3 resultados para aglycon
The uptake and metabolism profiles of ginsenoside Rh2 and its aglycon protopanaxadiol (ppd) were studied in the human epithelial Caco-2 cell line. High-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was applied to determine Rh2 and its aglycon ppd concentration in the cells at different pH, temperature, concentration levels and in the presence or absence of inhibitors. Rh2 uptake was time and concentration dependent, and its uptake rates were reduced by metabolic inhibitors and influenced by low temperature, thus indicating that the absorption process was energy-dependent. Drug uptake was maximal when the extracellular pH was 7.0 for Rh2 and 8.0 for ppd. Rh2 kinetic analysis showed that a non-saturable component (K-d 0.17 nmol (.) h(-1) (.) mg(-1) protein) and an active transport system with a K-m of 3.95 mumol (.) l(-1) and a V-max of 4.78 nmol(.)h(-1) (.)mg(-1) protein were responsible for the drug uptake. Kinetic analysis of ppd showed a non-saturable component (K-d 0.78 nmol (.) h(-1) (.) mg(-1) protein). It was suggested that active extrusion of P-glycoprotein and drug degradation in the intestine may influence Rh2 bioavailability.
The objective in this research was to evaluate the isoflavone content and the physiological quality of seed from conventional and transgenic soybean cultivars before and after 180 days of storage. Twenty one soybean cultivars: CD 202, CD 206, CD 208, CD 213RR, CD 214RR, CD 215, CD 216, CD 217, CD 218, CD 221, BRS 184, BRS 185, BRS 214, BRS 244RR, BRS 245RR, BRS 246RR, BRS 255, BRS 257, BRS 258, BRS 261 and BRS 262, grown in the 2005/2006 crop season, were assayed. The seeds were packed in Kraft paper bags and stored at room temperature under laboratory conditions. Seeds were evaluated with respect to their germination and vigor (first germination count, accelerated aging and tetrazolium test) and their total isoflavone contents and respective aglycon forms (daidzein, genistein and glycitein),glycosides (daidzine, genistine and glycitine) and malonyl conjugates. A completely randomized block design with six replications with the treatments set out within a subplot scheme (21 cultivars x 2 storage periods) was used. The F-test was used to compare means between storage periods and the Scott-Knott test to compare cultivars for each storage period, both with a 95% probability. It was concluded that isoflavone contents differ between cultivars and show a distinct behavior throughout storage.
The olive oil extraction industry is responsible for the production of high quantities of vegetation waters, represented by the constitutive water of the olive fruit and by the water used during the process. This by-product represent an environmental problem in the olive’s cultivation areas because of its high content of organic matter, with high value of BOD5 and COD. For that reason the disposal of the vegetation water is very difficult and needs a previous depollution. The organic matter of vegetation water mainly consists of polysaccharides, sugars, proteins, organic acids, oil and polyphenols. This last compounds are the principal responsible for the pollution problems, due to their antimicrobial activity, but, at the same time they are well known for their antioxidant properties. The most concentrate phenolic compounds in waters and also in virgin olive oils are secoiridoids like oleuropein, demethyloleuropein and ligstroside derivatives (the dialdehydic form of elenolic acid linked to 3,4-DHPEA, or p-HPEA (3,4-DHPEA-EDA or p-HPEA-EDA) and an isomer of the oleuropein aglycon (3,4-DHPEA-EA). The management of the olive oil vegetation water has been extensively investigated and several different valorisation methods have been proposed, such as the direct use as fertilizer or the transformation by physico-chemical or biological treatments. During the last years researchers focused their interest on the recovery of the phenolic fraction from this waste looking for its exploitation as a natural antioxidant source. At the present only few contributes have been aimed to the utilization for a large scale phenols recovery and further investigations are required for the evaluation of feasibility and costs of the proposed processes. The present PhD thesis reports a preliminary description of a new industrial scale process for the recovery of the phenolic fraction from olive oil vegetation water treated with enzymes, by direct membrane filtration (microfiltration/ultrafiltration with a cut-off of 250 KDa, ultrafiltration with a cut-off of 7 KDa/10 KDa and nanofiltration/reverse osmosis), partial purification by the use of a purification system based on SPE analysis and by a liquid-liquid extraction system (LLE) with contemporary reduction of the pollution related problems. The phenolic fractions of all the samples obtained were qualitatively and quantitatively by HPLC analysis. The work efficiency in terms of flows and in terms of phenolic recovery gave good results. The final phenolic recovery is about 60% respect the initial content in the vegetation waters. The final concentrate has shown a high content of phenols that allow to hypothesize a possible use as zootechnic nutritional supplements. The purification of the final concentrate have garanteed an high purity level of the phenolic extract especially in SPE analysis by the use of XAD-16 (73% of the total phenolic content of the concentrate). This purity level could permit a future food industry employment such as food additive, or, thanks to the strong antioxidant activity, it would be also use in pharmaceutical or cosmetic industry. The vegetation water depollutant activity has brought good results, as a matter of fact the final reverse osmosis permeate has a low pollutant rate in terms of COD and BOD5 values (2% of the initial vegetation water), that could determinate a recycling use in the virgin olive oil mechanical extraction system producing a water saving and reducing thus the oil industry disposal costs .