10 resultados para alkylphenol


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Alkylphenols are pollutants that are present in marine sediments and fishes. In earlier work it has been discovered that alkylphenols are present in the Homarus americanus, or the American lobster. Research suggests that alkylphenols could behave as endocrine disruptors as they have been found to affect juvenile hormone activity. It has been hypothesized that lobsters may be able to rid themselves of alkylphenol contamination through secreting these compounds into the environment or sequestering them in their tissues. In this study, I address the question of how lobsters may rid themselves of alkylphenols by analyzing hemolymph, muscle, gill, and shell samples and by looking for the presence of alkylphenols in natural and artificially injected lobsters. A total of thirty lobsters were analyzed. In my first study I found alkylphenols only in the gill tissue samples of natural lobsters after alkylphenols were initially found in the hemolymph, and found none in the muscle and shell samples. The types of alkylphenols found in the gills were often different than the alkylphenols found in the hemolymph. The gills are known as a site for exchange for the lobster. The lobster may not only be excreting alkylphenols from its gill surfaces but these findings suggest that the lobster may also be acquiring alkylphenols in the environment from these surfaces. It is possible that the lobsters may have ingested additional contaminants after the hemolymph samples were taken and before the gill samples were taken. As for the shell and muscle samples, it is possible that by our method the levels were too low to detect since we have a threshold of detection of 1ng/mL. It is also a conclusion that alkylphenols were not sequestered in these tissues. In the second study, an expanded set of muscles samples from natural lobsters were tested as well as additional lobsters that were artificially injected with one of our alkylphenol compounds of interest, compound three. We found that lobsters injected with peak three showed significantly higher alkylphenol concentrations in all tissues, most notably the gill samples. The non-injected lobsters that died shortly after being in the laboratory, showed mostly peak three but their overall values were much less than those of the injected lobsters.


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This report provides an assessment of recent investigations into endocrine disruption in fresh and saltwater species of fish. Most work to date has concen-trated on reproductive endocrine disruption. Laboratory studies have shown a variety of synthetic and natural chemicals including certain industrial intermediates, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins, trace elements and plant sterols can interfere with the endocrine system in fish. The potency of most of these chemicals, however, is typically hundreds to thousands of times less than that of endog-enous hormones. Evidence of environmental endocrine disruption ranges from the presence of female egg proteins in males and reduced levels of endogenous hormones in both males and females, to gonadal histopathologies and intersex (presence of ovotestes) fish. Overt endocrine disruption in fish does not appear to be a ubiquitous environmental phenomenon, but rather more likely to occur near sewage treatment plants, pulp and paper mills, and in areas of high organic chemical contamination. However, more wide-spread endocrine disruption can occur in rivers with smaller flows and correspondingly large or numerous wastewater inputs. Some of the most severe examples of endocrine disruption in fish have been found adjacent to sewage treatment plants. Effects are thought to be caused prima-rily by natural and synthetic estrogens and to a lesser extent by the degradation products of alkylphenol poly-ethoxylate surfactants. Effects found in fish near pulp and paper mills include reduced levels of estrogens and androgens as well as masculinization of females, and has been linked to the presence of β-sitosterol, a plant sterol. Effects seen in areas of heavy industrial activity typically include depressed levels of estrogens and androgens as well as reduced gonadal growth, and may be linked to the presence of PAHs, PCBs, and possibly dioxins. At this time, however, there is no clear indication that large populations of fish are being seriously impacted as a result of endocrine disruption, although additional work is needed to address this possibility. (PDF contains 63 pages)


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Experimental data are presented to show the influence of the enhanced oil recovery system's components, alkali, surfactant, and polymer, on the demulsification and light transmittance of the water separated from the emulsions. Among which, the effects of surfactants, polyoxyethylene (10) alkylphenol ether (OP-10) and sodium petroleum sulfonate (CY-1) on emulsion stability, are the strongest of any component, the effects of polymer, hydrolytic polyacrylamide (HPAM) 3530S, on emulsion stability are the weakest. This research also suggests a possible emulsion minimization approach, which could be implemented in refineries utilizing microwave radiation. Compared with conventional heating, microwave radiation can effectively enhance the demulsification rate by an order of magnitude and increase the light transmittance of the water separated from the emulsions. The demulsification efficiency may reach 100% in a very short. time under microwave radiation.


