995 resultados para atomic transition


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Although semiconductor quantum dots are promising materials for displays and lighting due to their tunable emissions, these materials also suffer from the serious disadvantage of self-absorption of emitted light. The reabsorption of emitted light is a serious loss mechanism in practical situations because most phosphors exhibit subunity quantum yields. Manganese-based phosphors that also exhibit high stability and quantum efficiency do not suffer from this problem but in turn lack emission tunability, seriously affecting their practical utility. Here, we present a class of manganese-doped quantum dot materials, where strain is used to tune the wavelength of the dopant emission, extending the otherwise limited emission tunability over the yellow-orange range for manganese ions to almost the entire visible spectrum covering all colors from blue to red. These new materials thus combine the advantages of both quantum dots and conventional doped phosphors, thereby opening new possibilities for a wide range of applications in the future.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Supersedes NBS Special Publications 320, 320 Supplement 1 and 320 Supplement 2" -t.p.


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Inserted Report documentation page designates D. W. Boyer ... [et al.] as "authors."


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In this work we report both the calculation of atomic collision data for the electron-impact excitation of Ni II using parallel R-matrix codes and the computation of atomic transition data using the general atomic structure package CIV3.


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This thesis describes the theoretical solution and experimental verification of phase conjugation via nondegenerate four-wave mixing in resonant media. The theoretical work models the resonant medium as a two-level atomic system with the lower state of the system being the ground state of the atom. Working initially with an ensemble of stationary atoms, the density matrix equations are solved by third-order perturbation theory in the presence of the four applied electro-magnetic fields which are assumed to be nearly resonant with the atomic transition. Two of the applied fields are assumed to be non-depleted counterpropagating pump waves while the third wave is an incident signal wave. The fourth wave is the phase conjugate wave which is generated by the interaction of the three previous waves with the nonlinear medium. The solution of the density matrix equations gives the local polarization of the atom. The polarization is used in Maxwell's equations as a source term to solve for the propagation and generation of the signal wave and phase conjugate wave through the nonlinear medium. Studying the dependence of the phase conjugate signal on the various parameters such as frequency, we show how an ultrahigh-Q isotropically sensitive optical filter can be constructed using the phase conjugation process.

In many cases the pump waves may saturate the resonant medium so we also present another solution to the density matrix equations which is correct to all orders in the amplitude of the pump waves since the third-order solution is correct only to first-order in each of the field amplitudes. In the saturated regime, we predict several new phenomena associated with degenerate four-wave mixing and also describe the ac Stark effect and how it modifies the frequency response of the filtering process. We also show how a narrow bandwidth optical filter with an efficiency greater than unity can be constructed.

In many atomic systems the atoms are moving at significant velocities such that the Doppler linewidth of the system is larger than the homogeneous linewidth. The latter linewidth dominates the response of the ensemble of stationary atoms. To better understand this case the density matrix equations are solved to third-order by perturbation theory for an atom of velocity v. The solution for the polarization is then integrated over the velocity distribution of the macroscopic system which is assumed to be a gaussian distribution of velocities since that is an excellent model of many real systems. Using the Doppler broadened system, we explain how a tunable optical filter can be constructed whose bandwidth is limited by the homogeneous linewidth of the atom while the tuning range of the filter extends over the entire Doppler profile.

Since it is a resonant system, sodium vapor is used as the nonlinear medium in our experiments. The relevant properties of sodium are discussed in great detail. In particular, the wavefunctions of the 3S and 3P states are analyzed and a discussion of how the 3S-3P transition models a two-level system is given.

Using sodium as the nonlinear medium we demonstrate an ultrahigh-Q optical filter using phase conjugation via nondegenerate four-wave mixing as the filtering process. The filter has a FWHM bandwidth of 41 MHz and a maximum efficiency of 4 x 10-3. However, our theoretical work and other experimental work with sodium suggest that an efficient filter with both gain and a narrower bandwidth should be quite feasible.


