817 resultados para antennas for wireless LAN
The need of miniaturization in the present day communication industry is challenging. In the present scenario, printed antenna technology is highly suitable for wireless communication due to its low profile and other desirable radiation characteristics. Small monopole type antennas are overruled by compact small antennas for present day mobile communication applications. Coplanar waveguides (CPW) are printed on one side of a dielectric substrate. CPW have attracted the attention of antenna designers due to their excellent properties like ease of integration with ‘MMIC’, low cost, wide bandwidth, flexibility towards multiband operation, low radiation leakage and less dispersion. The requirement of omnidirectional coverage, light weight and low cost made these CPW fed antennas a good candidate for wireless applications. The main focus of the thesis is the study of coplanar waveguide transmission line. Rigorous investigations were performed on both the ground plane and signal strip of a coplanar waveguide transmission line to create effective radiation characteristics. Good amount of works have been done to transform CPW line to antenna suitable for mobile phone applications
Este trabalho apresenta, inicialmente, uma análise comparativa detalhada dos dois padrões, IEEE 802.11a e IEEE802.11b, que foram apresentados recentemente pelo IEEE na área de redes sem fio (wireless). São apresentadas as principais diferenças tecnológicas dos dois padrões, no que se refere, principalmente, à arquitetura, funções de controle, segurança, desempenho e custo de implementação destas duas tecnologias de redes wireless. São avaliados também os aspectos de interoperabilidade, quando estas redes são integradas em redes corporativas fixas, que são baseadas, principalmente, em redes Ethernet, tradicionalmente usadas em redes corporativas. São considerados também, aspectos de custo e flexibilidade de aplicação das duas tecnologias e mostram-se como estas diferenças devem ser levadas em conta em aplicações típicas de um ambiente corporativo. Finalmente, apresenta-se também, como estudo de caso, uma análise focalizada principalmente na integração da tecnologia wireless em aplicações típicas de uma grande empresa local. Consideram-se as vantagens e desvantagens de ambas as tecnologias, como solução para algumas aplicações típicas encontradas nesta empresa, e justifica-se a escolha da solução que foi adotada. Conclui-se com algumas projeções quanto ao futuro da tecnologia wireless no ambiente público e corporativo.
The present PhD thesis exploits the design skills I have been improving since my master thesis’ research. A brief description of the chapters’ content follows. Chapter 1: the simulation of a complete front–end is a very complex problem and, in particular, is the basis upon which the prediction of the overall performance of the system is possible. By means of a commercial EM simulation tool and a rigorous nonlinear/EM circuit co–simulation based on the Reciprocity Theorem, the above–mentioned prediction can be achieved and exploited for wireless links characterization. This will represent the theoretical basics of the entire present thesis and will be supported by two RF applications. Chapter 2: an extensive dissertation about Magneto–Dielectric (MD) materials will be presented, together with their peculiar characteristics as substrates for antenna miniaturization purposes. A designed and tested device for RF on–body applications will be described in detail. Finally, future research will be discussed. Chapter 3: this chapter will deal with the issue regarding the exploitation of renewable energy sources for low–energy consumption devices. Hence the problem related to the so–called energy harvesting will be tackled and a first attempt to deploy THz solar energy in an innovative way will be presented and discussed. Future research will be proposed as well. Chapter 4: graphene is a very promising material for devices to be exploited in the RF and THz frequency range for a wide range of engineering applications, including those ones marked as the main research goal of the present thesis. This chapter will present the results obtained during my research period at the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT) in Bucharest, Romania. It will concern the design and manufacturing of antennas and diodes made in graphene–based technology for detection/rectification purposes.
The design of dual-band 2.45/5.2 GHz antenna for an acces point of a Wireless Local Area Network (LAN) is presented. The proposed antenna is formed by a Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) operating at 2.4 GHz and a Microstrip patch working at 5.2 GHz, both featuring circular polarization. The design of this antenna system is accomplished using commercially available Finite Element software. High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) of Ansoft and an in-house developed iteration procedure. The performance of the designed antenna is assessed in terms of return loss (RL), radiation pattern and polarization purity in the two frequency bands.
Link adaptation is a critical component of IEEE 802.11 systems. In this paper, we analytically model a retransmission based Auto Rate Fallback (ARF) link adaptation algorithm. Both packet collisions and packet corruptions are modeled with the algorithm. The models can provide insights into the dynamics of the link adaptation algorithms and configuration of algorithms parameters. It is also observed that when the competing number of stations is high, packet collisions can largely affected the performance of ARF and make ARF operate with the lowest date rate, even when no packet corruption occur. This is in contrast to the existing assumption that packet collision will not affect the correct operation of ARF and can be ignored in the evaluation of ARF. The work presented in this paper can provide guidelines on configuring the link adaptation algorithms and designing new link adaptation algorithms for future high speed 802.11 systems. © 2006 IEEE.
