999 resultados para air circulation


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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological and sensory quality of the Jambu (Acmella oleracea L.) in natura and dried by cold air, and the determination of its drying curve. The microbiological analysis were performed to Salmonella spp, the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, and coliforms in the both Jambu samples, at 45 °C. Tacacá, the typical food dish of Pará state, Brazil, has showed good consumer global acceptance in the sensory evaluation of Jambu in natura (score of 8.00 ± 1.46) and dried (score of 8.67 ± 0.66). Both samples, Jambu in natura and dried by cold air, were by the current legislation regarding the microbiological aspects, this is the absence of Salmonella spp, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus <1×101 CFU/g, and coliforms <3 MPN/g, at 45 °C. Thus, considering sensory and health aspects, the commercialization of dried Jambu becomes viable, facilitating its transportation and handling, as well as for reducing its vegetable mass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em geral, produtos agrícolas são produzidos em larga escala e essa produtividade cresce proporcionalmente ao seu consumo. Entretanto, outro fator também cresce de forma proporcional, as perdas pós-colheita, o que sugere a utilização de tecnologias para aumentar a utilização desses produtos mitigando o desperdício e aumentando sua a vida de prateleira. Além disso, oferecer o produto durante o período de entressafra. No presente trabalho, foi utilizado à tecnologia de secagem em leito de espuma aplicada a cenoura, beterraba, tomate e morango, produtos amplamente produzidos e consumidos no Brasil. Neste trabalho, os quatros produtos foram submetidos à secagem em leito de espuma em secador com ar circulado em temperaturas controladas de 40, 50, 60, 70 e 80 °C. A descrição da cinética de secagem foi realizada pelo ajuste de modelos matemáticos para cada temperatura do ar de secagem. Além disso, foi proposto um modelo matemático generalizado ajustado por regressão não linear. O modelo de Page obteve o melhor ajuste sobre os dados de secagem em todos os produtos testados, com um coeficiente de determinação (R²) superior a 98% em todas as temperaturas avaliadas. Além disso, foi possível modelar a influência da temperatura do ar sobre o parâmetro k do modelo de Page através da utilização de um modelo exponencial. O coeficiente de difusão efetiva aumentou com a elevação da temperatura, apresentando valores entre 10-8e 10-7 m².s-¹ para as temperaturas de processo. A relação entre o coeficiente de difusão efetiva e a temperatura de secagem pôde ser descrita pela equação de Arrhenius.


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This study was carried out to study the physical properties of the jatropha beans over the drying under six air conditions, based on measurements of roundness, sphericity, volume, superficial area, projected area and surface/volume ratio. Jatropha beans with moisture content around 0.61 (decimal d.b.) were subjected to thin-layer drying in oven with forced-air circulation under six temperature conditions (36, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 °C) and relative humidity of 31.7; 19.6; 9.4; 4.8; 2.6 and 1.5% respectively, until reaching the moisture content of 0.11 ± 0.006 (decimal d. b.). The results showed that the necessary time for jatropha beans to reach the moisture content of 0.11 ± 0.006 (decimal d.b.) were 1.5; 2.25; 3.0; 4.75; 6.75 and 12.0 h for the drying temperatures of 105, 90, 75, 60, 45 and 36 °C, respectively; and the reduction in the moisture content as well as the drying conditions promoted changes in the shape and reduced the size of the jatropha beans.


