939 resultados para age levels


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This dissertation compares oral and written language development in hearing and deaf children. The study applies grammatical, lexical and syntactical measures to describe and analyze the differences in language development in groups of hearing and orally-taught hearing-impaired children and to relate these findings to chronological age.


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A variety of studies indicate that the process of athrosclerosis begins in childhood. There was limited information on the association of the changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids in school age children and adolescents. Previous longitudinal studies of children typically with insufficient frequency of observation could not provide sound inference on the dynamics of change in blood lipids. The aims of this analysis are (1) to document the sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG); (2) to evaluate the relationship of changes in anthropometric variables, such as height, weight and BMI, to blood lipids from age 8 to 18 years. ^ Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study designed to examine the patterns of serial change in major cardiovascular risk factors. Cohort of three different age levels, 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline, with a total of 678 participants were enrolled. Each member of these cohorts was examined three times per year for up to four years. ^ Sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids; demonstrated the complex and polyphasic changes in TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG longitudinally. The trajectory curves of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C with age showed curvilinear patterns of change. The velocity change in TC, HDL-C and LDL-C showed U-shaped curves for non-Blacks, and nearly linear lines in velocity of TG for both Blacks and non-Blacks. ^ The relationship of changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids was evaulated by adding height, weight, or BMI and associated interaction terms separately to the basic age-sex models. Height or height gain had a significant negative association with changes in TC, LDL-C and HDL-C. Weight or BMI gain showed positive associations with TC, LDL-C and TC, and a negative relationship with HDL-C. ^ Dynamic changes of blood lipids in school age children and adolescents observed from this analysis suggested that using fixed screening criteria under the current NCEP guidelines for all ages 2–19 may not be appropriate for this age group. The association of increasing BMI or weight to an adverse blood lipid profile found in this analysis also indicated that weight or BMI monitoring could be a future intervention to be implemented in the pediatric population. ^


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The aim of this study is to highlight what kind of information distinguishes abstract and concrete conceptual knowledge in different aged children. A familiarity-rating task has shown that 8-year-olds judged concrete concepts as very familiar while abstract concepts were judged as much less familiar with ratings increasing substantially from age 10 to age 12, according to literature showing that abstract terms are not mastered until adolescence (Schwanenflugel, 1991). The types of relation elicited by abstract and concrete concepts during development were investigated in an association production task. At all considered age levels, concrete concepts mainly activated attributive and thematic relations as well as, to a much lesser extent, taxonomic relations and stereotypes. Abstract concepts, instead, elicited mainly thematic relations and, to a much lesser extent, examples and taxonomic relations. The patterns of relations elicited were already differentiated by age 8, becoming more specific in abstract concepts with age.


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Alcohol is implicated in over 60 diseases and injuries and accounted for 6.2 per cent of all male deaths globally in 2004 (WHO, 2011). Alcohol and other drug (AOD) abuse causes significant individual, family and social harms at all age levels and across all socioeconomic groups. These may result from intoxication (e.g., overdose, vulnerability to physical injury/trauma or death, consequences of impulsive behaviour, aggression and driving under the influence) and longer-term consequences (e.g., alcohol or drug-related brain injury, cardiovascular and liver diseases, blood borne viruses e.g., Chikritzhs et al., 2003, Roxburgh et al., 2013). Mental health problems may be triggered or exacerbated, and family breakdown, poor self-esteem, legal issues and lack of community engagement may also be evident. Despite the prevalence of substance use disorders and evident consequences for the individual, family and wider community, it would seem that health professionals, including psychologists, are reluctant to ask about substance use.


