897 resultados para affective dimension


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La présente thèse rend compte de la dimension affective de la communication. Pour ce faire, l’expérience est d’abord considérée comme durée qualitative (Henri Bergson). Donc, l’expérience est mouvement. Point de départ : le mouvement comme caractéristique intrinsèque du corps qui, ainsi compris, devient un point de passage. Qu’est-ce qui le traverse? Des événements. Il se constitue par ce passage même, ce qui fait de lui un devenir-corps. Ici, toute expérience est acte de communication à son stade le plus pur. Qui est-ce qui communique? L’expérience est une occasion d’actualisation du virtuel. Il s’agit de l’actualisation d’une force virtuelle – que A. N. Whitehead appelle la forme subjective. Le sens du message est l’événement lui-même, c’est-à-dire ce qui émerge dans l’expérience (Gilles Deleuze). Non pas l’expérience subjective d’un sujet préconstitué, mais l’expérience pure, telle que définie par William James : une relationalité. Ce qui s’actualise est une tonalité affective (Whitehead), vécue comme qualité esthétique. Quels sont les facteurs constitutifs du sens? Élargissons la traditionnelle dualité sujet-objet à un complexe relationnel : nous pouvons ainsi percevoir des acteurs affectifs, perceptifs, humains et technologiques, dans un agencement qui se concrétise comme relationalité émergente. Tout événement est situé. Par conséquent, l’émergence du sens devient acte de co-création dans lequel participent les multiples facteurs qui conditionnent l’événement. Cette vision sort d’un anthropocentrisme pour concevoir l’événement lui-même comme sujet de ses propres expériences (Whitehead). De sorte que, tout comme chaque acte de communication, l’expérience des médias est aussi événement vécu. Ce dernier est incorporé par les dimensions du devenir-corps – la conscience-affective et la conscience-réflexive. Celles-ci sont si intimement interreliées qu’elles deviennent mutuellement inclusives dans l’expérience et totalement actives dans l’actualisation du sens.


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Tendo em conta o aumento do número de estruturas de apoio à primeira infância, particularmente, a expansão da creche, a investigação tem-se debruçado sobre as questões da qualidade. A generalidade dos estudos centra-se na discriminação das dimensões de qualidade e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento das crianças. Contudo, raramente a representação dos pais tem sido alvo de estudo. Partindo do pressuposto que a discussão sobre a qualidade da creche deve ser baseado na evidência empírica mas é, também, um conceito social baseado nos valores e representações dos seus atores, fomos ouvir os pais. Assim, quisemos conhecer: Como escolhiam a creche do seu filho(a)? Qual o seu conceito de qualidade? Que valor atribuem às experiências vividas pelo seus filhos ou filhas na creche? Que representação têm do papel do profissional de educação? Para o efeito, planificámos uma investigação em duas fases correspondendo a dois estudos empíricos. O primeiro estudo tinha como objetivo aferir livremente as Representações dos Pais acerca da Creche numa abordagem qualitativa, com recurso a entrevistas. Das entrevistas procurámos conhecer a opinião de um pequeno grupo de 20 pais com objetivo de aferir indicadores para a construção de um questionário que daria lugar ao segundo estudo - quantitativo. O primeiro estudo daria-nos a noção da opinião e o segundo estudo a noção da sua representação numa amostra de 180 participantes. Tanto quanto conhecemos (pesquisando as bases nacionais) estudos desta natureza sobre as representação dos pais sobre a creche, ainda, não tinham sido realizados em Portugal. De modo geral, os dois estudos revelaram que os pais valorizam a creche como espaço de promoção do desenvolvimento da criança; valorizam a dimensão afetiva do trabalho em creche; as educadoras como profissionais qualificados de educação e o desejo de uma relação estreita, aberta e respeitosa entre a creche e a família. Estes resultados abrem caminho para uma reflexão mais aprofundada acerca das representações, convicções e valores da família em relação à creche. - ABSTRACT Associated with an increased number of support structures for early childhood, we have witnessed a growing interest in studying the quality of these listed structures due to the impact that this will have on the quality development of children. Parents, as primary educators and educational agents privileged child, assume a key role in this regard. Through this study is to evaluate which representations and concept of parents about the quality of daycare. We performed a literature search in order to fit theoretically the main concepts covered in this study. We analyzed investigations already carried out on Nursery and Regulations and Guidelines for National Nursery. In terms of empirical studies we conducted two studies on the Representations about the Parent Nursery: A Qualitative Analysis using interviews with 20 parents and a Quantitative Study applying questionnaires to 180 parents. The main results of both studies revealed that parents value the nursery as a space to promote child development; value the affective dimension of work in nursery; qualified educators and desire for a good and respectful relationship between nursery and the family. These results pave the way for a deeper reflection about the representations, beliefs and values from the family about nursery.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade


