987 resultados para architectural elements


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"By understanding how places have evolved, we are better able to guide development and change in the urban fabric and avoid the incongruity created by so much of the modern environment" (MacCormac, R (1996), An anatomy of London, Built Environment, Dec 1996 This paper proposes a theory on the relevance of mapping the evolutionary aspects of historical urban form in order to develop a measure of evaluating architectural elements within urban forms, through to deriving parameters for new buildings. By adopting Conzen's identification of the tripartite division of urban form; the consonance inurban form of a particular palce resides in the elements and measurable values tha makeup the fine grain aggregates of urban form. The paper will demonstrate throughthe case study of Brisbane in Australia, a method of conveying these essential components that constitute a cities continuity of form and active usage. By presenting the past as a repository of urban form characteristics, it is argued that concise architectural responses that stem from such knowledge should result in an engaged urban landscape. The essential proposition is that urban morphology is a missing constituent in the process of urban design, and that the approach of the geographical discipline to the study of urban morphology holds the key to providing the evidence of urban growth characteristics, and this methodology suggests possibilities for an architectural approach that can comprehensively determine qualitative aspects of urban buildings. The relevance of this research lies in a potential to breach the limitations of current urban analysis whilst continuing the evolving currency of urban morphology as an integral practice in the design of our cities.


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When a new form is inserted in an existing townscape, its consonance within the urban fabric is dependent on the level of attention paid to the evaluation and management of its architectural elements. However, despite the established principles and methods of urban morphology that enable the systematic analysis of the built environment, a formula for ensuring that new development relates to its context so as to achieve congruent outcomes is still lacking. This paper proposes a new method of evaluating and measuring architectural elements within evolving urban forms, with particular emphasis on a three-dimensional study of buildings. In a case study, detailed mapping of both current and past forms provides the basis for evincing predominant characteristics that have changed over time. Using this method, it is possible to demonstrate objectively how the townscape has been affected through changes in its architectural configuration.


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Cloud computing is offering utility-oriented IT services to users worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you-go model, it enables hosting of pervasive applications from consumer, scientific, and business domains. However, data centers hosting Cloud applications consume huge amounts of energy, contributing to high operational costs and carbon footprints to the environment. Therefore, we need Green Cloud computing solutions that can not only save energy for the environment but also reduce operational costs. This paper presents vision, challenges, and architectural elements for energy-efficient management of Cloud computing environments. We focus on the development of dynamic resource provisioning and allocation algorithms that consider the synergy between various data center infrastructures (i.e., the hardware, power units, cooling and software), and holistically work to boost data center energy efficiency and performance. In particular, this paper proposes (a) architectural principles for energy-efficient management of Clouds; (b) energy-efficient resource allocation policies and scheduling algorithms considering quality-of-service expectations, and devices power usage characteristics; and (c) a novel software technology for energy-efficient management of Clouds. We have validated our approach by conducting a set of rigorous performance evaluation study using the CloudSim toolkit. The results demonstrate that Cloud computing model has immense potential as it offers significant performance gains as regards to response time and cost saving under dynamic workload scenarios.


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Purpose This paper aims to look into the significance of architectural design in psychiatric care facilities. There is a strong correlation between perceptual dysfunction and psychiatric illness, and also between the patient and his environment. As such, even minor design choices can be of great consequence in a psychiatric facility. It is of critical importance, therefore, that a psychiatric milieu is sympathetic and does not exacerbate the psychosis. Design/methodology/approach This paper analyses the architectural elements that may influence mental health, using an architectural extrapolation of Antonovsky’s salutogenic theory, which states that better health results from a state of mind which has a fortified sense of coherence. According to the theory, a sense of coherence is fostered by a patient’s ability to comprehend the environment (comprehensibility), to be effective in his actions (manageability) and to find meaning (meaningfullness). Findings Salutogenic theory can be extrapolated in an architectural context to inform design choices when designing for a stress-sensitive client base. Research limitations/implications In the paper an architectural extrapolation of salutogenic theory is presented as a practical method for making design decisions (in praxis) when evidence is not available. As demonstrated, the results appear to reflect what evidence is available, but real evidence is always desirable over rationalist speculation. The method suggested here cannot prove the efficacy or appropriateness of design decisions and is not intended to do so. Practical implications The design of mental health facilities has long been dominated by unsubstantiated policy and normative opinions that do not always serve the client population. This method establishes a practical theoretical model for generating architectural design guidelines for mental health facilities. Originality/value The paper will prove to be helpful in several ways. First, salutogenic theory is a useful framework for improving health outcomes, but in the past the theory has never been applied in a methodological way. Second, there have been few insights into how the architecture itself can improve the functionality of a mental health facility other than improve the secondary functions of hospital services.


