112 resultados para amphiphile monoalkylé


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Les liposomes sont des nanovecteurs polyvalents et prometteurs quant à leur utilisation dans plusieurs domaines. Il y a une décennie, un nouveau type de liposome constitué d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et de stérols est né fortuitement dans notre groupe. Ils sont nommés Stérosomes puisqu’ils contiennent une grande proportion de stérols, entre 50 et 70 mol %. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de développer de nouvelles formulations de Stérosomes ayant des caractéristiques spécifiques et d’acquérir une compréhension plus profonde des règles physicochimiques qui dictent leur comportement de phase. Nous avons spécifiquement examiné le rôle de motifs moléculaires des stérols, de la charge interfaciale et de la capacité à former des liaisons H dans les interactions intermoléculaires menant à l’autoassemblage. Le comportement de phase a été caractérisé par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), par spectroscopie infrarouge (IR) et par spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire du deutérium (²H NMR). Premièrement, nous avons établi certaines corrélations entre la structure des stérols, leur tendance à former des bicouches fluides en présence d'amphiphile monoalkylé et la perméabilité des grandes vésicules unilamellaires (LUV) formées. La nature des stérols module les propriétés de mélange avec de l’acide palmitique (PA). Les stérols portant une chaîne volumineuse en position C17 sont moins aptes à induire des bicouches fluides que ceux qui ont une chaîne plus simple, comme celle du cholestérol. Un grand ordre de la chaîne alkyle de PA est un effet commun à tous les stérols investigués. Il a été démontré que la perméabilité des LUV peut être contrôlée en utilisant des stérols différents. Cependant, ces stérols n’ont aucun impact significatif sur la sensibilité des Stérosomes au pH. Afin de créer des liposomes qui sont sensibles au pH et qui ont une charge positive à la surface, des Stérosomes composés de stéarylamine et de cholestérol (Chol) ont été conçus et caractérisés. Il a été conclu que l’état de protonation de l’amine, dans ce travail, ou du groupe carboxylique, dans un travail précédent, confère une sensibilité au pH et détermine la charge à la surface du liposome. Les premiers Stérosomes complètement neutres ont été fabriqués en utilisant un réseau de fortes liaisons H intermoléculaires. Le groupe sulfoxyde est capable de former de fortes liaisons H avec le cholestérol et les molécules d’eau. Une bicouche fluide métastable a été obtenue, à la température de la pièce, à partir d'un mélange équimolaire d’octadécyl méthyl sulfoxyde (OMSO) et de Chol. Ce comportement distinct a permis d’extruder le mélange pour former des LUV à la température de la pièce. Après 30 h, le temps de vie de la phase métastable, des Stérosomes stables et imperméables existaient toujours sous une forme solide. Un diagramme de température-composition a été proposé afin de résumer le comportement de phase des mélanges d’OMSO/Chol. Finalement, nous avons élaboré des Stérosomes furtifs en incorporant du polyéthylène glycol (PEG) avec une ancre de cholestérol (PEG-Chol) à l’interface de Stérosomes de PA/Chol. Jusqu’à 20 mol % de PEG-Chol peut être introduit sans perturber la structure de la bicouche. La présence du PEG-Chol n’a aucun impact significatif sur la perméabilité de la LUV. L'encapsulation active de la doxorubicine, un médicament contre le cancer, a été réalisée malgré la faible perméabilité de ces LUV et la présence du PEG à l’interface. L’inclusion de PEG a modifié considérablement les propriétés de l’interface et a diminué la libération induite par la variation de pH observée avec des LUV nues de PA/Chol. Cette formulation inédite est potentiellement utile pour l’administration intraveineuse de médicaments.


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Nous démontrons qu'il est possible de former des bicouches fluides non phospholipides en milieu aqueux avec un mélange d'acide palmitique (PA), cholestérol (Chol) et sulfate de cholestérol (Schol) avec une proportion molaire de 30/28/42. Ces liposomes non phospholipidiques peuvent maintenir un gradient de pH (pHinterne 8 / pHexterne 6) sur une période 100 fois plus longue que les liposomes faits de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (POPC) et de cholestérol (60/40 mol/mol). De plus, ces LUV non phospholipidiques protègent l'acide ascorbique d'un milieu oxydant (1 mM de fer (III)). Une fois piégé dans les liposomes, l'acide ascorbique présente une vitesse de dégradation similaire à celle obtenue en l'absence de fer(III). Ces performances illustrent la perméabilité exceptionnellement limitée de ces liposomes, ce qui implique qu'ils peuvent présenter des avantages comme nanocontenants pour certaines applications. D'autre part, des vésicules unilamellaires géantes (GUV pour Giant Unilamellar Vesicles) ont été formées à partir d'un mélange d'acide palmitique et de cholestérol (30/70 mol/mol). Ces GUV sont stables sur l'échelle de temps de semaines, elles ne s'agrègent pas et elles sont sensibles au pH. Afin d'établir la formation des GUV, l'imagerie par microscopie confocale à balayage laser a été utilisée. Deux sondes fluorescentes ont été utilisées: le rouge du Nile, une sonde hydrophobe qui s'insère dans le cœur hydrophobe des bicouches lipidiques, et la calcéine, une sonde hydrophile qui a été emprisonné dans le réservoir interne des GUV. Cette approche a permis l'observation des parois des GUV ainsi que de leur contenu. Ces résultats montrent la possibilité de former de nouveaux microcontenants à partir d'un mélange d'un amphiphile monoalkylé et de stérol.


