937 resultados para aromatic alcohols
With new photocatalysts of gold nanoparticles supported on zeolite supports (Au/zeolite), oxidation of benzyl alcohol and its derivatives into the corresponding aldehydes can proceed well with a high selectivity (99%) under visible light irradiation at ambient temperature. Au/zeolite photocatalysts were characterized by UV/Vis, XPS, TEM, XRD, EDS, BET, IR, and Raman techniques. The Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) effect of gold nanoparticles, the adsorption capability of zeolite supports, and the molecular polarities of aromatic alcohols were demonstrated to have an essential correlation with the photocatalytic performances. In addition, the effects of light intensity, wavelength range, and the role of molecular oxygen were investigated in detail. The kinetic study indicated that the visible light irradiation required much less apparent activation energy for photooxidation compared with thermal reaction. Based on the characterization data and the photocatalytic performances, we proposed a possible photooxidation mechanism.
We find that visible light irradiation of gold–palladium alloy nanoparticles supported on photocatalytically inert ZrO2 significantly enhances their catalytic activity for oxidant-free dehydrogenation of aromatic alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes at ambient temperatures. Dehydrogenation is also the dominant process in the selective oxidation of the alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes with molecular oxygen. The alloy nanoparticles strongly absorb light and exhibit superior catalytic and photocatalytic activity when compared to either pure palladium or gold nanoparticles. Analysis with a free electron gas model for the bulk alloy structure reveals that the alloying increases the surface charge heterogeneity on the alloy particle surface, which enhances the interaction between the alcohol molecules and the metal NPs. The increased surface charge heterogeneity of the alloy particles is confirmed with density function theory applied to small alloy clusters. Optimal catalytic activity was observed with a Au : Pd molar ratio of 1 : 186, which is in good agreement with the theoretical analysis. The rate-determining step of the dehydrogenation is hydrogen abstraction. The conduction electrons of the nanoparticles are photo-excited by the incident light giving them the necessary energy to be injected into the adsorbed alcohol molecules, promoting the hydrogen abstraction. The strong chemical adsorption of alcohol molecules facilitates this electron transfer. The results show that the alloy nanoparticles efficiently couple thermal and photonic energy sources to drive the dehydrogenation. These findings provide useful insight into the design of catalysts that utilize light for various organic syntheses at ambient temperatures.
This thesis is an innovative study for organic synthesis using supported gold nanoparticles as photocatalysts under visible light irradiation. It especially examines a novel green process for efficient hydroamination of alkynes with amines. The investigation of other traditional reduction and oxidation reactions also adds significantly to the knowledge of gold nanoparticles and titania nanofibres as photocatalysts for organic synthesis.
Os espumantes produzidos segundo o método Champanhês são obtidos após uma segunda fermentação em garrafa. Quando o vinho é vertido no copo, o CO2 produzido é libertado, sendo a espuma formada o resultado da sua interacção com os constituintes do vinho. A quantidade e a estabilidade da espuma do vinho espumante estão relacionadas com a sua composição química. Para além da espuma, o aroma é também um parâmetro importante de qualidade na apreciação geral de um vinho espumante. O aroma de um vinho espumante provém do contributo das uvas assim como do processo fermentativo. Dependendo do estado de maturação da uva, o contributo dos compostos voláteis para o aroma é diferente. Em virtude da vindima para os vinhos espumantes ser realizada antes da vindima para os vinhos maduros, dependendo da variedade, as uvas poderão não ser colhidas na expressão máxima do seu aroma, podendo verificar-se uma perda significativa do seu potencial varietal volátil. O objectivo