994 resultados para aeolian sedimentary characteristics


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Na zona costeira, sedimentos, água e organismos interagem intensamente. Nas costas equatoriais dominadas por maré os manguezais são abundantes. Estas áreas são conhecidas por sua importância ecológica. No caso dos manguezais da costa atlântica da América do Sul o caranguejo-uçá Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) se destaca por sua relevância ecológica e econômica, sendo que altas densidades deste organismo são encontradas na zona costeira amazônica. O presente estudo investiga a distribuição de sedimentos nos manguezais de Bragança (costa Amazônica, Brasil) e suas correlações com a vegetação e a distribuição do caranguejo-uçá. Quarenta e sete amostras de sedimento foram avaliadas, assim como caranguejos de 8 destas áreas foram coletados, onde o tipo dominante de vegetação foi também identificado. Os resultados demonstram que os sedimentos superficiais, assim como no extrato 0,8 a 1 m de profundidade, na área são principalmente compostos por silte (59%), incluindo em média 21% de areia e 20% de argila. O tipo de vegetação predominante foi significativamente correlacionado com a abundância e tamanho/peso dos caranguejos. As características sedimentares também foram substancialmente diferentes dependendo da vegetação. Áreas dominadas por Avicennia germinans tiveram mais areia e argila que as áreas dominadas por Rizophora mangle, onde a fração silte prevalece grandemente e os caranguejos eram significativamente maiores e mais abundantes. Os resultados demonstraram que sedimentos, invertebrados bentônicos e vegetação estão intimamente relacionados nos manguezais e devem ser estudados de maneira integrada.


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Numerous and variable silty-sandy siliciclastic turbidites were observed in Neogene pelagic sediments (late Miocene to Holocene) at Site 657: (1) thick-bedded, coarse-grained and thin-bedded, fine-grained turbidites; and (2) turbidites composed of eolian dune sand and shallow-water bioclasts or of fluvial-sand or mixed sandy component assemblages. The stratigraphic distribution of these turbidites indicates five periods during which climatic conditions and material sources change. Turbidite occurrence prior to 6.2 Ma (late Miocene) is sparse; the deposits contain coarse and fine-grained turbidites with quartz grains of eolian or mixed origin suggesting the existence of arid conditions at about 8.5 and 6.5 Ma. A coarse-grained turbidite of fluvial origin, recording a humid climate, occurs at about 6.2 Ma. During the early Pliocene, turbidites are frequent (15/Ma); they contain only fine-grained sequences comprising material of mixed origin, which indicates a more humid climate perhaps. The late Pliocene starts with rare coarse-grained turbidites of wind-transported sand while the uppermost Pliocene deposits show a higher frequency of fine-grained sequences (10/0.7 Ma) composed mainly of fluvial material. During the early Pleistocene, similar high turbidite frequency was observed (20/1.3 Ma) but with a total lack of eolian supply. During the last 0.7 Ma, the frequency decreases and the sequences are characterized by highly variable sediment components that could be related to strong variations of climatic conditions. The sedimentary characteristics of turbidites are mainly controlled by sediment source and climate. The frequency must be influenced by sea-level variations, by cyclic processes of climatic origin, and possibly by variations in the continental slope morphology. Clay mineral assemblages suggest a south Saharan source of terrigenous material during the late Miocene and the Pliocene and a northwest Saharan source during the Pleistocene.


