998 resultados para ascorbate-glutathione cycle


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We investigated the relationship between H2O2 metabolism and the senescence process using soluble fractions, mitochondria, and peroxisomes from senescent pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. After 11 d of senescence the activities of Mn-superoxide dismutase, dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), and glutathione reductase (GR) present in the matrix, and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) activities localized in the mitochondrial membrane, were all substantially decreased in mitochondria. The mitochondrial ascorbate and dehydroascorbate pools were reduced, whereas the oxidized glutathione levels were maintained. In senescent leaves the H2O2 content in isolated mitochondria and the NADH- and succinate-dependent production of superoxide (O2·−) radicals by submitochondrial particles increased significantly. However, in peroxisomes from senescent leaves both membrane-bound APX and MDHAR activities were reduced. In the matrix the DHAR activity was enhanced and the GR activity remained unchanged. As a result of senescence, the reduced and the oxidized glutathione pools were considerably increased in peroxisomes. A large increase in the glutathione pool and DHAR activity were also found in soluble fractions of senescent pea leaves, together with a decrease in GR, APX, and MDHAR activities. The differential response to senescence of the mitochondrial and peroxisomal ascorbate-glutathione cycle suggests that mitochondria could be affected by oxidative damage earlier than peroxisomes, which may participate in the cellular oxidative mechanism of leaf senescence longer than mitochondria.


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谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR,EC1.6.4.2)是一重要的抗氧化酶,许多生理学和遗传工程研究都证明GR酶在抗氧化中的重要作用。但改变GR酶怎样影响植物的抗氧化系统却不清楚。GR是抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环途径中的重要组成部分,其功能必然与其密切相关。本文用RNAi技术获得具有较低GR酶活性的转基因烟草,系统测定了非胁迫条件和胁迫条件下抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环的变化,得出以下主要结果: 1.选择一烟草叶绿体GR酶编码基因(X76293, gi: 431954)进行RNAi载体构建,构建好的双元载体转化根癌农杆菌LBA4404,然后侵染转化烟草叶圆片。获得的转基因烟草具有30-70%的GR酶活性。分子检测结果表明GR在RNA和蛋白水平上与GR酶活性的变化一致。文中我们第一次用2-D电泳对烟草中GR同工酶进行分析,并确定发生抑制的GR同工酶在细胞中的定位。2-D电泳后的Western杂交检测到烟草的10种GR同工酶,pI值分布在4.5-6.3,其中3种GR同工酶定位在叶绿体内,其蛋白量占据所有GR酶含量的大部分。RNAi发生在叶绿体内和叶绿体外,表明发生抑制的GR同工酶的基因序列具有很高的同源性。igr转基因烟草在表型上与野生型对照烟草无明显差异。 2.所有igr转基因植株和对照植株中的活性氧(O2-和H2O2)、MDA含量和光合作用都无明显差异,表明正常生长条件下GR酶活性的降低不会引起氧化胁迫。测定正常生长条件下igr转基因烟草中谷胱甘肽库的变化。结果表明与对照烟草相比,GR酶活性降低70%会引起转基因植株中GSH/GSSG比率明显降低,而GSH和GSSG的含量稍有增加;测定抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环的变化,结果显示igr转基因烟草中DHAR和MDHAR的酶活性升高,表明非胁迫条件下较低的GR酶活性可能会诱导抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环不能正常的运转。这一作用可能与改变的谷胱甘肽库有关。GR酶活性降低30%的转基因烟草中未检测到这些变化,表明70%的GR酶活对于非胁迫条件下igr转基因烟草可能是足够的。 3. MV处理结果显示,igr转基因烟草的离体叶圆片和活体植株在MV处理后都发生比对照烟草严重的光漂白作用。igr转基因烟草的活性氧和MDA含量明显高于对照烟草,igr转基因烟草的光合作用明显低于对照烟草。以上这些指标表明igr转基因烟草对MV处理更为敏感。MV处理条件下igr转基因烟草谷胱甘肽的含量明显高于对照烟草,但是GSH/GSSG的比率明显低于对照烟草,GR酶活性仍明显低于对照烟草,表明在MV胁迫条件下igr转基因烟草中较低的GR酶活性不能有效的将GSSG还原生成GSH。igr转基因烟草中较高的谷胱甘肽净含量说明其谷胱甘肽的合成能力提高,但这仍不能补偿胁迫条件下较低GR酶引起的GSH/GSSG比率降低。MV处理条件下igr转基因烟草和对照烟草相比ASC的含量大大降低,导致DHA/ASC明显升高。测定MDHAR和DHAR的结果表明,MV处理后igr转基因烟草的MDHAR酶活性明显降低,这表明较低的GR酶活性引起ASC再生循环受到抑制。MV处理后较低的GR酶还引起igr转基因烟草中APX的活性大大降低。以上这些结果表明MV处理条件下降低GR酶活性会削弱抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环,从而引起活性氧的大量积累,造成严重的氧化伤害。 4.低温处理的结果和MV处理的结果稍有不同。在GR酶活性较高的i2转基因烟草中所有检测指标与对照烟草无明显差异。而GR酶活性较低的i21、i28和i42植株与对照烟草相比表现出明显差异。低温下生长的对照烟草叶绿素含量明显高于i21、i28和i42植株。i21、i28和i42中活性氧(O2-和H2O2)和MDA的含量都明显高于对照烟草,表明低温处理下i21、i28和i42受到更严重的胁迫伤害。与MV处理后的变化相似,低温处理后i21、i28和i42中较低的 GR酶活性导致GSH/GSSG大大降低,ASC再生循环受抑制,APX活性明显降低,从而使抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环不能高效的清除活性氧,导致ROS和MDA的大量积累,造成严重的低温伤害。


