979 resultados para arc-brazing


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Tässä tutkimuksessa esitellään MIG-juoton periaatteet ja tarkastellaan menetelmää siitä näkökulmasta, että menetelmä voisi toimia yhtenä varteenotettavana hitsattujen liitosten väsymiskestävyyden parantamismenetelmänä. Muiden parantamismenetelmien laajaa kirjoa esitellään lyhyesti. MIG-juoton soveltuvuutta parantamismenetelmäksi tutkittiin väsytyskokein. Kokeiden avulla määritettiin pelkästään MIG-juotetun liitoksen väsymiskestävyys erilaisissa tapauksissa. Lisäksi määritettiin väsymiskestävyys tapauksessa, jossa perinteisen MAG-pienahitsin rajaviivalle MIG-juotetiin ylimääräinen palko. Jälkimmäisessä tapauksessa menetelmä toimii väsymiskestävyyden parantamismenetelmänä. Väsytyskokeita tehtiin kaikkiaan 63 kpl.Kaikkiaan erilaisia väsytyskoesarjoja oli kymmenen, joista kuusi oli 8-10 koekappaletta käsittäviä varsinaisia tutkittavia tapauksia ja neljä pieniä, vain kaksi tai kolme koesauvaa käsittäviä pilottikoesarjoja. Koetuloksia verrattiin IIW:n(International Institute of Welding) suunnitteluohjeisiin ja suosituksiin. MIG-juotettujen liitosten väsymiskestävyys oli yleisesti ottaen hyvä. Päittäisliitosoli vähintään yhtä hyvä kuin tavanomaisesti hitsattu. Voimaa kantavassa taivutustapauksessa saatiin 110 % parempi väsymislujuus verrattuna IIW:n suunnitteluohjeeseen. Voimaa kantamattomissa poikittaisissa kiinnitysliitoksissa puolestaan saavutettiin paikallisia nimellisiä jännityksiä käyttäen 70-80 %:n parannus suunnitteluohjeeseen nähden. Pelkästään MIG-juotetun liitoksen ja 'parannetun' liitoksen väsymislujuudet olivat tässä tapauksessa likimain yhtä suuret. MIG-juottoa käytetään vaihtoehtoisena liittämismenetelmänä jo joissakin teollisissa sovelluksissa. Tämän tutkimuksen koetulokset antavat selviä viitteitä siitä, että menetelmä voisi toimia yhtenä varteenotettavana väsymiskestävyyden parantamiskeinona uusille tai korjatuille rakenteille. Vaaditaan kuitenkin vielä lisätutkimuksia, jotta menetelmää voisi soveltaa luottavaisin mielin tuotantokäytössä väsymiskestävyyden parantamismenetelmänä.


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Shallow subsurface layers of gold nanoclusters were formed in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) polymer by very low energy (49 eV) gold ion implantation. The ion implantation process was modeled by computer simulation and accurately predicted the layer depth and width. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to image the buried layer and individual nanoclusters; the layer width was similar to 6-8 nm and the cluster diameter was similar to 5-6 nm. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption effects were observed by UV-visible spectroscopy. The TEM and SPR results were related to prior measurements of electrical conductivity of Au-doped PMMA, and excellent consistency was found with a model of electrical conductivity in which either at low implantation dose the individual nanoclusters are separated and do not physically touch each other, or at higher implantation dose the nanoclusters touch each other to form a random resistor network (percolation model). (C) 2009 American Vacuum Society. [DOI: 10.1116/1.3231449]


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Estimates of greenhouse-gas emissions from deforestation are highly uncertain because of high variability in key parameters and because of the limited number of studies providing field measurements of these parameters. One such parameter is burning efficiency, which determines how much of the original forest`s aboveground carbon stock will be released in the burn, as well as how much will later be released by decay and how much will remain as charcoal. In this paper we examined the fate of biomass from a semideciduous tropical forest in the ""arc of deforestation,"" where clearing activity is concentrated along the southern edge of the Amazon forest. We estimated carbon content, charcoal formation and burning efficiency by direct measurements (cutting and weighing) and by line-intersect sampling (LIS) done along the axis of each plot before and after burning of felled vegetation. The total aboveground dry biomass found here (219.3 Mg ha(-1)) is lower than the values found in studies that have been done in other parts of the Amazon region. Values for burning efficiency (65%) and charcoal formation (6.0%, or 5.98 Mg C ha(-1)) were much higher than those found in past studies in tropical areas. The percentage of trunk biomass lost in burning (49%) was substantially higher than has been found in previous studies. This difference may be explained by the concentration of more stems in the smaller diameter classes and the low humidity of the fuel (the dry season was unusually long in 2007, the year of the burn). This study provides the first measurements of forest burning parameters for a group of forest types that is now undergoing rapid deforestation. The burning parameters estimated here indicate substantially higher burning efficiency than has been found in other Amazonian forest types. Quantification of burning efficiency is critical to estimates of trace-gas emissions from deforestation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust is a waste generated in the EAF during the steel production process. Among different wastes, EAF dust represents one of the most hazardous, since it contains heavy metals such as Zn, Fe, Cr, Cd and Pb. The goal of the present work is to characterise the waste through chemical analysis, particle size distribution, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy detection and thermal analysis. The waste sample is composed essentially of spherical particles and has a very small particle size and the majority of the identified elements were Fe, Zn, Ca, Cr, Mn, K and Si. The XRD has presented compounds such as ZnO, ZnFe2O4, Fe2O3, MnO, SiO2, FeFe2O4 and MnAl2O4. According to the thermal analysis results, up to 1000 degrees C the total weight loss was similar to 5%. The results of waste characterisation are very important to these further investigations.


