9 resultados para architektura


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This article examines the architecture of the Nazi regime in two occupied cities of Czechoslovakia, Praha/Prag and Jihlava/Iglau (the latter being one of the traditionally German-speaking island in the bohemia country), and focuses specifically on the process by which Hitler youth organisations (Hitlerjugend) in case of ‘education’ and indoctrination of youth were or were not successfully established in these cities. As comparison, he takes the political-administrative centres of the Sudeten Reichsgau, Ústí/Aussig, Opava/Troppau, Karlovy Vary/Karlsbad and Liberec/Reichenberg. Drawing on Czech and German archive materials, the extensive body of modern analytical literature, and propagandist literature from the period studied, the author examines the extent to which architecture served as a projection screen for Fascist propaganda in the Occupied Eastern territories. He describes the role played by the Reichsstelle für Raumordnung and shows how the Reich’s propagandist objectives came to be reflected in a high specific typology and stylistic lexicon/configuration for the architecture of Hitler youth hostels and homes He examines the process by which these organisations were powerful implanted into the space of occupied Czechoslovakia (and Sudeten) too, a topic that has not yet been addressed in (art) history too. The building projects developed for the Protectorate (published here for the first time) and managed by the Reich’s Hitler Youth Leadership in Berlin (Kulturamt, Reichsjugendführung, RJF, Abteilung HJ) reveal the ties that existed between the construction authorities in the Reich and the Protectorate, including the Planning Committee for the City of Prague. The author asks how many German and Czech architects participated for their own profit in the Nazi system, and for future research raises the hitherto taboo question of guilt and collaboration with the Nazis and the perception of this phenomenon in art history, i.e. the measure of active cooperation of not just German but also Czech architects who contributed to the planning and implementation of projects and thereby unequivocally had a hand in consolidating the totalitarian regime and de facto in the forced „Germanification” of their own people under occupation.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa: Stosunki Międzynarodowe


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The objective of this paper is to reassess the central factors which have shaped the Indian architecture. The author puts forward the concept of plurality introduced by Western art historians and argues that the diversity of the Indian architecture should not be explained in terms of religious differences, but in terms of the socio-economical situation in South Asia. He also elaborates on the Hindu caste system and its impact on the Indian architecture.


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Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie kwestii dotyczących nowego zjawiska w literaturze, choć swymi korzeniami sięgającego czasów bardzo odległych, mianowicie liberatury. Przedstawiam nie tylko podstawowe tezy związane z liberaturą, np. postrzeganie utworu jako integralnej całości, w której następuje stopienie słowa i przestrzeni, ale także swoistą ewolucję form literackich, prowadzącą do narodzin nowego nurtu. Sednem tego procesu jest położenie nacisku na współistnienie formy i treści, obecne już w poezji wizualnej wywodzącej się ze starożytności i średniowiecza, a przybierające na sile w twórczości autorów związanych z XX-wiecznymi ruchami awangardowymi. „Totalne” myślenie o literaturze zyskało najciekawszy wyraz w twórczości autorów liberatów: Zenona Fajfera, Katarzyny Bazarnik i Radosława Nowakowskiego (zarówno praktyków, jak i teoretyków liberatury), których sylwetki oraz dzieła przedstawiam pokrótce w niniejszym artykule.