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AbstractPerforming publicly has become increasingly important in a variety of professions. This condition is associated with performance anxiety in almost all performers. Whereas some performers successfully cope with this anxiety, for others it represents a major problem and even threatens their career. Musicians and especially music students were shown to be particularly affected by performance anxiety.Therefore, the goal of this PhD thesis was to gain a better understanding of performance anxiety in university music students. More precisely, the first part of this thesis aimed at increasing knowledge on the occurrence, the experience, and the management of performance anxiety (Article 1). The second part aimed at investigating the hypothesis that there is an underlying hyperventilation problem in musicians with a high level of anxiety before a performance. This hypothesis was addressed in two ways: firstly, by investigating the association between the negative affective dimension of music performance anxiety (MPA) and self-perceived physiological symptoms that are known to co-occur with hyperventilation (Article 2) and secondly, by analyzing this association on the physiological level before a private (audience-free) and a public performance (Article 3). Article 4 places some key variables of Article 3 in a larger context by jointly analyzing the phases before, during, and after performing.The main results of the self-report data show (a) that stage fright is experienced as a problem by one-third of the surveyed students, (b) that the students express a considerable need for more help to better cope with it, and (c) that there is a positive association between negative feelings of MPA and the self-reported hyperventilation complaints before performing. This latter finding was confirmed on the physiological level in a tendency of particularly high performance-anxious musicians to hyperventilate. Furthermore, the psycho-physiological activation increased from a private to a public performance, and was higher during the performances than before or after them. The physiological activation was mainly independent of the MPA score. Finally, there was a low response coherence between the actual physiological activation and the self-reports on the instantaneous anxiety, tension, and perceived physiological activation.Given the high proportion of music students who consider stage fright as a problem and given the need for more help to better cope with it, a better understanding of this phenomenon and its inclusion in the educational process is fundamental to prevent future occupational problems. On the physiological level, breathing exercises might be a good means to decrease - but also to increase - the arousal associated with a public performance in order to meet an optimal level of arousal needed for a good performance.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää minkälaista kulttuurienvälistä kompetenssia Lappeenrannan teknillisestä yliopistosta vastavalmistuneilla kauppatieteenmaistereilla sekä diplomi-insinööreillä tulisi olla työnantajien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on myös tarkastella, että voidaanko kaikkia Lappeenrannan teknillisestä yliopistosta valmistuvia kutsua Kansainvälisiksi Huippuosaajiksi sekä kuinka Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto voisi parantaa vastavalmistuvien kulttuurienvälistä kompetenssia. Teoreettinen osa tarkastelee kulttuurienvälisen kommunikaation tärkeimpiä elementtejä, kulttuurienvälistä kompetenssia ja vastavalmistuneiden kauppatieteenmaistereiden sekä diplomi-insinöörien tarvitsemaa ammatillista osaamista. Empiria koostuu kymmenen työnantajien teemahaastattelun tuloksista. Lopuksi johtopäätöksissä