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NEW DATA ON THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE VALE DO FORNO SEDIMENTARY SEQUENCE (LOWER TAGUS RIVER TERRACE STAIRCASE) AND ITS RELEVANCE AS FLUVIAL ARCHIVE OF THE MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE IN WESTERN IBERIA Pedro P. Cunha 1, António A. Martins 2, Jan-Pieter Buylaert 3,4, Andrew S. Murray 4, Luis Raposo 5, Paolo Mozzi 6, Martin Stokes 7 1 MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal: pcunha@dct.uc.pt 2 MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Dep. Geociências, University of Évora, Portugal; aam@uevora.pt 3 Centre for Nuclear Technologies, Technical University of Denmark, Risø Campus, Denmark; jabu@dtu.dk 4 Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Aarhus University, Risø DTU, Denmark; anmu@dtu.dk 5 Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Lisboa, Portugal; 3raposos@sapo.pt 6 Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, Italy; paolo.mozzi@unipd.it 7 School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK; m.stokes@plymouth.ac.uk The stratigraphic units that record the evolution of the Tagus River in Portugal (study area between Vila Velha de Ródão and Porto Alto villages; Fig. 1) have different sedimentary characteristics and lithic industries (Cunha et al., 2012): - a culminant sedimentary unit (the ancestral Tagus, before the drainage network entrenchment) – SLD13 (+142 to 262 m above river bed – a.r.b.; with probable age ca. 3,6 to 1,8 Ma), without artefacts; - T1 terrace (+84 to 180 m; ca. 1000? to 900 ka), without artefacts; - T2 terrace (+57 to 150 m; top deposits with a probable age ca. 600 ka), without artefacts; - T3 terrace (+43 to 113 m; ca. 460 to 360? ka), without artefacts; - T4 terrace (+26 to 55 m; ca. 335 a 155 ka), Lower Paleolithic (Acheulian) at basal and middle levels but early Middle Paleolithic at top levels; - T5 terrace (+5 to 34 m; 135 to 73 ka), Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian; Levallois technique); - T6 terrace (+3 to 14 m; 62 to 32 ka), late Middle Paleolithic (late Mousterian); - Carregueira Sands (aeolian sands) and colluvium (+3 a ca. 100 m; 32 to 12 ka), Upper Paleolithic to Epipaleolithic; - alluvial plain (+0 to 8 m; ca. 12 ka to present), Mesolithic and more recent industries. The differences in elevation (a.r.b.) of the several terrace staircases results from differential uplift due to active faults. Longitudinal correlation with the terrace levels indicates that a graded profile ca. 200 km long was achieved during terrace formation periods and a strong control by sea base level was determinant for terrace formation. The Neogene sedimentary units constituted the main source of sediments for the fluvial terraces (Fig. 2). Geomorphological mapping, coupled with lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and luminescence dating (quartz-OSL and K-feldspar post-IRIR290) were used in this study focused on the T4 terrace, which comprises a Lower Gravels (LG) unit and an Upper Sand (US) unit. The thick, coarse and dominantly massive gravels of the LG unit indicate deposition by a coarse bed-load braided river, with strong sediment supply, high gradient and fluvial competence, during conditions of rapidly rising sea level. Luminescence dating only provided minimum ages but it is probable that the LG unit corresponds to the earlier part of the MIS9 (ca. 335 to 325 ka), immediately postdating the incision promoted by the very low sea level (reaching ca. -140 m) during MIS10 (362 to 337 ka), a period of relatively cold climate conditions with weak vegetation cover on slopes and low sea level. Fig. 1. Main Portuguese reaches in which the Tagus River can be divided (Lower Tagus Basin): I – from the Spanish border to Arneiro (a general E–W trend, mainly consisting of polygonal segments); II – from Arneiro to Gavião (NE–SW); III – from Gavião to Arripiado (E–W); IV – from Arripiado to Vila Franca de Xira (NNE-SSW); V – from Vila Franca de Xira to the Atlantic shoreline. The faults considered to be the limit of the referred fluvial sectors are: F1 – Ponsul-Arneiro fault (WSW-ENE); F2 – Gavião fault (NW-SE); F3 – Ortiga fault (NW-SE); F4 – Vila Nova da Barquinha fault (W-E); F5 – Arripiado-Chamusca fault (NNE-SSW). 