983 resultados para aggregates


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The unusual behaviour of fine lunar regolith like stickiness and low heat conductivity is dominated by the structural arrangement of its finest fraction. Here, we show the previously unknown phenomenon of a globular 3D superstructure within the dust fraction of regolith. A study using the recently developed Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) with tomographic reconstruction reveals a highly porous network of cellular voids in the finest dust fraction aggregates in lunar soil. Such porous chained aggregates are composed of sub-micron particles that form a network of cellular voids a few micrometers in diameter. Discovery of such a superstructure within the finest fraction of lunar topsoil enables a model of heat transfer to be constructed.


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The unusual behaviour of fine lunar regolith like stickiness and low heat conductivity is dominated by the structural arrangement of its finest fraction in the outer-most topsoil layer. Here, we show the previously unknown phenomenon of building a globular 3-D superstructure within the dust fraction of the regolith. New technology, Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) with tomographic reconstruction, reveals a highly porous network of cellular void system in the lunar finest dust fraction aggregates. Such porous chained aggregates are composed of sub-micron in size particles that build cellular void networks. Voids are a few micrometers in diameter. Discovery of such a superstructure within the finest fraction of the lunar topsoil allow building a model of heat transfer which is discussed.


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Chondritic porous aggregates (CPA's) belong to an important subset of small particles (usually between 5 and 50 micrometers) collected from the stratosphere by high flying aircraft. These aggregates are approximately chondritic in elemental abundance and are composed of many thousands of small­er, submicrometer particles. CPA particles have been the subject of intensive study during the past few years [1-3] and there is strong evidence that they are a new class of extraterrestrial material not represented in the meteorite collection [3,4]. However, CPA's may be related to carbonaceous chondrites and in fact, both may be part of a continuum of primitive extraterrestrial materials [5]. The importance of CPA's stems from suggestions that they are very primitive solar system material possibly derived from early formed proto­ planets, chondritic parent bodies, or comets [3, 6]. To better understand the origin and evolution of these particles, we have attempted to summarize all of the mineralogical data on identified CPA's published since about 1976.


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This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of presoaked lightweight aggregates (LWAs) for internal curing on water permeability, water absorption and resistance of concrete to chloride-ion penetration in comparison with those of a control concrete and a concrete with shrinkage reducing admixture (SRA) of similar water/cement ratios (w/c). In general, the concretes with LWA particles had initial water absorption, sorptivity and water permeability similar to or lower than those of the control concrete and the concrete with SRA. The charges passed, chloride migration coefficient and chloride diffusion coefficient of such concretes were in the same order as those of the control concrete and the concrete with SRA. However, the incorporation of the LWAs for internal curing reduced unit weight, compressive strength and elastic modulus of the concrete. Comparing the LWAs of different sizes for internal curing, finer particles were more efficient in reducing the shrinkage and generally resulted in less reduction in the unit weight, compressive strength, and elastic modulus. However, the increase in the more porous crushed LW particles in concrete seems to increase the penetration of chloride ions in the concrete. The concrete with SRA had initial water absorption, sorptivity, water permeability and resistance to chloride ion penetration comparable with those of the control concrete. The use of SRA in concrete does not affect the elastic modulus of the concrete, except for a minor influence on the compressive strength of the concrete.


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Production of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) from construction and demolition (C&D) waste has become popular all over the world since the availability of land spaces are limited to dispose. Therefore it is important to seek alternative applications for RCA. The use of RCA in base and sub-base layers in granular pavement is a viable solution. In mechanistic pavement design, rutting (permanent deformation) is considered as the major failure mechanisms of the pavement. The rutting is the accumulation of permanent deformation of pavement layers caused by the repetitive vehicle load. In Queensland, Australia, it is accepted to have the maximum of 20% of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in RCA and therefore, it is important to investigate the effect of RAP on the permanent deformation properties of RCA. In this study, a series of repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests were conducted on RCA blended with different percentage of RAP to investigate the permanent deformation and resilient modulus properties of RCA. The vertical deformation and resilient modulus values were used to determine the response of RCA for the cyclic loading under standard pressure and loading conditions.


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Population increase and economic developments can lead to construction as well as demolition of infrastructures such as buildings, bridges, roads, etc resulting in used concrete as a primary waste product. Recycling of waste concrete to obtain the recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) for base and/or sub-base materials in road construction is a foremost application to be promoted to gain economical and sustainability benefits. As the mortar, bricks, glass and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) present as constituents in RCA, it exhibits inconsistent properties and performance. In this study, six different types of RCA samples were subjected classification tests such as particle size distribution, plasticity, compaction test, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and California bearing ratio (CBR) tests. Results were compared with those of the standard road materials used in Queensland, Australia. It was found that material type ‘RM1-100/RM3-0’ and ‘RM1-80/RM3-20’ samples are in the margin of the minimum required specifications of base materials used for high volume unbound granular roads while others are lower than that the minimum requirement.


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This research was a step forward in investigating the characteristics of recycled concrete aggregates to use as an unbound pavement material. The results present the guidelines for successfully application of recycled concrete aggregates in high traffic volume roads. Outcomes of the research create more economical and environmental benefits through reducing the depletion of natural resources and effectively manage the generated concrete waste before disposal as land fill.