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Concentrations of the weakly oestrogenic degradation products of alkylphenol polyethoxylate (APE) surfactants (nonylphenol, octylphenol, nonylphenol monoethoxylate and nonylphenol diethoxylate) were measured in water and sediments from British rivers and estuaries collected during 1994 and 1995. In addition, a series of samples of tissues of wild fish from the River Aire, and from a laboratory dosing experiment were analysed for alkylphenols, to assess the degree of bioaccumulation of these compounds. Measurable concentrations of APE residues were recorded in the River Aire (15–76 μg/l total extractable alkylphenols), the River Mersey (6–11 μg/l) and the Tees estuary (up to 76 μg/l). These levels exceed, or are close to, the no observed effect concentration for the induction of vitellogenesis in caged trout (5–20 μg/l total extractable alkylphenols), and may be sufficient to exert an oestrogenic effect on fish populations in these areas. A sediment sample from Bingley on the River Aire contained 15 μg/g (dry weight) nonylphenol, and concentrations in sediments from the Tees and Mersey estuaries exceeded 1 μg/g. These rivers receive a variety of trade waters via sewage treatment works (STW) effluents containing significant concentrations of APE. Elsewhere, concentrations in water and sediments were near or below limits of detection and biological effects are unlikely, suggesting that any oestrogenic effects observed in sewage outfalls and rivers not directly impacted by APE-containing trade-waters may be caused by other chemicals. Analysis of samples of trout muscle taken from a tank dosed at 65 μg/l nonylphenol indicated a bioaccumulation factor of between 90 and 125 after 3 weeks exposure. Samples of wild fish from the River Aire contained up to 0.8 μg/g nonylphenol in the muscle, a tissue bioaccumulation factor of approximately 50 relative to measured concentrations in water samples. A series of fish samples taken from offshore for food quality assurance purposes contained no detectable levels of APE residues (0.05–0.1 μg/g nonylphenol).


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Le p-tert-octylphénol est un produit présent dans l’environnement et issu de la dégradation des alkylphénols éthoxylés. Ce composé a la capacité de se lier au récepteur œstrogénique et d’exercer ainsi un léger effet œstrogénique. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de 1) développer une méthode d'identification de l'octylphénol dans le sang et les tissus à l'aide de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse jumelée à la spectrométrie de masse, 2) caractériser la toxicocinétique sanguine et tissulaire de l’octylphénol chez le rat Sprague-Dawley mâle et femelle et 3) développer un modèle toxicocinétique à base physiologique permettant de décrire la cinétique sanguine et tissulaire de l’octylphénol inchangé. Pour ce faire, des rats mâle et femelle Sprague-Dawley ont reçu des doses uniques d’octylphénol par les voies intraveineuse, orale et sous-cutanée. Deux autres groupes ont reçu des doses répétées d'octylphénol par voie orale pour une durée de 35 jours consécutifs pour les femelles ou 60 jours pour les mâles. Les concentrations sanguines et tissulaires d’octylphénol ont été mesurées à différents moments après administration à partir d’une méthode d’analyse développée dans nos laboratoires dans le cadre de ce projet. Les expériences impliquant des administrations uniques ont montré que les concentrations sanguines et tissulaires d'octylphénol étaient en général plus élevées chez les femelles que chez les mâles. Des expériences réalisées avec des microsomes hépatiques ont confirmé que ces différences étaient vraisemblablement reliées au métabolisme de l'octylphénol. Les expériences impliquant des administrations répétées ont montré qu'il n'y avait pas d'accumulation d'octylphénol dans l'organisme aux doses étudiées. Les résultats obtenus expérimentalement ont servi à développer et valider un modèle toxicocinétique à base physiologique. Ce modèle a permis de simuler adéquatement les concentrations sanguines et tissulaires d'octylphénol suite à des expositions intraveineuses, orales et sous-cutanées. En conclusion, cette étude a fourni des données essentielles sur la toxicocinétique de l'octylphénol. Ces données sont nécessaires pour établir la relation entre la dose externe et la dose interne et vont contribuer à une meilleure évaluation des risques liés à l'octylphénol.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a distribuição de calda por pontas de pulverização hidráulicas para a aplicação de herbicidas em pré-emergência das plantas daninhas, em função do espaçamento na barra utilizada em áreas de reflorestamento com eucalipto. O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Ciência das Plantas Daninhas do Departamento de Fitossanidade da UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal. Foram utilizados os modelos com indução de ar AIUB 025, AI 110025, TTI 110015 e DB 12002, considerando o espaçamento de 0,8; 1,0; 1,2 e 1,5 m entre eles. A avaliação da distribuição da calda pulverizada foi realizada em mesa de deposição. Pulverizou-se água com 0,1% do adjuvante não iônico alquilfenol. Os valores observados foram utilizados para a obtenção das curvas de deposição e do coeficiente de variação. Para a sobreposição de dois exemplares de pontas, conclui-se que o modelo AIUB 025 possui menores coeficientes de variação, resultando em melhores características operacionais em relação à AI 110025, TTI 110015 e DB 12002. Para a utilização de três exemplares de pontas, seguindo somente o critério da distribuição da calda, a melhor combinação foi entre AIUB 025 e DB 12002, como intercalar. A utilização da ponta intercalar aumentou significativamente o consumo de calda.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a eficiência de formulações de adubos foliares quelatizados na absorção dos micronutrientes boro, manganês e zinco, com a aplicação convencional de sais em plantas de laranjeira Pera (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). Para tanto foi conduzido experimento nas dependências do Departamento de Ciência do Solo da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas UNESP/Campus de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Utilizaram-se plantas de laranjeira Pera (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) enxertadas sobre limoeiro Cravo (Citrus limonia Osbeck), com 2 anos de idade, plantadas em caixas de 250 litros. Os adubos foliares utilizados foram: Grex Citros na dose de 1,0 mL L-1; Copas citros 2,0 mL L-1; Plantin Citros 1,0 mL L-1; Citrolino 2,0 mL L-1; Fertamin Citros 1,75 mL L-1; Yogen Citros 2,0 mL L-1; MS-2 1,0 mL L-1; Sais, Sais + 1,0 g L-1 de KCl e Sais substituindo o ZnSO4 pelo ZnCl2. O volume de aplicação, foi de 1 litro de calda planta-1. em todos os tratamentos adicionou-se o espalhante adesivo do grupo químico dos alquifenoletoxilados a 0,03%. A amostragem das folhas foi realizada 30 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos, coletando-se a 3a ou 4a folha de ramos vegetativos no início do florescimento, dos 4 quadrantes, localizados na região mediana da planta, totalizando 10 folhas por planta. A aplicação foliar de micronutrientes, favoreceu a absorção e resultou no aumento do teor foliar de Mn e Zn mas não de B, sendo que a presença de cloreto aumentou os teores de Zn na folhas de laranjeira Pera , proporcionando maior absorção do que o sulfato e sulfato adicionado ao cloreto de potássio. Os resultados mostram, também, que os produtos quelatizados Yogen e MS-2, para as condições deste estudo, não foram eficientes como fontes fornecedoras de Mn.