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We present an experimental scheme of a cold atom space clock with a movable cavity. By using a single microwave cavity, we find that the clock has a significant advantage, i.e. the longitudinal cavity phase shift is eliminated. A theoretical analysis has been carried out in terms of the relation between the atomic transition probability and the velocity of the moving cavity by taking into account the velocity distribution of cold atoms. The requirements for the microwave power and its stability for atomic pi/2 excitation at different moving velocities of the cavity lead to the determination of the proper working parameters of the rubidium clock in frequency accuracy 10(-17). Finally, the mechanical stability for the scheme is analysed and the ways of solving the possible mechanical instability of the device are proposed.


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In this article, we investigate the spontaneous emission properties of radiating molecules embedded in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, under the assumption that the electronic transition frequency is close to the photonic edge mode of the structure, i.e., at resonance. We take into account the transition broadening and the decay of electromagnetic field modes supported by the so-called "mirrorless"cavity. We employ the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian to describe the electron interaction with the electromagnetic field, focusing on the mode with the diffracting polarization in the chiral nematic layer. As known in these structures, the density of photon states, calculated via the Wigner method, has distinct peaks on either side of the photonic band gap, which manifests itself as a considerable modification of the emission spectrum. We demonstrate that, near resonance, there are notable differences between the behavior of the density of states and the spontaneous emission profile of these structures. In addition, we examine in some detail the case of the logarithmic peak exhibited in the density of states in two-dimensional photonic structures and obtain analytic relations for the Lamb shift and the broadening of the atomic transition in the emission spectrum. The dynamical behavior of the atom-field system is described by a system of two first-order differential equations, solved using the Green's-function method and the Fourier transform. The emission spectra are then calculated and compared with experimental data. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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In this article, we investigate the spontaneous emission properties of radiating molecules embedded in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, under the assumption that the electronic transition frequency is close to the photonic edge mode of the structure, i.e., at resonance. We take into account the transition broadening and the decay of electromagnetic field modes supported by the so-called "mirrorless"cavity. We employ the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian to describe the electron interaction with the electromagnetic field, focusing on the mode with the diffracting polarization in the chiral nematic layer. As known in these structures, the density of photon states, calculated via the Wigner method, has distinct peaks on either side of the photonic band gap, which manifests itself as a considerable modification of the emission spectrum. We demonstrate that, near resonance, there are notable differences between the behavior of the density of states and the spontaneous emission profile of these structures. In addition, we examine in some detail the case of the logarithmic peak exhibited in the density of states in two-dimensional photonic structures and obtain analytic relations for the Lamb shift and the broadening of the atomic transition in the emission spectrum. The dynamical behavior of the atom-field system is described by a system of two first-order differential equations, solved using the Green's-function method and the Fourier transform. The emission spectra are then calculated and compared with experimental data.