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IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary glomerulonephritis. In one third of the patients the disease progresses, and they eventually need renal replacement therapy. IgAN is in most cases a slowly progressing disease, and the prediction of progression has been difficult, and the results of studies have been conflicting. Henoch-Schönlein nephritis (HSN) is rare in adults, and prediction of the outcome is even more difficult than in IgAN. This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical and histopathological features and predictors of the outcome of IgAN and HSN diagnosed in one centre (313 IgAN patients and 38 HSN patients), and especially in patients with normal renal function at the time of renal biopsy. The study also aimed to evaluate whether there is a difference in the progression rates in four countries (259 patients from Finland, 112 from UK, 121 from Australia and 274 from Canada), and if so, can this be explained by differences in renal biopsy policy. The third aim was to measure urinary excretions of cytokines interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in patients with IgAN and HSN and the correlations of excretion of these substances with histopathological damage and clinical factors. A large proportion of the patients diagnosed in Helsinki as having IgAN had normal renal function (161/313 patients). Four factors, (hypertension, higher amounts of urinary erythrocytes, severe arteriolosclerosis and a higher glomerular score) which independently predicted progression (logistic regression analysis), were identified in mild disease. There was geographic variability in renal survival in patients with IgAN. When age, levels of renal function, proteinuria and blood pressure were taken into account, it showed that the variability related mostly to lead-time bias and renal biopsy indications. Amount of proteinuria more than 0.4g/24h was the only factor that was significantly related to the progression of HSN. the Hypertension and the level of renal function were found to be factors predicting outcome in patients with normal renal function at the time of diagnosis. In IgAN patients, IL-1ra excretion into urine was found to be decreased as compared with HSN patients and healthy controls. Patients with a high IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio had milder histopathological changes in renal biopsy than patients with a low/normal IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio. It was also found that the excretion of IL-1ß and especially IL-1ra were significantly higher in women. In conclusion, it was shown that factors associated with outcome can reliably be identified even in mild cases of IgAN. Predicting outcome in adult HSN, however, remains difficult.


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Breakdown of the inner blood-retinal barrier (iBRB) occurs early in diabetes and is central to the development of sight-threatening diabetic macular edema (DME) as retinopathy progresses. In the current study, we examined how advanced glycation end products (AGEs) forming early in diabetes could modulate vasopermeability factor expression in the diabetic retina and alter inter-endothelial cell tight junction (TJ) integrity leading to iBRB dysfunction. We also investigated the potential for an AGE inhibitor to prevent this acute pathology and examined a role of the AGE-binding protein galectin-3 (Gal-3) in AGE-mediated cell retinal pathophysiology. Diabetes was induced in C57/BL6 wild-type (WT) mice and in Gal-3(-/-) transgenic mice. Blood glucose was monitored and AGE levels were quantified by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The diabetic groups were subdivided, and one group was treated with the AGE-inhibitor pyridoxamine (PM) while separate groups of WT and Gal-3(-/-) mice were maintained as nondiabetic controls. iBRB integrity was assessed by Evans blue assay alongside visualisation of TJ protein complexes via occludin-1 immunolocalization in retinal flat mounts. Retinal expression levels of the vasopermeability factor VEGF were quantified using real-time RT-PCR and ELISA. WT diabetic mice showed significant AGE -immunoreactivity in the retinal microvasculature and also showed significant iBRB breakdown (P < .005). These diabetics had higher VEGF mRNA and protein expression in comparison to controls (P < .01). PM-treated diabetics had normal iBRB function and significantly reduced diabetes-mediated VEGF expression. Diabetic retinal vessels showed disrupted TJ integrity when compared to controls, while PM-treated diabetics demonstrated near-normal configuration. Gal-3(-/-) mice showed significantly less diabetes-mediated iBRB dysfunction, junctional disruption, and VEGF expression changes than their WT counterparts. The data suggests an AGE-mediated disruption of iBRB via upregulation of VEGF in the diabetic retina, possibly modulating disruption of TJ integrity, even after acute diabetes. Prevention of AGE formation or genetic deletion of Gal-3 can effectively prevent these acute diabetic retinopathy changes.


