1000 resultados para anatomical characterization
Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae) has 26 species that are endemic to eastern Brazil, occurring mainly on gneiss-granitic rock outcrops (`inselbergs`). Alcantarea has great ornamental potential and several species are cultivated in gardens. Limited data is available in the literature regarding the leaf anatomical features of the genus, though it has been shown that it may provide valuable information for characterizing of Bromeliaceae taxa. In the present work, we employed leaf anatomy to better characterize the genus and understand its radiation into harsh environments, such as inselbergs. We also searched for characteristics potentially useful in phylogenetic analyses and in delimiting Alcantarea and Vriesea. The anatomical features of the leaves, observed for various Alcantarea species, are in accordance with the general pattern shown by other Bromeliaceae members. However, some features are notable for their importance for sustaining life on rock outcrops, such as: small epidermal thick-walled cells, uneven sinuous epidermal walls, hypodermis often differentiated into lignified layers with thick-walled cells, aquiferous hypodermis bearing collapsible cells, and the presence of well developed epicuticular stratum. Alcantarea leaves tend to show different shapes in the spongy parenchyma, and have chlorenchymatous palisade parenchyma arranged in more well-defined arches, when compared to Vriesea species from the same habitat.
Anatomical characterization and chemical profile of Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn leaf blades, from impacted and non-impacted mangroves of the São Paulo Coast. Several sources of environmental impact have caused great damage to the flora in mangroves. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the anatomy and chemical composition of Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn leaf blades, from impacted (Municipality of Santos) and non-impacted mangroves (Municipality of Peruibe) of the São Paulo Coast. For the leaf anatomy studies, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used. For chemical analysis, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was conducted. The biometry revealed leaf tissues of plants from impacted mangroves with a less thick epidermis and mesophyll and higher width of the central vascular beam. A smaller number of stomata and higher amounts of daises in these leaves were also observed. Results were confirmed by the Student t-test (alpha = 5%). The chemical profiles revealed a higher ammount of secondary metabolites in leaves from the impacted environment.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Minor structural alterations of the vocal fold cover are frequent causes of voice abnormalities. They may be difficult to diagnose, and are expressed in different manners. Cases of intracordal cysts, sulcus vocalis, mucosal bridge, and laryngeal micro-diaphragm form the group of minor structural alterations of the vocal fold cover investigated in the present study. The etiopathogenesis and epidemiology of these alterations are poorly known. To evaluate the existence and anatomical characterization of minor structural alterations in the vocal folds of newborns. 56 larynxes excised from neonates of both genders were studied. They were examined fresh, or defrosted after conservation via freezing, under a microscope at magnifications of 25× and 40×. The vocal folds were inspected and palpated by two examiners, with the aim of finding minor structural alterations similar to those described classically, and other undetermined minor structural alterations. Larynges presenting abnormalities were submitted to histological examination. Six cases of abnormalities were found in different larynges: one (1.79%) compatible with a sulcus vocalis and five (8.93%) compatible with a laryngeal micro-diaphragm. No cases of cysts or mucosal bridges were found. The observed abnormalities had characteristics similar to those described in other age groups. Abnormalities similar to sulcus vocalis or micro-diaphragm may be present at birth.
This work aimed to describe the foliar anatomy of seven species of Eucalyptus, emphasizing the characterization of secretory structures and the chemical nature of the compounds secreted and /or present in the leaves. Anatomical characterization and histochemical evaluation to determine the nature and localization of the secondary compounds were carried out in fully expanded leaves, according to standard methodology. Anatomical differences were verified among the species studied, especially in E. pyrocarpa. Sub-epidermal cavities were the only secretory structures found in the seven species studied, with higher density in E. pellita and lower in E. pilularis. The following compounds were histochemically detected: lipophilic compounds, specifically lipids of the essential or resin-oil type and sesquiterpene lactones found in the lumen of the cavities of the seven species; and hydrophilic compounds, of the phenolic compound type found in the mesophyll of all the species studied and on the epidermis of some of them. The results confirmed the complexity of the product secreted by the cavities, stressing the homogeneous histochemistry nature of these compounds among the species. However, the phenolic compounds results may be an indication of important variations in adaptations and ecological relations, since they show differences among the species.
