292 resultados para atrophic gastritis


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Atrophic gastritis patients have intestinal bacterial overgrowth which could produce menaquinones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between a diet low in phylloquinone and minidoses of warfarin in subjects with and without bacterial overgrowth. Subjects with atrophic gastritis (indicated by serum pepsinogen ratio) and healthy volunteers were studied while fed a restrictive phylloquinone diet and while receiving a minidose of warfarin. Coagulation times, serum osteocalcin, serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin, plasma phylloquinone, plasma K-epoxide, plasma undercarboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA)-II and urinary gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) were measured. At baseline, there were no differences between groups for any variable measured. Comparisons between baseline and post intervention in both groups, showed significant increases in circulating levels of K-epoxide, PIVKA II and undercarboxylated osteocalcin. However, no differences were observed when comparisons were made between groups. Our data do not support the hypothesis that bacterial synthesis of menaquinones in patients with bacterial overgrowth due to atrophic gastritis confers considerable resistance to the effect of warfarin.


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AIM: To study the association between atrophic gastritis (AG) and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in a Latin-America population. METHODS: A case-control study was performed at two reference Brazilian hospitals including patients diagnosed with advanced ESCC and dyspeptic patients who had been subjected to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, with biopsies of the gastric antrum and body. All cases with ESCC were reviewed by a single pathologist, who applied standard criteria for the diagnosis of mucosal atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia, all classified as AG. The data on the patients' age, sex, smoking status, and alcohol consumption were collected from clinical records, and any missing information was completed by telephone interview. The association between AG and ESCC was assessed by means of univariate and multiple conditional logistic regressions. RESULTS: Most patients were male, and the median age was 59 years (range: 37-79 years) in both the ESCC and control groups. Univariate analysis showed that an intake of ethanol greater than 32 g/d was an independent risk factor that increased the odds of ESCC 7.57 times (P = 0.014); upon multiple analysis, alcohol intake of ethanol greater than 32 g/d exhibited a risk of 4.54 (P = 0.081), as adjusted for AG and smoking. Smoking was shown to be an independent risk factor that increased the odds of ESCC 14.55 times (P = 0.011) for individuals who smoked 0 to 51 packs/year and 21.40 times (P = 0.006) for those who smoked more than 51 packs/year. Upon multiple analyses, those who smoked up to 51 packs/year exhibited a risk of 7.85 (P = 0.058), and those who smoked more than 51 packs/year had a risk 11.57 times higher (P = 0.04), as adjusted for AG and alcohol consumption. AG proved to be a risk factor that increased the odds of ESCC 5.33 times (95%CI: 1.55-18.30, P = 0.008) according to the results of univariate conditional logistic regression. CONCLUSION: There was an association by univariate conditional logistic regression between AG and ECSS in this sample of Latin-American population. © 2013 Baishideng.


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Aim: To investigate the occurrence of chromosome 3, 7, 8, 9, and 17 aneuploidies, TP53 gene deletion and p53 protein expression in chronic gastritis, atrophic gastritis and gastric ulcer, and their association with H pylori infection. Methods: Gastric biopsies from normal mucosa (NM, n = 10), chronic gastritis (CG, n = 38), atrophic gastritis (CAG, n = 13) and gastric ulcer (GU, n = 21) were studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemical assay. A modified Giemsa staining technique and PCR were used to detect H pylori. An association of the gastric pathologies and aneuploidies with H pylori infection was assessed. Results: Aneuploidies were increasingly found from CG (21%) to CAG (31%) and to GU (62%), involving mainly monosomy and trisomy 7, trisomies 7 and 8, and trisomies 7, 8 and 17, respectively. A significant association was found between H pylori infection and aneuploidies in CAG (P = 0.0143) and GU (P = 0.0498). No TP53 deletion was found in these gastric lesions, but p53-positive immunoreactivity was detected in 45% (5/11) and 12% (2/17) of CG and GU cases, respectively. However, there was no significant association between p53 expression and H pylori infection. Conclusion: The occurrence of aneuploidies in benign lesions evidences chromosomal instability in early stages of gastric carcinogenesis associated with H pylori infection, which may confer proliferative advantage. The increase of p53 protein expression in CG and GU may be due to overproduction of the wild-type protein related to an inflammatory response in mucosa. © 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.


