992 resultados para animal shelter design
The Stokes County Humane Society has the opportunity to implement sustainable design concepts and demonstrate long-term fiscal savings in the design of an animal shelter for Stokes County, North Carolina. The proposed renovated structure takes advantage of passive design strategies that convert a cold, steel structure into one with warmth, light, and functionality. Proposed design techniques include an interior courtyard, geothermal heating and cooling, solar panels, a green roof, rainwater harvesting, sustainable landscaping, and clever materials selection. A cost analysis identifies capital costs and long term operational costs for both traditional and sustainable construction techniques. The results are capital costs of a sustainable design that are comparable to a traditional build, with long-term operational cost savings and generated revenue.
Vamos a visitar un refugio de animales acompañados por algunos de sus empleados y por la autora del libro que lleva su máquina de fotos y un magnetófono. Ésta utiliza una combinación de texto y fotografía collage y nos introduce en el desarrollo de un día en este centro, en el que las personas y los animales, que son cuidados y tratados de sus enfermedades, forman una familia.
Construction Technology students, JJ Potvin and Jim Strande assisted Pintler Pets, Montana's Anaconda-Deer Lodge Animal Shelter, with its recent major influx of feral cats by constructing a "lean to" addition to the building.
Mode of access: Internet.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació web per a la gestió d'una protectora d'animals.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a tick-borne illness caused by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii, with infections occurring in humans and dogs. The prominent tick vector of RMSF, Dermacantor variabilis, and another potential vector, Rhipacephalus sanguineus, are prevalent in Texas. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of past infections by testing for IgG antibodies to R. rickettsii in dogs in an animal shelter in Harris County using an immunofluorescence assay (IFA) test. We found that 12.6% (24) of 191 dogs tested had a positive IFA test at 1:64 serum dilution, indicating infection at some time in the past. We also sampled the ticks present on dogs in the animal shelter to understand the prevalence of potential vector species. Of a total of 58 ticks, 86% were D. variabilis and the remaining 14% were R. sanguineus. The results of this study demonstrate that RMSF has the potential to be, and may already be, endemic to the Harris County area. Public health actions such as heightened surveillance and education that RMSF is present would be appropriate in the Harris County area.^
Objective: The NALP3 inflammasome functions as a sensor of danger signals and triggers processing and release of IL-1b. Mutations of NALP3 are responsible for the cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes, a group of autoinflammatory disorders that respond to IL1 inhibition. Genetic studies have also linked NALP3 to hypertension in man, but the mechanism is not understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of NAPL3 inflammasome in the development of hypertension in an animal model. Design and Method: Six-week old male WT and NALP3 KO mice were used for generating a two-kidney, one clip (2K1C) renovascular hypertension. A U-shaped stainless steel clip (O^ ¼0.12mm) was placed on left renal artery under anaesthesia. The same surgery without clipping was performed in sham mice. At week 6 and 12 after the clipping, intra-arterial blood pressure (BP) was measured in conscious mice. Blood was collected for plasma renin analysis. Heart and kidney were excised and stored for molecular and morphological examinations. n¼5-6 mice per group. Data are mean_SEM. Results: Mean BP was significantly increased at week 6 and 12 in WT-2K1C mice compared to WT-sham group (MBPweek6: 138_2 vs.124_3 mmHg, p<0.01 and MBPweek12: 141_5 vs.122_3 mmHg, p<0.01) followed with an significant increase in heart weight (HW) and a decrease in clipped kidney weight indices in WT-2K1C mice compared to the WT-sham (HW/ BWweek6: 4.65_0.04 vs. 3.99_0.12 mg/g, p<0.001 and HW/BWweek12: 4.94_0.15 vs. 4.22_0.12 mg/g, p<0.001). Interestingly, NALP3 KO-2K1C mice did not develop hypertension. The MBP of KO-2K1C mice was comparable to the KO-sham (MBPweek6: 122_3 vs. 119_3 mmHg, p>0.05 and MBPweek6: 128_5 vs.122_4 mmHg, p>0.05). There was also no significant change in heart and kidney weight indices between KO- 2K1C and KO-sham mice. Conclusion: The preliminary results suggest that absence of NALP3 protects mice from the development of renin-dependent hypertension. Further molecular and morphological examinations are ongoing for the confirmation and mechanism explanation.
