899 resultados para anterior hypothalamus


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Une cascade de facteurs de transcription composée de SIM1, ARNT2, OTP, BRN2 et SIM2 est requise pour la différenciation des cinq types cellulaires qui peuplent le noyau paraventriculaire (PVN) de l’hypothalamus, un régulateur critique de plusieurs processus physiologiques essentiels à la survie. De plus, l’haploinsuffisance de Sim1 est aussi une cause d’hyperphagie isolée chez la souris et chez l’homme. Nous désirons disséquer le programme développemental du PVN, via une approche intégrative, afin d’identifier de nouveaux gènes qui ont le potentiel de réguler l’homéostasie chez l’individu adulte. Premièrement, nous avons utilisé une approche incluant l’analyse du transcriptome du PVN à différents stades du développement de la souris pour identifier de tels gènes. Nous avons comparé les transcriptomes de l’hypothalamus antérieur chez des embryons de souris Sim1+/+ et Sim1-/- à E12.5 issus de la même portée. De cette manière, nous avons identifié 56 gènes agissant en aval de Sim1 dont 5 facteurs de transcription - Irx3, Sax1, Rxrg, Ror et Neurod6. Nous avons également proposé un modèle de développement à deux couches de l’hypothalamus antérieur. Selon ce modèle, les gènes qui occupent un domaine médial dans la zone du manteau caractérisent des cellules qui peupleront le PVN alors que les gènes qui ont une expression latérale identifient des cellules qui donneront plus tard naissance aux structures ventrolatérales de l’hypothalamus. Nous avons aussi démontré que Sim1 est impliqué à la fois dans la différenciation, la migration et la prolifération des neurones qui peuplent le PVN tout comme Otp. Nous avons également isolé par microdissection au laser le PVN et l’hypothalamus médiobasal chez des souris de type sauvage à E14.5 pour en comparer les transcriptomes. Ceci nous a permis d’identifier 34 facteurs de transcription spécifiques au PVN et 76 facteurs spécifiques à l’hypothalamus médiobasal. Ces gènes représentent des régulateurs potentiels du développement hypothalamique. Deuxièmement, nous avons identifié 3 blocs de séquences au sein de la région 5’ d’Otp qui sont conservés chez l’homme, la souris et le poisson. Nous avons construit un transgène qui est composé d’un fragment de 7 kb contenant ces blocs de séquences et d’un gène rapporteur. L’analyse de 4 lignées de souris a montré que ce transgène est uniquement exprimé dans le PVN en développement. Nous avons généré un deuxième transgène dans lequel le fragment de 7 kb est inséré en amont de l’ADNc de Brn2 ou Sim1 et de Gfp. Nous avons obtenu quatre lignées de souris dans lesquels le profil d’expression de Brn2 et de Gfp reproduit celui d’Otp. Nous étudierons le développement du PVN et la prise alimentaire chez ces souris. En parallèle, nous croisons ces lignées avec les souris déficientes en Sim1 pour déterminer si l’expression de Brn2 permet le développement des cellules du PVN en absence de Sim1. En résumé, nous avons généré le premier transgène qui est exprimé spécifiquement dans le PVN. Ce transgène constitue un outil critique pour la dissection du programme développemental de l’hypothalamus. Troisièmement, nous avons caractérisé le développement de l’hypothalamus antérieur chez l’embryon de poulet qui représente un modèle intéressant pour réaliser des études de perte et de gain de fonction au cours du développement de cette structure. Il faut souligner que le modèle de développement à deux couches de l’hypothalamus antérieur semble être conservé chez l’embryon de poulet où il est aussi possible de classer les gènes selon leur profil d’expression médio-latéral et le devenir des régions qu’ils définissent. Finalement, nous croyons que cette approche intégrative nous permettra d’identifier et de caractériser des régulateurs du développement du PVN qui pourront potentiellement être associés à des pathologies chez l’adulte telles que l’obésité ou l’hypertension.