desta dissertação é relacionar o aroma e a espuma dos vinhos espumantes com o potencial enológico das uvas e dos vinhos. Para isso, foi estudada a composição volátil das duas castas principais da Bairrada, a casta branca Fernão-Pires (FP) e a casta tinta Baga (BG), sendo estas duas das castas usadas para a produção de espumante. Para estudar a composição volátil das uvas durante a maturação, com vista a avaliar este efeito na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis, foi optimizada para este propósito a metodologia de microextracção em fase sólida em espaço de cabeça (HS-SPME). As uvas foram colhidas semanalmente, em duas vinhas, do pintor à pós-maturidade sendo posteriormente analisadas pela metodologia de HS-SPME seguida de cromatografia de gás acoplada à espectrometria de massa com quadrupolo (GC–qMS). No caso das uvas BG, observou-se um aumento acentuado na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis próximo da maturidade da uva determinada pelo teor em açúcar e acidez titulável, mantendo-se constante durante a pós-maturidade. Na determinação do perfil volátil das uvas ao longo da maturação foram identificados 66 compostos varietais nas uvas provenientes de uma vinha (Pedralvites) e 45 da outra vinha (Colégio). Em ambas as vinhas foram identificados 23 sesquiterpenóides, 13 monoterpenóides, 6 norisoprenóides, 2 álcoois aromáticos e 1 diterpenóide. Os sesquiterpenóides, devido à sua abundância em número e em área cromatográfica, podem ser considerados marcadores da casta BG. As uvas FP apresentaram um comportamento diferente do das uvas BG, sendo a expressão máxima de compostos voláteis expressa durante um curto período de tempo (1 semana), que coincide com a maturidade da uva. Depois de atingido este pico, observa-se uma diminuição drástica logo na semana seguinte. Este comportamento foi observado em ambas as vinhas, onde foram identificados 20 compostos voláteis varietais e 5 pré-fermentativos (álcoois e aldeídos em C6). Estes resultados mostram que quando estas castas são colhidas precocemente (1 semana antes da maturidade) para a produção de espumante, é observada uma redução significativa do potencial volátil que é expresso na maturidade. Para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes foi optimizada uma metodologia de microextracção que permite usar uma maior quantidade de fase estacionária, a extracção sorptiva em barra de agitação (SBSE). O método foi optimizado usando 10 padrões de compostos voláteis representativos das principais famílias químicas presentes no vinho, nomeadamente, ésteres, monoterpenóides, sesquiterpenóides, norisoprenóides em C13 e álcoois. O método proposto apresenta uma boa linearidade (r2 > 0,982) e a reprodutibilidade varia entre 8,9 e 17,8%. Os limites de detecção para a maioria dos compostos é bastante baixo, entre 0,05 e 9,09 μg L-1. O método foi aplicado para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes. Dentro dos vinhos espumantes analisados, foi estudada a influência da casta, do tipo de solo e do estado de maturação das uvas na sua composição volátil. A casta FP pode dar origem a vinhos com maior potencial de aroma do que a casta BG. Relativamente à avaliação dos diferentes estados de maturação, verificou-se que as uvas da maturidade e as da colheita tardia (uma semana depois da maturidade) deram origem aos vinhos com maior quantidade de compostos voláteis. Para os três tipos de solo estudados (arenoso, argiloso e argilo-calcário), o vinho obtido a partir de uvas colhidas no solo argilo-calcário foi o que mostrou a maior concentração de compostos voláteis varietais. A espuma destes vinhos espumantes foi também avaliada quanto à sua quantidade máxima (HM) e tempo de estabilidade (TS). O vinho espumante que apresentou um maior TS foi o vinho produzido a partir da casta FP proveniente de uma colheita tardia e solo argiloso. Os vinhos provenientes dos solos arenosos e argilo-calcários são os que apresentaram valores mais baixos de TS. Com vista a avaliar quais os conjuntos de moléculas do vinho que estão relacionados com as propriedades da espuma e possíveis sinergismos entre eles, para cada vinho espumante foi separada a fracção hidrofóbica de baixo peso molecular (MeLMW), a fracção de elevado peso molecular (HMW) e duas fracções de