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Ion - molecule complexes of magnesium cation with ethyl isocyanate were produced in a laser- ablation supersonic expansion nozzle source. Photo- induced reactions in the 1: 1 complexes have been studied in the spectral range of 230 - 410 nm. Photodissociation mass spectrometry revealed the persistent product Mg+ from nonreactive quenching throughout the entire wavelength range. As for the reactive channels, the photoproducts, Mg+OCN and C2H5+, were produced only in the blue absorption band of the complex with low yields. The action spectrum of Mg+(OCNC2H5) consists of two pronounced peaks on the red and blue sides of the Mg+ 3(2)P <-- 3(2)S atomic transition. The ground state geometry of Mg+ - OCNC2H5 was fully optimized at B3LYP/6- 31 - G** level by using GAUSSIAN 98 package. The calculated absorption spectrum of the complex using the optimized structure of its ground state agrees well with the observed action spectrum. Photofragment branching fractions of the products are almost independent of the photolysis photon energy for the 3P(x,y,z) excitations. The very low branching ratio of reactive products to nonreactive fragment suggests that evaporation is the main relaxation pathway in the photo- induced reactions of Mg+ (OCNC2H5). (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen einem Photon und einem Elektron im starken Coulombfeld eines Atomkerns am Beispiel des radiativen Elektroneneinfangs beim Stoß hochgeladener Teilchen untersucht. In den letzten Jahren wurde dieser Ladungsaustauschprozess insbesondere für relativistische Ion–Atom–Stöße sowohl experimentell als auch theoretisch ausführlich erforscht. In Zentrum standen dabei haupsächlich die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte. In neuerer Zeit werden vermehrt Spin– und Polarisationseffekte sowie Korrelationseffekte bei diesen Stoßprozessen diskutiert. Man erwartet, dass diese sehr empfindlich auf relativistische Effekte im Stoß reagieren und man deshalb eine hervorragende Methode zu deren Bestimmung erhält. Darüber hinaus könnten diese Messungen auch indirekt dazu führen, dass man die Polarisation des Ionenstrahls bestimmen kann. Damit würden sich neue experimentelle Möglichkeiten sowohl in der Atom– als auch der Kernphysik ergeben. In dieser Dissertation werden zunächst diese ersten Untersuchungen zu den Spin–, Polarisations– und Korrelationseffekten systematisch zusammengefasst. Die Dichtematrixtheorie liefert hierzu die geeignete Methode. Mit dieser Methode werden dann die allgemeinen Gleichungen für die Zweistufen–Rekombination hergeleitet. In diesem Prozess wird ein Elektron zunächst radiativ in einen angeregten Zustand eingefangen, der dann im zweiten Schritt unter Emission des zweiten (charakteristischen) Photons in den Grundzustand übergeht. Diese Gleichungen können natürlich auf beliebige Mehrstufen– sowie Einstufen–Prozesse erweitert werden. Im direkten Elektroneneinfang in den Grundzustand wurde die ”lineare” Polarisation der Rekombinationsphotonen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass man damit eine Möglichkeit zur Bestimmung der Polarisation der Teilchen im Eingangskanal des Schwerionenstoßes hat. Rechnungen zur Rekombination bei nackten U92+ Projektilen zeigen z. B., dass die Spinpolarisation der einfallenden Elektronen zu einer Drehung der linearen Polarisation der emittierten Photonen aus der Streuebene heraus führt. Diese Polarisationdrehung kann mit neu entwickelten orts– und polarisationsempfindlichen Festkörperdetektoren gemessen werden. Damit erhält man eine Methode zur Messung der Polarisation der einfallenden Elektronen und des Ionenstrahls. Die K–Schalen–Rekombination ist ein einfaches Beispiel eines Ein–Stufen–Prozesses. Das am besten bekannte Beispiel der Zwei–Stufen–Rekombination ist der Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Ions und anschließendem Lyman–1–Zerfall (2p3/2 ! 1s1/2). Im Rahmen der Dichte–Matrix–Theorie wurden sowohl die Winkelverteilung als auch die lineare Polarisation der charakteristischen Photonen untersucht. Beide (messbaren) Größen werden beträchtlich durch die Interferenz des E1–Kanals (elektrischer Dipol) mit dem viel schwächeren M2–Kanal (magnetischer Quadrupol) beeinflusst. Für die Winkelverteilung des Lyman–1 Zerfalls im Wasserstoff–ähnlichen Uran führt diese E1–M2–Mischung zu einem 30%–Effekt. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Interferenz behebt die bisher vorhandene Diskrepanz von Theorie und Experiment beim Alignment des 2p3/2–Zustands. Neben diesen Ein–Teichen–Querschnitten (Messung des Einfangphotons oder des charakteristischen Photons) wurde auch die Korrelation zwischen den beiden berechnet. Diese Korrelationen sollten in X–X–Koinzidenz–Messungen beobbachtbar sein. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchungen lag bei der Photon–Photon–Winkelkorrelation, die experimentell am einfachsten zu messen ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden ausführliche Berechnungen der koinzidenten X–X–Winkelverteilungen beim Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Uranions und beim anschließenden Lyman–1–Übergang durchgeführt. Wie bereits erwähnt, hängt die Winkelverteilung des charakteristischen Photons nicht nur vom Winkel des Rekombinationsphotons, sondern auch stark von der Spin–Polarisation der einfallenden Teilchen ab. Damit eröffnet sich eine zweite Möglichkeit zur Messung der Polaristion des einfallenden Ionenstrahls bzw. der einfallenden Elektronen.


