376 resultados para antitrust defences


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This paper presents and investigates the foreign state compulsion as a defence in transnational antitrust cases. It takes a comparative approach by looking at the doctrine and its developments in the United States and in the European Union. To illustrate the relevance of the defence and the difficulties of its applicability, this paper analyses the new antitrust case law emerging in the US involving Chinese export cartels. It is argued that at present the standard required to prove compulsion is too high to serve its function.


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Despite its economic significance, competition law still remains fragmented, lacking an international framework allowing for dispute settlement. This, together with the growing importance of non-free-market economies in world trade require us to re-consider and re-evaluate the possibilities of bringing an antitrust suit against a foreign state. If the level playing field on the global marketplace is to be achieved, the possibility of hiding behind the bulwark of state sovereignty should be minimised. States should not be free to act in an anti-competitive way, but at present the legal framework seems ill-equipped to handle such challenges.

This paper deals with the defences available in litigation concerning transnational anti-competitive agreements involving or implicating foreign states. Four important legal doctrines are analysed: non-justiciability (political question doctrine), state immunity, act of state doctrine and foreign state compulsion. The paper addresses also the general problem of applicability of competition laws to a foreign state as such. This is a tale about repetitive unsuccessful efforts to sue OPEC and recent attempts in the US to deal with export cartels of Chinese state-owned enterprises


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Tort law reform has resulted in legislation being passed by all Australian jurisdictions in the past decade implementing the recommendations contained in the Ipp Report. The report was in response to a perceived crisis in medical indemnity insurance. The objective was to restrict and limit liability in negligence actions. This paper will consider to what extent the reforms have impacted on the liability of health professionals in medical negligence actions. The reversal of the onus of proof through the obvious risk sections has attempted to extend the scope of the defence of voluntary assumption of risk. There is no liability for the materialisation of an inherent risk. Presumptions and mandatory reductions for contributory negligence have attempted to reduce the liability of defendants. It is now possible for reductions of 100% for contributory negligence. Apologies can be made with no admission of legal liability to encourage them being made and thereby reduce the number of actions being commenced. The peer acceptance defence has been introduced and enacted by legislation. There is protection for good samaritans even though the Ipp Report recommended against such protection. Limitation periods have been amended. Provisions relating to mental harm have been introduced re-instating the requirement of normal fortitude and direct perception. After an analysis of the legislation, it will be argued in this paper that while there has been some limitation and restriction, courts have generally interpreted the civil liability reforms in compliance with the common law. It has been the impact of statutory limits on the assessment of damages which has limited the liability of health professionals in medical negligence actions.


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Tort law reform has resulted in legislation being passed by all Australian jurisdictions in the past decade implementing the recommendations contained in the Ipp Report. The report was in response to a perceived crisis in medical indemnity insurance. The objective was to restrict and limit liability in negligence actions. This paper will consider to what extent the reforms have impacted on the liability of health professionals in medical negligence actions. After an analysis of the legislation, it will be argued in this paper that while there has been some limitation and restriction, courts have generally interpreted the civil liability reforms in compliance with the common law. It has been the impact of statutory limits on the assessment of damages through thresholds and caps which has limited the liability of health professionals in medical negligence actions.


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Phlebiopsis gigantea has been for a long time known as a strong competitor against Heterobasidion annosum and intensively applied as a biological control agent on stump surfaces of Picea abies in Fennoscandia. However, the mechanism underlying its antagonistic activity is still unknown. A primary concern is the possible impact of P. gigantea treatment on resident non-target microbial biota of conifer stumps. Additional risk factor is the potential of P. gigantea to acquire a necrotrophic habit through adaptation to living wood tissues. This study focused on the differential screening of several P. gigantea isolates from diverse geographical sources as well as the use of breeding approach to enhance the biocontrol efficacy against H. annosum infection. The results showed a significant positive correlation between growth rate in wood and high biocontrol efficacy. Furthermore, with aid of breeding approach, several progeny strains were obtained that had better growth rate and control efficacy than parental isolates. To address the issue of the potential of P. gigantea to acquire necrotrophic capability, a combination of histochemical, molecular and transcript profiling (454 sequencing) were used to investigate the interactions between these two fungi and ten year old P. sylvestris seedlings. The results revealed that both P. gigantea and H. annosum provoked strong necrotic lesions, but after prolonged incubation, P. gigantea lesions shrank and ceased to expand further. Tree seedlings pre-treated with P. gigantea further restricted H. annosum-induced necrosis and had elevated transcript levels of genes important for lignification, cell death regulation and jasmonic acid signalling. These suggest that induced localized resistance is a contributory factor for the biocontrol efficacy of P.gigantea, and it has a comparatively limited necrotrophic capability than H. annosum. Finally, to investigate the potential impact of P. gigantea on the stump bacterial biota, 16S rDNA isolated from tissue samples from stumps of P. abies after 1-, 6- and 13-year post treatment was sequenced using bar-coded 454 Titanium pyrosequencing. Proteobacteria were found to be the most abundant at the initial stages of stump decay but were selectively replaced by Acidobacteria at advanced stages of the decay. Moreover, P. gigantea treatment significantly decreased the bacterial richness at initial decay stage in the stumps. Over time, the bacterial community in the stumps gradually recovered and the negative effects of P. gigantea was attenuated.


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Davies, Jeffrey, 'Gates, beads and Danubians. The defences and garrison of the auxiliary fort at Castell Collen: a speculative relationship', Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblatter (2006) 71 pp.3-13 RAE2008


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Aims/hypothesis: Abnormalities of glucose and fatty acid metabolism in diabetes are believed to contribute to the development of oxidative stress and the long term vascular complications of the disease therefore the interactions of glucose and long chain fatty acids on free radical damage and endogenous antioxidant defences were investigated in vascular smooth muscle cells. Methods: Porcine vascular smooth muscle cells were cultured in 5 mmol/l or 25 mmol/l glucose for ten days. Fatty acids, stearic acid (18:0), oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2) and gamma-linolenic acid (18:3) were added with defatted bovine serum albumin as a carrier for the final three days. Results. Glucose (25 mmol/l) alone caused oxidative stress in the cells as evidenced by free radical-mediated damage to DNA, lipids, and proteins. The addition of fatty acids (0.2 mmol/l) altered the profile of free radical damage; the response was J-shaped with respect to the degree of unsaturation of each acid, and oleic acid was associated with least damage. The more physiological concentration (0.01 mmol/l) of gamma-linolenic acids was markedly different in that, when added to 25 mmol/l glucose it resulted in a decrease in free radical damage to DNA, lipids and proteins. This was due to a marked increase in levels of the antioxidant, glutathione, and increased gene expression of the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione synthesis, gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase. Conclusion/Interpretation: The results clearly show that glucose and fatty acids interact in the production of oxidative stress in vascular smooth muscle cells.


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