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Consonance in urban form is contingent on the continuity of the fine grain architectural features that are imbued in the commodity of the evolved historic urban fabric. A city's past can be viewed therefore as a repository of urban form characteristics from which concise architectural responses can result in a congruent urban landscape. This thesis proposes new methods to evaluate the interplay of architectural elements that can be traced throughout the lifespan of the particular evolving urban areas under scrutiny, and postulates a theory of how the mapping of historical urban form can correlate with deriving parameters for new buildings.


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Interface design is one of the main research areas in human-computer interaction (HCI). In computer science, many HCI re-searchers and designers explore novel interface designs with cutting-edge technology, but few investigate alternative interfaces for existing built environments, especially in the area of architecture. In this pa-per, we investigate alternative interface designs for existing architectural elements—such as walls, floors, and ceilings—that can be created with off-the-shelf materials. Instead of merely serving as discrete sensing and display devices integrated to an existing building’s surface, these liquid and thin materials act as interventions that can be ‘painted’ on a surface, transforming it into an architectural interface. This interface, Painterface, is a responsive material intervention that serves as an analogue, wall-type media interface that senses and responds to people’s actions. Painterface is equipped with three sensing and responsive capacities: touch, sound, and light. While the inter-face’s touch capacity performs tactile sensing, its sound-production and illumination capacities emit notes and light respectively. The out-comes of this research suggest the possibility of a simple, inexpensive, replaceable, and even disposable interface that could serve as an architectural intervention applicable to existing building surfaces.


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The cities of Saudi Arabia have perhaps the largest growth rates of cities in the Middle East, such that it has become a cause in shortage of housing for mid and low-income families, as is the case in other developing countries. Even when housing is found, it is not sustainable nor is it providing the cultural needs of those families. The aim of this paper is to integrate the unique conservative Islamic Saudi culture into the design of sustainable housing. This paper is part of a preliminary study of an on-going PhD thesis, which utilises a semistructured interview of a panel of nine experts in collecting the data. The interviews consisted of ten questions ranging from general questions such as stating their expertise and work position to more specific question such as listing the critical success factors and/or barriers for applying sustainability to housing in Saudi Arabia. Since the participants were selected according to their experience, the answers to the interview questions were satisfactory where the generation of the survey questions for the second stage in the PhD thesis took place after analysing the participant’s answers to the interview questions. This paper recommends design requirements for accommodating the conservative Islamic Saudi Culture in low cost sustainable houses. Such requirements include achieving privacy through the use of various types of traditional Saudi architectural elements, such as the method of decorative screening of windows, called Mashrabiya, and having an inner courtyard where the house looks inward rather than outward. Other requirements include educating firms on how to design sustainable housing, educating the public on the advantages of sustainable housing and implementing new laws that enforce the utilisation of sustainable methods to housing construction. This paper contributes towards the body of knowledge by proposing initial findings on how to integrate the conservative Islamic culture of Saudi Arabia into the design of a sustainable house specifically for mid and low-income families. This contribution can be implemented on developing countries in the region that are faced with housing shortage for mid and low-income families.


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By presenting the past as a repository of the characteristics of urban formation, urban morphology utilizes a knowledge platform as the basis for interpretation of accordant architectural responses (Levy, 1999). Operating within this framework at the scale of architectural features of individual buildings, and imbued with reference to the intrinsic architectural elements of both preceding and existing building forms, micro-morphology (Larkham, 2006, p. 126) provides the efficacy for new architecture that emerges from such a manner of composition...


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Modern Saudi housing supply is neither sustainable nor efficient in meeting the conservative Islamic culture of the community and the local environmental conditions. This thesis develops a model for successful development of sustainable housing in Saudi Arabia by incorporating multi stakeholder inputs on key barriers, critical success factors and best practice case studies. The model will help create public awareness and education tools for both private and public sectors on sustainable housing. It provides a framework that includes cultural and environmental needs of the conservative Saudi neighbourhood. It may assist the Saudi government to regulate new building codes and regulations.


