980 resultados para asymmetric parallel-kinematics mechanisms


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The paper introduces four families of three-DOFs translational-rotational Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms (PKMs) as well as the mobility analysis of such families using Lie group theory. Two of these families are mechanisms with one-rotational two-translational degrees of freedom (DOFs) and each of the other two has one-translational two-rotational DOFs. Four novel mechanisms are presented and discussed as representatives of these four families. Although these mechanisms are asymmetric, the components used to realise them are very similar and, hence, there is no great departure from the favourable modularity of parallel-kinematics mechanisms.


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The paper introduces a family of three-DOFs translational-rotational Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms (PKMs) as well as the mobility analysis of such family using Lie-group theory. Each member of this family has two-rotational one-translational DOFs. A novel mechanism is presented and analyzed as a representative of that family. The use and the practical value of that modular mechanism are emphasized.


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The paper describes some details of the mechanical and kinematics design of a five-axis mechanism. The design has been utilized to physically realize an industrial-scale five-axis milling machine that can carry a three KW spindle. However, the mechanism could be utilized in other material processing and factory automation applications. The mechanism has five rectilinear joints/axes. Two of these axes are arranged traditionally, i.e. in series, and the other three axes utilize the concept of parallel kinematics. This combination results in a design that allows three translational and two rotational two-mode degrees of freedom (DOFs). The design provides speed, accuracy and cost advantages over traditional five-axis machines. All axes are actuated using linear motors.


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Bragg diffraction peak profiles and intensities in asymmetric (Omega-2theta) diffraction using a mirror-based parallel-beam geometry were compared with symmetric parallel-beam (theta-2theta) and conventional Bragg - Brentano (theta-2theta) diffraction for a powdered quartz sample and the NIST standard reference material (SRM) 660a (LaB6, lanthanum hexaboride). A comparison of the intensities and line widths (full width at half-maximum, FWHM) of these techniques demonstrated that low incident angles (Omega < 5&DEG;) are preferable for the parallel-beam setup. For higher &UOmega; values, if 2θ < 2Omega, mass absorption reduces the intensities significantly compared with the Bragg - Brentano setup. The diffraction peak shapes for the mirror geometry are more asymmetric and have larger FWHM values than corresponding peaks recorded with a Bragg - Brentano geometry. An asymmetric mirror-based parallel-beam geometry offers some advantages in respect of intensity when compared with symmetric geometries, and hence may be well suited to quantitative studies, such as those involving Rietveld analysis. A trial Rietveld refinement of a 50% quartz - 50% corundum mixture was performed and produced adequate results.


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[ES]El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación mediante la programación y control del movimiento de mecanismos de cinemática paralela para la realización de ensayos dinámicos. Dicho proyecto está enmarcado dentro de una línea de investigación del grupo de investigación CompMech de la UPV-­‐EHU que gira en torno al desarrollo y estudio de este tipo de mecanismos. Esto es; este trabajo, más allá de la utilidad que pudiera tener por sí mismo, está pensado para formar parte de un proyecto de mayor envergadura, para cuyo éxito será imprescindible la colaboración con otros investigadores y la integración de este trabajo con los realizados por ellos. Consiste en la creación de un software para el control y movimiento de mecanismos, generando vibraciones para la realización de ensayos dinámicos. Para ello, se programarán sobre la plataforma LabVIEW la interfaz de usuario y el motor de cálculo. Una vez se compruebe que el programa funciona correctamente, se integrará dentro de un programa principal, un control articular que será el encargado de comunicarse con la máquina. Posteriormente, se procederá a la realización de ensayos experimentales sobre los propios robots, en taller. Se tomarán medidas mediante acelerómetros y otros dispositivos, determinando las medidas más adecuadas para su correcta validación. Finalmente, se generalizará el trabajo realizado para posibilitar su empleo futuro en diferentes mecanismos