[1] In this paper a detailed design, development and performances of a 5 GHz microstrip Yagi antenna, which uses a two-dimensional (2-D) electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure in the ground plane, are presented. The results indicate that the use of the EBG structure improves the radiation pattern of the antenna. The cross polarization is suppressed by properly choosing the period and dimensions of EBGs. Also, the broadside gain is improved in comparison with the analogous antenna without the EBGs.
This letter addresses the optimization and complexity reduction of switch-reconfigured antennas. A new optimization technique based on graph models is investigated. This technique is used to minimize the redundancy in a reconfigurable antenna structure and reduce its complexity. A graph modeling rule for switch-reconfigured antennas is proposed, and examples are presented.
In this paper, we address the problem of sharing a wireless channel among a set of sporadic message streams where a message stream issues transmission requests with real-time deadlines. We propose a collision-free wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements static-priority scheduling, supports a large number of priority levels and is fully distributed. It is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But, unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel. The evaluation of the protocol with real embedded computing platforms is presented to show that the proposed protocol is in fact collision-free and prioritized. We measure the response times of our implementation and show that the response-time analysis developed for the protocol offers an upper bound on the response times.
IEEE 802.11 is one of the most well-established and widely used standard for wireless LAN. Its Medium Access control (MAC) layer assumes that the devices adhere to the standard’s rules and timers to assure fair access and sharing of the medium. However, wireless cards driver flexibility and configurability make it possible for selfish misbehaving nodes to take advantages over the other well-behaving nodes. The existence of selfish nodes degrades the QoS for the other devices in the network and may increase their energy consumption. In this paper we propose a green solution for selfish misbehavior detection in IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks. The proposed scheme works in two phases: Global phase which detects whether the network contains selfish nodes or not, and Local phase which identifies which node or nodes within the network are selfish. Usually, the network must be frequently examined for selfish nodes during its operation since any node may act selfishly. Our solution is green in the sense that it saves the network resources as it avoids wasting the nodes energy by examining all the individual nodes of being selfish when it is not necessary. The proposed detection algorithm is evaluated using extensive OPNET simulations. The results show that the Global network metric clearly indicates the existence of a selfish node while the Local nodes metric successfully identified the selfish node(s). We also provide mathematical analysis for the selfish misbehaving and derived formulas for the successful channel access probability.
Informationsaustausch ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil in der heutigen Gesellschaft. Während des früheren Anfangs des Ethernets war der Informationsaustausch auf drahtgebundene Netzwerklösungen angewiesen. Aber die Vernetzung war von Raum und Stoffen ziemlich eingeschränkt. Der dringende Bedarf wurde nach der Verabschiedung des IEEE-802.11-Standards erleichtert. Die Arbeitsgruppe 802.11 definierte ein neues Schlagwort der modernen Kommunikationsmethode, das sogenannte Wireless LAN, kurz WLAN. Wireless LAN ist eine revolutionierte Methode für den Datenaustausch und bahnt einen Trend der Daten-transportierung an. Daten werden heute nicht nur ausschließlich über den Draht transportiert, sondern auch zunehmend über die Luft. Die Vorteile von Wireless LAN liegen klar auf den Hand: Der feste Kabelanschluss für die Netzwerkverbindung wird nicht mehr benötigt. Dabei erfreut sich der Benutzer der Flexibilität und Mobilität des Surfens. Wegen des großen Erfolges des Wireless LAN hat sich das drahtlose Netzwerk sowohl im gewerblichen als auch im privaten Bereich mehr und mehr etabliert.
The objective of the thesis was to evaluate business potential of wireless local area networks (WLAN, Wireless LAN). At first, the scope of business potential evaluation of technology was introduced. Next, a general framework of business potential evaluation of technology based on literature was presented. In addition, convergence of cellular networks and data networks was studied in order to get an insight of current situation of mobile telecommunications industry. Finally, wireless local area networks business potential was evaluated. A wireless local area network is a data communication system, which combines data connectivity with mobility and is implemented in unlicensed frequency bands, allowing new business opportunities to emerge. The main markets of WLAN are corporate networks, public area networks and access networks. At the moment the penetration of WLAN terminals is low which derives to low demand of wireless LAN services. In addition, unlicensed spectrum forces the teleoperators to set the service price relatively low. The business potential is in integrating wireless LANs to cellular networks and in offering value added services to end users. The future of wireless LAN is to be complementary network to cellular networks. In this vision cellular networks provide voice and low data services and broadband wireless networks enable multimedia services.