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No âmbito do desenvolvimento da dissertação do Mestrado de Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia, surgiu a oportunidade de participar no desenvolvimento de um projeto integrante numa subestação de energia. O presente caso de estudo tem em vista a resolução de condicionantes na conceção desta subestação, tais como cumprir requisitos estéticos projetando todo o tipo de equipamentos dentro de edifícios, a ventilação das salas de transformação assim como insonorização de todo o ruído produzido de forma a cumprir os limites legais e não perturbar a vizinhança. A presente subestação de energia está situada numa zona urbana da cidade de Leiria, localidade de Parceiros, dando origem ao nome Subestação de Energia de Parceiros. Esta subestação pertence ao cliente Energias de Portugal, conhecida como EDP, e visa o melhoramento da distribuição do serviço eléctrico. As tradicionais subestações de energia, com aparência bastante desenquadrada dos meios urbanos, representam um entrave ao nível da aproximação destes centros de produção energética às zonas urbanas, comprometendo a melhoria da rede elétrica. Desta forma, foi implementada a tecnologia Gas-Insolated Switchgear e permite o enquadramento destes centros energéticos em zonas urbanas, constituindo mais um edifício urbano na zona onde se insere. Esta substitui os convencionais barramentos existentes nos Parques Exteriores de Aparelhagem das subestações e apresenta-se com dimensões muito reduzidas quando comparadas com as estruturas instaladas nestes parques. Dado que esta tecnologia é desenvolvida no sentido de permitir a construção destes centros energéticos em zonas urbanas, podem ser alojadas dentro de edifícios produzindo assim vantagens ao nível estético, não perturbando a paisagem. Dado que os principais equipamentos de funcionamento na subestação de Parceiros, nomeadamente o Transformador de Potência, se encontram instalados num edifício completamente fechado, foram construídas duas salas de ventilação, na parte superior deste edifício, cada uma adjacente a uma sala de transformação. O transformador instalado possui elevadas dimensões, pesando 53000 kg e contendo 11000 kg de óleo que em estado normal de funcionamento circula por quase todo o interior da máquina a elevadas temperaturas, provocando um aquecimento elevado no interior do edifício o que condiciona o bom funcionamento do transformador. Para ultrapassar esta condicionante foi realizado um estudo de um sistema de ventilação capaz de avaliar e controlar os valores térmicos existentes e proceder à circulação de ar, que será movimentado ou bloqueado, recorrendo a um sistema autónomo, mantendo a temperatura ideal nas salas de transformação. Este autómato é o cérebro de toda a cadeia lógica que, mediante as leituras efetuadas irá dar ordens de atuação aos diversos equipamentos. Apesar dos TP estarem protegidos dentro do edifício, estes produzem um maior ruído. A necessidade da existência do referido sistema de ventilação das divisões de funcionamento destas máquinas, implica a utilização de aparelhos que, apesar da sua evolução tecnológica os torna cada vez menos ruidosos, mas geram sempre alguma perturbação, o que pode representar um problema no cumprimento do regulamento geral do ruído.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial


