956 resultados para audio granulation


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Cette thèse est une exploration de mon processus compositionnel. En tentant de comprendre comment s’organise ma pensée créatrice, j’ai dégagé trois observations : l’organicisme du processus et des œuvres, la notion de mouvement et la relation récursive entre la matière et le compositeur. Ces thèmes m’ont amené à établir un lien épistémologique entre la composition musicale et l’étude des systèmes complexes. Dans ce cadre systémique, j’ai établi que les informations qui motivent mes prises de décision artistiques ont entre elles des ramifications opérationnelles et structurelles qui évoquent une arborescence rhizomatique plutôt qu’une hiérarchie linéaire. La transdisciplinarité propre à la systémique m’a également permis d’introduire des notions provenant d’autres champs de recherche. S’articulant d’emblée avec mon processus compositionnel, ces notions m’ont procuré une vision holistique de ma démarche artistique. Conséquemment, je considère l’acte de composer comme une interaction entre ma conscience et tout ce qui peut émaner de la matière sonore, les deux s’informant l’une et l’autre dans une boucle récursive que je nomme action⟳perception. L’œuvre ainsi produite n’est pas exclusivement tributaire de ma propre volition puisque, au fil du processus, mes décisions opératoires et artistiques sont en grande partie guidées par les propriétés invariantes et les propriétés morphogéniques inhérentes au matériau sonore. Cette approche dynamique n’est possible que si l’interaction avec le compositeur se fait en temps réel, ce que permet la lutherie numérique. Les résultats de mes recherches m’ont guidé dans la composition d’œuvres choisies, autant acousmatiques, mixtes, vidéomusicales que pluridisciplinaires.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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TEMA: avaliação audiológica de pais de indivíduos com perda auditiva de herança autossômica recessiva. OBJETIVO: estudar o perfil audiológico de pais de indivíduos com perda auditiva, de herança autossômica recessiva, inferida pela história familial ou por testes moleculares que detectaram mutação no gene GJB2, responsável por codificar a Conexina 26. MÉTODO: 36 indivíduos entre 30 e 60 anos foram avaliados e divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle, sem queixas auditivas e sem história familiar de deficiência auditiva, e grupo de estudos composto por pais heterozigotos em relação a genes de surdez de herança autossômica recessiva inespecífica ou portadores heterozigotos de mutação no gene da Conexina 26. Todos foram submetidos à audiometria tonal liminar (0,25kHz a 8), audiometria de altas freqüências (9kHz a 20) e emissões otoacústicas produtos de distorção (EOAPD). RESULTADOS: houve diferenças significativas na amplitude das EOAPD nas freqüências 1001 e 1501Hz entre os grupos, sendo maior a amplitude no grupo controle. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para os limiares tonais de 0,25 a 20KHz. CONCLUSÃO: as EOAPD foram mais eficazes, em comparação com a audiometria tonal liminar, para detectar diferenças auditivas entre os grupos. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para verificar a confiabilidade destes dados.


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Este artigo relata a influência de fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde na autopercepção da audição entre os idosos do projeto " Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento" (Projeto SABE) no município de São Paulo. O estudo incluiu 2.143 indivíduos de 60 anos e mais. Um modelo de regressão logística ordinal, considerando o desenho da amostra, foi usado na análise multivariável. O aumento da idade; o sexo masculino; morar acompanhado; relatar tontura; memória regular/ ruim e saúde regular ou ruim aumentaram a chance de autopercepção ruim da audição. O conhecimento da autopercepção da audição e dos seus fatores relacionados é importante para avaliar a qualidade de vida dos idosos e a necessidade de reabilitação auditiva