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The aim of this study was to test the protective roles of superoxide dismutases (SODs), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione reductase (GR) against oxidative damage and their activities in different phases of the dry down process in Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. leaves. Drought stress was imposed during 100 consecutive days and rewatering after 16, 72, and 100 days. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde, and SODs activities were elevated significantly with progressing drought stress. POD and CAT activities increased markedly in the early phase of drought and decreased significantly with further drought stress continuation, and POD activity was unable to recover after rewatering. Ascorbate, reduced glutathione, APX, and GR activities declined in the initial stages of drought process, elevated significantly with further increasing water deficit progression and recovered after rewatering. These results indicate that: (1) iron SODs-removing superoxide anion is very effective during the whole drought stress; (2) CAT scavenges H2O2 in the early phase of drought and enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle scavenge H2O2 in further increasing drought stress; and (3) POD does not contribute to protect against oxidative damage caused by H2O2 under drought stress.


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Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se determinar e compreender melhor quais os alvos do Alumínio (Al) nas plantas, e contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de tolerância presentes em genótipos com elevado grau de tolerância ao Al. O Al é um dos maiores constituintes do solo e torna-se biodisponível em solos com baixo pH. Nesses casos, a exposição ao Al afecta negativamente o crescimento das plantas conduzindo a uma diminuição da produção. Estes factos são especialmente visíveis nos cereais, sendo a exposição ao Al uma das principais causas das quebras de produção nestas espécies. O Capítulo I consiste numa revisão geral sobre a toxicidade do Al nas plantas, apontando os seus principais alvos. Apresenta também os mecanismos de resistência, que inclui Al-destoxificação externa e interna, em diferentes espécies. O Capítulo II aborda os estudos sobre a exposição de curto prazo ao Al em duas espécies de cereais: Triticum aestivum L. e Secale cereale L., tendo-se sempre utilizado um genótipo Al-tolerante e um Al-sensível para cada espécie. Este capítulo está dividido em três estudos: no Capítulo II.1 realça-se o efeito da exposição a 185 μM de Al no equilíbrio nutricional em trigo. Verificou-se que em ambos os genótipos (sensível e tolerante) o perfil de macro e micro nutrientes se alterou, tendo uma interferência negativa, sobretudo no nível de P, Mg e K. Além disso, registaram-se diferenças na diferenciação da endoderme consoante o grau de tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo. No Capítulo II.2 apresenta-se uma visão mais abrangente dos efeitos da exposição a 185 μM de Al em trigo, incluindo parâmetros fisiológicos, estruturais, citológicos e genotóxicos. Demonstra-se, pela primeira vez, que a progressão do ciclo celular é diferentemente regulada, dependendo da tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo e que, mesmo em zonas já diferenciadas da raiz a exposição ao Al leva à deposição de calose. O Capítulo II.3 aborda os efeitos da exposição de 1.1 mM de Al em centeio, numa perspectiva bastante alargada. Apresenta-se o desequilíbrio nutricional, sobretudo no genótipo sensível, assim como a translocação de Al para a parte aérea nesse mesmo genótipo. Analisa-se também o comportamento de ambos os genótipos