993 resultados para architect-client relationship


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The widening gap between architects and clients and the associated problems in the management of their relationship have long been recognised by practitioners and researchers alike. An emerging trend in recent studies is to develop descriptive models to describe behavioural characteristics of relationships based on observations of ' real world' practice, indicating the significance of understanding the complexities of the social environment in which the architect-client relationship is within. This research built upon the work of past descriptive models by exploring the architect-client relationship on house projects with a focus on the client's voice. It is an interdisciplinary study drawing theory from sociology to further understand this built environment industry problem. Sixty-nine percent of architects in Australia spend some of their work time on house projects and therefore improvements in this area can have significant impact on a considerably large portion of the profession. Habitus theory borrowed from sociology explains that the nature of architecture as a specialised activity places architects within an architectural habitus, distinguishing them from clients who are .not trained in the field. An underlying premise of thi s study is that a mismatch between the architect and client's habituses occurs as they enter into a relationship on the house project. This phenomenon is termed habitus shock, referring to the client 's experience of disorientation as they are confronted with an unfamiliar architectural habitus on the project. Culture shock theory is examined for its contribution to explain the process to which the client adjusts to the unfamiliar environment during habitus shock. The habitus shock model proposed in this paper suggests that the client may achieve learning during habitus shock and it is this client learning that can lead to successful relationships.


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This paper reports the findings of a study which examined architect-client relationships on house projects with a focus on the supportive role of architects in helping clients deal with project issues. Habitus theory explains that the nature of architecture as a specialised activity places architects within an architectural habitus, distinguishing them from clients who are not trained in the field, which is at the heart of the problematic architect-client relationship. An underlying premise was that habitus shock, that is, a mismatch between the architect and client's habituses Occurs as they enter into a relationship on the house project. Using the qualitative approach underpinned by the constructivist perspective for data collection and analysis, eight in-depth interviews were conducted across five case studies of successful architect-client relationships. The narrative inquiry approach was used to establish the extent to which habitus shock occurred and to describe the stages involved in the client's adjustment process during habitus shock. The findings indicate that habitus shock occurred on all five case studies, which resulted in client learning, enabling clients to function with competency in the unfamiliar environment. Client learning achieved during habitus shock was directly linked to the amount of difficulty experienced. This study has refined our understanding of the architect-client relationship on house projects by exploring more deeply client behaviour and the ways in which clients successfully deal with difficulties on house projects rather than simply identifying the uncertainties and conflicts that occur on projects. The findings demonstrate that client learning during habitus shock is a characteristic of successful relationships. One of the most significant outcomes of thi s study is that it demonstrated the potential to facilitate client learning during habitus shock to contribute to the development of successful architect-client relationships.


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This thesis examines Customer Relationship Management and how the capabilities of an organisation to innovate can be enhanced via its implementation in a Knowledge Based Firm. The research identifies current customer knowledge components within an organisation and identifies for future use, CRM components for implementation within a Knowledge Based Firm. Opinions from a panel of experts' are identified for best practice customer relationship strategy, the most important CRM processes and identification of customer knowledge components that will form the basis of implementing a successful CRM to gain a competitive advantage through enhancing the innovative capability for a Knowledge Based Firm.


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The Glashaus is considered a significant exemplar of early modernist architecture and is generally accepted as having had Expressionist origins. However, current research has revealed that the design origins of this important building are not fully understood. While the historical record acknowledges the contributions of the bohemian poet Paul Scheerbart and the art critic Adolf Behne, the role of the Glashaus’ architect, Bruno Taut, has been moderated. In an attempt to rectify this situation this article proposes that the design origins of the Glashaus can be found in a strong architect-client interaction. It is argued that the Glashaus’ client, the Deutsche Luxfer Prismen Syndikat under the directorship of Frederick Keppler, exerted a significant influence on its design. In order to showcase the glazed products of Luxfer in the best manner possible, Keppler insisted that the design feature a glazed dome, electric lighting, a fountain as well as a cascade. Given the detailed stipulations of this brief, Taut had few options other than to offer interpretations of precedent that derived from the Victoria regia lily and Gothic proportioning. By expounding this architect-client relationship, this article expands our understanding of the Glashaus, and reinvigorates our understanding of this important early example of modern architecture.


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This article details the American experience of welfare reform, and specifically its experience instituting workfare programs for participants. In the United States, the term "welfare" is most commonly used to refer to the program for single mothers and their families, formerly called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and now, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). In 1996, politicians "ended welfare as we know it" by fundamentally changing this program with the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). The principal focus of the 1996 reform is mandatory work requirements enforced by sanctions and strict time limits on welfare receipt. While PRWORA's emphasis on work is not new, the difference is its significant ideological and policy commitment to employment, enforced by time limits. When welfare reform was enacted, some of its proponents recognized that welfare offices would have to change in order to develop individualized workfare plans, monitor progress, and impose sanctions. The "culture" of welfare offices had to be changed from being solely concerned with eligibility and compliance to individual, intensive casework. In this article, I will discuss how implementing workfare programs have influenced the relationship between clients and their workers at the welfare office. I start by describing the burdens faced by offices even before the enactment of welfare reform. Local welfare offices were expected to run programs that emphasized compliance and eligibility at the same time as workfare programs, which require intensive, personal case management. The next section of the paper will focus on strategies welfare offices and workers use to navigate these contradictory expectations. Lastly, I will present information on how clients react to workfare programs and some reasons they acquiesce to workfare contracts despite their unmet needs. I conclude with recommendations of how to make workfare truly work for welfare clients.