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Cyclodextrins (CDs) are annular oligosaccharides containing 6-12 glucose unities joined together by alpha-1,4 bonds. They have a conical-truncated shape with a lipophilic cavity in which different molecules can be included resulting in a stable inclusion complex. The cyclodextrins have been widely applied in pharmaceutical technology with the objective of increasing the solubility, stability and bioavailability of drugs in different pharmaceutical dosage forms, such as tablets. In order to obtain beta-CD tablets, liquid dispersions of drug/beta-CD are usually submitted to different drying processes, like spray-drying, freeze-drying or slow evaporation, being this dry material added to a number of excipients. However, such drying processes can generate particulate materials showing problems of flow and compressibility, needing their conversion into granulates by means of wetting with granulation liquid followed by additional drying. In this work, the main objective was to evaluate the preparation of tablets without the need of this additional drying step. For this purpose an aqueous dispersion containing acetaminophen/beta-CD complex and cornstarch was dried using a spouted bed and the obtained granules were compressed in tablets. Acetaminophen was used as model drug due to its low water solubility and the inexpensive and widely available cornstarch was chosen as excipient. Acetaminophen powder was added into a beta-cyclodextrin solution prepared in distilled water at 70 degrees C. Stirring was kept until this dispersion cooled to room temperature. Then cornstarch was added and the resulting dispersion was dried in spouted bed equipment. This material was compressed into tablets using an Erweka Korsh EKO tablet machine. This innovative approach allowed the tablets preparation process to be carried out with fewer steps and represents a technological reliable strategy to produce beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes tablets. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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The hot melt granulation of a coarse pharmaceutical powder in a top spray spouted bed is described. The substrate was lactose-polyvinylpyrrolidone particles containing or not acetaminophen as a drug model. Polyethylene glycol (MW, 4000) used as binder was atomized onto the bed by a two-fluid spray nozzle. The granulation experiments followed a 2(3) factorial design with triplicates at the center point and were carried out by varying the spray nozzle vertical position, the atomizing air flow rate and the binder feed rate. Granules were evaluated by their pharmacotechnical properties like size distribution, bulk and tapped densities, Carr index, Hausner ratio and tableting characteristics. Analysis of variance showed that granule sizes were affected by the PEG feed rate and atomizing air pressure at the significance levels of 1.0 and 5.0%. respectively, but spray nozzle distance to the substrate bed was not significant. The spray conditions also affected granule flow and consolidation properties. measured by the Carr index and Hausner ratio. Measured densities, Carr indexes and Hausner ratios proved that granules flowability and consolidation properties are adequate for pharmaceutical processing and tableting. Tablets prepared with acetaminophen-containing granules showed good properties and adequate release profiles in in vitro dissolution tests. The results indicate the suitability of spouted beds for the hot melt granulation of pharmaceutical coarse powders. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Discrete element method (DEM) modeling is used in parallel with a model for coalescence of deformable surface wet granules. This produces a method capable of predicting both collision rates and coalescence efficiencies for use in derivation of an overall coalescence kernel. These coalescence kernels can then be used in computationally efficient meso-scale models such as population balance equation (PBE) models. A soft-sphere DEM model using periodic boundary conditions and a unique boxing scheme was utilized to simulate particle flow inside a high-shear mixer. Analysis of the simulation results provided collision frequency, aggregation frequency, kinetic energy, coalescence efficiency and compaction rates for the granulation process. This information can be used to bridge the gap in multi-scale modeling of granulation processes between the micro-scale DEM/coalescence modeling approach and a meso-scale PBE modeling approach.


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A novel nucleation apparatus is presented for the production of narrow sized nuclei from various powder and binder liquid combinations. Mono-sized binder liquid droplets are produced by a specially designed mono-disperse droplet generator. The droplet generator is positioned above a conveyor belt, transporting a powder bed through the spray zone of the droplet generator. By nucleating powder on a conveyer belt, the nucleation mechanism is completely separated from all other granulation mechanisms due to the lack of relative motion between primary particles and/or formed nuclei. Nucleation tests were performed using chalcopyrite and limestone powders with water as the binder liquid. At all operating conditions, the formed nuclei were found to originate from multiplicities of drops that merged on the powder bed surface. Investigation of the dynamics of nuclei formation showed that powder-binder liquid combinations with fast penetration dynamics result in less variation in the number of droplets from which nuclei originate. Smaller and more narrowly distributed nuclei were also achieved by increasing powder speed through the spray zone.