1 – estuary; 2 – terraces; 3 – faults; 4 – Tagus main channel. The main Iberian drainage basins are also represented (inset). The lower and middle parts of the US unit, comprising an alternation of clayish silts with paleosols and minor sands to the east (flood-plain deposits) and sand deposits to the west (channel belt), have a probable age of ca. 325 to 200 ka. This points to formation during MIS9 to MIS7, under conditions of high to medium sea levels and warm to mild conditions. The upper part of the US unit, dominated by sand facies and with OSL ages of ca. 200 to 154 ka, correlates with the early part of the MIS6. During this period, progradation resulted from climate deterioration and relative depletion of vegetation that promoted enhanced sediment production in the catchment, coupled with initiation of sea-level lowering that increased the longitudinal slope. The Vale do Forno and Vale da Atela archaeological sites (Alpiarça, central Portugal) document the earliest human occupation in the Lower Tagus River, well established in geomorphological and environmental terms, within the Middle Pleistocene. The Lower Palaeolithic sites were found on the T4 terrace (+26 m, a.r.b.). The oldest artefacts previously found in the LG unit, display crude bifacial forms that can be attributed to the Acheulian, with a probable age of ca. 335 to 325 ka. The T4 US unit has archaeological sites stratigraphically documenting successive phases of an evolved Acheulian, that probably date ca. 325 to 300 ka. Notably, these Lower Palaeolithic artisans were able to produce tools with different sophistication levels, simply by applying different strategies: more elaborated reduction sequences in case of bifaces and simple reduction sequences to obtain cleavers. Fig. 2. . Simplified geologic map of the Lower Tagus Cenozoic basin, adapted from the Carta Geológica de Portugal, 1/500000, 1992). The study area (comprising the Vale do Forno and Vale de Atela sites) is located on the more upstream sector of the Lower Tagus River reach IV, between Arripiado and Chamusca villages. 1 – alluvium (Holocene); 2 – terraces (Pleistocene); 3 – sands, silts and gravels (Paleogene to Pliocene); 4 – Sintra Massif (Cretaceous); 5 – limestones, marls, silts and sandstones (Mesozoic); 6 – quartzites (Ordovician); 7 – basement (Proterozoic to Palaeozoic); 8 – main fault. The main Portuguese reaches of the Tagus River are identified (I to V). The VF3 site (Milharós), containing a Final Acheulian industry, with fine and elaborated bifaces) found in a stratigraphic level located between the T4 terrace deposits and a colluvium associated with Late Pleistocene aeolian sands (32 to 12 ka), has an age younger than ca. 154 ka but much older than 32 ka. In the study area, the sedimentary units of the T4 terrace seem to record the river response to sea-level changes and climatically-driven fluctuations in sediment supply. REFERENCES Cunha P. P., Almeida N. A. C., Aubry T., Martins A. A., Murray A. S., Buylaert J.-P., Sohbati R., Raposo L., Rocha L., 2012, Records of human occupation from Pleistocene river terrace and aeolian sediments in the Arneiro depression (Lower Tejo River, central eastern Portugal). Geomorphology, vol. 165-166, pp. 78-90.


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The Itajai Basin located in the southern border of the Luis Alves Microplate is considered as a peripheral foreland basin related to the Dom Feliciano Belt. It presents an excellent record of the Ediacaran period, and its upper parts display the best Brazilian example of Precambrian turbiditic deposits. The basal succession of Itajai Group is represented by sandstones and conglomerates (BaA(0) Formation) deposited in alluvial and deltaic-fan systems. The marine upper sequences correspond to the Ribeiro Carvalho (channelized and non-channelized proximal silty-argillaceous rhythmic turbidites), Ribeiro Neisse (arkosic sandstones and siltites), and Ribeiro do Bode (distal silty turbidites) formations. The ApiA(0)na Formation felsic volcanic rocks crosscut the sedimentary succession. The Cambrian Subida leucosyenogranite represents the last felsic magmatic activity to affect the Itajai Basin. The Brusque Group and the Florianpolis Batholith are proposed as source areas for the sediments of the upper sequence. For the lower continental units the source areas are the Santa Catarina, So Miguel and CamboriA(0) complexes. The lack of any oceanic crust in the Itajai Basin suggests that the marine units were deposited in a restricted, internal sea. The sedimentation started around 600 Ma and ended before 560 Ma as indicated by the emplacement of rhyolitic domes. The Itajai Basin is temporally and tectonically correlated with the Camaqu Basin in Rio Grande do Sul and the Arroyo del Soldado/Piriapolis Basin in Uruguay. It also has several tectono-sedimentary characteristics in common with the African-equivalent Nama Basin.