no que se refere ao ciclo celular, diferenciação da endoderme, crescimento radicular, reservas de hidratos de carbono, entre outros. Os resultados apontam para estratégias bem definidas adoptadas pelo genótipo tolerante de forma a minimizar a acção do Al no sistema radicular. O Capítulo III compreende a exposição longa ao Al. Dois genótipos de centeio com diferentes graus de tolerância ao Al foram expostos a 1.11 mM e 1.85 mM de Al durante 21 dias, tendo sido usados dois pontos de amostragem (15 e 21 dias). Este capítulo está dividido em dois estudos: No Capítulo III. 1 analisamse os mecanismos antioxidantes (folhas e raízes) como resposta à exposição ao Al, dando-se especial atenção ao ciclo do ascorbato-glutationas. A exposição ao Al levou a stress oxidativo e a alterações na actividade de enzimas antioxidantes e no conteúdo de antioxidantes não-enzimáticos. Demonstra-se que os dois órgãos apresentam respostas diferentes à exposição ao Al e que a capacidade de sobreviver em ambientes ricos em Al depende da eficácia da resposta antioxidante. Para além disso, a resposta do ciclo ascorbato-glutationas parece estar dependente do tipo de órgão, grau de tolerância e do tempo de exposição ao Al. No Capítulo III. 2 analisam-se os efeitos da exposição ao Al na fotossíntese. Verificou-se que o Al afecta negativamente a taxa fotossintética em ambos os genótipos, embora as alterações que o Al provoca nas trocas gasosas e no Ciclo de Calvin sejam dependentes do genótipo. Verificou-se também que os danos no genótipo sensível surgem mais cedo do que no genótipo tolerante, mas que ambos apresentam susceptibilidade ao Al após exposição de longo termo. Por fim, no Capítulo IV são apresentadas as conclusões da Tese de Doutoramento.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A comparative proteomic approach was performed to identify differentially expressed proteins in plastids at three stages of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit ripening (mature-green, breaker, red). Stringent curation and processing of the data from three independent replicates identified 1,932 proteins among which 1,529 were quantified by spectral counting. The quantification procedures have been subsequently validated by immunoblot analysis of six proteins representative of distinct metabolic or regulatory pathways. Among the main features of the chloroplast-to-chromoplast transition revealed by the study, chromoplastogenesis appears to be associated with major metabolic shifts: (1) strong decrease in abundance of proteins of light reactions (photosynthesis, Calvin cycle, photorespiration) and carbohydrate metabolism (starch synthesis/degradation), mostly between breaker and red stages and (2) increase in terpenoid biosynthesis (including carotenoids) and stress-response proteins (ascorbate-glutathione cycle, abiotic stress, redox, heat shock). These metabolic shifts are preceded by the accumulation of plastid-encoded acetyl Coenzyme A carboxylase D proteins accounting for the generation of a storage matrix that will accumulate carotenoids. Of particular note is the high abundance of proteins involved in providing energy and in metabolites import. Structural differentiation of the chromoplast is characterized by a sharp and continuous decrease of thylakoid proteins whereas envelope and stroma proteins remain remarkably stable. This is coincident with the disruption of the machinery for thylakoids and photosystem biogenesis (vesicular trafficking, provision of material for thylakoid biosynthesis, photosystems assembly) and the loss of the plastid division machinery. Altogether, the data provide new insights on the chromoplast differentiation process while enriching our knowledge of the plant plastid proteome.