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Semi-empirical weighted oscillator strengths (gf) and lifetimes presented in this work for all experimentally known electric dipole P XII spectral lines and energy levels were computed within a multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock relativistic approach. In this calculation, the electrostatic parameters were optimized by a least-squares procedure in order to improve the adjustment to experimental energy levels. The method produces lifetime and gf values that are in agreement with intensity observations used for the interpretation of spectrograms of solar and laboratory plasmas.


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In linearen Paulfallen gespeicherte und lasergekühlte Ionen stellen in weiten Bereichen der Physik ideale Objekte hinsichtlich störungsfreier und präziser Messungen atomarer Übergangsfrequenzen und der gezielten Manipulation von Quantenzuständen dar. Eine Einschränkung dieser optimalen Bedingungen erfolgt durch Heizmechanismen, die aus Abweichungen des Speicherpotentials von der idealen Quadrupolform resultieren. Höhere Potentialordnungen führen zu einer Kopplung der radialen Bewegungsmoden und bei bestimmten Speicherparametern zu nichtlinearen Resonanzen. Hierbei werden die Ionenbahnen durch eine Energieaufnahme aus dem Speicherfeld destabilisiert. Dieses kann zu Linienverbreiterungen, einer Limitierung der Kohärenzzeiten und unter Umständen zu einem Ionenverlust führen. Die systematische Untersuchung dieser Instabilitäten in einer linearen Paulfalle erfolgt durch Spektroskopie an einer kleinen Anzahl lasergekühlter ^40Ca^+ - Ionen. Der experimentell zugängliche Speicherbereich wird mit hoher Auflösung abgetastet. Durch eine eingehende Quantifizierung der Falleneigenschaften werden die nichtlinearen Resonanzen eindeutig den erzeugenden Potentialtermen zugeordnet. Die Resonanzlinien zeigen eine charakteristische Aufspaltung, deren Größe vom angelegten Axialpotential bestimmt wird. Diese zusätzliche Kopplung der Radialbewegung an die Axialbewegung führt zu einer modifizierten Resonanzbedingung. Nichtlineare Resonanzen treten massenspezifisch auf. Da eine präzise Kontrolle der Axialpotentiale sehr einfach ist, könnten die beobachteten radial-axial koppelnden Resonanzen eine Anwendung in der Massenspektrometrie finden.


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In case of violation of CPT- and Lorentz Symmetry, the minimal Standard Model Extension (SME) of Kostelecky and coworkers predicts sidereal modulations of atomic transition frequencies as the Earth rotates relative to a Lorentz-violating background field. One method to search for these modulations is the so-called clock-comparison experiment, where the frequencies of co-located clocks are compared as they rotate with respect to the fixed stars. In this work an experiment is presented where polarized 3He and 129Xe gas samples in a glass cell serve as clocks, whose nuclear spin precession frequencies are detected with the help of highly sensitive SQUID sensors inside a magnetically shielded room. The unique feature of this experiment is the fact that the spins are precessing freely, with transverse relaxation times of up to 4.4 h for 129Xe and 14.1 h for 3He. To be sensitive to Lorentz-violating effects, the influence of external magnetic fields is canceled via the weighted difference of the 3He and 129Xe frequencies or phases. The Lorentz-violating SME parameters for the neutron are determined out of a fit on the phase difference data of 7 spin precession measurements of 12 to 16 hours length. The result of the fit gives an upper limit for the equatorial component of the neutron parameter b_n of 3.7×10^(−32) GeV at the 95% confidence level. This value is not limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, but by the strong correlations between the fit parameters. To reduce the correlations and therewith improve the sensitivity of future experiments, it will be necessary to change the time structure of the weighted phase difference, which can be realized by increasing the 129Xe relaxation time.


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We present a new method of laser frequency locking in which the feedback signal is directly proportional to the detuning from an atomic transition, even at detunings many times the natural linewidth of the transition. Our method is a form of sub-Doppler polarization spectroscopy, based on measuring two Stokes parameters (I-2 and I-3) of light transmitted through a vapor cell. It extends the linear capture range of the lock loop by as much as an order of magnitude and provides frequency discrimination equivalent to or better than those of other commonly used locking techniques. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America