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[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Grado está enmarcado dentro de un proyecto del grupo de investigación CompMech. El proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela para ensayos dinámicos. Este trabajo fin de grado engloba las tareas necesarias para el estudio del espacio de trabajo del mecanismo y la determinación de las dimensiones más apropiadas desde consideraciones cinemáticas. Se partirá de tres posibles mecanismos, de los que más adelante se seleccionará uno con el que terminar el ciclo de diseño. Para ello el primer paso es el análisis cinemático de los mecanismos. Se resolverán los problemas de posición y de velocidades, que serán los necesarios para el posterior estudio del espacio de trabajo. La resolución de estos problemas se programará en un programa Matlab. Después se obtendrán los espacios de trabajo de cada uno de los mecanismos, así como las posiciones singulares dentro del mismo, y su variación ante variaciones en las dimensiones. Será también de interés determinar las regiones del espacio de trabajo en las que más fácil es efectuar el movimiento del mecanismo. Conocidos los espacios de trabajo de cada mecanismo y su variabilidad con cambios en las dimensiones, se elegirá el mecanismo más apropiado para continuar con el ciclo de diseño. Para la elección se tendrán también en cuenta consideraciones adicionales aportadas por otros miembros del grupo.


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The aim of the work was to reduce the cost and improve the performance of five-axis machines. The main performance criteria were motion cycle-time and positioning accuracy/precision. A novel machine that utilizes the concept of parallel-kinematics and linear motor technology is proposed, designed, built and controlled for this sake.


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A flexure hinge is a flexible connector that can provide a limited rotational motion between two rigid parts by means of material deformation. These connectors can be used to substitute traditional kinematic pairs (like bearing couplings) in rigid-body mechanisms. When compared to their rigid-body counterpart, flexure hinges are characterized by reduced weight, absence of backlash and friction, part-count reduction, but restricted range of motion. There are several types of flexure hinges in the literature that have been studied and characterized for different applications. In our study, we have introduced new types of flexures with curved structures i.e. circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. These flexures have been utilized for both planar applications (e.g. articulated robotic fingers) and spatial applications (e.g. spherical compliant mechanisms). We have derived closed-form compliance equations for both circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. Each element of the spatial compliance matrix is analytically computed as a function of hinge dimensions and employed material. The theoretical model is then validated by comparing analytical data with the results obtained through Finite Element Analysis. A case study is also presented for each class of flexures, concerning the potential applications in the optimal design of planar and spatial compliant mechanisms. Each case study is followed by comparing the performance of these novel flexures with the performance of commonly used geometries in terms of principle compliance factors, parasitic motions and maximum stress demands. Furthermore, we have extended our study to the design and analysis of serial and parallel compliant mechanisms, where the proposed flexures have been employed to achieve spatial motions e.g. compliant spherical joints.


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Os mecanismos amplamente utilizados em aplicações industriais são de tipo serial, porém há algum tempo vem sendo desenvolvidos estudos sobre as vantagens que os mecanismos de arquitetura paralela oferecem em contraposição com os seriais. Rigidez, precisão, altas frequências naturais e velocidade são algumas características que os mecanismos paralelos atribuem a máquinas já consolidadas na indústria, destinadas principalmente nas operações de manipulação (pick and place). Nesse sentido, é relevante o estudo sobre a funcionalidade em outros tipos de operação como a usinagem e, particularmente o fresamento. Para isto, devem-se ainda explorar e desenvolver as capacidades dos mecanismos paralelos em relação à rigidez e à precisão nas operações mencionadas. Foi desenvolvido previamente o projeto e montagem do protótipo de uma máquina fresadora de arquitetura paralela. Também aracterizado pela redundância na atuação para o posicionamento da ferramenta. Com este intuito, pretende-se no trabalho atual, avaliar o erro estático de posicionamento da ferramenta por métodos experimentais, quantificar os deslocamentos, realizar um mapeamento experimental em diversas configurações dos membros. Por outro lado, pretende-se adaptar um modelo numérico simplificado que possa prever as deformações elásticas em diversas configurações, que contemple o efeito de juntas lineares flexíveis e que de alguma forma ajude a identificar as principais fontes de erro. Para tal, foram elaboradas rotinas de programação que através da cinemática inversa e o uso do método dos elementos finitos tentem prever o que de fato acontece nos experimentos. Foi proposta também uma implementação alternativa para o controle do mecanismo através de um software CNC e a conversão de coordenadas cartesianas em coordenadas dos atuadores, isto ajudaria na geração do código G. Finalmente, foram elaboradas algumas trajetórias que tentam avaliar a exatidão e repetitividade do mecanismo além de descrever outras trajetórias livres.


