999 resultados para air ions


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Aerosol particles have effect on climate, visibility, air quality and human health. However, the strength of which aerosol particles affect our everyday life is not well described or entirely understood. Therefore, investigations of different processes and phenomena including e.g. primary particle sources, initial steps of secondary particle formation and growth, significance of charged particles in particle formation, as well as redistribution mechanisms in the atmosphere are required. In this work sources, sinks and concentrations of air ions (charged molecules, cluster and particles) were investigated directly by measuring air molecule ionising components (i.e. radon activity concentrations and external radiation dose rates) and charged particle size distributions, as well as based on literature review. The obtained results gave comprehensive and valuable picture of the spatial and temporal variation of the air ion sources, sinks and concentrations to use as input parameters in local and global scale climate models. Newly developed air ion spectrometers (Airel Ltd.) offered a possibility to investigate atmospheric (charged) particle formation and growth at sub-3 nm sizes. Therefore, new visual classification schemes for charged particle formation events were developed, and a newly developed particle growth rate method was tested with over one year dataset. These data analysis methods have been widely utilised by other researchers since introducing them. This thesis resulted interesting characteristics of atmospheric particle formation and growth: e.g. particle growth may sometimes be suppressed before detection limit (~ 3 nm) of traditional aerosol instruments, particle formation may take place during daytime as well as in the evening, growth rates of sub-3 nm particles were quite constant throughout the year while growth rates of larger particles (3-20 nm in diameter) were higher during summer compared to winter. These observations were thought to be a consequence of availability of condensing vapours. The observations of this thesis offered new understanding of the particle formation in the atmosphere. However, the role of ions in particle formation, which is not well understood with current knowledge, requires further research in future.


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While there are sources of ions both outdoors and indoors, ventilation systems can introduce as well as remove ions from the air. As a result, indoor ion concentrations are not directly related to air exchange rates in buildings. In this study, we attempt to relate these quantities with the view of understanding how charged particles may be introduced into indoor spaces.


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Combustion sources are well-known sources of electrical ions (Howard, J.B. et al. 1973). Motor vehicles emissions are one of the main sources of ions in urban environments. The presence of charged particles in motor vehicle emissions has been known for many years (Kittelson, 1986; Yu et al, 2004; Jung and Kittelson, 2005). Although these particles are probably charged by the attachment of air ions, there is very little information on the nature, sign and magnitude of the small ions (diameter < 1.6 nm) emitted by motor vehicles and/or present by the sides of roads.


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Corona discharge is responsible for the small ions found near overhead power lines, and these are capable of modifying the ambient electrical environment such as the dc electric field at ground level (Fews, Wilding et al. 2002). Once produced, small ions quickly attach to aerosol particles in the air, producing ‘large ions’ which are roughly 1 nm to 1 µm in diameter. However, very few studies have reported measurements of ions produced by power lines and its impact on particle charge concentrations. In this present study, the measurements were conducted as a function of normal downwind distance from a 275kV power line for investigating the effect of corona ions on air ions, aerosol particle charge concentration and dc e-filed.