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In pavement design, resilient modulus of a pavement material is one of the key design parameters. Resilient modulus of a granular pavement material can be measured using repeated load Triaxial (RLT) test or estimated using empirical models. For conventional granular pavement materials, a significant amount of resilient modulus data and empirical models to estimate this key design parameter are available. However, RCA is a relatively new granular pavement material and therefore no such data or empirical models are available. In this study, a number of RLT tests were conducted on RCA sample to investigate the effects of moisture content on its resilient modulus (Mr). It was observed that the resilient modulus of RCA increased with a number of loading cycles but decreased as the moisture content was increased. Further, using RLT test results, empirical models to estimate the resilient modulus of RCA were enhanced and validated.


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We report a general method for the synthesis of hollow structures of a variety of functional inorganics by partial sintering of mesoporous nanocrystal aggregates. The formation of a thin shell initiates the transport of mass from the interior leading to growth of the shell. The principles are general and the hollow structures thus produced are attractive for many applications including catalysis, drug delivery and biosensing.


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Although the peptide Boc-Aibl-Ala2-Leu3- Aib4-Alas Leu'-Aib7-Ala8-Leu9-Aib'0-OMe [with a t-butoxycarbonyl(Boc) blocking group at the amino terminus, a methyl ester (OMe) at the carboxyl terminus, and four a-aminoisobutyric (Aib) residues] has a 3-fold repeat of residues, the helix formed by the peptide backbone is irregular. The carboxyl-terminal half assumes an at-helical form with torsion angles ) and r of approximately -60° and -45°, respectively, whereas the amino-terminal half is distorted by an insertion of a water molecule between the amide nitrogen of Ala5 [N(5)] and the carbonyl oxygen of Ala2 [0(2)]. The water molecule W(1) acts as a bridge by forming hydrogen bonds N(5).W(1) (2.93 A) and W(1)---0(2) (2.86 A). The distortion of the helix exposes the carbonyl oxygens of Aib' and Aib4 to the outside environment, with the consequence that the helix assumes an amphiphilic character despite having all apolar residues. Neighboring helices in the crystal run in antiparallel directions. On one side of a helix there are only hydrophobic contacts with efficient interdigitation of leucine side chains with those from the neighboring helix. On the other side of the helix there are hydrogen bonds between protruding carbonyl oxygens and four water molecules that separate two neighboring helices. Along the helix axis the helices bind head-to-tail with a direct hydrogen bond N(2)-0(9) (3.00 A). Crystals grown from methanol/water solution are in space group P2, with a = 15.778 ± 0.004 A, b = 11.228 ± 0.002 A, c = 18.415 ± 0.003 A, = 102.10 ± 0.02ur and two formula units per cell for C49HON1003 2H2OCH3OH. The overall agreement factorR is 7.5% for 3394 reflections observed with intensities >3a(F), and the resolution is 0.90 A.


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Nanoporous structures are widely used for many applications and hence it Is important to investigate their thermal stability. We study the stability of spherical nanoporous aggregates using phase-field simulations that explore systematically the effect of grain boundary diffusion, surface diffusion, and grain boundary mobility on the pathways for microstructural evolution. Our simulations for different combinations of surface and GB diffusivity and GB mobility show four distinct microstructural pathways en route to 100% density: multiple dosed pores, hollow shells, hollow shells with a core, and multiple interconnected pores. The microstructures from our simulations are consistent with experimental observations in several different systems. Our results have important implications for rational synthesis of hollow nanostructures or aggregates with open pores, and for controlling the stability of nanoporous aggregates that are widely used for many applications.


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Four new (dialkylamino)pyridine-functionalized surfactants have been synthesized. Micelles were generated either from the surfactant alone in aqueous buffer (pH 8.5 or 9.0) or by comicellization in 1 x 10(-3)-1 x 10(-4) M aqueous micellar cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) solution at pH 8.5 or 9.0. Such aggregates were used to cleave p-nitrophenyl alkanoates or p-nitrophenyl diphenylphosphate. The nucleophilic reagents and the second-order ''catalytic'' rate constants toward esterolysis of the substrate p-nitrophenyl octanoate (at 25 degrees C, pH 9.0) were [cat.] = 1 x 10(-4) M, [CTABr] = 1 x 10(-3) M, and k(cat.) = 440.13 M(-1) s(-1) for 1b, [cat.] = 5 x 10(-4) M, [CTABr] = 5 x 10(-4) M, and k(cat.) = 30.8 M(-1) s(-1) for 1c, [cat.] = 5 x 10(-4) M, [CTABr] = 5 x 10(-3) M, and k(cat.) = 183.64 M(-1) s(-1) for 2a, and [cat.] = 3 x 10(-4) M and k(cat.) = 54.1 M(-1) s(-1) for 2b. The catalytic systems, especially 1b/CTABr and 2a/CTABr, also conferred significantly greater reactivity toward the esters derived from alkanoic acids of moderate chain length (C-6-C-10) during hydrolytic cleavages relative to their shorter and longer counterparts. Importantly, the catalytic systems comprising the coaggregates of either neutral 1b and CTABr (1:10) or anionic 2a and CTABr (1:10) conformed to the Michaelis-Menten kinetic scheme and demonstrated turnover behavior in the presence of excess substrate.