14 resultados para aposematism


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La diversification des signaux aposématiques dans un cadre de mimétisme müllérien est un phénomène intrigant. Alors que la théorie relative à l'aposématisme et au mimétisme suggère l'évolution vers un signal aposématique unique, d'impressionnantes variations peuvent être observées entre les populations, et cela à petite échelle spatiale. Il a été supposé que la variation spatiale des pressions de sélection engendrées par différents prédateurs puisse être à l'origine de ce phénomène. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, nous avons étudié la transition entre deux systèmes géographiques caractérisés par des patrons aposématiques distincts chez des grenouilles mimétiques et toxiques du nord du Pérou (Dendrobatidae) en combinant les outils de génétique des populations aux outils écologiques. Dans chacun de ces systèmes, Ranitomeya imitator vit en sympatrie avec R. ventrimaculata ou R. variabilis. Il s'agit du principal exemple empirique suggérant que dans un cadre de mimétisme müllérien, il n'y a pas convergence des signaux aposématiques des deux espèces, mais plutôt convergence unidirectionnelle où R. imitator, étant polymorphe, imite des espèces monomorphes avec lesquelles elle est sympatrique. Premièrement, les résultats réfutent les prémisses qui suggèrent que R. imitator converge vers le signal aposématique d’une autre espèce. La haute similarité génétique entre les espèces modèles suggère qu'elles ont divergé plus récemment que les populations de R. imitator ou qu'elles sont encore connectées par du flux génique. Ces résultats indiquent que ces espèces ont été identifiées à tort comme des espèces différentes. De fait, l'identification de l'espèce imitatrice basée sur la variabilité phénotypique est invalidée dans ce système puisque R. imitator et R. variabilis/ventrimaculata démontrent la même variabilité. Deuxièmement, nos résultats démontrent que la prédation varie spatialement, autant en intensité qu'en direction, créant ainsi un paysage hétérogène de pressions de sélection. Ainsi, de fortes pressions de prédation stabilisatrice permettent le maintien de l'organisation géographique de différents signaux aposématiques et expliquent l'uniformité de ces signaux ainsi que les relations mimétiques. Par contre, le relâchement temporaire des pressions de prédation permet l'apparition de nouveaux phénotypes aposématiques via les processus évolutifs neutres, conduisant à un haut polymorphisme au niveau de ces populations. L'interaction de ces modes sélectifs nous a permis de démontrer pour la première fois comment la théorie évolutive de Wright (shifting balance theory) permet la diversification adaptative dans un système naturel. Pour conclure, cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence à quel point les systèmes de mimétisme müllérien peuvent être dynamiques. L'alternance spatiale entre les processus évolutifs neutres et la sélection naturelle permet l'émergence de nouveaux phénotypes aposématiques à une échelle locale, ainsi que l'apparition d'une organisation géographique des signaux d'avertissement et des relations de mimétisme müllérien.


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Conspicuous warning signals of unprofitable prey are a defense against visually hunting predators. They work because predators learn to associate unprofitability with bright coloration and because strong signals are detectable and memorable. However, many species that can be considered defended are not very conspicuous; they have weak warning signals. This phenomenon has previously been ignored in models and experiments. In addition, there is significant within- and among-species variation among predators in their search behavior, in their visual, cognitive, and learning abilities, and in their resistance to defenses. In this article we explore the effects of variable predators on models that combine positive frequency-dependent, frequency-independent, and negative frequency-dependent predation and show that weak signaling of aposematic species can evolve if predators vary in their tendency to attack defended prey.


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Colour patterns and their visual backgrounds consist of a mosaic of patches that vary in colour, brightness, size, shape and position. Most studies of crypsis, aposematism, sexual selection, or other forms of signalling concentrate on one or two patch classes (colours), either ignoring the rest of the colour pattern, or analysing the patches separately. We summarize methods of comparing colour patterns making use of known properties of bird eyes. The methods are easily modifiable for other animal visual systems. We present a new statistical method to compare entire colour patterns rather than comparing multiple pairs of patches. Unlike previous methods, the new method detects differences in the relationships among the colours, not just differences in colours. We present tests of the method's ability to detect a variety of kinds of differences between natural colour patterns and provide suggestions for analysis.