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The response of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle was investigated in roots of young wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings that were deprived of oxygen either by subjecting them to root hypoxia or to entire plant anoxia and then re-aerated. Although higher total levels of ascorbate and glutathione were observed under hypoxia, only the total amount of ascorbate was increased under anoxia. Under both treatments a significant increase in the reduced form of ascorbate and glutathione was found, resulting in increased reduction states. Upon the onset of re-aeration the ratios started to decline rapidly, indicating oxidative stress. Hypoxia caused higher activity of ascorbate peroxidase, whereas activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione reductase were diminished or only slightly influenced. Under anoxia, activities of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase decreased significantly to 39 and 62%, respectively. However, after re-aeration of hypoxically or anoxically pretreated roots, activity of enzymes approached the control levels. This corresponds with the restoration of the high reduction state of ascorbate and glutathione within 16 to 96 h of re-aeration, depending on the previous duration of anoxia. Apparently, anoxia followed by re-aeration more severely impairs entire plant metabolism compared with hypoxia, thus leading to decreased viability.


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Thrombocytopenia in methotrexate (MTX)-treated cancer and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients connotes the interference of MTX with platelets. Hence, it seemed appealing to appraise the effect of MTX on platelets. Thereby, the mechanism of action of MTX on platelets was dissected. MTX (10 mu M) induced activation of pro-apoptotic proteins Bid, Bax and Bad through JNK phosphorylation leading Delta psi m dissipation, cytochrome c release and caspase activation, culminating in apoptosis. The use of specific inhibitor for JNK abrogates the MTX-induced activation of pro-apoptotic proteins and downstream events confirming JNK phosphorylation by MTX as a key event. We also demonstrate that platelet mitochondria as prime sources of ROS which plays a central role in MTX-induced apoptosis. Further, MTX induces oxidative stress by altering the levels of ROS and glutathione cycle. In parallel, the clinically approved thiol antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and its derivative N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA) proficiently alleviate MTX-induced platelet apoptosis and oxidative damage. These findings underpin the dearth of research on interference of therapeutic drugs with platelets, despite their importance in human health and disease. Therefore, the use of antioxidants as supplementary therapy seems to be a safe bet in pathologies associated with altered platelet functions.


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Ascorbate peroxidase (AP) is a key enzyme that scavenges potentially harmful H2O2 and thus prevents oxidative damage in plants, especially in N2-fixing legume root nodules. The present study demonstrates that the nodule endodermis of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) root nodules contains elevated levels of AP protein, as well as the corresponding mRNA transcript and substrate (ascorbate). Enhanced AP protein levels were also found in cells immediately peripheral to the infected region of soybean (Glycine max), pea (Pisum sativum), clover (Trifolium pratense), and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) nodules. Regeneration of ascorbate was achieved by (homo)glutathione and associated enzymes of the ascorbate-glutathione pathway, which were present at high levels. The presence of high levels of antioxidants suggests that respiratory consumption of O2 in the endodermis or nodule parenchyma may be an essential component of the O2-diffusion barrier that regulates the entry of O2 into the central region of nodules and ensures optimal functioning of nitrogenase.