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As demonstrated by the exceptionally successful Delta robot, parallel kinematics Schönflies motion generators (PKSMG) exhibit several advantages over their serial counterparts. Despite its success, the Delta robot suffers from several shortcomings, including a bulky framework and a small workspace-to-footprint ratio. Another drawback is that the kinematic chain generating tool rotation suffers from low torsional stiffness. This letter presents a novel architecture for a nonredundant PKSMG providing infinite tool rotation and an extensive positioning workspace. The workspace and kinematic performance of the proposed architecture are analysed in detail.


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[ES]El objetivo principal del presente Trabajo Fin de Grado es diseñar un interpolador de trayectorias y programarlo en Labview. Para ello, se ha de analizar primeramente la cinemática del mecanismo a utilizar, un robot de cinemática paralela 5R, y calcular su espacio de trabajo. Después, se deducirán y programarán diversos perfiles de velocidades (trapezoidal de velocidades, trapezoidal de aceleraciones y sinusoidal) para moverse en rectas, así como el movimiento en curvas mediante splines. También se hallarán experimentalmente las características de los motores disponibles y se averiguarán las velocidades máximas que puede alcanzar el mecanismo. Así podremos presentar un software que sirva para generar trayectorias para el robot 5R. Se presentan también, entre otros, el presupuesto del proyecto y los riesgos en los que se puede incurrir. El documento finaliza con unos anexos de planos CAD, resultados y código de programación.


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[ES]Este Trabajo consiste en diseñar un robot de cinemática paralela de dos grados de libertad partiendo de unos requisitos mínimos necesarios que habrán de verificarse. A continuación, se fabricará siguiendo dicho diseño para finalmente montarlo sobre unas guías lineales constituyendo así una máquina de cinemática paralela, objetivo final conjunto de este Trabajo añadido al mencionado control de las guías. Resulta de especial interés su particular arquitectura, aspecto clave cuando se pretende un sistema preciso y reducir las vibraciones.


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[ES]Este trabajo presenta un algoritmo automatizado cuyo resultado es la determinación de las ganancias óptimas del lazo de control de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela. En concreto se ha aplicado al mecanismo 5R, aunque el método es válido para cualquier otro mecanismo introduciendo el modelo mecatrónico correspondiente. Permite disponer de un procedimiento para poder elegir en un futuro la combinación de motor y reductora más apropiada para un determinado mecanismo evitando realizar adquisiciones sobredimensionadas, como ocurrió con el mecanismo en cuestión.


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Sixty-four sets of three-dimensional models of DNA triplex base triplets (TBT) were built up based on codons by homologous modeling method and their energies were minimized. According to sequence of TBT and orientation of the third ODN strand third, the energies of monomers and water-K+-TBT ternary complexes of TBT were analyzed. The results showed: (i) The energies of the symmetric parallel monomers are generally lower than those of the symmetric anti-parallel monomers of TBT, but the energies of the symmetric parallel ternary complexes are higher than those of the symmetric anti-parallel ternary complexes of TBT. (ii) No matter TBTs are monomers or ternary complexes, the energies of asymmetric parallel TBTs are generally lower than those of the asymmetric anti-parallel ones. (iii) Although the energies of the parallel TBTs are correlated with those of the anti-parallel ones, the energy differences are significant between them. The results here suggest the sequences of TBTs and the orientations of the third ODN strands are two of the key factors that can influence the formation and stability of TBT. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We built 64 sets of 3D models of DNA triplex base triplets (TBT) and minimized their energies. The TBTs were divided into 32 pairs of conjugated ones on the basis of their sequence characteristic, and the energies of each pair of them were compared and analyzed, the results showed: (i) The duplex DNA of which any strand contains at least a couple of A or T, has a preference for selecting the oligodeoxyribonucleic acid (ODN) strand containing abundant T to form TBT. (ii) The duplex DNA of which any strand contains at least a couple of G or C has a preference for selecting ODN containing abundant G to form symmetric antiparallel TBT, but selecting ODN containing abundant C to form asymmetric parallel TBT. (iii) The duplex DNA of which any strand contains only one of A, T, G or C has a preference for selecting ODN containing abundant pyrimidines (T or C) to form antiparallel TBT. Additionally, two examples of TBTs applications, in designing ODN to form triplex with duplex were presented. The energy calculation result revealed that 15-TCG is the best ligand of the HIV PPT duplex. The comparative analysis of energies of the conjugated TBTs provides directive significance for designing ODN strand that is easy to form triplex in theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.