peso molecular intermédio (AqIMW e MeIMW). As propriedades da espuma dos vinhos modelo, reconstituídos com estas fracções e suas misturas, foram avaliadas. A combinação da fracção HMW com a MeLMW aumentou o TS 2,7 vezes quando comparado com o observado para a fracção HMW isoladamente, produzindo um efeito sinergético. Este aumento do TS ainda foi maior quando se combinou a fracção HMW com as subfracções obtidas a partir da fracção MeLMW, principalmente para as fracções menos apolares. A subfracção hidrofóbica menos apolar foi caracterizada por espectrometria de massa de ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS/MS) tendo sido identificada uma série de oligómeros de polietileno glicol e um potencial composto tensioactivo, o 8-hidroxi-tridecanoato de dietilenoglicolglicerilacetato. A fracção MeLMW foi também isolada da espuma do vinho espumante e caracterizada por ESI-MS/MS, permitindo identificar vários compostos potenciais tensioactivos, nomeadamente, dois monoacilgliceróis e quatro derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol. Estes resultados confirmam que estes compostos relacionados com a estabilidade da espuma existem em maior número na espuma do que no vinho. O vinho foi ainda fraccionado em 12 grupos de moléculas: 3 fracções de manoproteínas, 3 de arabinogalactanas, 3 de misturas de polissacarídeos, proteínas e compostos fenólicos e 3 fracções de peso molecular intermédio e baixo, compostas por uma mistura de hidratos de carbono, peptídeos e compostos fenólicos. Foram usados vinhos modelo reconstituídos com cada uma das fracções isoladas na concentração em que estas se encontraram no vinho. Foram também efectuados ensaios com soluções modelo dez vezes mais concentradas e com misturas de algumas das fracções. Todas as soluções formadas foram avaliadas quanto às propriedades da espuma. O aumento da concentração para dez vezes faz com que a solução contendo a fracção rica em manoproteínas (MP1) aumente para mais do dobro a HM e 7,4 vezes mais o TS. A combinação entre a fracção MP1 e a MeLMW produziu um aumento significativo nos parâmetros de HM e TS. A combinação da fracção HMW (manoproteínas com baixo teor em proteína) com a MeLMW (tensioactivos derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol) contém os compostos chave de um vinho espumante para se obter uma maior quantidade e estabilidade da espuma.
Ce mémoire décrit la synthèse, la caractérisation spectroscopique et l’étude de la réactivité catalytique d’une nouvelle série de complexes pinceurs de Ni(II) formés à partir du ligand POCOPPh (P,C,P-2,6-{Ph2PO}2C6H4), très peu étudié dans le cas du nickel. Les études décrites dans ce mémoire examinent l’effet des substituants des phosphines sur les propriétés spectroscopiques et électrochimiques ainsi que les activités catalytiques. La synthèse du ligand a été améliorée par rapport à la procédure connue dans la littérature en diminuant le temps de réaction à 30 min et la température jusqu'à température ambiante. Les composés pinceur (P,C,P-2,6-{Ph2PO}2C6H3)NiX ont été obtenus avec des rendements variant entre 60% et 88%. Le premier complexe a été synthétisé en faisant réagir le précurseur NiBr2(NCCH3)x avec le ligand POCOPPh pour donner (POCOPPh)NiBr. Ce dernier réagit par la suite avec les sels d’argent et de potassium pour donner 4 nouveaux complexes soient : (POCOPPh)NiCN, (POCOPPh)NiOTf, (POCOPPh)NiOAc et (POCOPPh)NiONO2 (OTf = triflate et OAc = acetate). Vu la réactivité limitée du dérivé bromure, le dérivé (POCOPPh)NiOTf a été utilisé pour la préparation du composé (POCOPPh)NiCCPh. Le dérivé Ni-OTf a été utilisé également pour la synthèse des complexes (POCOPPh)NiR qui ont été détectés par RMN. Ces complexes (POCOPPh)NiR ont montré une stabilité trop faible et donnent des nouveaux complexes de type (POCOPPh)NiX en échangeant l’halogène avec le Mg ou de type (POCOPPh)NiOH en s’hydrolysant. Les espèces cationiques [(POCOPPh)NiNCR][OTf] (R= Me, CHCH2, CHCHMe, C(Me)CH2, NCCH2CH2N(Ph)H) ont été obtenues facilement et avec des bon rendements à partir du (POCOPPh)NiOTf. Tous les composés obtenus ont été caractérisés par la spectroscopie RMN (1H, 13C{1H}, 31P{1H}, 19F{1H}), la spectroscopie IR et la spectroscopie UV-vis. L’analyse élémentaire et l’analyse par la diffraction des