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The influence of the architecture of the Byzantine capital spread to the Mediterranean provinces with travelling masters and architects. In this study the architecture of the Constantinopolitan School has been detected on the basis of the typology of churches, completed by certain morphological aspects when necessary. The impact of the Constantinopolitan workshops appears to have been more important than previously realized. This research revealed that the Constantinopolitan composite domed inscribed-cross type or cross-in-square spread everywhere to the Balkans and it was assumed soon by the local schools of architecture. In addition, two novel variants were invented on the basis of this model: the semi-composite type and the so-called Athonite type. In the latter variant lateral conches, choroi, were added for liturgical reasons. Instead, the origin of the domed ambulatory church was partly provincial. One result of this study is that the origin of the Middle Byzantine domed octagonal types was traced to Constantinople. This is attested on the basis of the archaeological evidence. Also some other architectural elements that have not been preserved in the destroyed capital have survived at the provincial level: the domed hexagonal type, the multi-domed superstructure, the pseudo-octagon and the narthex known as the lite. The Constantinopolitan architecture during the period in question was based on the Early Christian and Late Antique forms, practices and innovations and this also emerges at the provincial level.


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A Bacia de Almada, localizada no estado da Bahia, compartilha características similares com as outras bacias da margem leste do Brasil, quando é analisada segundo aspectos como os processos sedimentares e o regime de esforço dominante durante a sua formação. Observa-se uma diferença marcante em relação as outras bacias quando é analisada sob a ótica da composição da crosta transicional, uma vez que não se registra atividade vulcânica durante a fase rifte. A aquisição de um extenso levantamento sísmico 3D, com cabos de 6 km de comprimento e 9.2 segundos de tempo de registro (tempo sísmico duplo), resultaram em imagens sísmicas de boa qualidade das estruturas profundas do rifte. Adicionalmente, estudos de modelagem gravimétrica foram integrados com a análise sísmica para corroborar o modelo geológico. A Bacia de Almada é parte dos sistemas de rifte continentais, desenvolvidos durante o Berriasiano até o Aptiano, que antecederam a quebra do continente do Gondwana, evoluindo posteriormente para uma margem passiva divergente. O processo do rifteamento desenvolveu cinco sub-bacias de orientação NNE-SSO, desde posições terrestres até marinhas profundas, produzindo um arcabouço estrutural complexo. Os perfis da sísmica profunda mostram o afinamento progressivo da crosta continental até espessuras da ordem de 5 km, abaixo da sub-bacia mais oriental, com fatores de estiramento crustal próximo a 7 antes do desenvolvimento de crosta oceânica propriamente dita. As imagens sísmicas de boa qualidade permitem também o reconhecimento de sistemas de falhas lístricas que se iniciam na crosta superior, evoluem atravessando a crosta e conectando as sub-bacias para finalizar em um descolamento horizontal na crosta inferior estratificada. Adicionalmente, a bacia apresenta um perfil assimétrico, compatível com mecanismos de cisalhamento simples. As margens vulcânicas (VM) e não vulcânicas (NVM), são os extremos da análise composicional das margens divergentes continentais. Na Bacia de Almada não se reconhecem os elementos arquiteturais típicos das VM, tais como são as grandes províncias ígneas, caracterizadas por cunhas de refletores que mergulham em direção ao mar e por intenso vulcanismo pré- e sin-rifte nas bacias. Embora a margem divergente do Atlântico Sul seja interpretada tradicionalmente como vulcânica, o segmento do rifte ao sul do Estado da Bahia apresenta características não-vulcânicas, devido à ausência destes elementos arquiteturais e aos resultados obtidos nas perfurações geológicas que eventualmente alcançam a seqüência rifte e embasamento. Regionalmente a margem divergente sul-americana é majoritariamente vulcânica, embora a abundância e a influência do magmatísmo contemporâneo ao rifte seja muito variável. Ao longo da margem continental, desde a Bacia Austral no sul da Argentina, até a Bacia de Pernambuco no nordeste do Brasil, podem ser reconhecidos segmentos de caráter vulcânico forte, médio e não vulcânico. Nos exemplos clássicos de margens não vulcânicas, como a margem da Ibéria, a crosta transicional é altamente afinada podendo apresentar evidências de exumação de manto. Na Bacia de Almada, a crosta transicional apresenta importante estiramento embora não haja evidências concretas de exumação de manto. Os mecanismos responsáveis pela geração e intrusão dos grandes volumes de magma registrados nas margens divergentes são ainda sujeitos a intenso debate. Ao longo da margem divergente sul-americana há evidências da presença dos mecanismos genéticos de estiramento litosférico e impacto de plumas. Alternativamente estes dois mecanismos parecem ter tido um papel importante na evolução tectônica da margem sudeste e sul, diferenciando-as da margem continental onde foi implantada a Bacia de Almada.