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Corona discharge is responsible for the flux of small ions from overhead power lines, and is capable of modifying the ambient electrical environment, such as the air ion concentrations at ground level. Once produced, small ions quickly attach to aerosol particles in the air, producing ‘large ions’, approximately 1 nm to 1 µm in diameter. However, very few studies have measured air ion concentrations directly near high voltage transmission lines. The present study involved the simultaneously measurement of small ion concentration and net large ion concentration using air ion counters and an aerosol electrometer at four power line sites. Both positive and negative small ion concentration (<1.6nm), net large ion concentration (2nm-5μm) and particle number concentration (10nm-2μm) were measured using air ion counters and an aerosol electrometer at four power line sites. Measurements at sites 1 and 2 were conducted at both upwind and downwind sides. The results showed that total ion concentrations on the downwind side were 3-5 times higher than on the upwind side, while particle number concentrations did not show a significant difference. This result also shows that a large number of ions were emitted from the power lines at sites 1 and 2. Furthermore, both positive and negative ions were observed at different power line sites. Dominant positive ions were observed at site 1, with a concentration of 4.4 x 103 ions cm-3, which was 10 times higher than on the upwind side. Contrary to site 1, sites 2 to 4 showed negative ion emissions, with concentrations of -1.2 x 103, -460 and -410 ions cm-3, respectively. These values were higher than the background urban negative ion concentration of 400 cm-3. At site 1 and site 2, the net ion concentration and net particle charge concentration on downwind side of the lines showed same polarities. Further investigations were also conducted into the correlation between net ion concentration and net charge particle concentration 20 m downwind of the power lines at site 2. The two parameters showed a correlation coefficient of 0.72, indicating that a substantial number of ions could attach to particles and affect the particle charge status within a short distance from the source.


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In paleoclimate studies, cosmogenic isotopes are frequently used as proxy indicators of past variations in solar irradiance on centennial and millennial timescales. These isotopes are spallation products of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) impacting Earth’s atmosphere, which are deposited and stored in terrestrial reservoirs such as ice sheets, ocean sediments and tree trunks. On timescales shorter than the variations in the geomagnetic field, they are modulated by the heliosphere and thus they are, strictly speaking, an index of heliospheric variability rather than one of solar variability. Strong evidence of climate variations associated with the production (as opposed to the deposition) of these isotopes is emerging. This raises a vital question: do cosmic rays have a direct influence on climate or are they a good proxy indicator for another factor that does (such as the total or spectral solar irradiance)? The former possibility raises further questions about the possible growth of air ions generated by cosmic rays into cloud condensation nuclei and/or the modulation of the global thunderstorm electric circuit. The latter possibility requires new understanding about the required relationship between the heliospheric magnetic fields that scatter cosmic rays and the photospheric magnetic fields which modulate solar irradiance.


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Recent paleoclimate studies provide strong evidence for an association between cosmogenic isotope production and Earth’s climate throughout the holecene. These isotopes are generated by the bombardment of Earth’s atmosphere by galactic cosmic rays, the fluxes of which vary in approximately inverse proportion to the total open magnetic flux of the Sun. This paper discusses how results from the Ulysses spacecraft allow us to quantify the open solar flux from observations of near-Earth interplanetary space and to study its long-term variations using the homogeneous record of geomagnetic activity. A study of the results and of their accuracy is presented. The two proposed mechanisms that could lead to the open solar flux being a good proxy for solar-induced climate change are discussed: the first is the modulation of the production of some types of cloud by the air ions produced by cosmic rays; the second is a variation in the total or spectral solar irradiance, in association with changes in the open flux. Some implications for our understanding of anthropogenic climate change are discussed.


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In order to access the effect of the lakes in the atmospheric electrical field, measurements have been carried out near a large man-made lake in southern Portugal, the Alqueva reservoir, during the ALqueva hydro-meteorological EXperiment 2014. The purpose of these conjoint experiments was to study the impact of the Alqueva reservoir on the atmosphere, in particular on the local atmospheric electric environment by comparing measurements taken in the proximity of the lake. Two stations 10 km apart were used, as they were located up- and down-wind of the lake (Amieira and Parque Solar, respectively), in reference to the dominant northwestern wind direction. The up-wind station shows lower atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) values than the ones observed in the down-wind station between 12 and 20 UTC. The difference in the atmospheric electric PG between the up-wind and the down-wind station is ~30 V/m during the day. This differential occurs mainly during the development of a lake breeze, between 10 and 18 UTC, as a consequence of the surface temperature gradient between the surrounding land and the lake water. In the analysis presented, a correlation is found between the atmospheric electric PG differences and both wind speed and temperature gradients over the lake, thus supporting the influence of the lake breeze over the observed PG variation in the two stations. Two hypotheses are provided to explain this observation: (1) The air that flows from the lake into the land station is likely to increase the local electric conductivity through the removal of ground dust and the transport of cleaner air from higher altitudes with significant light ion concentrations. With such an increase in conductivity, it is expected to see a reduction of the atmospheric electric PG; (2) the resulting air flow over the land station carries negative ions formed by wave splashing in the lake's water surface, as a result of the so-called balloelectric effect. These negative ions will form a space-charge density (SCD) that can reduce the atmospheric electric PG. A formulation is derived here in order to estimate the local SCD.