rayons X, dont le but est de résoudre la structure à l’état solide, ont été utilisées pour la plupart des complexes. Des études de voltampérométrie cyclique ont été menées pour déterminer la densité électronique des centres métalliques et l’effet des phosphines sur cette propriété électrochimique. Dans le but de déterminer l’effet des substituants des phosphines sur l’activité catalytique des complexes, nous avons évalué les réactivités catalytiques des deux complexes (POCOPPh)NiOTf et (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf dans la réaction d’hydroamination des oléfines activés et plus spécifiquement l’acrylonitrile. Après optimisation des conditions expérimentales, on a constaté que la réactivité des deux composés sont similaires mais une grande différence apparaît après l’ajout des additifs. En effet, le complexe (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf donne une bonne activité catalytique en présence de la triéthylamine, tandis que cette activité diminue considérablement en présence d’eau, contrairement au complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf qui est plus actif en présence d’eau. Dans le cas du complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf, on a pu montrer que la base se coordonne au nickel dans le produit formé après la réaction d’hydroamination, ce qui diminue l’activité de ce complexe dans certains cas. Également on a exploré la réaction de l’addition du lien O-H sur l’acrylonitrile, et étonnamment le complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf est beaucoup plus actif que son homologue (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf dans le cas des alcools aromatiques. Par contre, les alcools aliphatiques restent un défi majeur pour ce genre de complexe. Le mécanisme de cette réaction qui a été proposé montre que l’alcoolyse passe par les deux intermédiaires (POCOPPh)NiOAr et [(POCOPPh)NiOAr][HOAr] mais l’isolation de ces intermédiaires observés par RMN semble être difficile.
In present research, headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–qMS), was evaluated as a reliable and improved alternative to the commonly used liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) technique for the establishment of the pattern of hydrolytically released components of 7 Vitis vinifera L. grape varieties, commonly used to produce the world-famous Madeira wine. Since there is no data available on their glycosidic fractions, at a first step, two hydrolyse procedures, acid and enzymatic, were carried out using Boal grapes as matrix. Several parameters susceptible of influencing the hydrolytic process were studied. The best results, expressed as GC peak area, number of identified components and reproducibility, were obtained using ProZym M with b-glucosidase activity at 35 °C for 42 h. For the extraction of hydrolytically released components, HS-SPME technique was evaluated as a reliable and improved alternative to the conventional extraction technique, LLE (ethyl acetate). HS-SPME using DVB/CAR/PDMS as coating fiber displayed an extraction capacity two fold higher than LLE (ethyl acetate). The hydrolyzed fraction was mainly characterized by the occurrence of aliphatic and aromatic alcohols, followed by acids, esters, carbonyl compounds, terpenoids, and volatile phenols. Concerning to terpenoids its contribution to the total hydrolyzed fraction is highest for Malvasia Cândida (23%) and Malvasia Roxa (13%), and their presence according previous studies, even at low concentration, is important from a sensorial point of view (can impart floral notes to the wines), due to their low odor threshold (μg/L). According to the obtained data by principal component analysis (PCA), the sensorial properties of Madeira wines produced by Malvasia Cândida and Malvasia Roxa could be improved by hydrolysis procedure, since their hydrolyzed fraction is mainly characterized by terpenoids (e.g. linalool, geraniol) which are responsible for floral notes. Bual and Sercial grapes are characterized by aromatic alcohols (e.g. benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethyl alcohol), so an improvement in sensorial characteristics (citrus, sweet and floral odors) of the corresponding wines, as result of hydrolytic process, is expected.
