the introduction of the new series and the journal's editorial team. This is followed by a content analysis of the journal's research publications. This analysis examines patterns of authorship, the journal's most published authors, institutional and geographical affiliations of authors, author gender and article classifications.


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This paper adds to the prior literature examining publishing patterns in the accounting history discipline by undertaking a content analysis of publications in the first nine years of the new series of the journal Accounting History. The paper commences by providing an historical background to the introduction of the new series of the journal and the journal's editorial team. This is followed by an authorship analysis of the journal's research publications. This analysis examines patterns of authorship (single and multi-authored papers), the journal's most published authors, institutional and geographical affiliations of authors (including international collaboration and changes over the nine year period) and author gender.


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Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la literatura científica sobre perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes, publicada en la Web of Science, entre el año 2004 y 2014. La muestra documental se compuso de 174 publicaciones, los cuales fueron analizados en base a distintos indicadores bibliométricos como el análisis de la productividad temporal, las revistas y autores más productivos sobre el tópico y el índice de coautoría, así como un análisis de los principales instrumentos empleados y las temáticas identificadas. Los resultados indicaron que el perfeccionismo infantojuvenil es un campo de investigación todavía emergente, por este motivo, no se encontraron revistas especializadas sobre el tema ni autores con más de nueve publicaciones sobre el tópico. Igualmente, los análisis en relación a la coautoría mostraron una tendencia a elaborar los trabajos en colaboración, siguiendo los parones actuales de la ciencia. Destacaron la Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale y la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale como los dos instrumentos más empleados para medir el perfeccionismo en población infantil y adolescente. Respecto al análisis de contenido, se identificaron un total de siete categorías temáticas, siendo la más prevalente, aquella que aglutina los documentos centrados en examinar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y diversos trastornos o problemas psicológicos.


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This research provides new insights into the measurement of students’ authorial identity and its potential for minimising the incidence of unintentional plagiarism by providing evidence about the psychometric properties of the Student Authorship Questionnaire (SAQ). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) are employed to investigate the measurement properties of the scales which comprise the SAQ using data collected from accounting students. The results provide limited psychometric support in favour of the factorial structure of the SAQ and raise a number of questions regarding the instrument’s robustness and generalisability across disciplines. An alternative model derived from the EFA outperforms the SAQ model with regard to its psychometric properties. Explanations for these findings are proffered and avenues for future research suggested.


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Paper presented at the 5th European Conference Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, Vilamoura, Algarve. Apr. 14-17, 2009, 11p. URL: http:// www.cenertec.pt/ecemei/