empirian tuloksia verrataan teorian löydöksiin. Tulokset osoittavat että kulttuurienvälinen kompetenssi koostuu kolmesta dimensiosta: henkilökohtaisista ominaisuuksista, tiedosta ja kommunikointikyvystä. Henkilökohtaisiin ominaisuuksiin sisältyvät empaattisuus, epävarmuuden sietokyky sekä avoin ja utelias asenne. Tieto - ulottuvuus koostuu yleisestä ja erityisestä kulttuuritiedosta, kielitaidosta sekä ammatillisesta osaamisesta. Kommunikointikykyyn puolestaan sisältyvät hyvät vuorovaikutustaidot. Työnantajat olettavat nykyään vastavalmistuneilla olevan ammatillisen osaamisen ja kielitaidon lisäksi, kulttuuritietoutta sekä kansainvälistä kokemusta. Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto voisi parantaa vastavalmistuneiden kulttuurienvälistä kompetenssia tarjoamalla kulttuurienvälisen kommunikaation opetusta.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää myyjien organisaatioon sitoutumista Alko Oy:ssä, sitä kuinka myyjät ovat sitoutuneita organisaatioon ja sitoutumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tarkoituksena on selvittää ja ymmärtää esimiehen vaikutusta sitoutumiseen sekä sitä kuinka esimies voi edistää myyjien sitoutumista. Lisäksi tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja ymmärtää sitoutumisen seurauksia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu organisaatioon sitoutumisen tutkimuksesta ja johtajuuden tutkimuksesta, erityisesti transformationaalisesta johtajuudesta ja sen vaikutuksesta sitoutumiseen. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja pääasiallisena tutkimusmetodina on käytetty teemahaastattelua. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 22 myyjää ja seitsemää esimiestä. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Haastattelujen lisäksi myyjille tehtiin kysely. Aineistoa analysoitiin teemoittain ja empiirisen aineiston analyysin tulkinta perustuu tutkimuksen teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan myyjien sitoutuminen kohdeorganisaatiossa on hyvällä tai vähintään kohtuullisella tasolla ja se pohjautuu voimakkaimmin affektiiviseen ulottuvuuteen. Lisäksi sitoutuminen perustuu osittain jatkuvuuteen perustuvaan komponenttiin sekä pieneltä osin myös normatiiviseen. Affektiiviseen sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat merkittävimmin työn monipuolisuus, haastavuus ja mielekkyys, onnistumisen ja merkityksellisyyden tunteet sekä ilmapiiri. Jatkuvuuteen perustuvaan sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat eniten palkitseminen ja siihen liittyen osa-aikaisuus, joka jakoi myyjiä kahtia. Lisäksi työn monipuolisuudella, varmuudella sekä työllistymisvaihtoehdoilla ja perhesyillä on vaikutusta jatkuvuusperusteiseen sitoutumiseen. Normatiiviseen sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat voimakkaimmin positiivinen vapaaehtoinen vastavuoroisuus organisaatiota kohtaan sen toimintaan ja tekemiin investointeihin liittyen. Lisäksi normatiiviseen sitoutumiseen vaikuttavat sosialisaatio kasvatuksen myötä ja psykologinen sopimus odotuksineen. Esimiehen vaikutus sitoutumiseen korostuu tuloksissa ja esimiehen toiminnalla on merkittävin vaikutus affektiiviseen sitoutumiseen. Keskeisimpiä esimiehen vaikutuskeinoja myyjien sitoutumiseen ovat vastuun antaminen ja osallistaminen, palaute, avoin vuorovaikutus ja tiedonkulku sekä tasapuolisuus ja oikeudenmukaisuus toiminnassa. Myös esimiehen kannustavuus ja myyjien yksilöllinen huomiointi, osaamisen kehittämisen tukeminen sekä esimerkillinen toiminta ovat keskeisiä. Sitoutumisen seurauksista merkittävimpiä ovat vähäinen vaihtuvuus sekä työsuorituksen ja asiakaspalvelun laatu. Lisäksi organisaatiokansalaisuuskäyttäytymiseen liittyvät seikat, kuten parhaansa tekeminen, joustavuus ja itseohjautuvuus ovat keskeisiä sitoutumisen seurauksia.