Diplomityössä on tarkasteltu kunnissa myönnettyjen ympäristölupien myöntämiskriteereitä ja niiden yhtenäistämismahdollisuuksia eläinsuojien, polttonesteiden jakeluasemien sekä kivenlouhimokokonaisuuksien osalta. Työssä tutkittiin ympäristönsuojelulain (86/2000) mukaisialupapäätöksiä viidestä kunnasta. Lupapäätöksissä havaittiin eroja kuntien välillä kaikkien lupakokonaisuuksien osalta. Pääasiassa erot kohdistuivat ympäristölautakunnan antamiin lupamääräyksiin. Lupien myöntämiskriteereiden yhtenäistäminen kuntatasolla vaatii aikaa ja resursseja, mutta ei ole mahdotonta. Yhtenäistämiskeinoja ovat kunnan sisäinen muistilista, korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden ratkaisulinjan tulkitseminen, ympäristönsuojelulain tulkinnan syventämien, alueellisten ympäristökeskusten taitojen hyödyntäminen sekä kuntien välinenyhteistyö. Kutakin yhtenäistämiskeinoa voi käyttää itsenäisenä keinona, mutta tehokkaampi tulos saada yhdistämällä kaikki viisi keinoa. Keinojen yhtenäistäminen on paras toteuttaa kunnan ympäristötarkastajien koulutuksella.
Este trabalho visou a relacionar variáveis ambientais em instalação para criação de rãs, com cobertura de polietileno e baias construídas usando material alternativo, com o desempenho de rãs-touro (Rana catesbeiana). No interior das baias, foram medidas as temperaturas do piso, do ar ambiente (bulbo seco), de bulbo úmido, globo negro e da água do reservatório. Foram utilizados 60 animais por baia e três baias por galpão. As variáveis de desempenho estudadas foram peso vivo, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Nas condições experimentais, quando a temperatura do ar atingiu valores abaixo de 10 ºC ou superiores a 40 ºC, houve diminuição no consumo de ração pelos animais. Concluiu-se que o estresse predominante, neste tipo de estrutura, para as condições climáticas do período experimental, foi devido, principalmente, às baixas temperaturas. Concluiu-se, ainda, que o uso do Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (THI), na estimativa de variáveis de desempenho, melhorou a precisão da estimativa em relação ao uso exclusivo da temperatura do ar, embora valores desse índice, considerados estressantes para animais superiores, não o tenham sido para as rãs.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
In the period from July 2009 to October 2010, fecal samples from 61 animals and 154 humans from the municipality of Aracatuba (São Paulo State, Brazil) were studied. Fecal samples from animals were collected in the Municipal Animal Shelter and the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Estadual Paulista. Human fecal specimens were collected in playschools in the outskirts of the city by the private network of clinical analysis laboratories of the municipal. Diagnosis was done by optical microscopy using the Faust and Hoffmann, Pons and Janer techniques. The genotypes of Giardia intestinalis were characterized by PCR-RFLP and confirmed by sequencing the ß-giardin gene. Human specimens were positive in 25.3% (39/154) of the cases with 26.8% (36/134) of the specimens from children and 15% (3/20) from adults being positive. The frequency of G. intestinalis among the animals was 23.0% (14/61). A total of 32 isolates of G. intestinalis obtained from human feces and six from dogs and cats were characteristic of the A genotype (AI and AII/AIII). The results of this study in respect to frequency of giardiasis are similar to reported in most studies in Brazil. The prevalence observed in animal populations conforms to worldwide infection rates. G. intestinalis genotypes considered zoonotic were detected in both pets and humans from the city of Aractuba, suggesting a possible zoonotic transmission of the parasite in the northwestern region of São Paulo State. The absence of these genotypes in farm animals may imply that they are not involved in the chain of transmission to humans in this region.
Power calculations in a small sample comparative study, with a continuous outcome measure, are typically undertaken using the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic. When the sample size is small, this asymptotic result can be a poor approximation. An alternative approach, using a rank based test statistic, is an exact power calculation. When the number of groups is greater than two, the number of calculations required to perform an exact power calculation is prohibitive. To reduce the computational burden, a Monte Carlo resampling procedure is used to approximate the exact power function of a k-sample rank test statistic under the family of Lehmann alternative hypotheses. The motivating example for this approach is the design of animal studies, where the number of animals per group is typically small.
"This booklet is an abstract of OCD technical report TR-28, "National community fallout shelter design competition awards," brochure which is available only to architects,..."--Back cover.