938 resultados para amino acid content
It was evaluated the effects of metabolizable energy (ME) and digestible lysine (dLYS) densities on performance and body composition of weaned piglets. The study used 114 piglets weaned at 7.4 ± 0.80 kg, out of which 108 were allotted in the nursery and 6 were slaughtered on the weaning day to determine comparative data of body chemical composition. Six nutrients densities were stipulated from a previous study based on the highest nitrogen retention, maintaining the following ME:LYS relationship in the experimental diets: 3,390:1.291; 3,450:1.409; 3,650:1.411; 3,780:1.461; 3,940:1.507; and 4,109 kcal/kg ME:1.564% dLYS. The experimental diets were offered for 13 days when the piglets reached 12.986 ± 1.449 kg of body weight. The probable residual effects of nutritional density on the subsequent performance of the piglets were evaluated. At the end of initial phase 1, six piglets from each density were slaughtered to determine their chemical composition in body fractions and empty body. There was no significant influence of nutritional levels on the performance of the piglets at the end of the evaluation. The results of food conversion and body composition confirm the level indicated in the previous study, 4 g dLYS/Mcal of ME. The increase of energy and lysine densities confirms the need for a correct relationship among both of them to assure better performance of the piglets at the beginning of the growing phase.
The objective of this work was to study the response to water stress of a drought sensitive soybean cultivar inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum (strain CB1809, Semia 586) and B. elkanii (strain 29W, Semia 5019). CB1809 nodulated plants produced a significantly higher root fraction (19%) than 29W (14.6%). Plants inoculated with CB1809 produced less nodules and accumulated more nitrogen than those inoculated with 29W. In general, low amounts of ureides in nodules were found in watered plants inoculated with either CB1809 or 29W strains, but those levels were five-fold increased in stressed plants inoculated with CB1809. Nodules formed by strain CB1809 had aspartate and glutamate as major amino acids, while those formed by 29W had glutamate, asparagine and alanine. In nodules of plants inoculated with CB1809 aspartate showed the highest accumulation (5 µmol g-1); in stressed plants this amino acid reached a value of 26 µmol g-1, and asparagine was not detected. Nodules formed by the strain 29W accumulated 1 µmol g-1 of aspartate, whether plants were stressed or not. Asparagine was the major amino acid found in nodules from watered plants (6 µmol g-1) and the amount of this amino acid was six-fold increased when plants were water stressed.
- The objective of this work was to determine the total protein profile and the contents of the four major protein fractions (albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin) and of the amino acids in the endosperm of the rice wild species Oryza glumaepatula. The experiment was performed with 29 accessions of this species, collected from 13 Brazilian locations, and two commercial cultivars. Protein samples were prepared using dried, polished, and ground grains to obtain homogeneous, dry flour used in the preparation of extracts. Oryza glumaepatula accessions were identified with the highest levels of total protein, albumin and glutelin protein fractions, and amino acids (with the exception of tryptophan) in comparison to the two analized rice cultivars. The albumin and glutelin profiles in SDS-Page were distinct between rice cultivars and O. glumaepatula. This wild species has the potential to increase the nutritional quality of rice storage protein through interspecific crosses.
Avaliaram-se os efeitos da densidade de energia metabolizável (EM) e lisina digestível (LIS) sobre o desempenho e a composição corporal de leitões após o desmame. Utilizaram-se 114 animais desmamados aos 7,4 ± 0,80 kg; desses animais, 108 foram alojados na unidade de creche e 6 foram abatidos no dia do desmame para determinação dos dados comparativos da composição química corporal. Seis densidades de nutrientes foram estipuladas a partir de estudo anterior, com base na maior retenção de nitrogênio, mantendo-se as seguintes relações EM:LIS nas dietas experimentais: 3.390:1,291; 3.450:1,409; 3.650:1,411; 3.780:1,461; 3.940:1,507; e 4.109 kcal/kg EM:1,564% LIS. As dietas experimentais foram oferecidas durante 13 dias, quando os leitões atingiram o peso de 12,986 ± 1,449 kg. Avaliaram-se os prováveis efeitos residuais da densidade nutricional no desempenho subseqüente dos leitões. Ao término da fase inicial-1, seis leitões de cada densidade foram abatidos para determinação da composição química nas frações corporais e no corpo vazio. Não houve influência significativa dos níveis nutricionais no desempenho dos leitões ao término da avaliação. Os resultados de conversão alimentar e composição corporal ratificam o nível indicado em estudo anterior, de 4 g LIS/Mcal. O aumento da densidade de energia e lisina confirma a necessidade da correta relação entre ambos para assegurar o melhor desempenho dos leitões na fase inicial de crescimento.