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From historical accounts it is well-known that the coasts of the Gulfs of Lakonia and Argolis (southern and eastern Peloponnese, Greece) have been repeatedly affected by tsunamis during historical times. It is assumed that these palaeotsunamis left sedimentological and geomorphological traces in the geological record which are still detectable these days. As both gulfs are located within one of the seismically most active regions in whole western Eurasia in particular the nearby Hellenic Trench is regarded as the main trigger for tsunami generation. Against this background, selected near-coast sedimentary archives were studied by means of sedimentological, geomorphological, geophysical, geochemical and microfaunal investigations in order to detect signatures of Holocene palaeotsunamigenic activity. The investigations revealed allochthonous sediment layers featuring distinctive sedimentary characteristics of marine high-energy event deposits in most of the investigated study areas. In order to differentiate between the geomorphodynamic driving mechanisms for the deposition of the associated marine high-energy event layers, a multi-method approach was used. The detected high-energy marine deposits are suggested to be of tsunamigenic origin. Radiocarbon dating results allowed establishing local event geo-chronostratigraphies and correlations on a local and regional scale as well as correlations with already described palaeotsunami findings on a supra-regional scale. The geochronological dataset attests repeated tsunamigenic activity at least since the 5th millennium BC up to the 17th century AD. For the studied areas in southeastern Lakonia up to four palaeotsunami event generations were identified, for central Lakonia three and for the investigated areas around the Argolis Gulf also up to four. Comparing the findings with literature data, chronological correlations were found with palaeotsunami deposits detected in near-coast geological archives of Akarnania, of the southwestern, the western and northwestern Peloponnese, with event deposits found on Crete and on the Ionian Islands of Cefalonia and Lefkada as well as with findings from southeastern Sicily (Italy) and Cesarea (Israel). By the identification of multiple palaeotsunami event layers, disturbing autochthonous near-coast sedimentary records of the Gulfs of Lakonia and Argolis during the last seven millennia, a significant tsunami frequency is attested for these regions.


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As unidades estratigráficas que resultaram da evolução do rio Tejo em Portugal, aqui analisadas em pormenor entre Vila Velha de Ródão e Chamusca, possuem distintas características sedimentares e indústrias líticas: uma unidade culminante do enchimento sedimentar (o ancestral Tejo, antes do início da etapa de incisão fluvial) - SLD13 (+142 a 262 m acima do leito actual; com provável idade 3,6 a 1,8 Ma), sem indústrias identificadas; terraço T1 (+76 a 180 m; ca. 1000? a 900 ka), sem indústrias; terraço T2 (+57 a 150 m; idade estimada em ca. 600 ka), sem indústrias; terraço T3 (+36 a 113 m; ca. 460 a 360? ka), sem indústrias; terraço T4 (+26 a 55 m; ca. 335 a 155 ka), Paleolítico Inferior (Acheulense) em níveis da base e intermédios mas Paleolítico Médio inicial em níveis do topo; terraço T5 (+5 a 34 m; 135 a 73 ka), Paleolítico Médio (com talhe Mustierense, Levallois); terraço T6 (+3 a 14 m; 62 a 32 ka), Paleolítico Médio final (Mustierense final); Areias da Carregueira (areias eólicas) e coluviões (+3 a ca. 100 m; 32 a 12 ka), Paleolítico Superior a Epipaleolítico; enchimento da planície aluvial (+0 a 8 m; ca. 12 ka a actual), Mesolítico e indústrias mais recentes. As diferenças na elevação (a.r.b.) das escadarias de terraços resultam de soerguimento diferencial, devido a falhas ativas. Numa dada escadaria datada, a projeção da