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Aims: Helicobacter pylori infection, although the prevalence is declining in Western world, is still responsible for several clinically important diseases. None of the diagnostic tests is perfect and in this study, the performance of three stool antigen tests was assessed. In areas of high H. pylori prevalence, the definition of patients with the greatest benefit from eradication therapy may be a problem; the role of duodenal gastric metaplasia in categorizing patients at risk for duodenal ulcer was evaluated in this respect. Whether persistent chronic inflammation and elevated H. pylori antibodies after successful eradication are associated with each other or with atrophic gastritis, a long term sequelae of H. pylori infection, were also studied. Patients and methods: The three stool antigen tests were assessed in pre- and post-eradication settings among 364 subjects in two studies as compared to the rapid urease test (RUT), histology, culture, the 13C-urea breath test (UBT) and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) based H. pylori serology. The association between duodenal gastric metaplasia with duodenal ulcer was evaluated in a retrospective study including 1054 patients gastroscopied due to clinical indications and 154 patients previously operated for duodenal ulcer. The extent of duodenal gastric metaplasia was assessed from histological specimens in different patient groups formed on the basis of gastroscopy findings and H. pylori infection. Chronic gastric inflammation (108 patients) and H. pylori antibodies and serum markers for atrophy (77 patients) were assessed in patients earlier treated for H. pylori. Results: Of the stool antigen tests studied, the monoclonal antibody-based EIA-test showed the highest sensitivity and specificity both in the pre-treatment setting (96.9% and 95.9%) and after therapy (96.9% and 97.8%). The polyclonal stool antigen test and the in-office test had at baseline a sensitivity of 91% and 94%, and a specificity of 96% and 89%, respectively and in a post-treatment setting, a sensitivity of 78% and 91%, and a specificity of 97%, respectively. Duodenal gastric metaplasia was strongly associated with H. pylori positive duodenal ulcer (odds ratio 42). Although common still five years after eradication, persistent chronic gastric inflammation (21%) and elevated H. pylori antibodies (33%) were neither associated with each other nor with atrophic gastritis. Conclusions: Current H. pylori infection can feasibly be diagnosed by a monoclonal antibody-based EIA test with the accuracy comparable to that of reference methods. The performance of the polyclonal test as compared to the monoclonal test was inferior especially in the post-treatment setting. The in-office test had a low specificity for primary diagnosis and hence positive test results should probably be confirmed with another test before eradication therapy is prescribed. The presence of widespread duodenal gastric metaplasia showed promising results in detecting patients who should be treated for H. pylori due to an increased risk of duodenal ulcer. If serology is used later on in patients with earlier successfully treated for H. pylori, it should be taken into account that H. pylori antibodies may persist elevated for years for unknown reason. However, this phenomenon was not found to be associated with persistent chronic inflammation or atrophic changes.


