11 resultados para anodising


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Aluminium, as the current collector in lithium batteries, has shown reduced corrosion susceptibility in room temperature molten salts (1, 2). Moreover, previous studies have established that corrosion mitigation is achieved on magnesium alloys using ionic liquids pretreatments (3, 4). This paper investigated the anodisation of AA5083 aluminium alloy in Trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfony) ([P6,6,6,14][NTf2]) ionic liquid by applying a constant current followed by holding at the maximum potential for a period of time. Potentiodynamic polarisation results show that the treated surfaces were more corrosion resistant in 0.1 M sodium chloride solution compared with the control specimen. The anodising treatment was effective both in shifting the free corrosion potential to more noble values and in suppressing the corrosion current. Optical microscope and optical profilometry images indicated that an anodising film was deposited onto the alloy surface, which is thought to have inhibited corrosion in chloride environment. Further characterisation of the anodising film will be carried out in future work.


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The thickness, chemical composition and microstructure of anodised coatings formed on magnesium alloy AZ91D at various anodising current densities were measured. It was found that all these parameters could be affected by anodising current density, and hence the coatings formed at different anodising current densities had different corrosion resistances. This suggests that the corrosion performance of an anodised coating could be improved if a properly designed current waveform is used for anodising. In addition, based on the experimental results, some physical, chemical and electrochemical reactions involved in the anodising process were proposed to explain the anodising behaviour in this paper. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anodising aluminium in an acid electrolyte results in a porous alumina film. The pores are uniformly distributed and their structure can be controlled by varying the anodising parameters. In this study, the pore structure of the anodic alumina films is varied systematically by varying the anodising time and a subsequent pore widening chemical etch. The indentation behaviour of the resulting film is studied using a depth sensing nanoindenter. The hardness of the films was found to be decreasing with decreasing solid area fraction. Understanding the deformation behaviour of nanoporous alumina would help tailoring the mechanical properties by tuning the geometry.


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A valorização de diferentes resíduos industriais provenientes dosector de tratamento/revestimento de superfícies metálicas pode ser obtida utilizando-os como matérias-primas na formulação de pigmentos cerâmicos, sintetizados pelo método cerâmico convencional. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a viabilidade de incorporar lamas geradas pelos processos de (i) anodização, ricas em alumínio, (ii) de niquelagem e cromagem de torneiras, usadas como fonte de níquel e crómio, e (iii) da decapagem química de aços de uma trefilaria, ricas em ferro, utilizadas por si só, ou em conjunto com matérias-primas comerciais, para a obtenção depigmentos cerâmicos que coram, de forma estável, diversas matrizes cerâmicas e vítreas. Esta solução assegura ainda a inertização de potenciaisespécies perigosas presentes nos resíduos, resultando produtos inócuospara a saúde pública. Procedeu-se à caracterização de cada resíduo, em termos de composição química e mineralógica, comportamento térmico, grau de toxicidade, distribuição granulométrica, teor de humidade, etc. Verificou-se a constância das características das lamas, recorrendo à análise de lotes recolhidos em momentos distintos. Os resíduos são essencialmente constituídos por hidróxidos metálicos e foram utilizados após secagem e desagregação. No entanto, a lama de anodização de alumínio sofreu um tratamento térmico suplementar a 1400ºC. O método de síntese dos pigmentos englobou as seguintes etapas: (i) doseamento; (ii) homogeneização; (iii) calcinação; (iv) lavagem e moagem.Procedeu-se à caracterização dos pigmentos, avaliando a cor por espectroscopia de reflectância difusae pelo método CIELAB e determinando as características físico-químicas relevantes. Posteriormente, testou-se o seu desempenho em produtos cerâmicos distintos (corpos e vidrados), aferindo o desempenho cromático e a estabilidade. Numa primeira fase, desenvolveram-se e caracterizaram-se tipos distintos de pigmentos: (i) com base na estrutura do corundo (ii) verde Victória deuvarovite (iii) violeta de cassiterite com crómio (iv) pigmento carmim de malaiaíte; (v)pretos e castanhos com base na estrutura da espinela. Aprofundaram-se depois os estudos do pigmento carmim de malaiaítee do pigmento preto com base na estrutura da espinela. O pigmento carmim de malaiaíte, CaSnSiO5:Cr2O3, é formulado coma lama gerada no processo de niquelagem e cromagem. Avaliou-se a influência do teor de lama na temperatura de síntese e na qualidade cromática, em comparação com um pigmento formulado com reagentes puros. O pigmento preto com estrutura de espinela de níquel, crómio e ferro, foii formulado exclusivamente a partir das lamas geradas nos processos de cromagem/niquelagem e de decapagem química do aço. Avaliaram-se as características cromáticas e o grau de inertização dos elementos tóxicospresentes, em função da estequiometria e do tratamento térmico. Estudou-se ainda um novo sistema com base na estrutura da hibonite(CaAl12O19), que permite a obtenção de pigmentos azuis e que utiliza a lama de cromagem e niquelagem. As espécies cromóforas (Ni2+ ou Co2+) assumem coordenação tetraédrica quando substituem os iões Al3+ que ocupam as posições M5 da rede da hibonite. A formação simultânea de anortite permite reduzir a temperatura de síntese.Para além do carácter inovador deste pigmento de dissolução sólida, a qualidade cromática e a sua estabilidade são interessantes. Além disso, os teores de cobalto ou níquel são reduzidosrelativamente aos utilizados em formulações comerciais de pigmentos azuis, o que se traduz em importantes vantagens económicas e ambientais.