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A series of secondary and tertiary amide-substituted diselenides were synthesized and studied for their GPx-like antioxidant activities using H2O2 Cum-OOH, and tBuOOH as substrates and PhSH as thiol co-substrate.The effect of substitution at the free -NH group of the amide moiety in the sec-amide-based diselenides on GPx activity was analyzed by detailed experimental and theoretical methods. It is observed that substitution at the free -NH group significantly enhances the GPx-like activities of the sec-amide-based diselenides, mainly by reducing the Se center dot center dot center dot O nonbonded interactions. The reduction in strength of the Se center dot center dot center dot O interaction upon introduction of N,N-dialkyl substituents not only prevents the undesired thiol exchange reactions, but also reduces the stability of selenenyl sulfide intermediates. This leads to a facile disproportionation of the selenenyl sulfide to the corresponding diselenide, which enhances the catalytic activity. The mechanistic investigations indicate that the reactivity of diselenides having sec-or tert-amide moieties with PhSH is extremely slow; indicating that the first step of the catalytic cycle involves the reaction between the diselenides and peroxide to produce the corresponding selenenic and seleninic acids.


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The first examples of stable spirodiazaselenurane and spirodiazatellurane were synthesized by oxidative spirocyclization of the corresponding diaryl selenide and telluride and were structurally characterized. X-ray crystal structures of the spirodiazaselenurane and spirodiazatellurane suggest that the structures are distorted trigonal bipyramidal (TBP) with the electronegative nitrogen atoms occupying the apical positions and two carbon atoms and the lone pair of Se/Te occupying the equatorial positions. Interestingly, the spirodiazatellurane underwent spontaneous chiral resolution during crystallization, and the absolute configurations of its enantiomers were confirmed by single-crystal X-ray analyses. A detailed mechanistic study indicates that the cyclization to spirodiazaselenurane and spirodiazatellurane occurs via selenoxide and telluroxide intermediates. The chalcogenoxides cyclize to the corresponding spiro compounds in a stepwise manner via the involvement of hydroxyl chalcogenurane intermediates, and the activation energy for them spirocyclization reaction decreases in the order S > Se > Te. In addition to the synthesis, characterization, and mechanism of cyclization, the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mimetic activity of the newly synthesized compounds was evaluated. These studies suggest that the tellurium compounds are more effective as GPx mimics than their selenium counterparts due to the fast oxidation of the tellurium center in the presence of peroxide and the involvement of an efficient redox cycle between the telluride and telluroxide intermediate.


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In this work, several tertiary amine-based diaryl diselenides were synthesized and evaluated for their glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-like antioxidant activities using hydrogen peroxide, tert-butyl hydroperoxide and cumene hydroperoxide as substrates and thiophenol (PhSH) and glutathione (GSH) as co-substrates. A comparison of the GPx-like activity of 4-methoxy-substituted N,N-dialkylbenzylamine-based diselenides with that of the corresponding 6-methoxy-substituted compounds indicates that the activity highly depends on the position of the methoxy substituent. Although the methoxy group at 4- and 6-position alters the electronic properties of selenium, the substitution at the 6-position provides the required steric protection for some of the key intermediates in the catalytic cycle. A detailed experimental and theoretical investigation reveals that the 6-methoxy substituent prevents the undesired thiol exchange reactions at the selenium centers in the selenenyl sulfide intermediates. The 6-methoxy substituent also prevents the formation of seleninic and selenonic acids. When PhSH is used as the thiol co-substrate, the 4-methoxy-substituted diselenides exhibit GPx-like activity similar to that of the parent compounds as the 4-methoxy substituent does not block the selenium center in the selenenyl sulfide intermediates from thiol exchange reactions. In contrast, the 4-methoxy substituent significantly enhances the GPx-like activity of the diselenides when glutathione (GSH) is used as the co-substrate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) is a key selenoenzyme that protects biomolecules from oxidative damage. Extensive research has been carried out to design and synthesize small organoselenium compounds as functional mimics of GPx. While the catalytic mechanism of the native enzyme itself is poorly understood, the synthetic mimics follow different catalytic pathways depending upon the structures and reactivities of various intermediates formed in the catalytic cycle. The steric as well as electronic environments around the selenium atom not only modulate the reactivity of these synthetic mimics towards peroxides and thiols, but also the catalytic mechanisms. The catalytic cycle of small GPx mimics is also dependent on the nature of peroxides and thiols used in the study. In this review, we discuss how the catalytic mechanism varies with the substituents attached to the selenium atom.