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P and S receiver functions (PRF and SRF) from 19 seismograph stations in the Gibraltar Arc and the Iberian Massif reveal new details of the regional deep structure. Within the high-velocity mantle body below southern Spain the 660-km discontinuity is depressed by at least 20 km. The Ps phase from the 410-km discontinuity is missing at most stations in the Gibraltar Arc. A thin (similar to 50 km) low-S-velocity layer atop the 410-km discontinuity is found under the Atlantic margin. At most stations the S410p phase in the SRFs arrives 1.0-2.5 s earlier than predicted by IASP91 model, but, for the propagation paths through the upper mantle below southern Spain, the arrivals of S410p are delayed by up to +1.5 s. The early arrivals can be explained by elevated Vp/Vs ratio in the upper mantle or by a depressed 410-km discontinuity. The positive residuals are indicative of a low (similar to 1.7 versus similar to 1.8 in IASP91) Vp/Vs ratio. Previously, the low ratio was found in depleted lithosphere of Precambrian cratons. From simultaneous inversion of the PRFs and SRFs we recognize two types of the mantle: 'continental' and 'oceanic'. In the 'continental' upper mantle the S-wave velocity in the high-velocity lid is 4.4-4.5 km s(-1), the S-velocity contrast between the lid and the underlying mantle is often near the limit of resolution (0.1 km s(-1)), and the bottom of the lid is at a depth reaching 90 100 km. In the 'oceanic' domain, the S-wave velocities in the lid and the underlying mantle are typically 4.2-4.3 and similar to 4.0 km s(-1), respectively. The bottom of the lid is at a shallow depth (around 50 km), and at some locations the lid is replaced by a low S-wave velocity layer. The narrow S-N-oriented band of earthquakes at depths from 70 to 120 km in the Alboran Sea is in the 'continental' domain, near the boundary between the 'continental' and 'oceanic' domains, and the intermediate seismicity may be an effect of ongoing destruction of the continental lithosphere.


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We exhibit the construction of stable arc exchange systems from the stable laminations of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. We prove a one-to-one correspondence between (i) Lipshitz conjugacy classes of C(1+H) stable arc exchange systems that are C(1+H) fixed points of renormalization and (ii) Lipshitz conjugacy classes of C(1+H) diffeomorphisms f with hyperbolic basic sets Lambda that admit an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Lambda. Let HD(s)(Lambda) and HD(u)(Lambda) be, respectively, the Hausdorff dimension of the stable and unstable leaves intersected with the hyperbolic basic set L. If HD(u)(Lambda) = 1, then the Lipschitz conjugacy is, in fact, a C(1+H) conjugacy in (i) and (ii). We prove that if the stable arc exchange system is a C(1+HDs+alpha) fixed point of renormalization with bounded geometry, then the stable arc exchange system is smooth conjugate to an affine stable arc exchange system.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Estruturas


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Shape memory alloys are characterized by the ability of recovering their initial shape after being deformed and by superelasticity. Since the discovery of these alloys, a new field of interest emerged not only for the scientific community but also to many industries. However, these alloys present poor machinability which constitute a constrain in the design of complex components for new applications. Thus, the demand for joining techniques able to join these alloys without compromising their properties became of great importance to enlarge the complexity of existing applications. Literature shows that these alloys are joined mainly using laser welding. In the present study, similar NiTi butt joints, were produced using TIG welding. The welds were performed in 1.5 mm thick plates across the rolling direction. A special fixture and gas assist device was designed and manufactured. Also a robot arm was adapted to accommodate the welding torch to assure the repeatability of the welding parameters. Welds were successfully achieved without macroscopic defects, such as pores and distortions. Very superficial oxidation was seen on the top surface due to insufficient shielding gas flow on the weld face. The welded joints were mechanically tested and structurally characterized. Testing methods were used to evaluate macro and microstructure, as well as the phase transformation temperatures, the mechanical single and cyclic behaviour and the shape recovery ability. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), microhardness measurements were techniques also used to evaluate the welded joints. A depletion in Ni in the fusion zone was seen, as well as a shift in Ms temperature. For strain values of 4% the accumulated irrecoverable strain was of about 30% and increased with the strain imposed during cycling. Nevertheless, a complete recovery of initial shape was observed when testing the shape memory effect on a dedicated device that introduces a deformation of 6.7%. That is, the welding procedure does not remove the ability of the specimens to recover their initial shape.


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Close homolog of L1, neural cell recognition molecules, c-fos, arg3.1, arc, immediat early genes, novelty, information processing, behavioral tests