Candida albicans is a common opportunistic, dimorphic human fungal pathogen. One of its virulence factors is the morphological switch between yeasts and hyphal or pseudohyphal forms, which can invade tissues and cause damage. Our studies focus on factors regulating pseudohyphae and epigenetic modifications of C. albicans. Regulating factors of pseudohyphae are aromatic alcohols and high phosphate. At low concentrations, exogenous aromatic alcohols induced pseudohyphae, as did high phosphate. For addressing the pathways involved in inducing pseudohyphae by aromatic alcohols or high phosphate, we used mutants defective in cAMP dependent PKA pathway (efg1/efg1), MAP kinase pathway (cph1/cph1), or both (cph1/cph1/efg1/efg1). These mutants failed to produce either hyphae or pseudohyphae in the presence of aromatic alcohols; but high phosphate still stimulated pseudohyphae. Gcn4, a transcription activator of more than 500 amino acid related genes, is turned-on in response to amino acid starvation. The accumulation of aromatic alcohols sends nitrogen starvation signals, which inhibit eIF2B, which in turn derepresses Gcn4p. High phosphate also induces pseudohyphae by derepressing Gcn4p, although the pathways involved are still unknown. In sum, aromatic alcohols and high phosphate induce pseudohyphae by derepressing Gcn4. In this study we found a novel posttranslational histone modification in C. albicans, which is biotinylation. Western blot and Mass spectrometry techniques were used to find that Histones H2B and H4 were biotinylated at every condition tested such as yeast vs. hyphae, aerobic growth vs. anaerobic growth, rich medium vs. defined medium. In C. albicans lysines K8, K11 in histone H4 and lysines K17, K18, K31 in histone H2B are biotin attachment sites as found using mass spectrometry. Biotin was also found to enhance the germ tube formation of C. albicans. Germ tube formation assays with biotin-starved cells as inoculum showed low percent of germ tubes (1-5%). Addition of biotin to the media showed 100% germ tubes. Biotinylation of histones were not detected from biotin-starved cells. Appendix-A details work related to Farnesol quantification assays in several strains of C.albicans and Ceratocystis ulmi, and growth studies of class E VPS strains of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Adviser: Kenneth W. Nickerson
In order to match the more stringent environmental regulations, heterogenization of traditional homogeneous processes is one of the main challenges of the modern chemical industry. Great results have been achieved in the fields of petrochemicals and base chemicals, whereas in fine chemical industry most of the synthetic procedures are based on multistep processes catalyzed by homogeneous catalysts mainly used in stoichiometric amounts. In the fine chemicals manufacture not so much efforts have been devoted to the investigation of suitable solid catalysts for the development of greener processes, then this sector represent a very attractive field of research. In this context, the present work deals with the extensive investigation of the possibility to heterogenize existing processes, in particular two different classes of reactions have been studied: alkylation of aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds and selective oxidation of aromatic alcohols. Traditional solid acid catalysts, such as zeolites, clays and alumina have been tested in the gas phase alkylation of 1,2-methylendioxybenzene, core building block of many drugs, pesticides and fragrances. The observed reactivity were clarified through a deep FTIR investigation complemented by ab initio calculation. The same catalysts were tested in the gas phase isopropylation of thiophene with the aim of clearly attribute the role of the reaction parameters in the reaction proceeding and verify the possibility to enhance the selectivity of one of the two possible isomers. Finally various Au/CeO2 catalysts were tested in the synthesis of benzaldehyde and piperonal, two aldehydes largely employed in the manufacture of fine chemical products, through liquid phase oxidation of the corresponding alcohols in very mild conditions.
Propylsulfonic acid derivatised SBA-15 catalysts have been prepared by post modification of SBA-15 with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) for the upgrading of a model pyrolysis bio-oil via acetic acid esterification with benzyl alcohol in toluene. Acetic acid conversion and the rate of benzyl acetate production was proportional to the PrSO3H surface coverage, reaching a maximum for a saturation adlayer. Turnover frequencies for esterification increase with sulfonic acid surface density, suggesting a cooperative effect of adjacent PrSO3H groups. Maximal acetic acid conversion was attained under acid-rich conditions with aromatic alcohols, outperforming Amberlyst or USY zeolites, with additional excellent water tolerance.