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Motor vehicles emit large quantities of ions in the form of both charged particles and molecular cluster ions. While, the health effects of inhalation of charged particles is largely unexplored, the concentrations near busy roads and the distance to which these particles and ions are carried have important implications for the exposure of the large percentage of the population that lives close to such roadways. We measured ion concentrations using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) near seven busy roads carrying on the average approximately 7000 vehicles hr-1 including about 15% heavy duty diesel vehicles. In this study, charged particle concentrations were measured as a function of downwind distance from the road for the first time. We show that, at a moderate wind speed of 2.0 m s-1, mean charged particle concentrations at the kerb were of the order of 2x104 cm-3 and, more importantly, decreased as d 0.6 where d is the distance from the road. While cluster ions were rapidly depleted by attachment to particles and were not carried to more than about 20 m from the road, elevated concentrations of charged particle were detected up to at least 400 m from the road. Most of the charge on the downwind side was carried on the larger particles, with no excess charge on particles smaller than about 10 nm. At 30 nm, particles carried more than double the charge they would normally carry in equilibrium. There are very few measurements of ions near road traffic and this is the first study of the spatial dispersion of charged particles from a road.


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Novel nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composite materials prepared by evaporative and centrifuge methods are tested for the degradation of bisphenol A in an aqueous medium. A systematic study is presented which showed that nano zero-valent iron material has little effect on bisphenol A degradation. When hydrogen peroxide was added to initiate the reaction, some percentage of bisphenol A removal (∼20%) was achieved; however, with the aid of air bubbles, the percentage removal can be significantly increased to ∼99%. Compared with pristine nano zero-valent iron and commercial iron powder, nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composite materials have much higher reactivity towards bisphenol A and these materials are superior as they have little impact on the solution pH. However, for pristine nano zero-valent iron, it is difficult to maintain the reaction system at a favourable low pH which is a key factor in maintaining high bisphenol A removal. All materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The optimum conditions were obtained based on a series of batch experiments. This study has extended the application of nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composites as effective materials for the removal of phenolic compounds from the environment.


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When alkaline earth ions in borates, phosphates or borophosphates [SrB4O7, SrB6O10, BaB8O13, MBPO5 (M=Ca,Sr)] are substituted partially and aliovalently by trivalent rare earth ions such as Sm3+, Eu3+, these rare earth ions can be reduced to divalent state by the produced negative charge vacancy V-M". The matrices must have appropriate structure containing a rigid three-dimensional network of tetragonal AO(4) groups (A=B,P). These groups can surround and isolate the produced divalent RE2+ ions from the reaction with oxygen. Therefore, this reduction reaction can be carried out even in air at high temperature. The produced divalent rare earth ions can be detected by luminescence and XANES methods and their spectroscopic properties are discussed.


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The spectroscopic feature of divalent Sm2+, Eu2+, Tm2+ and Yb2+ is discussed in this paper. Especially the spectroscopic properties of some berates containing tetrahedral BO4 group such as SrB4O7, SrB6O10 and BaB8O13 doped with these divalent ions are reported. When the divalent alkaline earth ion in these berates is replaced partially by the above trivalent rare earth ion, the charge carried in the produced defects can be used as reductant to reduce the doped rare earth ion into divalent state at high temperature even in air. Therefore, a convenient and safe method is provided to prepared phosphors doped with these divalent rare earths.