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Apostatic (frequency‐ or density‐dependent) selection, aposematic signals, and mate choice behavior generally require that the mean prey or potential mate density m value be high enough (above a threshold T) to result in sufficient encounter rates for the searcher to learn or retain the association between conspicuous signals and prey unprofitability, to forage apostatically, or to choose among mates. This assumes that all searchers experience , which implicitly assumes an even dispersion of targets among searcher territories. Uneven dispersion generates new phenomena. If , then only territories with local density x values that are greater than T favor experience‐based behavior, leading to spatially variable frequency‐ or density‐dependent selection intensity. As aggregation increases, the increase in percentage of targets in favorable territories ( ) is greater than the increase in the percentage of territories that are favorable. The relationship is reversed when . In both cases, because as few as 10% of the territories can contain 80% of the targets, only a few territory holders may account for most of the selection on most of the target population; accidents of experience in only a few searchers can have unexpectedly large effects on the target population. This also provides an explanation for high searcher behavior variation (personalities) : individuals from favorable territories will behave differently in behavioral experiments than those from unfavorable territories, at least with respect to similar kinds of targets. These effects will generate spatial heterogeneity in natural and sexual selection in what are otherwise uniform environments.


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Prey species often possess defences (e.g. toxins) coupled with warning signals (i.e. aposematism). There is growing evidence that the expression of aposematic signals often varies within species and correlates with the strength of chemical defences. This has led to the speculation that such signals may be 'honest', with signal reliability ensured by the costliness of producing or maintaining aposematic traits. We reared larval seven-spot ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) on a Low or High aphid diet and measured the effects on warning signal expression (elytral carotenoid pigmentation, conspicuousness, spot size), levels of defensive alkaloids (precoccinelline, coccinelline), and relationships between these traits. High-diet individuals had greater total precoccinelline levels, and elytra carotenoid concentrations at adulthood which was detectable to a typical avian predator. However, larval diet did not significantly affect adult body mass or size, spot size or coccinelline levels. Elytra carotenoid concentrations correlated positively with total precoccinelline levels in both diet groups and sexes. However, the relationship between elytra carotenoid concentrations and total levels of coccinelline depended on sex: in both diet groups, elytra carotenoids and coccinelline levels were positively correlated in females, but negatively correlated in males. Spot size and coccinelline levels correlated positively in Low-diet individuals, but negatively in High-diet individuals. These results point to physiological linkages between components of aposematism, which are modulated by resource (i.e. food) availability and affect the honesty of signals. Developmental diet, but also sex, influenced the relationships between signals and toxin levels. Ladybirds are sexually size dimorphic, and thus in comparison with males, females may be more susceptible to resource limitation and more likely to be honest signallers. © 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology © 2012 British Ecological Society.


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Aposematic signal variation is a paradox: predators are better at learning and retaining the association between conspicuousness and unprofitability when signal variation is low. Movement patterns and variable colour patterns are linked in non-aposematic species: striped patterns generate illusions of altered speed and direction when moving linearly, affecting predators' tracking ability; blotched patterns benefit instead from unpredictable pauses and random movement. We tested whether the extensive colour-pattern variation in an aposematic frog is linked to movement, and found that individuals moving directionally and faster have more elongated patterns than individuals moving randomly and slowly. This may help explain the paradox of polymorphic aposematism: variable warning signals may reduce protection, but predator defence might still be effective if specific behaviours are tuned to specific signals. The interacting effects of behavioural and morphological traits may be a key to the evolution of warning signals. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.