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Helicobacter pylorin (helikobakteeri) tartunta saadaan yleensä lapsena ja tauti jää tavallisesti pysyväksi ilman täsmähoitoa. Onnistunut hoito parantaa pysyvästi helikobakteerista aiheutuvan mahan haavataudin ja näyttää ehkäisevän mahalaukun pahanlaatuisten muutosten kehittymistä. Aloitimme Vammalassa terveyskeskuksessa toteutetun kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuisen väestöpohjaisen helikobakteeritulehduksen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelman pilottitutkimuksella 1994. 1996 kaikki 15-40-vuotiaat ja 1997-2000 15- ja 45-vuotiaat vammalalaiset kutsuttiin verinäyteseulontaan. Yhteensä 4626 henkilöä (75% kutsutuista) osallistui seulontaan. Vasta-ainepositiivisille tarjottiin helikobakteeritulehduksen lopettava lääkekuuri. Toiminnan seurauksena helikobakteeritulehduksen esiintyvyyden laskettiin vähentyneen 12%:sta 4%:iin 15-40-vuotiaiden ikäryhmässä. Tutkimme myös helikobakteerivasta-ainepositiivisten ja -negatiivisten eroja sekä helikobakteeritulehduksen riskitekijöitä kyselytutkimuksella. Lapsuudenkodin asumisahtauden, äidin matalan koulutusasteen, tupakoinnin, alkoholinkäytön, huonojen asunto-olojen ja ylävatsavaivoista johtuvien sairauslomien todettiin liittyvän helikobakteeritulehdukseen monimuuttuja-analyysissa. Tutkimme seulontaohjelmassa käyttämiemme IgG- ja IgA-luokan helikobakteeri-vasta-ainetestien luotettavuutta eri ikäryhmissä ottaen huomioon atrofisen gastriitin esiintyvyyden. 561 kliinisin perustein gastroskopoidun potilaan aineistossa IgG-testi osoittautui erittäin herkäksi kaikissa ikäryhmissä (99%). Tarkkuus oli myös vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä hyvä (97-93%), kun atrofista gastriittia sairastavat suljettiin pois. IgA- ja CagA-helikobakteerivasta-aineiden on todettu liittyvän lisääntyneeseen mahahaava- ja mahasyöpäriskiin. Analysoimme 560 henkilön pariseeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein, ja totesimme, että IgA-vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyden lisääntyyminen iän myötä johtuu paitsi syntymäajankohdasta ja uusista infektioista myös IgA-vasta-ainetasojen kohoamisesta helikobakteeritulehduksen aikana. Selvitimme myös CagA-vasta-ainetasojen muuttumista analysoimalla seeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein. Totesimme, että samanaikaisesti kun helikobakteerin esiintyvyys väestössä on alentunut, erityisesti CagA-positiiviset infektiot ovat vähentyneet. Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että Suomessa terveyskeskuksen yhteydessä voidaan toteuttaa näin laajamittainen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelma, johon suomalaiset osallistuvat aktiivisesti. Nähtäväksi jää, kuinka paljon ohjelma kykeni vähentämään helikobakteeritulehdukseen liittyviä myöhäisseuraamuksia.


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Atrophic gastritis can develop in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection leading to a reduction in basal acid output. Whether the atrophy that develops is reversible is controversial.


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There is substantial evidence that infection with Helicobacter pylori plays a role in the development of gastric cancer and that it is rarely found in gastric biopsy of atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. On advanced gastric tumors, the bacteria can be lost from the stomach. Aims - To analyze the hypothesis that the prevalence of H.pylori in operated advanced gastric carcinomas and adjacent non-tumor tissues is high, comparing intestinal and diffuse tumors according to Lauren’s classifi cation. Methods - A prospective controlled study enrolled 56 patients from “Hospital Universitário”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil, with advanced gastric cancer, treated from February 2000 to March 2003. Immediately after partial gastrectomy, the resected stomach was opened and several mucosal biopsy samples were taken from the gastric tumor and from the adjacent mucosa within 4 cm distance from the tumor margin. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Lauren‘s classifi cation for gastric cancer was used, to analyse the prevalence of H. pylori in intestinal or diffuse carcinomas assessed by the urease rapid test, IgG by ELISA and Giemsa staining. H. pylori infected patients were treated with omeprazole, clarithromycin and amoxicillin for 7 days. Follow-up endoscopy and serology were performed 6 months after treatment to determine successful eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue. Thereafter, follow-up endoscopies were scheduled annually. Chi-square and MacNemar tests with 0.05 signifi cance were used. Results - Thirty-four tumors (60.7%) were intestinal-type and 22 (39.3%) diffuse type carcinomas. In adjacent non-tumor gastric mucosa, chronic gastritis were found in 53 cases (94.6%) and atrophic mucosa in 36 patients (64.3%). All the patients with atrophic mucosa were H. pylori positive. When examined by Giemsa and urease test, H. pylori positive rate in tumor tissue of intestinal type carcinomas was higher than that in diffuse carcinomas. In tumor tissues, 34 (60.7%) H. pylori-positive in gastric carcinomas were detected by Giemsa method. H. pylori was observed in 30 of 56 cases (53.5%) in tissues 4 cm adjacent to tumors. This difference was not signifi cant. Eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue of gastric remnant led to a complete negativity on the 12th postoperative month. Conclusions - The data confi rmed the hypothesis of a high prevalence of H. pylori in tumor tissue of gastric advanced carcinomas and in adjacent non-tumor mucosa of operated stomachs. The presence of H. pylori was predominant in the intestinal-type carcinoma