The study of green chemistry is dedicated to eliminating or reducing toxic waste. One route to accomplish this goal is to explore alternative reaction conditions and parameters resulting in the development of more benign synthetic routes and reagents. The primary focus of this research is to find optimal reaction conditions for the oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde. As a case study, the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde, a common industrial process, was examined. Traditionally carried out using the Jones Reagent, commonly referred to as chromium (IV) oxide or chromium trioxide (CrO3) in sulphuric acid, a great deal of research went into utilizing less toxic reagents, such as MnO2 or KMnO4 supported on a clay base. This research has led to an improvement on these alternatives, using a lithium chloride (LiCl) catalyst in a montmorillonite K10 clay solid phase, together with the oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide, as even greener alternatives to these traditional oxidizing agents. Experiments were carried out to determine the lifetime of this LiCl/clay system as compared to MnO2 and KMnO4, to investigate its ability to catalyze the oxidation of other aromatic alcohols (such as 4-methoxybenzyl alcohol and diphenylmethanol), and to further improve the system’s adherence to green chemistry principles. Green solvent alternatives were examined by replacing the toluene solvent with dimethylcarbonate (DMC), and reaction conditions were optimized to improve product yield. It was determined that the LiCl/H2O2 system was, in most cases, equally as effective at catalyzing the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. Although the catalyst and oxidizing agent eliminated the toxic waste generated from chromium reagents, it offered significant challenges in product isolation, because of an aqueous-organic phase separation.
Part I - Fluorinated Compounds A method has been developed for the extraction, concentration, and determination of two unique fluorinated compounds from the sediments of Lake Ontario. These compounds originated from a common industrial landfill, and have been carried to Lake Ontario by the Niagara River. Sediment samples from the Mississauga basin of Lake Ontario have been evaluated for these compounds and a depositional trend was established. The sediments were extracted by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and then underwent clean-up, fractionation, solvent exchange, and were concentrated by reduction under nitrogen gas. The concentrated extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography - electron capture negative ionization - mass spectrometry. The depositional profile determined here is reflective of the operation of the landfill and shows that these compounds are still found at concentrations well above background levels. These increased levels have been attributed to physical disturbances of previously deposited contaminated sediments, and probable continued leaching from the dumpsite. Part II - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is the most common method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from various matrices. Mass discrimination of high-boiling compounds in gas chromatographic methods is well known. The use of high-boiling injection solvents shows substantial increase in the response of late-eluting peaks. These solvents have an increased efficiently in the transfer of solutes from the injector to the analytical column. The effect of I-butanol, I-pentanol, cyclopentanol, I-hexanol, toluene and n-octane, as injection solvents, was studied. Higher-boiling solvents yield increased response for all PAHs. I -Hexanol is the best solvent, in terms of P AH response, but in this solvent P AHs were more susceptible to chromatographic problems such as peak splitting and tailing. Toluene was found to be the most forgiving solvent in terms of peak symmetry and response. It offered the smallest discrepancies in response, and symmetry over a wide range of initial column temperatures.
Selective introduction and removal of protecting groups is of great significance in organic synthesis.l The benzyl ether function is one of the most common protecting groups for alcohols. Selective oxidative removal of the 4-methoxybenzyl (MPM) ethers in the presence of benzyl ethers made the MPM moiety an alternative protecting group, and its utility in carbohydrate chemistry is well established. Several procedures have been developed for the cleavage of the 4-methoxybenzyl moiety, e.g. DDQ oxidation (eq 1),2e lectrochemical ~xidationh,~om ogeneous electron t r a n~f e rp,~ho toinduced single electron t r an~f e rb,o~ro n trichloride-dimethyl sulfide,6e tc. However, in all these methods isolation of the alcohol from the inevitable byproduct, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde [also dichlorodicyanohydroquinone (DDHQ) in the most commonly used method employing DDQI can be troublesome. Recently Wallace and Hedgetts7 discovered that acetic acid at 90 "C cleaves the aromatic MPM ethers into the corresponding phenols and 4-methoxybenzyl acetate (eq 21, whereas the aliphatic MPM ethers generated, instead of alcohols, the corresponding acetates (eq 3). Complimentary to this methodology, herein we report that sodium cyanoborohydride and boron trifluoride etherate reductively cleaves, cleanly and efficiently, the aliphatic MPM ethers to an easily separable mixture of the corresponding alcohols and 4-methylanisole