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A análise de dados de reflexão sísmica monocanal boomer (Hz ~ 700-4,000; penetração ~ 70 ms) adquiridos na plataforma continental interna-média (até ~ 50-60 m de profundidade) ao largo do sistema estuarino baía de Sepetiba, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, revelou a ocorrência de uma sucessão sedimentar preservada 15-20 m, sismicamente interpretada como representando ambientes fluvio-estuarinos para marinhos rasos. Estas séries são sotopostas à inconformidade regional mais superior reconhecida na escala de plataforma, chamada superfície S3. Esta superfície é erodida por numerosas incisões fluviais, que sugerem processos erosivos associados à prolongada exposição subaérea da plataforma continental durante o estágio isotópico marinho 2 (MIS 2), globalmente datada em ~ 20 ka A.P.. A preservação de tais unidades de corte e preenchimento estuarinho presumíveis Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno na plataforma interna-média (até ~ 30 km da costa) evidencia pela primeira vez na área a existência de um paleo sistema fluvial bastante desenvolvido e processos dominantes de denudação na bacia hidrográfica a montante que atualmente alimenta a baía de Sepetiba. Bem como que, uma série de elementos arquiteturais sísmicos dentro desta sucessão estuarina, como canais de maré retrogradantes, registram a evolução do paleo sistema estuarino de um sistema aberto à um sistema parcialmente protegido durante a transgressão Holocênica. A formação e erosão de uma sucessão de ilhas barreira isoladas e canais de maré durante a transgressão persistiu até o desenvolvimento de uma superfície estratigráfica superior na área, interpretada como a superfície de máxima inundação (MFS) no registro estratigráfico. A ilha barreira atual (restinga da Marambaia) prograda sobre a MFS como uma feição deposição regressiva, apontando para uma idade mais jovem do que cerca de ~ 5 ka A. P., idade da transgressão máxima na área, de acordo com a literatura disponível.


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A análise sísmica de ~ 3000 km de dados sísmicos sparker de reflexão monocanal permitiu a proposição de um arcabouço estratigráfico englobando a seção rasa (~300 milisegundos) da plataforma continental sul da Bacia de Campos. Cinco sequências sísmicas foram reconhecidas (Sq1-Sq5), limitadas por superfícies erosivas de escala plataformal (superfícies S1-S5), interpretadas como sequências deposicionais formadas por oscilações glacioeustáticas e limites de sequências (discordâncias regionais) esculpidos durante longos períodos de exposição subaérea e total da plataforma, indicando condições de diminuição de nível de base e destruição parcial de espaço de acomodação sedimentar. As sequências Sq1-Sq4 são dominantemente regressivas, compostas principalmente por prismas de regressão forçada de borda de plataforma/talude superior. A sequência superficial Sq5 é constituída essencialmente de unidades retrogradantes restritas à plataforma continental, interpretadas como compondo uma sequência eminentemente transgressiva. A correlação entre dados sísmicos e cronoestratigráficos de um poço exploratório disponível na área permitiu posicionar a deposição desta sucessão estratigráfica entre o Pleistoceno Médio- Holoceno (últimos ~500 ka). Além disso, a correlação entre a base de dados com curvas globais de variações eustáticas, baseadas nas razões isotópicas de 18O (estágios isotópicos marinhos), permitiu ainda sugerir que a sucessão estratigráfica Sq1-Sq4 registra sequências regressivas de quarta ordem, refletindo deposição durante ciclos glacioeustáticos de ~ 100 -120 ka de duração e de alta amplitude de oscilação eustática (100-145m), que caracterizam o sinal eustático nos últimos ~500 ka. A sequência Sq5 seria uma sequência ainda em formação, constituída por depósitos transgressivos e de mar alto formados durante o Pleistoceno Tardio-Holoceno.