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Résumé: Dans le contexte d'un climat de plus en plus chaud, la localisation du pergélisol dans les terrains sédimentaires à forte déclivité et l'évaluation des mouvements de terrain qui y ont cours s'avèrent primordiales. S'insérant dans cette problématique, ce travail de thèse s'articule autour de deux axes de recherche différents. D'un point de vue statique, cette recherche propose une étude de la distribution et des caractéristiques du pergélisol dans les éboulis de la zone périglaciaire alpine. D'un point de vue dynamique, une analyse de l'influence des caractéristiques du pergélisol (teneur en glace, température du pergélisol, etc.) et des variations des températures de l'air et du sol sur les vitesses de fluage des corps sédimentaires gelés est effectuée. Afin de répondre à ce double objectif, l'approche "terrain" a été privilégiée. Pour déterminer la répartition et les caractéristiques du pergélisol, les méthodes traditionnelles de prospection du pergélisol ont été utilisées, à savoir la mesure de la température du sol à la base du manteau neigeux (BTS), la mesure de la température du sol en continu ainsi que la méthode géoélectrique. Les mouvements de terrain ont pour leur part été mesurés à l'aide d'un GPS différentiel. L'étude de la distribution du pergélisol a été effectuée dans une quinzaine d'éboulis situés dans les régions du Mont Gelé (Verbier-Nendaz) et d'Arolla principalement. Dans la plupart des cas, un pergélisol a pu être mis en évidence dans la partie inférieure des accumulations sédimentaires, alors que la partie médiane des éboulis n'est, le plus souvent, pas gelée. Si cette absence de pergélisol se prolonge parfois dans les portions sommitales des pentes, les mesures réalisées montrent que dans d'autres cas des sédiments gelés y sont à nouveau présents. Les résistivités électriques mesurées dans les portions gelées des éboulis étudiés sont dans la plupart des cas nettement inférieures à celles mesurées sur les glaciers rocheux. Des études préalables ont montré que des circulations d'air internes sont responsables de l'anomalie thermique négative et, lorsqu'il existe, du pergélisol que l'on trouve dans la partie inférieure d'éboulis situés plus de 1000 m plus bas que la limite inférieure régionale du pergélisol discontinu. L'étude de quatre sites de basse altitude (1400-1900 m), et notamment l'équipement du site de Dreveneuse (Préalpes Valaisannes) avec deux forages, des capteurs de température de surface et un anémomètre a permis de vérifier et de préciser le mécanisme de ventilation actif au sein des éboulis froids de basse altitude. Ce mécanisme fonctionne de la manière suivante: en hiver, l'air contenu dans l'éboulis, plus chaud et plus léger que l'air extérieur, monte à l'intérieur de l'accumulation sédimentaire et est expulsé dans ses parties sommitales. Cet effet de cheminée provoque une aspiration d'air froid à l'intérieur de la partie inférieure de l'éboulis, causant ainsi un sur-refroidissement marqué du terrain. En été, le mécanisme s'inverse, l'éboulis étant plus froid que l'air environnant. De l'air froid est alors expulsé au bas de la pente. Une ventilation ascendante hivernale a pu être mise en évidence dans certains des éboulis de haute altitude étudiés. Elle est probablement en grande partie responsable de la configuration particulière des zones gelées observées. Même si l'existence d'un effet de cheminée n'a pu être démontrée dans tous les cas, du fait notamment de la glace interstitielle qui entrave le cheminement de l'air, des indices laissant présager son possible fonctionnement existent dans la quasi totalité des éboulis étudiés. L'absence de pergélisol à des altitudes qui lui sont favorables pourrait en tous les cas s'expliquer par un réchauffement du terrain lié à des expulsions d'air relativement chaud. L'étude des mouvements de terrain a été effectuée sur une dizaine de sites, principalement sur des glaciers rocheux, mais également sur une moraine de poussée et - II - Résumé ? abstract quelques éboulis. Plusieurs glaciers rocheux présentent des formes de déstabilisation récente (niches d'arrachement, blocs basculés, apparition de la matrice fine à la surface, etc.), ce qui témoigne d'une récente accélération des vitesses de déplacement. Ce phénomène, qui semble général à l'échelle alpine, est probablement à mettre sur le compte du réchauffement du pergélisol depuis une vingtaine d'années. Les vitesses mesurées sur ces formations sont souvent plus élevées que les valeurs habituellement proposées dans la littérature. On note par ailleurs une forte variabilité inter-annuelle des vitesses, qui semblent dépendre de la variation de la température moyenne annuelle de surface. Abstract: In the context of a warmer climate, the localisation of permafrost in steep sedimentary terrain and the measurement of terrain movements that occur in these areas is of great importance. With respect to these problems, this PhD thesis follows two different research axes. From a static point of view, the research presents a study of the permafrost distribution and characteristics in the talus slopes of the alpine periglacial belt. From a dynamic point of view, an analysis of the influence of the permafrost characteristics (ice content, permafrost temperature, etc.) and air and soil temperature variations on the creep velocities of frozen sedimentary bodies is carried out. In order to attain this double objective, the "field" approach was favoured. To determine the distribution and the characteristics of permafrost, the traditional methods of permafrost prospecting were used, i.e. ground surface temperature measurements at the base of the snow cover (BTS), year-round ground temperature measurements and DC-resistivity prospecting. The terrain movements were measured using a differential GPS. The permafrost distribution study was carried out on 15 talus slopes located mainly in the Mont Gelé (Verbier-Nendaz) and Arolla areas (Swiss Alps). In most cases, permafrost was found in the lower part of the talus slope, whereas the medium part was free of ice. In some cases, the upper part of the talus is also free of permafrost, whereas in other cases permafrost is present. Electrical resistivities measured in the frozen parts of the studied talus are in most cases clearly lower than those measured on rock glaciers. Former studies have shown that internal air circulation is responsible for the negative thermal anomaly and, when it exists, the permafrost present in the lower part of talus slopes located more than 1000 m below the regional lower limit of discontinuous permafrost. The study of four low-altitude talus slopes (1400-1900 m), and notably the equipment of Dreveneuse field site (Valais Prealps) with two boreholes, surface temperature sensors and an anemometer permitted to verify and to detail the ventilation mechanism active in low altitude talus slopes. This mechanism works in the following way: in winter, the air contained in the block accumulation is warmer and lighter than the surrounding air and therefore moves upward in the talus and is expelled in its upper part. This chimney effect induces an aspiration of cold air in the interior of the lower part of talus, that causes a strong overcooling of the ground. In summer, the mechanism is reversed because the talus slope is colder than the surrounding air. Cold air is then expelled in the lower part of the slope. Evidence of ascending ventilation in wintertime could also be found in some of the studied high-altitude talus slopes. It is probably mainly responsible for the particular configuration of the observed frozen areas. Even if the existence of a chimney effect could not be demonstrated in all cases, notably because of interstitial ice that obstructs Résumé ? abstract - III - the air circulation, indices of its presence exist in nearly all the studied talus. The absence of permafrost at altitudes favourable to its presence could be explained, for example, by the terrain warming caused by expulsion of relatively warm air. Terrain movements were measured at about ten sites, mainly on rock glaciers, but also on a push moraine and some talus slopes. Field observations reveal that many rock glaciers display recent destabilization features (landslide scars, tilted blocks, presence of fine grained sediments at the surface, etc.) that indicate a probable recent acceleration of the creep velocities. This phenomenon, which seems to be widespread at the alpine scale, is probably linked to the permafrost warming during the last decades. The measured velocities are often higher than values usually proposed in the literature. In addition, strong inter-annual variations of the velocities were observed, which seems to depend on the mean annual ground temperature variations.