Thermally unaltered conodont elements, brachiopods. and vertebrates were analyzed with reverse phase high profile liquid chromatography to locate and quantify amino acid remnants of the original organic matrix in the fossils. No consistent similarities in amino acid content were found in conodont taxa. and criteria based on organic residues appear to have no taxonomic significance in the fossils tested from these localities. However, hydroxyproline. an amino acid that is found in the collagen molecules of animals. as well as in the glycoproteins in the cell walls and reproductive tissues of certain plants, is represented in most taxa. The organic matter retained in the impermeable crowns of conodont elements might have been derived originally from a form of collagen. Biochemical analyses. correlated with histochemical tests, demonstrate that organic matter is an integral part of the hyaline tissue of the element crown and not the result of surface contamination. Tests of a range of vertebrate and invertebrate fossil hard tissues produced similar results. The analyses indicate that hyaline tissue in the conodont element crown is not a form of vertebrate enamel. which contains no collagen. Albid tissue. with little or no organic content. is not a form of vertebrate bone or dentine, both based on collagen and low in mineral. Although these results do not help to determine the phylogenetic affinities of conodont animals, they indicate teat conodont elements do not contain hard tissues characteristic of vertebrate animals.
The objective of this work was to perform a quantitative analysis of the amino acid composition of soybean seeds as affected by climatic variables during seed filling. Amino acids were determined from seed samples taken at harvest in 31 multi-environment field trials carried out in Argentina. Total amino acids ranged from 31.69 to 49.14%, and total essential and nonessential amino acids varied from 12.83 to 19.02% and from 18.86 to 31.15%, respectively. Variance components expressed as the percentage of total variation showed that the environment was the most important source of variation for all traits, followed by the genotype x environment interaction. Significant explanatory linear regressions were detected for amino acid content regarding: average daily mean air temperature and cumulative solar radiation, during seed filling; precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration, during the whole reproductive period; and the combinations of these climatic variables. Each amino acid behaves differently according to environmental conditions, indicating compensatory effects among them.
Se analiza la racemización de aminoácidos en proteínas inter e intracristalinas en conchas de Patella y su utilización como herramienta geocronológica, fundamentalmente empleadas en yacimientos arqueológicos.The inter- and intra-crystalline fractions of Patella vulgata limpets recovered from archaeological sites in Northern Spain (covering Neolithic, Mesolithic, Magdalenian, Solutrean, and Aurignacian periods) were examined for amino acid composition and racemisation over time. The calcitic apex and rim areas of the shells were found to probably be composed of similar proteins, as the D/L values and amino acids were comparable and varied in the same way with increasing age; however, the mineral structures present in these areas differed. The aragonitic intermediate part of the shell showed a distinctly different amino acid composition and mineral structure. The main protein leaching from the inter-crystalline fraction occurred within the first 6000 yr after the death of the organism. In contrast, the intra-crystalline fraction — comprised of a different protein composition than the inter-crystalline fraction — appeared to behave as a closed system for at least 34 ka, as reflected by the lack of a significant decrease in the amino acid content; however, changes in the amino acid percentages occurred during this period. The concentration of aspartic acid remained almost constant with age both in inter- and intra-crystalline proteins, and its contribution to the total amino acid content increased with age at the expense of other amino acids such as glutamic acid, serine, glycine and alanine. Temperature is thought to play a key role in the amino acid racemisation of P. vulgata and could explain why in the localities belonging to the Gravettian and Solutrean period, which formed during relatively cold conditions, D/L values were similar to those detected in shells from sites formed during the Magdalenian.
In total of 504 Lohmann Brown hens were used to study the influence of the initial BW of the birds and the crude protein (CP) and fat content of the diet on performance and egg quality traits from 22 to 49 weeks of age. The experiment was completely randomized with 8 treatments arranged factorially with 2 initial BW (1,726 vs. 1,987g) and 4 diets with similar AMEn (2,750 kcal AMEn/ kg) and indispensable (lys, Met+Cys, Thr, and Trp) amino acid contents.
A monomeric basic PLA2 (PhTX-II) of 14149.08 Da molecular weight was purified to homogeneity from Porthidium hyoprora venom. Amino acid sequence by in tandem mass spectrometry revealed that PhTX-II belongs to Asp49 PLA2 enzyme class and displays conserved domains as the catalytic network, Ca2+-binding loop and the hydrophobic channel of access to the catalytic site, reflected in the high catalytic activity displayed by the enzyme. Moreover, PhTX-II PLA2 showed an allosteric behavior and its enzymatic activity was dependent on Ca2+. Examination of PhTX-II PLA2 by CD spectroscopy indicated a high content of alpha-helical structures, similar to the known structure of secreted phospholipase IIA group suggesting a similar folding. PhTX-II PLA2 causes neuromuscular blockade in avian neuromuscular preparations with a significant direct action on skeletal muscle function, as well as, induced local edema and myotoxicity, in mice. The treatment of PhTX-II by BPB resulted in complete loss of their catalytic activity that was accompanied by loss of their edematogenic effect. On the other hand, enzymatic activity of PhTX-II contributes to this neuromuscular blockade and local myotoxicity is dependent not only on enzymatic activity. These results show that PhTX-II is a myotoxic Asp49 PLA2 that contributes with toxic actions caused by P. hyoprora venom.