elevação da superfície de cada terraço (a.r.b.) versus a sua idade permitiu estimar a idade do topo do terraço T2 (ca. 600 ka) e a provável idade do início da etapa de incisão (ca. 1,8 Ma). Obteve-se a duração da fase de agradação dos terraços baixos e médios: T6 – 30 ka; T5 – 62 ka; T4 – ca. 180 ka; T3 – ca. 100? ka. Conclui-se que durante o Plistocénico médio e final, as fases de incisão e alargamento do vale foram curtas (ca. 11-25 ka) e ocorreram durante períodos de nível do mar muito baixo, alternando com mais longas fases de inundação e agradação do vale durante níveis do mar mais altos. Estas oscilações eustáticas de causa climática estão sobrepostas a um contexto de soerguimento de longo termo, controlando o desenvolvimento das escadarias. Calculou-se que para os últimos ca. 155 ka as taxas de incisão de curto-termo apresentam valores (0,09 a 0,41 m/ka), aproximadamente, duplos dos calculados para o intervalo ca. 155 a 900 ka (0,04 a 0,28 m/ka). Este aumento na taxa de incisão deve estar relacionado com um aumento na taxa de soerguimento por intensificação da compressão devido à convergência entre as placas Africana e Eurasiática. Abstract: The terrace staircases of the Lower Tagus River (Ródão to Chamusca) – characterization and interpretation of the sedimentary, tectonic, climatic and Palaeolithic data The stratigraphic units that record the evolution of the Tagus River in Portugal (study area between Vila Velha de Ródão and Chamusca villages) have different sedimentary characteristics and lithic industries: a culminant sedimentary unit (the ancestral Tagus, before the drainage network entrenchment) – SLD13 (+142 to 262 m above river bed – a.r.b.; with probable age 3.6 to 1.8 Ma), without artefacts; T1 terrace (+76 to 180 m; ca. 1000? to 900 ka), without artefacts; T2 terrace (+57 to 150 m; top deposits with a probable age ca. 600 ka), without artefacts; T3 terrace (+36 to 113 m; ca. 460 to 360? ka), without artefacts; T4 terrace (+26 to 55 m; ca. 335 a 155 ka), Lower Paleolithic (Acheulian) at basal and middle levels but early Middle Paleolithic at top levels; T5 terrace (+5 to 34 m; 135 to 73 ka), Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian; Levallois technique); T6 terrace (+3 to 14 m; 62 to 32 ka), late Middle Paleolithic (late Mousterian); Carregueira Sands (aeolian sands) and colluvium (+3 a ca. 100 m; 32 to 12 ka), Upper Paleolithic to Epipaleolithic; alluvial plain (+0 to 8 m; ca. 12 ka to present), Mesolithic and more recent industries. The differences in elevation (a.r.b.) of the several terrace staircases results from differential uplift due to active faults. The age interval for each aggradation phase of T3 to T6 terraces was obtained: T3 – ca. 100? ka; T4 – ca. 180 ka; T5 – 62 ka; T6 – 30 ka. The intervals of river down-cutting and widening of the valley floor were short (ca. 11-25 ka) and coincided with periods of very low sea-level. The plotting of the elevation (a.r.b.) versus the age of each terrace surface allows to estimate the age of the T2 terrace (ca. 600 ka) and the probable age of the beginning of the incision stage (ca. 1.8 Ma). So, the high amplitude sea-level changes that characterized the Middle and Late Pleistocene strongly determined the episodic down-cutting phases of the river during the low stands sea levels that alternated with the flooding and aggradation phases of the incised valley during highstand sea levels. These climate related eustatic oscillations are superimposed onto a long term uplift pattern, controlling the river terrace staircase development. During the last ca. 155 ka, the short-term incision rates (0.09 a 0.41 m/ka) were twice the values determined for the interval 155 to 900 ka (0.04 to 0.28 m/ka). This increase in incision rate should be related with an increase in uplift rate resulting from an intensification of compression due to the convergence between African - Eurasian plates.