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Luokittuminen erilaisine mekanismeineen aiheuttaa yleisesti ongelmia, kun on kysymyksessä kiintoaineen väliaikainenkin varastointi siilossa. Sitä voidaan vähentää kiintoaineiden, prosessin ja laitesuunnittelun muutoksilla. Tässä työssä tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia vähentää ilmeniitin luokittumista sen jauhatuspiirin ilmakiertoa optimoimalla. Suljetun kuivajauhatuspiirin keskeisimmäksi laitteeksi voitaisiin ajatella siinä oleva luokitin, joka voi olla esim. sykloni. Tässä piirissä tapahtuva kiintoaineen liikkuminen voidaan saada aikaiseksi esim. pneumaattisella kuljetuksella. Ilmeniitin jauhatus tapahtuu suljetussa kuivajauhatuspiirissä, jonka ajavana voimana on siinä oleva ilmakierto. Piirin oleellisia laitteita ovat kuulamylly, luokitin, erotussykloni ja pölykaappi sekä kiertoilma- ja poistoilmapuhaltimet. Ilmakierron optimointia varten suoritettiin kahden vastaavan jauhatuspiirin ainetasemääritykset. Lisäksi määritettiin yhden isomman piirin perustila. Jauhatuspiirien ainetasemäärityksissä määritettiin niiden massa- ja ilmavirrat sekä kiertokuorma ja luokittimen erotusterävyys, kuten myös ilmeniitin hiukkaskokojakaumat. Perustilamittauksissa määritettiin ainoastaan piirin ilmavirrat ja ilmeniitin hiukkaskokojakaumat. Optimointimittauksissa pienennettiin pikkumyllypiirin ilmamäärät vastaamaan kutakuinkin vastaavan toisen piirin määriä. Tällä yritettiin selvittää näiden toisiaan vastaavien piirien ilmamäärien ja varsinkin kiertokuormien eroavuutta. Tämä ilmamäärien pienentäminen ei tuottanut mainittavampaa muutosta piirin ainetaseisiin, joten voitaneen todeta, että piirin ilmamääriä pienentämällä saadaan aikaiseksi säästöjä, lähinnä kiertoilmapuhaltimen tehon alennuksen kautta.


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Domestic microwave oven was modified for laboratory applications. Electronic system was made for controlling magnetron irradiation time. Exhaustion and air circulation systems were installed to clean the internal oven atmosphere during operation. The cavity walls were coated with aluminized thermal paint to avoid chemical corrosion. These modifications allowed the usage of the oven for drying and processes using reflux.


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The carrot leaf dehydration conditions in air circulation oven were optimized through response surface methodology (RSM) for minimizing the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic (LNA, 18:3n-3). The optimized leaf drying time and temperature were 43 h and 70 ºC, respectively. The fatty acids (FA) were investigated using gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector and fused silica capillary column; FA were identified with standards and based on equivalent-chain-length. LNA and other FA were quantified against C21:0 internal standard. After dehydration, the amount of LNA, quantified in mg/100 g dry matter of dehydrated carrot leaves, were 984 mg.