Despite the valuable contributions of robotics and high-throughput approaches to protein crystallization, the role of an experienced crystallographer in the evaluation and rationalization of a crystallization process is still crucial to obtaining crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction measurements. In this work, the difficult task of crystallizing the flavoenzyme l-amino-acid oxidase purified from Bothrops atrox snake venom was overcome by the development of a protocol that first required the identification of a non-amorphous precipitate as a promising crystallization condition followed by the implementation of a methodology that combined crystallization in the presence of oil and seeding techniques. Crystals were obtained and a complete data set was collected to 2.3 A resolution. The crystals belonged to space group P2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 73.64, b = 123.92, c = 105.08 A, beta = 96.03 degrees. There were four protein subunits in the asymmetric unit, which gave a Matthews coefficient V (M) of 2.12 A3 Da-1, corresponding to 42% solvent content. The structure has been solved by molecular-replacement techniques.
Background: Old age is associated with an involuntary and progressive but physiological loss of muscle mass. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exclusive consumption for 6 months of a protein-enriched enteral diet with a relatively high content of branched-chain amino acids on albuminemia, cortisolemia, plasma aminoacids, insulin resistance, and inflammation biomarkers in elderly patients. Methods: Thirty-two patients from the Clinical Nutrition Outpatient Unit at our hospital exclusively consumed a protein-enriched enteral diet for 6 months. Data were collected at baseline and at 3 and 6 months on anthropometric and biochemical parameters and on plasma concentrations of amino acids, cortisol,adrenocorticotropic hormone, urea, creatinine, insulin resistance, and inflammation biomarkers. Results: The percentage of patients with albumin concentration below normal cut-off values decreased from 18% to 0% by the end of the study. At 6 months, concentrations of total plasma (p = 0.008) and essential amino acids(p = 0.011), especially branched-chain amino acids (p = 0.031), were higher versus baseline values, whereas 3-methylhistidine (p = 0.001), cortisol (p = 0.001) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (p = 0.004) levels were lower. Conclusions: Regular intake of specific protein-enriched enteral formula increases plasma essential amino acids, especially branched-chain amino acids, and decreases cortisol and 3-methylhistidine, while plasma urea and creatinine remain unchanged.
BACKGROUND: The expansion of amino acid repeats is determined by a high mutation rate and can be increased or limited by selection. It has been suggested that recent expansions could be associated with the potential of adaptation to new environments. In this work, we quantify the strength of this association, as well as the contribution of potential confounding factors. RESULTS: Mammalian positively selected genes have accumulated more recent amino acid repeats than other mammalian genes. However, we found little support for an accelerated evolutionary rate as the main driver for the expansion of amino acid repeats. The most significant predictors of amino acid repeats are gene function and GC content. There is no correlation with expression level. CONCLUSIONS: Our analyses show that amino acid repeat expansions are causally independent from protein adaptive evolution in mammalian genomes. Relaxed purifying selection or positive selection do not associate with more or more recent amino acid repeats. Their occurrence is slightly favoured by the sequence context but mainly determined by the molecular function of the gene.
Amino acid tandem repeats, also called homopolymeric tracts, are extremely abundant in eukaryotic proteins. To gain insight into the genome-wide evolution of these regions in mammals, we analyzed the repeat content in a large data set of rat-mouse-human orthologs. Our results show that human proteins contain more amino acid repeats than rodent proteins and that trinucleotide repeats are also more abundant in human coding sequences. Using the human species as an outgroup, we were able to address differences in repeat loss and repeat gain in the rat and mouse lineages. In this data set, mouse proteins contain substantially more repeats than rat proteins, which can be at least partly attributed to a higher repeat loss in the rat lineage. The data are consistent with a role for trinucleotide slippage in the generation of novel amino acid repeats. We confirm the previously observed functional bias of proteins with repeats, with overrepresentation of transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins. We show that genes encoding amino acid repeats tend to have an unusually high GC content, and that differences in coding GC content among orthologs are directly related to the presence/absence of repeats. We propose that the different GC content isochore structure in rodents and humans may result in an increased amino acid repeat prevalence in the human lineage.