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Reducing body temperature has been found to improve survival not only due to hypoxia (the main focus of this review) but also to ischemia, shock, and many other types of insults. Under these conditions, there is a reduced oxygen delivery to the brain. To compensate the hypoxia, a regulated hypothermia (anapyrexia-Glossary of terms for Thermal Physiology, Commission for Thermal Physiology, 2001) takes place, which has been reported as a beneficial response since the drop in body temperature causes a reduced oxygen demand. The objective of the present article is to review the current knowledge of the mechanisms of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia, focusing on its neurochemical control mainly at the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus, together with the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) of the thalamus are considered the central components of the circadian timing system (CTS) of mammals. This system is responsible for the generation and regulation of circadian rhythms by establishing a temporal organization of physiological processes and behaviors. The neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN) has been widely used as a neuronal marker in several studies. Since glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a component of intermediate filaments found in the cytoplasm of astrocytes and is commonly used as a specific marker for these cells. This study aims to identify, in the marmoset, the NeuN immunoreactive neurons and glial cells immunoreactive to GFAP, as well as map the major route of photic synchronization of the STC, retinohypothalamic tract (RHT), and identify the indirect pathway to the SCN and pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) - structure homologous to IGL rodents, using immunohistochemical and cytoarchitectonic techniques. Observed in SCN the presence of neurons immunoreactive to NeuN and terminals immunoreactive subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin (5- HT). In the PGN noted the presence of the NeuN and NPY immunoreactive neurons and the immunoreactive terminals CTb and 5-HT. Astrocytes are present throughout the extent of the SCN and the PGN this New World primate


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective - We determined the effects of losartan and PD 123319 (antagonists of the AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, respectively), and [Sar1, Ala8] ANG II (a relatively peptide antagonist of angiotensin receptors) injected into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on water and 3% NaCl intake, and the diuretic, natriuretic, and pressor effects induced by administration of angiotensin II (ANG II) into the medial septal area (MSA) of conscious rats. Methods - Holtzman rats were used. Animals were anesthetized with tribromoethanol (20 mg) per 100 grams of body weight, ip. A stainless steel guide cannula was implanted into the MSA and PVN. All drugs were injected in 0.5-μl volumes for 10-15 seconds. Seven days after brain surgery, water and 3% NaCl intake, urine and sodium excretion, and arterial blood pressure were measured. Results - Losartan (40 nmol) and [Sar1, Ala8] ANG II (40 nmol) completely eliminated whereas PD 123319 (40 nmol) partially blocked the increase in water and sodium intake and the increase in arterial blood pressure induced by ANG II (10 nmol) injected into the MSA. The PVN administration of PD 123319 and [Sar1, Ala8] ANG II blocked whereas losartan attenuated the diuresis and natriuresis induced by MSA administration of ANG II. Conclusion - MSA involvement with PVN on water and sodium homeostasis and arterial pressure modulation utilizing ANGII receptors is suggested.


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During the wake sleep (W-S) cycle in mammals, the alternation of the different states, wake, NREM sleep (NREMS) and REM sleep (REMS), is associated not only with electroencephalographic or behavioural changes, but also with modifications in the physiological regulations of the organism. The most evident change is the existence of a suspension of the somatic and autonomic thermoregulatory responses during REMS. Since thermoregulation is prevalently controlled by the Preoptic Area-Anterior Hypothalamus (PO-AH), its suspension during REM sleep has been taken as a sign of an impairment of the hypothalamic integrative activity that could explain the modifications in physiological regulation observed in this sleep stage. The recent finding from our laboratory that the secretion of the antidiuretic hormone arginine-vasopressin (AVP) in response to a central osmotic stimulation is quantitatively the same throughout the different stages of the W-S cycle, has shown that hypothalamic osmoregulation is not suspended during REMS. In order to clarify the extent of the hypothalamic involvement in the regulation of the W-S cycle, we have studied the effects of three days of water deprivation and of two days of recovery during which animals were allowed a free access to water, on the architecture of the W-S cycle. The condition of water deprivation represents a severe challenge involving neuroendocrine and autonomic hypothalamic regulations. In contradiction with thermoregulatory studies, in which it has been clearly demonstrated that a thermal challenge selectively reduces REMS occurrence, the results of this study show that REMS occurrence is mildly reduced only in the third day of water deprivation. The most striking effects produced by water deprivation appear to concern NREMS, which shows a selective and significant reduction in its slow EEG activity (delta-power) but not in its duration. The recovery period is mainly characterized by a disruption of the normal circadian rhythm of REMS occurrence and by a rebound of the delta power in NREMS. Thus, an autonomic challenge different from those related to thermoregulation and an endocrine challenge as the continuous secretion of AVP show to exert different effects on the stages of the wake-sleep cycle. Also, this study demonstrates that the impairment of the hypothalamic integrative activity thought to characterize the occurrence of REMS only involves thermoregulatory structures.