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This study has aimed to develop a method for simultaneous extraction and determination by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) of glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), shikimic acid, quinic acid, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. For the joint analysis of these compounds the best conditions of ionization in mass spectrometry and for chromatographic separation of the compounds were selected. Calibration curves and linearity ranges were also determined for each compound. Different extraction systems of the compounds were tested from plant tissues collected from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla platiphylla) plants two days after the glyphosate application at the dose of 720 g a.e. ha-1. The plant material was dried in a forced air circulation drying oven and in a lyophilizer, and subsequently the extractions with acidified water (pH 2.5), acetonitrile-water (50:50) [v/v] and methanol-water (50:50) [v/v] were tested. To verify the recovery of the compounds in the plant matrix with acidified water as an extracting solution, the samples were fortified with a solution containing the mixture of the different analytical standards present so that this one presented the same levels of 50 and 100 μg L-1 of each compound. All experiments were conducted with three replicates. The analytical method developed was efficient for compounds quantifications. The extraction from the samples dried in an oven and using acidified water allowed better extraction levels for all compounds. The recovery levels of the compounds in the fortified samples with known amounts of each compound for both plants samples were rather satisfactory.


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The antioxidant capacity of beet is associated with non-nutritive constituents, such as phenolic compounds. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of two different heat-processing techniques (drying and canned) on the antioxidant potential (ABTS) and phenolics content of beets. A forced air circulation dehydrator was used for the drying. Drying at high temperatures (100 + 90 °C/5.6 hours; 90 °C/6 hours) increased the antioxidant potential of the processed products while mild drying conditions decreased it (80 °C/6 hours; 100 + 70 °C/6 hours) or had no effect on it (70 °C/7 hours; 100 + 80 °C/6 hours). For the canned products, the antioxidant potential did not differ according to the pH (4.2 to 3.8) for any of the four acids tested. Some processing methods influenced the antioxidant potential of the processed products, and this was also dependent on changes in the total phenolics content.


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The main purpose of this study was to produce hamburgers with partial substitution of the meat with cashew apple residue powder. The powder residue was obtained after the extraction of the pulp and dehydration in stove with air circulation. Three formulations of hamburgers with increasing concentration of the residue as well as a control sample were prepared. The formulated products with cashew apple residue powder presented lower humidity and proteins and 35% lipid reduction. However, there was an increase in carbohydrates and pH with the addition of the powder from the cashew apple residue. Some formulations showed an improvement of the final product yield. The total dietary fiber value was between 0 and 7.66%, with higher content of insoluble dietary fiber. The addition of up to 10.70% of the residue did not cause significant sensory changes in the flavor of the samples. The production of hamburgers with a partial substitution of cow meat with the cashew apple residue could be a feasible option since it resulted in product with high nutritional quality that is rich or have high dietary fiber content and is low in fat.


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To evaluate the effectiveness of gibberellic acid (GA3) in breaking rice seed dormancy and the use of alpha-amylase enzyme activity as an indicator of the dormancy level, seed from the intensively dormant irrigated cultivar Urucuia were used. The seeds were submitted to a pre-drying process in a forced air circulation chamber under 40ºC during 7 days and submersed in 30 mL of GA3 solution under 0, 10, 30 and 60 mg/L H2O concentrations, during 2, 24 and 36 hours. After the treatments, the alpha-amylase activity was determined by using the polyacrilamide electrophoresis and spectrophotometry. At the same time, the germination test was made. The results indicated a gain in germination and in alpha-amylase activity in higher concentrations and soaking time of seeds in GA3. These observations support the conclusion that soaking seed in 60 mg GA3/L during 36 hours can be used as a quick and efficient treatment in breaking rice seed dormancy and is equivalent to the forced air circulation chamber at 40ºC during 7 days. The alpha-amylase enzyme activity proved to be as an efficient marker of the seeds dormancy level.


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Axial-flux machines tend to have cooling difficulties since it is difficult to arrange continuous heat path between the stator stack and the frame. One important reason for this is that no shrink fitting of the stator is possible in an axial-flux machine. Using of liquid-cooled end shields does not alone solve this issue. Cooling of the rotor and the end windings may also be difficult at least in case of two-stator-single-rotor construction where air circulation in the rotor and in the end-winding areas may be difficult to arrange. If the rotor has significant losses air circulation via the rotor and behind the stator yokes should be arranged which, again, weakens the stator cooling. In this paper we study a novel way of using copper bars as extra heat transfer paths between the stator teeth and liquid cooling pools in the end shields. After this the end windings still suffer of low thermal conductivity and means for improving this by high-heat-conductance material was also studied. The design principle of each cooling system is presented in details. Thermal models based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are used to analyse the temperature distribution in the machine. Measurement results are provided from different versions of the machine. The results show that significant improvements in the cooling can be gained by these steps.