Cochin estuarine system is among the most productive aquatic environment along the Southwest coast of India, exhibits unique ecological features and possess greater socioeconomic relevance. Serious investigations carried out during the past decades on the hydro biogeochemical variables pointed out variations in the health and ecological functioning of this ecosystem. Characterisation of organic matter in the estuary has been attempted in many investigations. But detailed studies covering the degradation state of organic matter using molecular level approach is not attempted. The thesis entitled Provenance, Isolation and Characterisation of Organic Matter in the Cochin Estuarine Sediment-“ A Diagenetic Amino Acid Marker Scenario” is an integrated approach to evaluate the source, quantity, quality, and degradation state of the organic matter in the surface sediments of Cochin estuarine system with the combined application of bulk and molecular level tools. Sediment and water samples from nine stations situated at Cochin estuary were collected in five seasonal sampling campaigns, for the biogeochemical assessment and their distribution pattern of sedimentary organic matter. The sampling seasons were described and abbreviated as follows: April- 2009 (pre monsoon: PRM09), August-2009 (monsoon: MON09), January-2010 (post monsoon: POM09), April-2010 (pre monsoon: PRM10) and September- 2012 (monsoon: MON12). In order to evaluate the general environmental conditions of the estuary, water samples were analysed for water quality parameters, chlorophyll pigments and nutrients by standard methods. Investigations suggested the fact that hydrographical variables and nutrients in Cochin estuary supports diverse species of flora and fauna. Moreover the sedimentary variables such as pH, Eh, texture, TOC, fractions of nitrogen and phosphorous were determined to assess the general geochemical setting as well as redox status. The periodically fluctuating oxic/ anoxic conditions and texture serve as the most significant variables controlling other variables of the aquatic environment. The organic matter in estuary comprise of a complex mixture of autochthonous as well as allochthonous materials. Autochthonous input is limited or enhanced by the nutrient elements like N and P (in their various fractions), used as a tool to evaluate their bioavailability. Bulk parameter approach like biochemical composition, stoichiometric elemental ratios and stable carbon isotope ratio was also employed to assess the quality and quantity of sedimentary organic matter in the study area. Molecular level charactersation of free sugars and amino acids were carried out by liquid chromatographic techniques. Carbohydrates are the products of primary production and their occurrence in sediments as free sugars can provide information on the estuarine productivity. Amino acid biogeochemistry provided implications on the system productivity, nature of organic matter as well as degradation status of the sedimentary organic matter in the study area. The predominance of carbohydrates over protein indicated faster mineralisation of proteinaceous organic matter in sediments and the estuary behaves as a detrital trap for the accumulation of aged organic matter. The higher lipid content and LPD/CHO ratio pointed towards the better food quality that supports benthic fauna and better accumulation of lipid compounds in the sedimentary environment. Allochthonous addition of carbohydrates via terrestrial run off was responsible for the lower PRT/CHO ratio estimated in thesediments and the lower ratios also denoted a detrital heterotrophic environment. Biopolymeric carbon and the algal contribution to BPC provided important information on the better understanding the trophic state of the estuarine system and the higher values of chlorophyll-a to phaeophytin ratio indicated deposition of phytoplankton to sediment at a rapid rate. The estimated TOC/TN ratios implied the combined input of both terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter to sedimentsAmong the free sugars, depleted levels of glucose in sediments in most of the stations and abundance of mannose at station S5 was observed during the present investigation. Among aldohexoses, concentration of galactose was found to be higher in most of the stationsRelative abundance of AAs in the estuarine sediments based on seasons followed the trend: PRM09-Leucine > Phenylalanine > Argine > Lysine, MON09-Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Tyrosine > Phenylalanine, POM09-Lysine > Histadine > Phenyalanine > Leucine > Methionine > Serine > Proline > Aspartic acid, PRM10-Valine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Phenylalanine > Serine > Proline, MON12-Lysine > Phenylalanine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Valine > Tyrsine > MethionineThe classification of study area into three zones based on salinity was employed in the present study for the sake of simplicity and generalized interpretations. The distribution of AAs in the three zones followed the trend: Fresh water zone (S1, S2):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Methionine > Valine ῀ Leucine > Proline > Histidine > Glycine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Tyrosine > Arginine > Alanine > Threonine > Cysteine > Isoleucine. Estuarine zone (S3, S4, S5, S6):- Lysine > Aspartic acid > Phenylalanine > Leucine > Valine > Histidine > Methionine > Tyrosine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Proline > Glycine > Arginine > Alanine > Isoleucine > Cysteine > Threonine. Riverine /Industrial zone (S7, S8, S9):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Serine > Arginine > Tyrosine > Leucine > Methionine > Glutamic acid > Alanine > Glycine > Cysteine > Proline > Isoleucine > Threonine > Valine. The abundance of AAs like glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in sediments of the study area indicated freshly derived organic matter.