In this work, the volatile fraction of unsmoked and smoked Herreno cheese, a type of soft cheese from the Canary Islands, has been characterized for the first time. In order to evaluate if the position in the smokehouse could influence the volatile profile of the smoked variety, cheeses smoked at two different heights were studied. The volatile components were extracted by Solid Phase Microextraction using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, followed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. In total, 228 components were detected. The most numerous groups of components in the unsmoked Herreno cheese were hydrocarbons, followed by terpenes and sesquiterpenes, whereas acids and ketones were the most abundant. It is worth noticing the high number of aldehydes and ketones, and the low number of alcohols and esters in this cheese in relation to others, as well as the presence of some specific unsaturated hydrocarbons, terpenes, sesquiterpenes and nitrogenated derivatives. The smoking process enriches the volatile profile of Herreno cheese with ketones and diketones, methyl esters, aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes, hydrocarbons, terpenes, nitrogenated compounds, and especially with ethers and phenolic derivatives. Among these, methylindanones or certain terpenes like a-terpinolene, have not been detected previously in other types of smoked cheese. Lastly, the results obtained suggest a slightly higher smoking degree in the cheeses smoked at a greater height.
The new readily available sulfamide-amine alcohol 11 was found to be effective in catalyzing enantioselective phenylacetylene addition to aromatic ketones without using another central metal, providing the chiral tertiary propargylic alcohols in good yields (up to 83%) and enantioselectivities (up to 83% e.e.). The conditions of this catalytic process are both mild and Simple, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Factors affecting the detennination of PAHs by capillary GC/MS were studied. The effect of the initial column temperature and the injection solvent on the peak areas and heights of sixteen PAHs, considered as priority pollutants, USillg crosslinked methyl silicone (DB!) and 5% diphenyl, 94% dimethyl, 1% vinyl polysiloxane (DBS) columns was examined. The possibility of using high boiling point alcohols especially butanol, pentanol, cyclopentanol, and hexanol as injection solvents was investigated. Studies were carried out to optimize the initial column temperature for each of the alcohols. It was found that the optimum initial column temperature is dependent on the solvent employed. The peak areas and heights of the PAHs are enhanced when the initial column temperature is 10-20 c above the boiling point of the solvent using DB5 column, and the same or 10 C above the boiling point of the solvent using DB1 column. Comparing the peak signals of the PAHs using the alcohols, p-xylene, n-octane, and nonane as injection solvents, hexanol gave the greatest peak areas and heights of the PAHs particularly the late-eluted peaks. The detection limits were at low pg levels, ranging from 6.0 pg for fluorene t9 83.6 pg for benzo(a)pyrene. The effect of the initial column temperature on the peak shape and the separation efficiency of the PARs was also studied using DB1 and DB5 columns. Fronting or splitting of the peaks was obseIVed at very low initial column temperature. When high initial column temperature was used, tailing of the peaks appeared. Great difference between DB! and.DB5 columns in the range of the initial column temperature in which symmetrical.peaks of PAHs can be obtained is observed. Wider ranges were shown using DB5 column. Resolution of the closely-eluted PAHs was also affected by the initial column temperature depending on the stationary phase employed. In the case of DB5, only the earlyeluted PAHs were affected; whereas, with DB1, all PAHs were affected. An analytical procedure utilizing solid phase extraction with bonded phase silica (C8) cartridges combined with GC/MS was developed to analyze PAHs in water as an alternative method to those based on the extraction with organic solvent. This simple procedure involved passing a 50 ml of spiked water sample through C8 bonded phase silica cartridges at 10 ml/min, dried by passing a gentle flow of nitrogen at 20 ml/min for 30 sec, and eluting the trapped PAHs with 500 Jll of p-xylene at 0.3 ml/min. The recoveries of PAHs were greater than 80%, with less than 10% relative standard deviations of nine determinations. No major contaminants were present that could interfere with the recognition of PAHs. It was also found that these bonded phase silica cartridges can be re-used for the extraction of PAHs from water.