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Four new hybrid (bolaphile/amphiphile) ion-pairs were synthesized. Electron microscopy indicated that each of these forms bilayer membranes upon dispersion in aqueous media. Membrane properties have also been examined by differential scanning calorimetry, microcalorimetry, temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The T-m values for the vesicular 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 38, 12, 85, 31.3, and 41.6 degrees C, respectively. Interestingly the T-m values for 1 and 3 were found to depend on their concentration. The entrapment of small solute and the release capability have also been examined to demonstrate that these bilayers form enclosed vesicles. X-ray diffraction of the cast films has been performed to understand the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations. The membrane widths ranged from 33 to 47 Angstrom. Finally, the above observations have been analyzed in light of the results obtained from molecular modeling studies. Thus we have demonstrated that membrane properties can be modulated by simple structural changes at the amphiphile level. It was shown that by judicious incorporation of central, isomeric, disubstituted aromatic units as structural anchors into different bolaphiles, one can modulate the properties of the resulting vesicles.


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Electrostatic self-assembly of colloidal and nanoparticles has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, since it offers the possibility of producing novel crystalline structures that have the potential to be used as advanced materials for photonic and other applications. The stoichiometry of these crystals is not constrained by charge neutrality of the two types of particles due to the presence of counterions, and hence a variety of three-dimensional structures have been observed depending on the relative sizes of the particles and their charge. Here we report structural polymorphism of two-dimensional crystals of oppositely charged linear macroions, namely DNA and self-assembled cylindrical micelles of cationic amphiphiles. Our system differs from those studied earlier in terms of the presence of a strongly binding counterion that competes with DNA to bind to the micelle. The presence of these counterions leads to novel structures of these crystals, such as a square lattice and a root 3 x root 3 superlattice of an underlying hexagonal lattice, determined from a detailed analysis of the small-angle diffraction data. These lower-dimensional equilibrium systems can play an important role in developing a deeper theoretical understanding of the stability of crystals of oppositely charged particles. Further, it should be possible to use the same design principles to fabricate structures on a longer length-scale by an appropriate choice of the two macroions.


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Methodology for the preparation of allenes from propargylic hydrazine precursors under mild conditions is described. Oxidation of the propargylic hydrazines, which can be readily prepared from propargylic alcohols, with either of two azo oxidants, diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD) or 4-methyl 1,2-triazoline-3,5-dione (MTAD), effects conversion to the allenes, presumably via sigmatropic rearrangement of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate. This rearrangement is demonstrated to proceed with essentially complete stereospecificity. The application of this methodology to the preparation of other allenes, including two that are notable for their reactivity and thermal instability, is also described.

The structural and mechanistic study of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate in the oxidative transformation of propargylic hydrazines to allenes is described. The use of long-range heteronuclear NMR coupling constants for assigning monoalkyl diazene stereochemistry (E vs Z) is also discussed. Evidence is presented that all known monoalkyl diazenes are the E isomers, and the erroneous assignment of stereochemistry in the previous report of the preparation of (Z)-phenyldiazene is discussed.

The synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of 1,6-didehydro[10]annulene are described. This molecule has been recognized as an interesting synthetic target for over 40 years and represents the intersection of two sets of extensively studied molecules: nonbenzenoid aromatic compounds and molecules containing sterically compressed π-systems.The formation of 1,5-dehydronaphthalene from 1 ,6-didehydro[10]annulene is believed to be the prototype for cycloaromatizations that produce 1,4-dehydroaromatic species with the radical centers disposed anti about the newly formed single bond. The aromaticity of this annulene and the facility of its cycloaromatization are also analyzed.