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Endocrine system plays a major role in the control of reproductive functions which are regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis and its interactions. FSH and LH receptor genes are expressed at the gonads and GnRH receptor gene is expressed at the anterior pituitary gland. Misense mutations of the FSH, LH or GnRH receptors, activating or inactivating their functions in mammals, are potentially useful to allow the understanding of the role of this group of gonadotropins in reproductive phenotypes as early puberty and birth interval length. In the present study, polymorphisms in bovine exon 11 and 3`UTR of LHR, exon 10 and 3`UTR of FSHR and GnRHR genes were characterized with some of them resulting in changes in the aminoacidic chain. These polymorphic sites were found in a Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) female population by means of PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. Association between nucleotidic/aminoacidic changes and early puberty were determined by Chi-square analysis. It was found association between FSHR 3`UTR polymorphisms at position 2181, 2248 and 2249 bp and early puberty phenotype (p < 0.05). The presence of these new molecular markers might be considered in further studies to validate its correlation with early puberty or other reproduction associated phenotypes in cattle breeds. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Endocrine system plays a major role in the control of reproductive functions which are regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis and its interactions. FSH and LH receptor genes are expressed at the gonads and GnRH receptor gene is expressed at the anterior pituitary gland. Misense mutations of the FSH, LH or GnRH receptors, activating or inactivating their functions in mammals, are potentially useful to allow the understanding of the role of this group of gonadotropins in reproductive phenotypes as early puberty and birth interval length. In the present study, polymorphisms in bovine exon 11 and 3'UTR of LHR, exon 10 and 3'UTR of FSHR and GnRHR genes were characterized with some of them resulting in changes in the aminoacidic chain. These polymorphic sites were found in a Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) female population by means of PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. Association between nucleotidic/aminoacidic changes and early puberty were determined by Chi-square analysis. It was found association between FSHR 3'UTR polymorphisms at position 2181, 2248 and 2249 bp and early puberty phenotype (p < 0.05). The presence of these new molecular markers might be considered in further studies to validate its correlation with early puberty or other reproduction associated phenotypes in cattle breeds. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Electrophysiological experiments were performed on 96 male New Zealand white rabbits, anesthetized with urethane. Glass electrodes, filled with 2M NaCl, were used for microstimulation of three fiber pathways projecting from "limbic" centers to the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH). Unitary and field potential recordings were made in the VMH after stimulation.^ Stimulation of the lateral portion of the fimbria, which carries fibers from the ventral subiculum of the hippocampal formation, evokes predominantly an inhibition of neurons medially in the VMH, and excitation of neurons located laterally.^ Stimulation of the dorsal portion of the stria terminalis, which carries fibers from the cortical nucleus of the amygdala, also produces predominantly an inhibition of cells medially and excitation laterally.^ Stimulation of the ventral component of the stria terminalis, which carries fibers from the medial nucleus of the amygdala, evokes excitation of cell medially, with little or no response seen laterally.^ Cells recorded medially in the VMH received convergent inputs from each of the three fiber systems: inhibition from fimbria and dorsal stria stimulation, excitation from ventral stria stimulation.^ The excitatory unitary responses recorded medially to ventral stria stimulation and laterally to fimbria and dorsal stria stimulation were subjected to a series of threshold stimulus intensities. From these tests it was determined that each of these three projections terminates monosynaptically on VMH neurons.^ The evidence for convergence upon single VMH neurons of projections from the amygdala and the hippocampal formation suggests this area of the brain to be important for integration of information from these two limbic centers. The VMH has been implied in a number of behavioral states: eating, reproduction, defense and aggression; it has further been linked to control of the anterior pituitary. These data provide a functional circuit through which the amygdaloid complex and the hippocampal formation can channel information from higher cortical centers into a hypothalamic area capable of coordinating behavioral and hormonal responses. ^