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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RACIONAL: O câncer de estômago é o segundo tipo mais comum de neoplasia no mundo. A carcinogênese de estômago é processo de múltiplos passos, podendo manifestar-se em várias etapas como gastrite superficial, gastrite atrófica crônica, metaplasia intestinal, displasia e, finalmente, como um carcinoma. Essas condições costumam ser seqüenciais e ocorrer num período de muitos anos como resultado da exposição a uma variedade de fatores endógenos e exógenos, que causam alterações genéticas. Os recentes avanços da genética molecular têm mostrado que o acúmulo dessas várias anormalidades, incluindo a ativação de oncogenes e a inativação de genes supressores de tumores, resultam no desenvolvimento do câncer. Alterações genéticas descritas em carcinomas gástricos incluem amplificações e mutações dos genes c-ERBB2, K-RAS, c-MET e TP53. O ganho de cromossomos também foi encontrado em várias combinações com perda de outros cromossomos e pode estar associado com a expressão elevada de oncogenes, que contribuem com a progressão tumoral. CONCLUSÃO: Essas mudanças genéticas em carcinomas evidenciam o processo de múltiplas etapas da carcinogênese gástrica, por meio do acúmulo de uma série de alterações.


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Apoptosis has an essential function in maintaining the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Its deregulation is associated with the occurrence of lesions such as in atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcers, intestinal metaplasia, and stomach tumorigenesis. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the frequency of apoptotic cells (apoptotic index, AI) by using two different immunohistochemical techniques, TUNEL and anti-activated caspase-3 antibody (CPP32), in gastric dyspepsia [chronic gastritis (CG, N = 34), chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG, N = 11), gastric ulcer (GU, N = 17), and intestinal metaplasia (IM, N = 15)], normal gastric mucosae (NM, N = 8), and gastric adenocarcinoma (GC, N = 12). The relationship was investigated between the AI and Helicobacter pylori infection, diagnosed by PCR, overexpression of p53 protein determined by immunohistochemistry, and aneuploidy by fluorescence in situ hybridization, as performed by our laboratory in previous studies. No significant differences were observed in AI between the different groups, whether by the TUNEL technique (F = 1.60; P = 0.1670) or by CPP32 antibody (F = 1.70; P = 0.1420). Nonetheless, CAG and CG groups had AI statistically higher than those of normal mucosae. These two groups (CAG and CG) also showed a higher frequency of apoptosis-positive cases (TUNEL+ or CPP32+). Generally, there was no correlation between the AI detected by the TUNEL and CPP32 techniques in the groups studied, except in the GC group (r = 0.70). Moreover, there was no significant association between apoptosis and H. pylori infection, overexpression of p53 protein and aneuploidy, but the H. pylori-positive cases only of GU (P = 0.0233) and IM (P = 0.0253) groups displayed a statistically higher AI compared to H. pylori-negative NM, when the CPP32 antibody technique was used. Thus, CG and CAG have increased apoptosis, which may occur independent of an association with H. pylori infection, aneuploidy and overexpression of p53 protein. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition affecting 25 to 40% of the population and causes significant morbidity in the U.S., accounting for at least 9 million office visits to physicians with estimated annual costs of $10 billion. Previous research has not clearly established whether infection with Helicobacter pylori, a known cause of peptic ulcer, atrophic gastritis and non cardia adenocarcinoma of the stomach, is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease. This study is a secondary analysis of data collected in a cross-sectional study of a random sample of adult residents of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, that was conducted in 2004 (Prevalence and Determinants of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis Study or CAG study, Dr. Victor M. Cardenas, Principal Investigator). In this study, the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease was based on responses to the previously validated Spanish Language Dyspepsia Questionnaire. Responses to this questionnaire indicating the presence of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and disease were compared with the presence of H. pylori infection as measured by culture, histology and rapid urease test, and with findings of upper endoscopy (i.e., hiatus hernia and erosive and atrophic esophagitis). The prevalence ratio was calculated using bivariate, stratified and multivariate negative binomial logistic regression analyses in order to assess the relation between active H. pylori infection and the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux typical syndrome and disease, while controlling for known risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease such as obesity. In a random sample of 174 adults 48 (27.6%) of the study participants had typical reflux syndrome and only 5% (or 9/174) had gastroesophageal reflux disease per se according to the Montreal consensus, which defines reflux syndromes and disease based on whether the symptoms are perceived as troublesome by the subject. There was no association between H. pylori infection and typical reflux syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, we found that in this Northern Mexican population, there was a moderate association (Prevalence Ratio=2.5; 95% CI=1.3, 4.7) between obesity (≥30 kg/m2) and typical reflux syndrome. Management and prevention of obesity will significantly curb the growing numbers of persons affected by gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and disease in Northern Mexico. ^