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Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde an der Darstellung stabiler, amphiphiler Silantriole gearbeitet. Es ist gelungen eine kontinuierliche Reihe sukzessive um CH2-Einheiten verlängerter Silantriole des Typs H3C(CH2)nC(CH3)2Si(OH)3 (n = 1-5) durch eine vierstufige Synthesesequenz ausgehend von n-Alkylbromiden herzustellen und zum Teil röntgenographisch zu untersuchen. Ihre oberflächenaktiven Eigenschaften in wässrigen Lösungen konnten erstmals mittels Oberflächenspannungsmessungen belegt werden. Durch gezielte Kondensationsreaktionen mit Trifluoressigsäure wurden ausgehend von den oben beschriebenen Silantriolen selektiv die entsprechenden Disiloxan-Tetrole erhalten und ebenfalls zum Teil durch Röntgenstrukturanalysen charakterisiert. Als weitere Kondensationsprodukte der Silantriole konnten die ersten Octasilsesquioxane mit tertiären Kohlenstoff-Substituenten durch Umsetzungen mit n-Bu4NF selektiv und in hohen Ausbeuten erhalten und ebenfalls röntgenographisch identifiziert werden. Es wurde an der Darstellung Aryl-substituierter Silantriole RSi(OH)3 (R = Mesityl-, Xylyl- und Tetramethyl-phenyl-) gearbeitet. Diese zeichnen sich jedoch durch ihre hohe Instabilität in Lösung und im Festkörper aus und konnten zum Teil nur zusammen mit ihren primären Kondensationsprodukten erhalten werden. Darüber hinaus wurden stabile Silandiole des Typs R(t-Bu)Si(OH)2 (R = n-Butyl und n-Pentyl) sowie das (o-CF3C6H4)2Si(OH)2 in hohen Ausbeuten und selektiv synthetisiert. Die Festkörpereigenschaften des (o-CF3C6H4)2Si(OH)2 sowie seiner Vorstufe (o-CF3C6H4)2SiCl2 konnten durch Kristallstrukturanalysen genauer untersucht werden. In der Arbeit wurden die ersten Anwendungen von Silanolen als Silan-Kupplungsreagenzien bei der Oberflächenmodifizierung von Glas beschrieben. Im Gegensatz zu gängigen säureassistierten Beschichtungen zeichnen sich diese Silanol-Beschichtungen durch eine deutlich höhere Hydrophobizität aus. Dies konnte durch Kontaktwinkel- und Zeta-Potential-Messungen bestätigt werden. Durch Röntgenreflektivitäts- und Sarfus-Messungen ist die Ausbildung von Monolagen im Falle von t-BuSi(OH)3-beschichteten Oberflächen plausibel. Die Oberflächenmorphologie der Silantriol-Beschichtungen wurde mittels AFM-Messungen untersucht. Die Si(OH)3-Funktion konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit als ein neues Pharmakophor etabliert werden. Die Silantriole CySi(OH)3, TerSi(OH)3 und CH3CH2C(CH3)2Si(OH)3 (Cy = Cyclohexyl, Ter = Terphenyl) sind in der Lage das Enzym Acetylcholinesterase reversibel zu hemmen. Dabei zeigt das CySi(OH)3 mit 45 % relativ zur Kontrolle die höchste Inhibition.


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The conformational properties of the hybrid amphiphile formed by the conjugation of a hydrophobic peptide with four phenylalanine (Phe) residues and hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol), have been investigated using quantum mechanical calculations and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The intrinsic conformational preferences of the peptide were examined using the building-up search procedure combined with B3LYP/ 6-31G(d) geometry optimizations, which led to the identification of 78, 78, and 92 minimum energy structures for the peptides containing one, two, and four Phe residues. These peptides tend to adopt regular organizations involving turn-like motifs that define ribbon or helicallike arrangements. Furthermore, calculations indicate that backbone ... side chain interactions involving the N-H of the amide groups and the pi clouds of the aromatic rings play a crucial role in Phe-containing peptides. On the other hand,MD simulations on the complete amphiphile in aqueous solution showed that the polymer fragment rapidly unfolds maximizing the contacts with the polar solvent, even though the hydrophobic peptide reduce the number of waters of hydration with respect to an individual polymer chain of equivalent molecular weight. In spite of the small effect of the peptide in the hydrodynamic properties of the polymer, we conclude that the two counterparts of the amphiphile tend to organize as independent modules.


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A peptide amphiphile (PA) C16-KTTKS, containing a pentapeptide headgroup based on a sequence from procollagen I attached to a hexadecyl lipid chain, self-assembles into extended nanotapes in aqueous solution. The tapes are based on bilayer structures, with a 5.2 nm spacing. Here, we investigate the effect of addition of the oppositely charged anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) via AFM, electron microscopic methods, small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction among other methods. We show that addition of SDS leads to a transition from tapes to fibrils, via intermediate states that include twisted ribbons. Addition of SDS is also shown to enhance the development of remarkable lateral ‘‘stripes’’ on the nanostructures, which have a 4 nm periodicity. This is ascribed to counterion condensation. The transition in the nanostructure leads to changes in macroscopic properties, in particular a transition from sol to gel is noted on increasing SDS (with a further reentrant transition to sol on further increase of SDS concentration). Formation of a gel may be useful in applications of this PA in skincare applications and we show that this can be controlled via development of a network of fine stranded fibrils.