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Collagen molecules in articular cartilage have an exceptionally long lifetime, which makes them susceptible to the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). In fact, in comparison to other collagen-rich tissues, articular cartilage contains relatively high amounts of the AGE pentosidine. To test the hypothesis that this higher AGE accumulation is primarily the result of the slow turnover of cartilage collagen, AGE levels in cartilage and skin collagen were compared with the degree of racemization of aspartic acid (% d-Asp, a measure of the residence time of a protein). AGE (N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine, N(epsilon)-(carboxyethyl)lysine, and pentosidine) and % d-Asp concentrations increased linearly with age in both cartilage and skin collagen (p <0.0001). The rate of increase in AGEs was greater in cartilage collagen than in skin collagen (p <0.0001). % d-Asp was also higher in cartilage collagen than in skin collagen (p <0.0001), indicating that cartilage collagen has a longer residence time in the tissue, and thus a slower turnover, than skin collagen. In both types of collagen, AGE concentrations increased linearly with % d-Asp (p <0.0005). Interestingly, the slopes of the curves of AGEs versus % d-Asp, i.e. the rates of accumulation of AGEs corrected for turnover, were identical for cartilage and skin collagen. The present study thus provides the first experimental evidence that protein turnover is a major determinant in AGE accumulation in different collagen types. From the age-related increases in % d-Asp the half-life of cartilage collagen was calculated to be 117 years and that of skin collagen 15 years, thereby providing the first reasonable estimates of the half-lives of these collagens.


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This study examined adolescents' reported sexual and dietary health-risk behaviours and perceptions. Specifically, this study analyzed the data of 600 students (300 male~ 300 female) in grades 9, I 1, and OAC (mean, standard deviation). The mean age of the students in the sample is 16 with a standard deviation of 1.6. The study was a secondary analysis ofthe first-year data of a 3-year longitudinal study conducted by Youth Lifestyle Choices-Community University Research Alliance (YLC-CURA) on adolescents. To explore sexuality and dietary health, this study purposefully selected sections of the survey that represented sex and dieting behaviours of adolescents. Separate gender and age data analyses revealed different patterns among the variables. Specifically., findings revealed that adolescents who engaged in recent sexual activities were more likely to have a relatively more positive body image perception and were relatively more likely to engage in disordered eating. Across both genders and 3 age levels, adolescents reported that despite their unhealthy dietary habits they felt that dieting was not a high-risk behaviour. Results were discussed in terms of educational implication for sexual health programs.


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Le but de cette thèse est premièrement d’évaluer l’effet du vieillissement sur les fonctions psychomotrices des souches de souris sélectionnées génétiquement en fonction de leur tension artérielle (TA); deuxièmement, de localiser les déterminants génétiques des phénotypes psychophysiologiques à partir de souches recombinantes congéniques (RCS). Ces travaux ont mené à la publication de 4 articles. Le premier article décrit l’évaluation des fonctions psychomotrices des souches avec une tension artérielle élevée (HBP), basse (LBP) et normale (NBP). La performance aux épreuves d’exploration, d’habiletés motrices et d’apprentissage spatial, a été mesurée sur deux cohortes âgées respectivement de 12 mois et de trois mois. Indépendamment de l’âge, les HBPs sont hyperactives dans l’open-field (OF), mais pas dans le test d’exploration de trous. Inversement, les LBP explorent moins d’espaces que les NBP et, à trois mois seulement, sont hypoactives dans l’OF. Par ailleurs, les HBPs et les LBP présentent des déficits précoces de coordination motrice et des fonctions visuo-motrices. Le second article concerne l’évaluation longitudinale de la coordination motrice, de l’anxiété et de l’apprentissage spatial des souches HBP, LBP et NBP, à l’âge de deux mois et de 12 mois. Le vieillissement accentue l’hyperactivité des HBPs dans l’OF. Par contre, l’hypoactivité des souris LBP est détectable seulement à l’âge de deux mois. Indépendamment de l’âge, les souris HBP et LBP montrent une perception réduite du danger dans l’épreuve d’anxiété et des dysfonctions visuo-motrices au labyrinthe aquatique. Enfin, des déficits précoces de coordination motrice se manifestent seulement chez les HBPs. Il reste à déterminer si les déficits observés sont liés à des déterminants génétiques indépendants ou secondaires aux altérations de la tension artérielle. Le troisième article présente la comparaison entre les souches consanguines A/J et C57Bl/6J (B6) aux épreuves de l’OF, de la planche à trous, du labyrinthe aquatique et du cintre (coordination motrice). Les B6 explore d’avantage l’OF et la planche à trous. Les B6 sont moins rapides sur le cintre, mais supérieurs aux A/J dans le labyrinthe aquatique, avec une plate-forme invisible ou visible. Ces résultats démontrent l’implication de déterminants génétiques. Cette thèse se termine par un quatrième article sur la localisation des déterminants génétiques de la susceptibilité au stress dans les RCS, dérivées de A/J et B6, et présentant un agencement spécifique de 12.5% du génome. La réactivité émotionnelle est évaluée dans l’OF et le plus-maze; la réponse de stress est mesurée par radio télémétrie de la température interne pendant le stress d’immobilisation (SI) sous diète régulière et riche en sel; l’excrétion des électrolytes urinaires est dosée après 24 heures de diète salée. Les loci les plus significatifs sont situés dans les régions suivantes: de l’émotionalité dans l’OF (Emo1) sur le chr. 1 (LOD=4.6) correspondant à la région homologue impliquée dans la cohorte d’hypertension familiale du Saguenay; de la dopa décarboxylase (ddc) sur le chr. 11 pour l’émergence du plus-maze (LOD=4.7); de la protéine liant l’endotoxine (lbp) sur le chr. 2 pour l’hypothermie initiale en réponse au SI (LOD=4); et de HSP90 sur le chr. 12 pour l’excrétion de Ca++ (LOD=4.6). Des banques de données sont ensuite interrogées pour recenser les polymorphismes des régions régulatrices ou codantes des gènes candidats chez les souches ancestrales A/J et B6, dont les séquences sont disponibles pour le génome entier. Des utilitaires web permettent de dévoiler les changements dans la structure secondaire de l’ARNm, l’interférence avec des microARN ou avec d’autres motifs de liaison. Plusieurs SNPs fonctionnels ont été identifiés pour le QTL du chr. 1, particulièrement dans les éléments de régulation; ceux-ci impliquant des gènes reliés avec les réponses inflammatoire/immunitaire ou avec le système cardiovasculaire. La quantification par la PCR confirme une régulation à la baisse d’atp1a2 dans le cœur et le cerveau des souches susceptibles à l’anxiété. Ces résultats confirment l’intrication des altérations de la susceptibilité au stress et de la régulation de la TA.