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The objective of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties and cross-cultural validity of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) among ethnic Chinese living in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted on 208 community individuals. Reliability and discriminant analysis were used to test the psychometric properties and validity of the BDI. Principal component analysis was performed to assess the BDI's factor structure for the total sample and by gender. The mean BDI score was lower (6.74, SD = 5.98) than observed in Western counterparts and showed no gender difference, good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.82), and high discrimination of depressive symptoms (75-100%). Factor analysis extracted two factors for the total sample and each gender: cognitive-affective dimension and somatic dimension. We conclude that depressive symptoms can be reliably assessed by the BDI in the Brazilian Chinese population, with a validity comparable to that for international studies. Indeed, cultural and measurement biases might have influenced the response of Chinese subjects.


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This study addressed the problem of the quality of life in the Brock Master of Education program. Survey and interview data were used to gain an understanding of satisfaction with the learning achieved and student life experienced. Eighty-seven percent of the study sample reported satisfaction with the program overall. Results suggested the higher the overall satisfaction with a program, the greater the likelihood learning and student life satisfaction were also more positive. Student reflections suggested satisfaction with the quality of life in the program was associated with the program's focus on the student, the use of self-directed learning, and the support of professors to meet student needs. Comparison of the Brock Master of Education survey with the Brock Pre-Service Teacher Education program showed both student groups shared a similar satisfaction with student life in the Faculty. Comparison of Master of Education programs suggested the difference between two programs, a difference which may be influenced by time in the program. The results from the three programs suggested that students beyond the first undergraduate degree favored the school domains of learning acquisition. Supplementary data on the relationship between cognitive and affective opinions suggested the more positive the affective dimension of learning, the greater the likelihood the cognitive dimensions of student life were also more positive. It was concluded that time was a chief factor influencing part-time student satisfaction with both learning and student life in the program. Part-time students, as. the majority in the survey, expressed comments about the need for clarity of communication between the organization and student to promote the effective use of limited time.


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Les récents avancements en sciences cognitives, psychologie et neurosciences, ont démontré que les émotions et les processus cognitifs sont intimement reliés. Ce constat a donné lieu à une nouvelle génération de Systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents (STI) dont la logique d’adaptation repose sur une considération de la dimension émotionnelle et affective de l’apprenant. Ces systèmes, connus sous le nom de Systèmes Tutoriels Émotionnellement Intelligents (STEI), cherchent à se doter des facultés des tuteurs humains dans leurs capacités à détecter, comprendre et s’adapter intuitivement en fonction de l’état émotionnel des apprenants. Toutefois, en dépit du nombre important de travaux portant sur la modélisation émotionnelle, les différents résultats empiriques ont démontré que les STEI actuels n’arrivent pas à avoir un impact significatif sur les performances et les réactions émotionnelles des apprenants. Ces limites sont principalement dues à la complexité du concept émotionnel qui rend sa modélisation difficile et son interprétation ambiguë. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’augmenter les STEI des indicateurs d’états mentaux d’engagement et de charge mentale de travail. Ces états mentaux ont l’avantage d’englober à la fois une dimension affective et cognitive. Pour cela, nous allons, dans une première partie, présenter une approche de modélisation de ces indicateurs à partir des données de l’activité cérébrale des apprenants. Dans une seconde partie, nous allons intégrer ces modèles dans un STEI capable d’adapter en temps réel le processus d’apprentissage en fonction de ces indicateurs.