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Objectives: There is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of how coaching processes psychologically operate. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed to characterise the coaching process experience and to identify how specific experiences contribute to coaching outcomes. Design: A qualitative design was adopted. Data was analysed by Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith, 2008). Method: Data was collected from 10 participants, this included coaches (N=4), coachees (N=5) and one commissioner, three times along the coaching process. A total of 30 interviews were undertaken. Findings: Coaching outcomes can be generated by three essential mechanisms: Projection of Future Self; Perspectivation of Present Self; and Confirmation of Past/Present Self. Each mechanism’s name represents a particular effect on coachee’s self and may evolve diverse coaching behaviours. Although they all can be actively managed to generate sustainability of outcomes, each mechanism tends to contribute differently to that sustainability. Conclusion: The study provides a comprehensive understanding of the different methodological and experiential ingredients of the coaching process and its implications. While most coaching research is focused on identifying coaching results based on a retrospective analysis, this is one of the first studies accompanying longitudinally the coaching process and capturing an integrative understanding of its dynamics. Moreover, the study provides evidence of how coaching can differently deliver sustainable outcomes and be used as a valuable developmental tool in organisations. The study contributes to our understanding of theory building and raises questions for further research on the uniqueness of coaching interventions.


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The nature and quality of hte architect relationship is critical fror project success yet its managment remains problematic.  This interdisciplinary study draws theory from sociology to further our understanding of this built environment industry problem.  The concept of habitus, developed by french sociologist Bourdieu, helps to demystify the architect-client relationship and explain the underlaying cause of conflicts between architects and clients.  Habitus theory explains that the nature of architecture as a specialised activity places architects within an architectural habitus, distinguishing architects from clients who are not trained as professional architects.


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This thesis extends current understanding in management consulting research by investigating the ways in which management consultants and their clients shaped knowing over the course of nine different consulting engagements. The research illuminates the client experience of using consulting knowledge in organisations, and proposes a theoretical reconceptualisation of knowledge shaping in consulting engagements which incorporates how the knowing client is enacted. The research shows that knowledge shaping activities are planned and enacted to support novelty reduction in consulting engagements; that asymmetries in the structuring of the consultant–client relationship hamper knowledge transformation and the establishment of knowing; and that understanding of how the role identities of consultants and clients are established and maintained over the course of an engagement is integral to understanding knowledge shaping in consulting engagements.


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To what extent is the therapist-client relationship damaged following client perpetuated violence and what steps can we take to diminish its impact? Much of the information we have on client violence comes from multiple mental health disciplines in the US and the UK over the last 20-30 years and has formed a useful, though sometimes dated and sporadic, quantitative baseline to delineate a range of issues. However, there is limited systematic research on how practitioner psychologists process the violence in the course of their everyday practice and how this impacts the therapist-client dynamic. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), we explored seven therapists’ experiences of client violence across a range of work sites – acute psychiatric hospital wards, forensic hospital wards and community mental health teams. Three main themes were documented: processing the moment-to-moment experience of client violence; professional vulnerabilities and needs as a result of client violence; and the ruptured therapeutic relationship. Strategies for supporting practicing psychologists and providing continuing professional care for clients include challenging self-doubt and re-energizing professional competencies as well as repairing ourselves and repairing the therapeutic relationship. Recommendations for credentialing and regulatory bodies in relation to client violence are also highlighted.