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This paper reports a qualitative study designed to investigate the issues of cybersafety and cyberbullying and report how students are coping with them. Through discussion with 74 students, aged from 10 to 17, in focus groups divided into three age levels, data were gathered in three schools in Victoria, Australia, where few such studies had been set. Social networking sites and synchronous chat sites were found to be the places where cyberbullying most commonly occurred, with email and texting on mobile phones also used for bullying. Grades 8 and 9 most often reported cyberbullying and also reported behaviours and internet contacts that were cybersafety risks. Most groups preferred to handle these issues themselves or with their friends rather then alert parents and teachers who may limit their technology access. They supported education about these issues for both adults and school students and favoured a structured mediation group of their peers to counsel and advise victims.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo primordial, examinar o desenvolvimento do conceito de nascimento em diferentes faixas etárias. A ideia de trabalhar sobre o tema surgiu da constatação de total carência de informação sobre o assunto não só no contexto brasileiro mas em geral, a partir de pesquisa empírica. Em termos teóricos, o problema é aqui abordado especialmente numa perspectiva psicodinâmica do desenvolvimento infantil. A tentativa de desenvolver a questão em termos cognitivos, como uma primeira aproximação, esbarrou nas contaminações culturais e socio-emocionais que o próprio tema contêm. É feito um estudo exploratório que confirma a hipótese formulada de que existe um desenvolvimento da referida noção em função da idade cronológica. Os resultados são discutidos em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, tentando-se explicar ao mesmo tempo a tomada de consciência do problema com o desenvolvimento cronológico e as distorções de que o tema se reveste em função dos aspectos emocionais envolvidos na questão proposta.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da idade no expoente da função-potência nas Condições experimentais Perceptiva, Memória e Inferência. Para cada Condição, as faixas etárias dos sujeitos variaram de 17 a 34 anos (I), 38 a 57 anos (II) e 58 a 77 anos de idade (III). Os sujeitos estimaram áreas dos Estados do Brasil, utilizando o método psicofísico de estimação de magnitude. Os resultados obtidos pelas três Faixas etárias não diferiram para cada Condição experimental, com exceção da Condição Memória (24 horas). A análise entre as Condições experimentais e Faixas etárias evidenciou uma diferença da Condição Perceptiva em relação às demais, não havendo diferenças entre as Condições Memória e Inferência. Os dados apresentados sugerem que no processo de relembrar, não há perda da informação em função da idade.