An important goal in computational neuroanatomy is the complete and accurate simulation of neuronal morphology. We are developing computational tools to model three-dimensional dendritic structures based on sets of stochastic rules. This paper reports an extensive, quantitative anatomical characterization of simulated motoneurons and Purkinje cells. We used several local and global algorithms implemented in the L-Neuron and ArborVitae programs to generate sets of virtual neurons. Parameters statistics for all algorithms were measured from experimental data, thus providing a compact and consistent description of these morphological classes. We compared the emergent anatomical features of each group of virtual neurons with those of the experimental database in order to gain insights on the plausibility of the model assumptions, potential improvements to the algorithms, and non-trivial relations among morphological parameters. Algorithms mainly based on local constraints (e.g., branch diameter) were successful in reproducing many morphological properties of both motoneurons and Purkinje cells (e.g. total length, asymmetry, number of bifurcations). The addition of global constraints (e.g., trophic factors) improved the angle-dependent emergent characteristics (average Euclidean distance from the soma to the dendritic terminations, dendritic spread). Virtual neurons systematically displayed greater anatomical variability than real cells, suggesting the need for additional constraints in the models. For several emergent anatomical properties, a specific algorithm reproduced the experimental statistics better than the others did. However, relative performances were often reversed for different anatomical properties and/or morphological classes. Thus, combining the strengths of alternative generative models could lead to comprehensive algorithms for the complete and accurate simulation of dendritic morphology.
Several species of the genus Rhipsalis (Cactaceae) are extremely important as ornamentals and are endangered in their natural habitat. However, only a few studies have addressed its taxonomy, morphology (including anatomy), phylogeny and evolutionary history. Consequently, the limited knowledge of the genus coupled with the problematic delimitation of species had led to problems in the identification of taxa. In the current work six species of Rhipsalis, R. cereoides, R. elliptica, R. grandiflora, R. paradoxa, R. pentaptera and R. teres were studied to evaluate the relevance of anatomical characters for the taxonomy of the genus. An anatomical characterization of the primary structure of the stem of Rhipsalis is provided highlighting the differences between species. Features of the stem epidermis are found to discriminate best between species and therefore provide clear and useful characters for the separation of species.
Escapos de Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii, A. mertensii (Bromelioideae), Dyckia duckei, D. paraensis, D. racemosa (Pitcairnioideae), Tillandsia adpressiflora, T. didistachae e T. paraensis (Tillandsioideae) foram coletados nas regiões amazônicas (MT), visando caracterizar sua anatomia e levantar dados úteis para a delimitação taxonômica e sobre as adaptações das espécies estudadas. Os escapos analisados apresentam epiderme, córtex e cilindro vascular distintos, com idioblastos contendo mucilagem no córtex, endoderme contínua, e feixes vasculares colaterais simples e compostos. Presença de células epidérmicas de paredes espessadas por lignina e idioblastos contendo ráfides são comuns nas espécies estudadas de Aechmea e Tillandsia, e presença de cordão esclerótico (periciclo) contínuo e feixes vasculares concentrados na periferia do cilindro vascular são comuns em Dyckia e Tillandsia. As Aechmea estudadas apresentam periciclo descontínuo como caráter exclusivo. A presença de canais de ar no córtex é um caráter exclusivo das espécies de Tillandsia. As espécies estudadas são epífitas e apresentam estruturas adaptativas ao hábito como: células da epiderme, hipoderme e periciclo com paredes espessadas; presença de canais de ar; idioblastos contendo mucilagem e ráfides.
Neste trabalho, caracterizou-se a morfo-anatomia do caule e da folha de Brachiaria brizantha e B. humidicola, em três estratos, objetivando diferenciar tais estratos e espécies, bem como justificar, com estes parâmetros, a diferença de consumo que ocorre nessas espécies com o envelhecimento da planta. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se vasos plásticos com areia esterilizada e recebendo solução nutritiva. Aos 70 dias após o corte de uniformização, cada planta foi dividida em três partes (estratos), coletando-se a folha mediana de cada estrato, separando-a em limbo e bainha foliar, e também o entrenó recoberto pela referida bainha. Para o estudo morfológico, foram mensurados a altura total das plantas, número total de folhas, nós e perfilhos, comprimento e largura da lâmina e da bainha foliar, comprimento e diâmetro do entrenó. Para a caracterização anatômica, as amostras foram fixadas em FAA, emblocadas em GMA, seccionadas em micrótomo e coradas com fucsina básica e azul de Astra. Os estudos morfo-anatômicos indicaram parâmetros que podem interferir na digestibilidade de seus tecidos. Verificou-se que as espécies apresentaram diferenças quanto aos aspectos morfológicos, destacando em B. humidicola menores valores de comprimento e largura do limbo, o que pode dificultar a seleção das folhas inferiores, interferindo no consumo dessa forrageira. Constatou-se, também, que o caule foi a fração que mais variou entre as espécies, apresentando B. brizantha diâmetro do entrenó maior e parede do colmo mais espessa, o que, além de tornar o caule mais resistente à apreensão, sugere maior número de feixes vasculares e, conseqüentemente, porcentagem de tecidos lignificados. Observaram-se estruturas secretoras na base dos tricomas da bainha foliar de B. brizantha, sugerindo cavidades secretoras, bastante raras na família Poaceae, não havendo estudos de sua interferência no consumo e digestibilidade.