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Functional neuroimaging investigations of pain have discovered a reliable pattern of activation within limbic regions of a putative "pain matrix" that has been theorized to reflect the affective dimension of pain. To test this theory, we evaluated the experience of pain in a rare neurological patient with extensive bilateral lesions encompassing core limbic structures of the pain matrix, including the insula, anterior cingulate, and amygdala. Despite widespread damage to these regions, the patient's expression and experience of pain was intact, and at times excessive in nature. This finding was consistent across multiple pain measures including self-report, facial expression, vocalization, withdrawal reaction, and autonomic response. These results challenge the notion of a "pain matrix" and provide direct evidence that the insula, anterior cingulate, and amygdala are not necessary for feeling the suffering inherent to pain. The patient's heightened degree of pain affect further suggests that these regions may be more important for the regulation of pain rather than providing the decisive substrate for pain's conscious experience.


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Background Depression symptomatology was assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in a sample of Jewish adolescents, in order to compare the frequency and severity of depression with non-Jewish adolescents as well as examine gender difference of the expression of depressive symptomatology. Method Subjects comprised 475 students from Jewish private schools, aged 13-17 years, who were compared with an age-matched non-Jewish sample (n = 899). Kendall`s definition was adopted to classify these adolescents according to level of depressive symptoms. The frequency of depression was calculated for ethnicity, gender and age strata. Discriminant analysis and principal component analysis were performed to assess the importance of depression-specific and non-specific items, along with the factor structure of the BDI, respectively. Results The overall mean score on the BDI in the Jewish and the non-Jewish sample was 9.0 (SD = 6.4) and 8.6 (SD = 7.2), respectively. Jewish girls and boys had comparable mean BDI scores, contrasting with non-Jewish sample, where girls complained more of depressive symptoms than boys (p < 0.001). The frequency of depression, adopting a BDI cutoff of 20, was 5.1% for the Jewish sample and 6.3% for the non-Jewish sample. The frequency of depression for Jewish girls and boys was 5.5% (SE = 1.4) and 4.6% (SE = 1.5), respectively. On the other hand, the frequency of depression for non-Jewish girls and boys was 8.4% (SE = 1.2) and 4.0% (SE = 1.0), respectively. The female/male ratio of frequency of BDI-depression was 1.2 in the Jewish sample, but non-Jewish girls were twice (2.1) as likely to report depression as boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the BDI highly discriminates depressive symptomatology among Jewish adolescents, and measured specific aspects of depression. Factor analysis revealed two meaningful factors for the total sample and each gender (cognitive-affective dimension and somatic dimension), evidencing a difference between Jewish boys and Jewish girls in the symptomatic expression of depression akin to non-Jewish counterparts. Conclusions Ethnic-cultural factor might play a role in the frequency, severity and symptomatic expression of depressive symptoms in Jewish adolescents. The lack of gender effect on depression, which might persist from adolescence to adulthood among Jewish people, should be investigated in prospective studies.


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La importancia de la dimensión afectiva que acompaña el proceso de adquisición de lenguas extranjeras es indiscutible. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta realidad, y de la evolución de los enfoques comunicativos como métodos de enseñanza de idiomas, la literatura continúa asegurando la existencia de aprensión lingüística en el aula y su efecto debilitador en el proceso de aprendizaje de una nueva lengua. Este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar cómo el aprendiz experimenta la variable de la ansiedad al expresarse oralmente y en qué medida el profesorado de lenguas extranjeras puede lograr crear condiciones en la clase que reduzcan los niveles de ansiedad. En este trabajo utilizamos la revisión sistemática de literatura como estrategia de investigación, un método que constituye una buena herramienta, permitiéndonos sintetizar coherentemente, de forma rigurosa, los resultados de los estudios empíricos sobre el fenómeno de la ansiedad. Los análisis revelan, en primer lugar, que los síntomas experimentados por aprendices de una nueva lengua suelen manifestarse en cada uno de los niveles que integran al individuo, en un nivel emocional, psicológico, fisiológico, de comportamiento y psicopedagógico; en segundo lugar, los investigadores plantean diversas estrategias a nivel psicológico, pedagógico y socio ambiental con el objetivo principal de incrementar en el aprendiz una serie de recursos personales para hacer frente a la ansiedad. Comentamos las implicancias pedagógicas de estos resultados para una mejor comprensión de la ansiedad y del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)