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Whilst ionic liquids (IL) have been shown to inhibit corrosion on some reactive metals and alloys by forming a surface film, e.g. Li and Mg, understanding of the interaction between ionic liquids and aluminium is lacking. This research study investigated the viability of film formation on AA5083 Aluminium Alloy by electrochemical treatments in the trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium diphenylphosphate ([P6,6,6,14][dpp]) IL. Two-step anodic treatments were performed on AA5083 in the IL, followed by a comparison of the corrosion behaviour of the IL-treated samples with that of a control. It has been revealed that the two-step IL-treatment led to reduced current densities on AA5083 under cyclic voltammetry scan in the IL before and after the IL-treatment. Lower corrosion rates have been shown on all samples treated in IL at room temperature. Surface characterisation showed a non-uniform porous film on the 50°C IL-treated sample with a film thickness ranging between 37nm and 155nm. The IL-film enhanced the corrosion resistance of AA5083 by protecting the Al-matrix and Fe-rich intermetallic particles (IMPs). Although findings of this study suggest similar IL-film formation as that on Li and Mg, more research needs to be conducted to optimise the electrochemical treatment conditions and ultimately to develop a robust IL-film formation procedure for corrosion protection.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effect of the beta phase in Mg-Al alloys on the corrosion performance of an anodised coating was studied. It was found that the corrosion resistance of the anodised coating was closely associated with the corrosion performance of the substrate alloy. In particular, Mg alloys with a dual phase microstructure of alpha + beta with intermediate aluminium contents (namely 5%, 10% and 22% Al) after anodisation had the highest corrosion rate and the worst corrosion resistance provide by the anodised coating. The poor performance of an anodised coating was attributed partly to lower corrosion resistance of the substrate alloy and partly to the higher porosity of the anodised coating. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The object of this work was to further develop the idea introduced by Muaddi et al (1981) which enables some of the disadvantages of earlier destructive adhesion test methods to be overcome. The test is non-destructive in nature but it does need to be calibrated against a destructive method. Adhesion is determined by measuring the effect of plating on internal friction. This is achieved by determining the damping of vibrations of a resonating specimen before and after plating. The level of adhesion was considered by the above authors to influence the degree of damping. In the major portion of the research work the electrodeposited metal was Watt's nickel, which is ductile in nature and is therefore suitable for peel adhesion testing. The base metals chosen were aluminium alloys S1C and HE9 as it is relatively easy to produce varying levels of adhesion between the substrate and electrodeposited coating by choosing the appropriate process sequence. S1C alloy is the commercially pure aluminium and was used to produce good adhesion. HE9 aluminium alloy is a more difficult to plate alloy and was chosen to produce poorer adhesion. The "Modal Testing" method used for studying vibrations was investigated as a possible means of evaluating adhesion but was not successful and so research was concentrated on the "Q" meter. The method based on the use of a "Q" meter involves the principle of exciting vibrations in a sample, interrupting the driving signal and counting the number of oscillations of the freely decaying vibrations between two known preselected amplitudes of oscillations. It was not possible to reconstruct a working instrument using Muaddi's thesis (1982) as it had either a serious error or the information was incomplete. Hence a modified "Q" meter had to be designed and constructed but it was then difficult to resonate non-magnetic materials, such as aluminium, therefore, a comparison before and after plating could not be made. A new "Q" meter was then developed based on an Impulse Technique. A regulated miniature hammer was used to excite the test piece at the fundamental mode instead of an electronic hammer and test pieces were supported at the two predetermined nodal points using nylon threads. This instrument developed was not very successful at detecting changes due to good and poor pretreatments given before plating, however, it was more sensitive to changes at the surface such as room temperature oxidation. Statistical analysis of test results from untreated aluminium alloys show that the instrument is not always consistent, the variation was even bigger when readings were taken on different days. Although aluminium is said to form protective oxides at room temperature there was evidence that the aluminium surface changes continuously due to film formation, growth and breakdown. Nickel plated and zinc alloy immersion coated samples also showed variation in Q with time. In order to prove that the variations in Q were mainly due to surface oxidation, aluminium samples were lacquered and anodised Such treatments enveloped the active surfaces reacting with the environment and the Q variation with time was almost eliminated especially after hard anodising. This instrument detected major differences between different untreated aluminium substrates.Also Q values decreased progressively as coating thicknesses were increased. This instrument was also able to detect changes in Q due to heat-treatment of aluminium alloys.