996 resultados para almost alternative algebras


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In this article we prove that, if (U, ) is a finite dimensional baric algebra of (gamma, delta) type over a field F of characteristic not equal 2,3,5 such that gamma(2) - delta(2) + delta = 1 and 0,1, then rad(U) = R(U)boolean AND(bar(U))(2), where R(U) is the nilradical (maximal nil ideal) of U.


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We describe bases of free commutative Moufang loop with seven generators and calculate the order of this loop. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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We construct five new elements of degree 6 in the nucleus of the free alternative algebra. We use the representation theory of the symmetric group to locate the elements. We use the computer algebra system ALBERT and an extension of ALBERT to express the elements in compact form and to show that these new elements are not a consequence of the known clegree-5 elements in the nucleus. We prove that these five new elements and four known elements form a basis for the subspace of nuclear elements of degree 6. Our calculations are done using modular arithmetic to save memory and time. The calculations can be done in characteristic zero or any prime greater than 6, and similar results are expected. We generated the nuclear elements using prime 103. We check our answer using five other primes.


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Let A be a (non-necessarily associative) finite-dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A quantitative estimate of the polynomial identities satisfied by A is achieved through the study of the asymptotics of the sequence of codimensions of A. It is well known that for such an algebra this sequence is exponentially bounded. Here we capture the exponential rate of growth of the sequence of codimensions for several classes of algebras including simple algebras with a special non-degenerate form, finite-dimensional Jordan or alternative algebras and many more. In all cases such rate of growth is integer and is explicitly related to the dimension of a subalgebra of A. One of the main tools of independent interest is the construction in the free non-associative algebra of multialternating polynomials satisfying special properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bol algebras appear as the tangent algebra of Bol loops. A (left) Bol algebra is a vector space equipped with a binary operation [a, b] and a ternary operation {a, b, c} that satisfy five defining identities. If A is a left or right alternative algebra then A(b) is a Bol algebra, where [a, b] := ab - ba is the commutator and {a, b, c} := < b, c, a > is the Jordan associator. A special identity is an identity satisfied by Ab for all right alternative algebras A, but not satisfied by the free Bol algebra. We show that there are no special identities of degree <= 7, but there are special identities of degree 8. We obtain all the special identities of degree 8 in partition six-two. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We consider in this paper the family of exponential Lie groups Gn,µ, whose Lie algebra is an extension of the Heisenberg Lie algebra by the reals and whose quotient group by the centre of the Heisenberg group is an ax + b-like group. The C*-algebras of the groups Gn,µ give new examples of almost C0(K)-C*-algebras.


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We investigate polynomial identities on an alternative loop algebra and group identities on its (Moufang) unit loop. An alternative loop ring always satisfies a polynomial identity, whereas whether or not a unit loop satisfies a group identity depends on factors such as characteristic and centrality of certain kinds of idempotents.


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We are able to give a complete description of four-dimensional Lie algebras g which satisfy the tame-compatible question of Donaldson for all almost complex structures J on g are completely described. As a consequence, examples are given of (non-unimodular) four-dimensional Lie algebras with almost complex structures which are tamed but not compatible with symplectic forms.? Note that Donaldson asked his question for compact four-manifolds. In that context, the problem is still open, but it is believed that any tamed almost complex structure is in fact compatible with a symplectic form. In this presentation, I will define the basic objects involved and will give some insights on the proof. The key for the proof is translating the problem into a Linear Algebra setting. This is a joint work with Dr. Draghici.


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Abstract In the theory of central simple algebras, often we are dealing with abelian groups which arise from the kernel or co-kernel of functors which respect transfer maps (for example K-functors). Since a central simple algebra splits and the functors above are “trivial” in the split case, one can prove certain calculus on these functors. The common examples are kernel or co-kernel of the maps Ki(F)?Ki(D), where Ki are Quillen K-groups, D is a division algebra and F its center, or the homotopy fiber arising from the long exact sequence of above map, or the reduced Whitehead group SK1. In this note we introduce an abstract functor over the category of Azumaya algebras which covers all the functors mentioned above and prove the usual calculus for it. This, for example, immediately shows that K-theory of an Azumaya algebra over a local ring is “almost” the same as K-theory of the base ring. The main result is to prove that reduced K-theory of an Azumaya algebra over a Henselian ring coincides with reduced K-theory of its residue central simple algebra. The note ends with some calculation trying to determine the homotopy fibers mentioned above.


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The oxidation of trimethoxymethane (TMM) (trimethyl orthoformate) in a direct oxidation PBI fuel cell was examined by on-line mass spectroscopy and on-line FTIR spectroscopy. The results show that TMM was almost completely hydrolyzed in a direct oxidation fuel cell which employs an acid doped polymer electrolyte to form a mixture of methylformate, methanol and formic acid. It also found that TMM was hydrolyzed in the presence of water at 120°C even without acidic catalyst. The anode performance improves in the sequence of methanol, TMM, formic acid/methanol, and methylformate solutions. Since formic acid is electrochemically more active than methanol, these results suggest that formic acid is probably a key factor for the improvement of the anode performance by using TMM instead of methanol under these conditions. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Motivated by the description of the C*-algebra of the affine automorphism group N6,28 of the Siegel upper half-plane of degree 2 as an algebra of operator fields defined over the unitary dual View the MathML source of the group, we introduce a family of C*-algebras, which we call almost C0(K), and we show that the C*-algebra of the group N6,28 belongs to this class.


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Relation algebras and categories of relations in particular have proven to be extremely useful as a fundamental tool in mathematics and computer science. Since relation algebras are Boolean algebras with some well-behaved operations, every such algebra provides an atom structure, i.e., a relational structure on its set of atoms. In the case of complete and atomic structure (e.g. finite algebras), the original algebra can be recovered from its atom structure by using the complex algebra construction. This gives a representation of relation algebras as the complex algebra of a certain relational structure. This property is of particular interest because storing the atom structure requires less space than the entire algebra. In this thesis I want to introduce and implement three structures representing atom structures of integral heterogeneous relation algebras, i.e., categorical versions of relation algebras. The first structure will simply embed a homogeneous atom structure of a relation algebra into the heterogeneous context. The second structure is obtained by splitting all symmetric idempotent relations. This new algebra is in almost all cases an heterogeneous structure having more objects than the original one. Finally, I will define two different union operations to combine two algebras into a single one.


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A temporally global solution, if it exists, of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation need not be periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic when the forcing term is periodic, almost periodic or almost automorphic, respectively. An alternative class of functions extending periodic and almost periodic functions which has the property that a bounded temporally global solution solution of a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation belongs to this class when the forcing term does is introduced here. Specifically, the class of functions consists of uniformly continuous functions, defined on the real line and taking values in a Banach space, which have pre-compact ranges. Besides periodic and almost periodic functions, this class also includes many nonrecurrent functions. Assuming a hyperbolic structure for the unperturbed linear equation and certain properties for the linear and nonlinear parts, the existence of a special bounded entire solution, as well the existence of stable and unstable manifolds of this solution are established. Moreover, it is shown that this solution and these manifolds inherit the temporal behaviour of the vector field equation. In the stable case it is shown that this special solution is the pullback attractor of the system. A class of infinite dimensional examples involving a linear operator consisting of a time independent part which generates a C(0)-semigroup plus a small time dependent part is presented and applied to systems of coupled heat and beam equations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.