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Dimensionless spray flux Ψa is a dimensionless group that characterises the three most important variables in liquid dispersion: flowrate, drop size and powder flux through the spray zone. In this paper, the Poisson distribution was used to generate analytical solutions for the proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) and the fraction of the powder surface covered by drops (fcovered) as a function of Ψa. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to simulate the spray zone and investigate how Ψa, fsingle and fcovered are related. The Monte-Carlo data was an excellent match with analytical solutions of fcovered and fsingle as a function of Ψa. At low Ψa, the proportion of the surface covered by drops (fcovered) was equal to Ψa. As Ψa increases, drop overlap becomes more dominant and the powder surface coverage levels off. The proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) falls exponentially with increasing Ψa. In the ranges covered, these results were independent of drop size, number of drops, drop size distribution (mono-sized, bimodal and trimodal distributions), and the uniformity of the spray. Experimental data of nuclei size distributions as a function of spray flux were fitted to the analytical solution for fsingle by defining a cutsize for single drop nuclei. The fitted cutsizes followed the spray drop sizes suggesting that the method is robust and that the cutsize does indicate the transition size between single drop and agglomerate nuclei. This demonstrates that the nuclei distribution is determined by the dimensionless spray flux and the fraction of drop controlled nuclei can be calculated analytically in advance.


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Granule impact deformation has long been recognised as important in determining whether or not two colliding granules will coalesce. Work in the last 10 years has highlighted the fact that viscous effects are significant in granulation. The relative strengths of different formulations can vary with strain rate. Therefore, traditional strength measurements made at pseudo-static conditions give no indication, even qualitatively, of how materials will behave at high strain rates, and hence are actually misleading when used to model granule coalescence. This means that new standard methods need to be developed for determining the strain rates encountered by granules inside industrial equipment and also for measuring the mechanical properties of granules at these strain rates. The constitutive equations used in theoretical models of granule coalescence also need to be extended to include strain-rate dependent components.


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This study investigates binder distribution in wet granulation and focuses on the nucleation zone, which is the area where the liquid binder and powder surface come into contact and form the initial nuclei. An equipment independent parameter, dimensionless spray flux Psi (a), is defined to characterise the most important process parameters in the nucleation process: solution flowrate, powder flux, and binder drop size. Ex-granulator experiments are used to study the relationship between dimensionless spray flux, process variables and the coverage of binder fluid on the powder surface. Lactose monohydrate powder on a variable speed riffler passed under a flat spray once only. Water and 7% HPC solution at two spray pressures were used as binders. Experiments with red dye and image analysis demonstrate that changes in dimensionless spray flux correlate with a measurable difference in powder surface coverage. Nucleation experiments show that spray flux controls the size and shape of the nuclei size distribution. At low Psi (a), the system operates in the drop controlled regime, where one drop forms one nucleus and the nuclei size distribution is narrow. At higher Psi (a), the powder surface cakes creating a broader size distribution. For controlled nucleation with the narrowest possible size distribution, it is recommended that the dimensionless spray flux be less than 0.1 to be in the drop-controlled regime. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Wet agglomeration processes have traditionally been considered an empirical art, with great difficulties in predicting and explaining observed behaviour. Industry has faced a range of problems including large recycle ratios, poor product quality control, surging and even the total failure of scale up from laboratory to full scale production. However, in recent years there has been a rapid advancement in our understanding of the fundamental processes that control granulation behaviour and product properties. This review critically evaluates the current understanding of the three key areas of wet granulation processes: wetting and nucleation, consolidation and growth, and breakage and attrition. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that there now exist theoretical models which predict or explain the majority of experimentally observed behaviour. Provided that the correct material properties and operating parameters are known, it is now possible to make useful predictions about how a material will granulate. The challenge that now faces us is to transfer these theoretical developments into industrial practice. Standard, reliable methods need to be developed to measure the formulation properties that control granulation behaviour, such as contact angle and dynamic yield strength. There also needs to be a better understanding of the flow patterns, mixing behaviour and impact velocities in different types of granulation equipment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.