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Embora espalhantes-adesivos sejam considerados importantes em pulverizações, existem dúvidas quanto à sua utilidade em pulverizações a alto volume quando o escorrimento é maior, como nas aplicações com equipamentos tipo pistola, para o controle de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes). Dois ensaios de campo foram conduzidos, em 1991 e 1994, em pomar de citros cv. Natal. As pulverizações foram realizadas com pulverizador tratorizado equipado com pistolas de alta pressão usando 18 l e 11 l de calda/planta, respectivamente. Efeitos dos espalhante-adesivo foi avaliado contando-se o número de ácaros antes e após a aplicação. Não se verificaram diferenças sensíveis na retenção do líquido pulverizado nas folhas de citros quando se adicionou o espalhante-adesivo à calda com propargite. Redução de até 95,6% na população do ácaro foi obsevada com o aumento na dosagem do propargite e de até 98,9% em relação de menor dosagem para o cyhexatin. Constatou-se que o espalhante-adesivo não melhorou a eficiência do cyhexatin, embora a somatória dos totais de ácaros, independentemente da dosagem e da formulação, tenha sido 50,1% menor com o uso de espalhante-adesivo.


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Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry is frequently used for the quantification of many classes of substances, including alkylphenols. Alkylphenol polyethoxylates are nonionic surfactants used in a wide variety of industrial and consumer applications. Alkylphenol polyethoxylates can degrade to alkylphenols, which are endocrine disruptors. In analytical validation procedures, the most common parameters studied are the detection and quantification limits, linearity, and recovery; however, the matrix effects are sometimes neglected. Although some investigators have evaluated matrix effects, there is no consensus on how to evaluate them during method validation. In this study, the matrix effects of alkylphenol polyethoxylates (nonylphenol monoethoxylate, nonylphenol diethoxylate, octylphenol monoethoxylate, octylphenol diethoxylate) and alkylphenols (nonylphenol and octylphenol) were studied using solid phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. For alkylphenol polyethoxylates, the matrix effects ranged from 16 to 4692%, whereas for alkylphenols (nonylphenol and octylphenol), the effects were insignificant. Therefore, constructing an analytical curve in the matrix for alkylphenol polyethoxylates is essential. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.