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Em testes de bisecção de linhas horizontais, os indivíduos normais tendem a partilhá-las à esquerda do verdadeiro ponto zero, fenômeno este denominado de pseudonegligência. As investigações clínicas revelaram que os mecanismos de controle sobre a alocação de atenção ao lado esquerdo do corpo foram profundamente afetados quando houve lesão localizada na parte inferior do lóbulo parietal no hemisfério direito do cérebro; e mais, a omissão de atenção à esquerda da linha média do corpo foi igualmente observada em certas modalidades motoras e táteis, não se limitando apenas ao sistema visual. Neste contexto, estudos evidenciam, ainda, que mudanças na preferência e proficiência manual ocorreram durante o processo de envelhecimento. Por exemplo, diversos estudos mostraram que, com o avanço da idade, a prevalência de canhotismo tende a diminuir; além do mais, em alguns estudos, a partir da idade de 55 anos, a direção de pseudonegligência foi distribuída à direita do ponto zero. Surgem, então, três hipóteses que buscam explicar a fonte das variações através das faixas etárias: A hipótese da degradação diferencial dos hemisférios cerebrais; a hipótese de perda bilateral; e a hipótese de assimetria invariante. Neste estudo, uma amostra de 61 indivíduos foi selecionada, sendo composta de destros e canhotos, de ambos os sexos, em três faixas etárias: de 18 a 30 anos, de 35 a 55 anos e 60 anos e acima. Os indivíduos foram submetidos ao Inventário de Preferência Manual, ao Teste Tátil de Biseccionar Linhas (TTBL) e ao Teste Visual de Biseccionar Linhas (TVBL), com o objetivo de averiguar os efeitos da idade sobre a assimetria manual e hemiespacial através do desempenho dos mesmos. Os resultados, no TTBL, mostram que houve poucas diferenças significativas no desvio e as tendências que emergiram foram ou inconsistentes ou orientadas em direções contrárias às predições de Bowers & Heilman. Não foi identificada nenhuma divergência no grau e na direção do desempenho entre destros e canhotos. O modelo interdependente de ativação, não foi sustentado por estes achados, concluindo-se que a presente versão do TTBL não constitui uma medida válida da lateralidade desta função. Em contraste, no TVBL a pseudonegligência evidenciou-se consistentemente, sob condições específicas em todos os grupos. O modelo interdependente foi apoiado pela interação significativa existente entre as mãos e os hemicampos, em particular quando a mão esquerda partilhou as linhas no campo esquerdo e central. Não foi encontrada nenhuma divergência entre os canhotos e os destros (nas três faixas etárias), no nível e direção de desempenho no TVBL. Contudo, não existiu evidência empírica indicando que a degeneração precoce do hemisfério direito afetou a atenção visuoespacial no grupo de idosos. Por conseguinte, o modelo de assimetria invariante parece mais plausível.


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Smokers have a significantly higher risk for developing coronary and cerebrovascular disease than nonsmokers. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are reactive, cross-linking moieties that form from the reaction of reducing sugars and the amino groups of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. AGEs circulate in high concentrations in the plasma of patients with diabetes or renal insufficiency and have been linked to the accelerated vasculopathy seen in patients with these diseases. Because the curing of tobacco takes place under conditions that could lead to the formation of glycation products, we examined whether tobacco and tobacco smoke could generate these reactive species that would increase AGE formation in vivo. Our findings show that reactive glycation products are present in aqueous extracts of tobacco and in tobacco smoke in a form that can rapidly react with proteins to form AGEs. This reaction can be inhibited by aminoguanidine, a known inhibitor of AGE formation. We have named these glycation products “glycotoxins.” Like other known reducing sugars and reactive glycation products, glycotoxins form smoke, react with protein, exhibit a specific fluorescence when cross-linked to proteins, and are mutagenic. Glycotoxins are transferred to the serum proteins of human smokers. AGE-apolipoprotein B and serum AGE levels in cigarette smokers were significantly higher than those in nonsmokers. These results suggest that increased glycotoxin exposure may contribute to the increased incidence of atherosclerosis and high prevalence of cancer in smokers.