Estudou-se a anatomia de raízes, caules, folhas e escapos de Eriocaulon elichrysoides, Leiothrix fluitans, Paepalanthus obtusifolius, Philodice hoffmannseggii, Syngonanthus caulescens e Tonina fluviatilis,espécies aquáticas de Eriocaulaceae que ocorrem em diferentes ecossistemas brasileiros, visando a caracterização anatômica das mesmas e também a interpretação das adaptações ao ambiente. Essas plantas caracterizam-se por apresentarem raízes com aspecto esponjoso e esbranquiçado; acúmulo de ar no córtex; epiderme unisseriada, de paredes finas; córtex externo, mediano e interno; endoderme unisseriada e periciclo unisseriado ou multisseriado. em L. fluitans, P. obtusifolius e T. fluviatilis foram observadas raízes absorventes com aerênquima e raízes fixadoras sem aerênquima. Caules aéreos ou rizomatosos, com ou sem espessamentos causados pelo periciclo. Folhas e escapos com células epidérmicas de paredes finas, estômatos somente na face abaxial, parênquima clorofiliano frouxo, tecido de sustentação pouco desenvolvido e feixes vasculares colaterais. Essas estruturas anatômicas são típicas de plantas de ambientes úmidos ou aquáticos, e ocorrem de forma convergente em diferentes gêneros de Eriocaulaceae.
The barks generated from the wood processing industries are wastes generated in significant quantities, becoming interesting to have basic studies of their anatomical and chemical properties in order to make better use of this material. This study aimed to carry out anatomical studies, chemical and tannins from the barks of commercial clones of Eucalyptus. For this, permanent histological slides for anatomical characterization and percentage of cellular elements were prepared; and cellular elements were dissociated for biometry of the elements. The analyses were related to chemical extractives, ash, lignin, suberin, sugars, phenols, tannins, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of the extracts. The tannins were extracted in pure water and with water mixed with sodium sulfite, and were subsequently evaluated the properties by FT-IR. It was verified by the anatomical characterization and chemical quantification, the similarity between the clones. Regarding the biometrics of cellular elements, statistically significant differences were not observed for the following parameters: length and diameter of sieve tube, axial parenchyma diameter, and rays hight. The yield of condensed tannins and Stiasny index for studied clones are low, showing the infeasibility of using bark for the extraction of tannins to produce adhesives, however tannins and other bioactive phenolic compounds can be used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors due to its antioxidant potential. The spectrum of tannins is the same as the one found the literature. Due to the high yield of verified sugar, (around 46,68%) sugars are potencial products, with a high yield of glucose , it is interesting for application in biorefinery.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
Several plants show morphological changes when exposed to environmental stress. We aimed to analyze comparative anatomy and EDX (energy dispersive x-ray detector) of Costus spiralis (Jacq.) Roscoe leaves from Jureia-Itatins Ecological Station (Peruibe, Sao Paulo), a preserved area, and Mogi River Valley (Cubatao, Sao Paulo) an affected area by pollution from the industrial complex of Cubatao. There were some significant differences in the leaves from the affected area, where they had a smaller abaxial hypoderm, larger size of adaxial hypoderm and larger central vascular core. There were damages in epicuticular wax deposition. The EDX analyses presented only differences in calcium and potassium concentration and presence of manganese in Cubatdo samples. Those leaves presented crystal deposition in the vascular core, probably because of the phosphogypsum residues from fertilizer industries.