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The self-assembly of the peptide amphiphile (PA) hexadecyl-(β-alaninehistidine) is examined in aqueous solution, along with its mixtures with multilamellar vesicles formed by DPPC (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine). This PA, denoted C16-βAH, contains a dipeptide headgroup corresponding to the bioactive molecule L-carnosine. It is found to selfassemble into nanotapes based on stacked layers of molecules. Bilayers are found to coexist with monolayers in which the PA molecules pack with alternating up−down arrangement so that the headgroups decorate both surfaces. The bilayers become dehydrated as PA concentration increases and the number of layers in the stack decreases to produce ultrathin nanotapes comprised of 2−3 bilayers. Addition of the PA to DPPC multilamellar vesicles leads to a transition to well-defined unilamellar vesicles. The unique ability to modulate the stacking of this PA as a function of concentration, combined with its ability to induce a multilamellar to unilamellar thinning of DPPC vesicles, may be useful in biomaterials applications where the presentation of the peptide function at the surface of self-assembled nanostructures is crucial.


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The influence of a non-ionic polymeric surfactant on the self-assembly of a peptide amphiphile (PA) that forms nanotapes is investigated using a combination of microscopic, scattering and spectroscopic techniques. Mixtures of Pluronic copolymer P123 with the PA C16-KTTKS in aqueous solution were studied at a fixed concentration of the PA at which it is known to self-assemble into extended nanotapes, but varying P123 concentration. We find that P123 can disrupt the formation of C16- KTTKS nanotapes, leading instead to cylindrical nanofibril structures. The spherical micelles formed by P123 at room temperature are disrupted in the presence of the PA. There is a loss of cloudiness in the solutions as the large nanotape aggregates formed by C16-KTTKS are broken up, by P123 solubilization. At least locally, b-sheet structure is retained, as confirmed by XRD and FTIR spectroscopy, even for solutions containing 20 wt% P123. This indicates, unexpectedly, that peptide secondary structure can be retained in solutions with high concentration of non-ionic surfactant. Selfassembly in this system exhibits slow kinetics towards equilibrium, the initial self-assembly being dependent on the order of mixing. Heating above the lipid chain melting temperature assists in disrupting trapped non-equilibrium states.


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The collagen production of human dermal and corneal fibroblasts in contact with solutions of the peptide amphiphile (PA) C16–KTTKS is investigated and related to its self-assembly into nanotape structures. This PA is used in antiwrinkle cosmeceutical applications (trade name Matrixyl). We prove that C16–KTTKS stimulates collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner close to the critical aggregation concentration determined from pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy. This suggests that self-assembly and the stimulation of collagen production are inter-related.


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The collagen production of human dermal and corneal fibroblasts in contact with solutions of the peptide amphiphile (PA) C16−KTTKS is investigated and related to its self-assembly into nanotape structures. This PA is used in antiwrinkle cosmeceutical applications (trade name Matrixyl). We prove that C16−KTTKS stimulates collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner close to the critical aggregation concentration determined from pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy. This suggests that self-assembly and the stimulation of collagen production are inter-related.


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A thermal transition is observed in the peptide amphiphile C16-KTTKS (TFA salt) from nanotapes at 20 degrees C to micelles at higher temperature (the transition temperature depending on concentration). The formation of extended nanotapes by the acetate salt of this peptide amphiphile, which incorporates a pentapeptide from type I procollagen, has been studied previously [V. Castelletto et al., Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 9185]. Here, proton NMR and SAXS provide evidence for the TFA salt spherical micelles at high temperature. The phase behavior, with a Krafft temperature separating insoluble aggregates (extended nanotapes) at low temperature from the high temperature micellar phase resembles that for conventional surfactants, however this has not previously been reported for peptide amphiphiles.


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Transitions in nanostructure driven by pH are observed for a self-assembling peptide amphiphile (PA) with a cationic pentapeptide headgroup. At pH 3, the PA forms flat tape-like structures, while at pH 4 the PA assembles into twisted right handed structures. These twisted structures transform again to flat tape-like structures at pH 7. In complete contrast, spherical micelles are observed at pH 2. These changes in response to pH may be relevant to biological and pharmaceutical applications of this PA in skincare.