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There is substantial evidence that infection with Helicobacter pylori plays a role in the development of gastric cancer and that it is rarely found in gastric biopsy of atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. On advanced gastric tumors, the bacteria can be lost from the stomach. Aims - To analyze the hypothesis that the prevalence of H.pylori in operated advanced gastric carcinomas and adjacent non-tumor tissues is high, comparing intestinal and diffuse tumors according to Lauren’s classifi cation. Methods - A prospective controlled study enrolled 56 patients from “Hospital Universitário”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil, with advanced gastric cancer, treated from February 2000 to March 2003. Immediately after partial gastrectomy, the resected stomach was opened and several mucosal biopsy samples were taken from the gastric tumor and from the adjacent mucosa within 4 cm distance from the tumor margin. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Lauren‘s classifi cation for gastric cancer was used, to analyse the prevalence of H. pylori in intestinal or diffuse carcinomas assessed by the urease rapid test, IgG by ELISA and Giemsa staining. H. pylori infected patients were treated with omeprazole, clarithromycin and amoxicillin for 7 days. Follow-up endoscopy and serology were performed 6 months after treatment to determine successful eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue. Thereafter, follow-up endoscopies were scheduled annually. Chi-square and MacNemar tests with 0.05 signifi cance were used. Results - Thirty-four tumors (60.7%) were intestinal-type and 22 (39.3%) diffuse type carcinomas. In adjacent non-tumor gastric mucosa, chronic gastritis were found in 53 cases (94.6%) and atrophic mucosa in 36 patients (64.3%). All the patients with atrophic mucosa were H. pylori positive. When examined by Giemsa and urease test, H. pylori positive rate in tumor tissue of intestinal type carcinomas was higher than that in diffuse carcinomas. In tumor tissues, 34 (60.7%) H. pylori-positive in gastric carcinomas were detected by Giemsa method. H. pylori was observed in 30 of 56 cases (53.5%) in tissues 4 cm adjacent to tumors. This difference was not signifi cant. Eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue of gastric remnant led to a complete negativity on the 12th postoperative month. Conclusions - The data confi rmed the hypothesis of a high prevalence of H. pylori in tumor tissue of gastric advanced carcinomas and in adjacent non-tumor mucosa of operated stomachs. The presence of H. pylori was predominant in the intestinal-type carcinoma