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This research reports on a project concerned with the relationship between the person and the environment in the context of achieving a contemplative or existential state – a state which can be experienced either consciously or subconsciously. The need for such a study originated with the desire to contribute to the design of multicultural spaces which could be used for a range of activities within the public and the personal arena, activities including contemplation, meditation and prayer. The concept of ‘sacred’ is explored in the literature review and in primary interviews with the participants of this study. Given that the word ‘sacred’ is highly value-laden and potentially alienating for some people, it was decided to use the more accessible term ‘contemplative’. The outcomes of the study inform the practice of interior design and architecture which tends currently to neglect the potential for all spaces to be existentially meaningful. Informed by phenomenological methodology, data were collected from a diverse group of people, using photo-elicitation and interviews. The technique of photo-elicitation proved to be highly effective in helping people reveal their everyday lived experience of contemplative spaces. Reflective analysis (Van Manen 2000) was used to explore the data collected. The initial stage of analysis produced three categories of data: varying conceptions of contemplation, aspects of the person involved in the contemplation, and aspects of environment involved in contemplation. From this, it was found that achieving a state of contemplation involves both the person and the environment in a dialectic process of unfolding. The unfolding has various physical, psycho-social, and existential dimensions or qualities which operate sequentially and simultaneously. Two concepts emerged as being central to unfolding: ‘Cleansing’ and ‘Nothingness’. Unfolding is found to comprise the Core; Distinction; Manifestation; Cleansing; Creation; and Sharing. This has a parallel with Mircea Eliade’s (1959) definition of sacred as something that manifests itself as different from the profane. The power of design, re-contextualization through utility and purpose, and the existential engagements between the person and environment are used as a basis for establishing the potential contribution of the study to interior design. In this way, the study makes a contribution to our understanding of how space and its elements inspire, support and sustain person environment interaction – particularly at the existential level – as well as to our understanding of the multi-dimensional and holistic nature of this interaction. In addition, it points to the need for a phenomenological re-conceptualisation of the design/client relationship. In summary, the contributions of this research are: the exploration of contemplative experience as sacred experience; an understanding of the design of space as creating engagement between person and environment; a rationale for the introduction of a phenomenological approach to the relationship between designer and clients; and raising awareness of the spiritual in a holistic approach to design.


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Durante minha trajetória profissional experenciando o cuidar de clientes portadores de doença onco-hematológica percebi a luta destes seres humanos pela vida e como a relação enfermeiro-cliente era vital para a realização do cuidado. O enfermeiro interage grande parte do tempo com esta clientela a qual percorre uma trajetória de re-internações e longos períodos de tratamento. Nesse sentido, entendendo que a relação interpessoal como uma condição importante para que o enfermeiro compreenda o outro em sua totalidade e preste um cuidado singular, delimitei como objeto de estudo as relações interpessoais do enfermeiro na ação de cuidar do cliente internado para tratamento onco-hematológico. Para tanto, o objetivo foi compreender o significado das relações interpessoais na ação de cuidar do enfermeiro junto ao cliente internado para tratamento onco-hematlógico. Trata-se de estudo de natureza qualitativa, cujo referencial teórico pautou-se nas concepções da fenomenologia sociológica de Alfred Schutz. O cenário de realização do estudo foi a enfermaria de Hematologia de um Hospital Universitário Federal do estado do Rio de Janeiro e os sujeitos foram todos os seis enfermeiros lotados nessa unidade. Antes da etapa de campo e em cumprimento aos princípios éticos da Resolução 196/96 do CNS que trata da pesquisa com seres humanos, o projeto foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética dessa instituição cenário do estudo, sendo aprovado com o Parecer n 092/11. A captação das falas deu-se por meio de entrevista com a utilização das seguintes questões orientadoras: fale para mim sobre as ações que você desenvolve junto ao cliente internado para tratamento onco-hematológico; o que significam as relações interpessoais na ação de cuidar do cliente internado para tratamento onco-hematológico?; e o que você faz para que esta relação aconteça? A análise compreensiva das falas possibilitou a apreensão das categorias: cuidar através de procedimentos técnicos e científicos, orientando para o enfrentamento da doença e atender o paciente na perspectiva de suas necessidades estabelecendo a relação interpessoal entre enfermeiro e o cliente. O enfermeiro descreve as ações desenvolvidas junto ao cliente em tratamento onco-hematológico como um fazer técnico, rico em procedimentos, que tem em vista apoiar o cliente para enfrentar o tratamento difícil de uma doença grave, a partir de suas necessidades, estabelecendo uma relação íntima, transparente e forte, ocorrendo de forma espontânea e natural. Para estabelecer esta relação os enfermeiros utilizam estratégias como: a empatia, a brincadeira, o carinho, a confiança e a disponibilidade para promover o cuidado de enfermagem. As relações interpessoais se mostraram inerentes à ação de cuidar desse enfermeiro, ator social da equipe de saúde, o qual possui a disponibilidade para interagir com o cliente, transcendendo o aspecto tecnicista, fazendo parte de sua identidade profissional o constituinte relacional.


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Across the UK recent policy developments have focused on improved information sharing and inter-agency cooperation. Professional non-reporting of child maltreatment concerns has been consistently highlighted as a problem in a range of countries and the research literature indicates that this can happen for a variety of reasons. Characteristics such as the type of abuse and the threshold of evidence available are key factors, as are concerns that reporting will damage the professional-client relationship. Professional discipline can also impact on willingness to report, as can personal beliefs about abuse, attitudes towards child protection services and experiences of court processes. Research examining the role of organisational factors in information sharing and reporting emphasises the importance of training and there are some positive indications that training can increase professional awareness of reporting processes and requirements and help to increase knowledge of child abuse and its symptoms. Nonetheless, this is a complex issue and the need for training to go beyond simple awareness raising is recognised. In order to tackle non-reporting in a meaningful way, childcare professionals need access to on-going multidisciplinary training which is specifically tailored to address the range of different factors which impact on reporting attitudes and behaviours.