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A prospective, consecutive series of 106 patients receiving endoscopic anterior scoliosis correction. The aim was to analyse changes in radiographic parameters and rib hump in the two years following surgery. Endoscopic anterior scoliosis correction is a level sparing approach, therefore it is important to assess the amount of decompensation which occurs after surgery. All patients received a single anterior rod and vertebral body screws using a standard compression technique. Cleared disc spaces were packed with either mulched femoral head allograft or rib head/iliac crest autograft. Radiographic parameters (major, instrumented, minor Cobb, T5-T12 kyphosis) and rib hump were measured at 2,6,12 and 24 months after surgery. Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed ranks tests were used to assess the statistical significant of changes between adjacent time intervals.----- Results: Mean loss of major curve correction from 2 to 24 months after surgery was 4 degrees. Mean loss of rib hump correction was 1.4 degrees. Mean sagittal kyphosis increased from 27 degrees at 2 months to 30.6 degrees at 24 months. Rod fractures and screw-related complications resulted in several degrees less correction than patients without complications, but overall there was no clinically significant decompensation following complications. The study concluded that there are small changes in deformity measures after endoscopic anterior scoliosis surgery, which are statistically significant but not clinically significant.


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The primary aims of scoliosis surgery are to halt the progression of the deformity, and to reduce its severity (cosmesis). Currently, deformity correction is measured in terms of posterior parameters (Cobb angles and rib hump), even though the cosmetic concern for most patients is anterior chest wall deformity. In this study, we propose a new measure for assessing anterior chest wall deformity and examine the correlation between rib hump and the new measure. 22 sets of CT scans were retrieved from the QUT/Mater Paediatric Spinal Research Database. The Image J software (NIH) was used to manipulate formatted CT scans into 3-dimensional anterior chest wall reconstructions. A ‘chest wall angle’ was then measured in relation to the first sacral vertebral body. The chest wall angle was found to be a reliable tool in the analysis of chest wall deformity. No correlation was found between the new measure and rib hump angle. Since rib hump has been shown to correlate with vertebral rotation on CT, this suggests that there maybe no correlation between anterior and posterior deformity measures. While most surgical procedures will adequately address the coronal imbalance & posterior rib hump elements of scoliosis, they do not reliably alter the anterior chest wall shape. This implies that anterior chest wall deformity is to a large degree an intrinsic deformity, not directly related to vertebral rotation.


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Fusionless scoliosis surgery is an emerging treatment for idiopathic scoliosis as it offers theoretical advantages over current forms of treatment. Anterior vertebral stapling using a nitinol staple is one such treatment. Despite increasing interest in this technique, little is known about the effects on the spine following insertion, or the mechanism of action of the staple. The aims of this study were threefold; (1) to measure changes in the bending stiffness of a single motion segment following staple insertion, (2) to describe the forces that occur within the staple during spinal movement, and (3) to describe the anatomical changes that occur following staple insertion. Results suggest that staple insertion consistently decreased stiffness in all directions of motion. An explanation for the finding may be found in the outcomes of the strain gauge testing and micro-CT scan. The strain gauge testing showed that once inserted, the staple tips applied a baseline compressive force to the surrounding trabecular bone and vertebral end-plate. This finding would be consistent with the current belief that the clinical effect of the staples is via unilateral compression of the physis. Interestingly however, as each specimen progressed through the five cycles of each test, the baseline load on the staple tips gradually decreased, implying that the force at the staple tip-bone interface was decreasing. We believe that this was likely occurring as a result of structural damage to the trabecular bone and vertebral end-plate by the staple effectively causing ‘loosening’ of the staple. This hypothesis is further supported by the findings of the micro-CT scan. The pictures depict significant trabecular bone and physeal injury around the staple blades. These results suggest that the current hypothesis that stapling modulates growth through physeal compression may be incorrect, but rather the effect occurs through mechanical disruption of the vertebral growth plate.


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Bone graft is generally considered fundamental in achieving solid fusion in scoliosis correction and pseudarthrosis following instrumentation may predispose to implant failure. In endoscopic anterior-instrumented scoliosis surgery, autologous rib or iliac crest graft has been utilised traditionally but both techniques increase operative duration and cause donor site morbidity. Allograft bone and bone- morphogenetic-protein alternatives may improve fusion rates but this remains controversial. This study's objective was to compare two-year postoperative fusion rates in a series of patients who underwent endoscopic anterior instrumentation for thoracic scoliosis utilising various bone graft types. Significantly better rates of fusion occurred in endoscopic anterior instrumented scoliosis correction using femoral allograft compared to autologous rib-heads and iliac crest graft. This may be partly explained by the difficulty obtaining sufficient quantities of autologous graft. Lower fusion rates in the autologous graft group appeared to predispose to rod fracture although the clinical consequence of implant failure is uncertain.