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Anurans may be brightly colored or completely cryptic. Generally, in the former situation, we are dealing with aposematism, and the latter is an example of camouflage. However, these are only simple views of what such colorations really mean and which defensive strategy is implied. For instance, a brightly colored frog may be part of a mimicry ring, which could be either Batesian, Müllerian, or Browerian. These are only examples of the diversity of color-usage systems as defensive strategies. Unfortunately, reports on the use of colors as defensive mechanisms are widespread in the available literature, and the possible functions are rarely mentioned. Therefore, we reviewed the literature and added new data to this subject. Then, we the use of colors (as defensive mechanism) into categories. Mimicry was divided into the subcategories camouflage, homotypy, and nondeceitful homotypy, and these groups were also subcategorized. Dissuasive coloration was divided into behavioral display of colors, polymorphism, and polyphenism. Aposematism was treated apart, but aposematic colorations may be present in other defensive strategies. Finally, we propose functions and forms of evolution for some color systems in post-metamorphic anurans and hope that this review can be the basis for future research, even on other animal groups. © 2009 L. F. Toledo and C. F. B. Haddad.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The poison frogs (family Dendrobatidae) are terrestrial anuran amphibians displaying a wide range of coloration and toxicity. These frogs generally have been considered to be aposematic, but relatively little research has been carried out to test the predictions of this hypothesis. Here we use a comparative approach to test one prediction of the hypothesis of aposematism: that coloration will evolve in tandem with toxicity. Recently, we developed a phylogenetic hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships among representative species of poison frogs, using sequences from three regions of mitochondrial DNA. In our analysis, we use that DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to investigate the correlation between coloration and toxicity in the poison frog family (Dendrobatidae). Information on the toxicity of different species was obtained from the literature. Two different measures of the brightness and extent of coloration were used. (i) Twenty-four human observers were asked to rank different photos of each different species in the analysis in terms of contrast to a leaf-littered background. (ii) Color photos of each species were scanned into a computer and a computer program was used to obtain a measure of the contrast of the colors of each species relative to a leaf-littered background. Comparative analyses of the results were carried out with two different models of character evolution: gradual change, with branch lengths proportional to the amount of genetic change, and punctuational change, with all change being associated with speciation events. Comparative analysis using either method or model indicated a significant correlation between the evolution of toxicity and coloration across this family. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that coloration in this group is aposematic.


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Aposematic signals that warn predators of the noxious qualities of prey gain their greatest selective advantage when predators have already experienced similar signals. Existing theory explains how such signals can spread through selective advantage after they are present at some critical frequency, but is unclear about how warning signals can be selectively advantageous when the trait is initially rare (i.e., when it first arises through mutation) and predators are naive. When aposematism is controlled by a maternal effect gene, the difficulty of initial rarity may be overcome. Unlike a zygotically expressed gene, a maternally expressed aposematism gene will be hidden from selection because it is not phenotypically expressed in the first individual with the mutation. Furthermore, the first individual carrying the new mutation will produce an entire family of aposematic offspring, thereby providing an immediate fitness advantage to this gene.


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Poison frogs in the anuran family Dendrobatidae use bright colors on their bodies to advertise toxicity. The species Dendrobates pumilio Schmidt 1858, the strawberry poison frog, shows extreme polymorphism in color and pattern in Panama. It is known that females of D. pumilio preferentially choose mates of their own color morph. Nevertheless, potential predators must clearly see and recognize all color morphs if the aposermatic signaling system is to function effectively. We examined the ability of conspecifics and a model predator to discriminate a diverse selection of D. pumilio colors from each other and from background colors. Microspectrophotometry of isolated rod and cone photoreceptors of D. pumilio revealed the presence of a trichromatic photopic visual system. A typical tetrachromatic bird system was used for the model predator. Reflectance spectra of frog and background colors were obtained, and discrimination among spectra in natural illuminants was mathematically modeled. The results revealed that both D. pumilio and the model predator discriminate most colors quite well, both from each other and from typical backgrounds, with the predator generally performing somewhat better than the conspecifics. Each color morph displayed at least one color signal that is highly visible against backgrounds to both visual systems. Our results indicate that the colors displayed by the various color morphs of D. pumilio are effective signals both to conspecifics and to a model predator.