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There is substantial evidence that infection with Helicobacter pylori plays a role in the development of gastric cancer and that it is rarely found in gastric biopsy of atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. On advanced gastric tumors, the bacteria can be lost from the stomach. Aims - To analyze the hypothesis that the prevalence of H.pylori in operated advanced gastric carcinomas and adjacent non-tumor tissues is high, comparing intestinal and diffuse tumors according to Lauren’s classifi cation. Methods - A prospective controlled study enrolled 56 patients from “Hospital Universitário”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil, with advanced gastric cancer, treated from February 2000 to March 2003. Immediately after partial gastrectomy, the resected stomach was opened and several mucosal biopsy samples were taken from the gastric tumor and from the adjacent mucosa within 4 cm distance from the tumor margin. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Lauren‘s classifi cation for gastric cancer was used, to analyse the prevalence of H. pylori in intestinal or diffuse carcinomas assessed by the urease rapid test, IgG by ELISA and Giemsa staining. H. pylori infected patients were treated with omeprazole, clarithromycin and amoxicillin for 7 days. Follow-up endoscopy and serology were performed 6 months after treatment to determine successful eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue. Thereafter, follow-up endoscopies were scheduled annually. Chi-square and MacNemar tests with 0.05 signifi cance were used. Results - Thirty-four tumors (60.7%) were intestinal-type and 22 (39.3%) diffuse type carcinomas. In adjacent non-tumor gastric mucosa, chronic gastritis were found in 53 cases (94.6%) and atrophic mucosa in 36 patients (64.3%). All the patients with atrophic mucosa were H. pylori positive. When examined by Giemsa and urease test, H. pylori positive rate in tumor tissue of intestinal type carcinomas was higher than that in diffuse carcinomas. In tumor tissues, 34 (60.7%) H. pylori-positive in gastric carcinomas were detected by Giemsa method. H. pylori was observed in 30 of 56 cases (53.5%) in tissues 4 cm adjacent to tumors. This difference was not signifi cant. Eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue of gastric remnant led to a complete negativity on the 12th postoperative month. Conclusions - The data confi rmed the hypothesis of a high prevalence of H. pylori in tumor tissue of gastric advanced carcinomas and in adjacent non-tumor mucosa of operated stomachs. The presence of H. pylori was predominant in the intestinal-type carcinoma


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Antecedentes: El cáncer gástrico se diagnostica tardíamente. Sólo en países como Corea y Japón existen políticas de tamizaje, que se justificarían en cualquier país con alta prevalencia de cáncer gástrico como Colombia o Chile. El análisis del pepsinógeno sérico se ha propuesto para el diagnóstico de lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas, por lo cual se pretende revisar sistemáticamente en la literatura el valor diagnóstico del cociente pepsinógeno I/II como marcador de lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas. Metodología: Se revisó la literatura hasta septiembre del 2016 con palabras claves lesiones malignas, premalignas gástricas y pepsinógeno en las bases de datos PubMed, OVID, EMBASE, EBSCO, LILACS, OPENGRAY y Dialnet, artículos de prueba diagnóstica que evaluaran el cociente pepsinógeno I/II en relación con los hallazgos histológicos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 21 artículos conun total de 20601 pacientes, que demuestranuna sensibilidad entre13.7% - 91.2%, una especificidad entre 38.5% - 100%, un Valor Predictivo Positivo entre 6.3% - 100% y un Valor Predictivo Negativo entre 33.3% - 98.8%del cociente pepsinógeno I/II en relación con el diagnósticode lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas. Conclusiones: Los valores del cociente pepsinógeno I/II disminuidos se relacionan con la presencia delesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas.Dado que tiene mejor especificidad que sensibilidad, en cuanto prueba para tamizaje, sería útil para la selección de pacientes que se beneficiaríande la EVDA. Se requieren más estudios de prueba diagnóstica para validar un punto de corte específico que pueda ser utilizado como valor estándar.


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Background Helicobacter pylori (HP) is associated with chronic gastritis and gastric cancer, and more than half of the world’s population is chronically infected. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate whether an irregular meal pattern is associated with increased risk of gastritis and HP infection. Methods The study involved 323 subjects, divided into three groups: subjects with HP infection and gastritis, with gastritis, and a control group. Subjects were interviewed on eating habits and meal timing. Multivariate logistic regression was used to compare groups. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) were derived controlling for gender, age, stress and probiotic consumption. Results Subjects who deviated from their regular meals by 2 hours or more had a significantly higher incidence of HP infection with gastritis (adjusted OR= 13.3, 95% CI 5.3–33.3, p<0.001) and gastritis (adjusted OR=6.1, 95% CI 2.5–15.0, p<0.001). Subjects who deviated their meals by 2 hours or more, twice or more per week, had an adjusted OR of 6.3 and 3.5 of acquiring HP infection with gastritis (95% CI 2.6–15.2, p<0.001) and gastritis (95% CI 1.5–8.5, p<0.001) respectively. Conclusion Frequent deviation in meal timing over a prolonged period appears associated with increased risk of developing HP infection and gastritis.