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Literature of the ancient Chola Dynasty (A.D. 9th-11th centuries) of South India and recent archaeological excavations allude to a sea flood that crippled the ancient port at Kaveripattinam, a trading hub for Southeast Asia, and probably affected the entire South Indian coast, analogous to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami impact. We present sedimentary evidence from an archaeological site to validate the textual references to this early medieval event. A sandy layer showing bed forms representing high-energy conditions, possibly generated by a seaborne wave, was identified at the Kaveripattinam coast of Tamil Nadu, South India. Its sedimentary characteristics include hummocky cross-stratification, convolute lamination with heavy minerals, rip-up clasts, an erosional contact with the underlying mud bed, and a landward thinning geometry. Admixed with 1000-year-old Chola period artifacts, it provided an optically stimulated luminescence age of 1091 perpendicular to 66 yr and a thermoluminescence age of 993 perpendicular to 73 yr for the embedded pottery sherds. The dates of these proxies converge around 1000 yr B. P., correlative of an ancient tsunami reported from elsewhere along the Indian Ocean coasts. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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本论文通过对东海内陆架浙闽沿岸泥质沉积带EC2005孔沉积物岩性、粒度、AMS14C测年、粘土矿物以及全岩矿物衍射分析、沉积物常微量元素和稀土元素分析、总碳氮以及有机碳氮分析、磁化率测试和综合研究,以EC2005孔岩芯记录为依据分析了研究区的沉积环境演化、海平面升降、浙闽沿岸流形成历史以及蕴含的古气候信息,探讨了陆源物质矿物、地球化学成分与粒度的关系。 EC2005孔岩芯自底部至41.00 m(17.3~13.1 ka BP)为末次冰消期以来的湖泊三角洲沉积序列,物质来源主要是来自湖盆流域物质的输入。随着海平面逐渐上升,海水自13.1 ka BP开始侵入研究区,自12.3 ka BP开始海水深度加大,沿岸流的地位开始显现,7.3 ka BP以来,形成了高海平面以来主要受沿岸流控制的浅海沉积。稀土元素结果显示,东海内陆架EC2005孔12.3~9.8 ka BP是以湖盆流域近源物质为主向长江物质为主转变的过渡阶段,自大约10~9.8 ka BP开始,由于海水深度的进一步加大、沿岸流作用进一步增强,长江物质对研究区的物质供给成为主导。海平面的升高以及沿岸流的形成是物质来源发生变化的重要原因。 东海内陆架泥质沉积物中全新世期间长达700 a(5.9~5.2 ka BP)的高分辨率细粒敏感组分资料揭示的东亚冬季风增强,与GRIP冰芯δ18O揭示的冷期具有良好的对应关系。5500 a BP前后东亚冬季风突然增强,与世界范围内的5500 a BP强降温事件非常一致。功率谱分析揭示出62 a和11 a的太阳活动周期以及与现代ENSO周期相似的6 a和5 a周期,因此,中全新世东亚冬季风演化可能是太阳活动以及古ENSO事件对全球气候系统的影响所致。 东海内陆架区对末次冰消期至早全新世气候回暖的记录与该时期世界性的广泛记录相一致,应该是轨道时间尺度上太阳辐射增强与ITCZ北移以及太阳活动变化综合影响的结果。东海内陆架浙-闽沿岸泥质带EC2005孔存在的4个百年时间尺度上快速沉积事件:12.3~12.1 ka BP、7.5~7.3 ka BP、5.9~5.2 ka BP和1.5~1.3 ka BP,与新仙女木事件、7.3 ka BP冷事件、第二新冰期(5.5 ka BP强降温事件)以及北大西洋1.4 ka BP浮冰事件均有良好的对应,世界范围内广泛存在的8.2 ka冷事件对本钻孔沉积也形成了一定影响。 EC2005孔磁化率变化受到多种因素的制约,如岩性粗细、早期成岩作用以及人类活动等的影响。近3.6 ka以来,磁化率的剧烈波动可能是由于人类活动影响造成的。东海内陆架EC2005孔TOC、TN和TOC/TN的大小主要受控于岩性变化。 此外,根据陆源物质粒度和矿物成分之间的关系,建立了陆源物质平均粒径与主要矿物成分含量大小的函数模型。地球化学成分与其所赋存单种矿物的相关性分析则进一步表明,陆源矿物种类和含量控制着地球化学成分及其含量,矿物种类和含量对地球化学成分的控制是决定性的,而粒度对元素(化学成分)的“控制”实际上是由于不同粒度的矿物组分不同而造成。


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Sulige Gasfield, with a basically proven reserve as high as one trillion cubic meters, is one giant gas field discovered in China. The major gas -bearing layers are Upper Paleozoic strata with fluvial-lacustrine sedimentary facies. Generally, gas reservoirs in this field are characteristic by "five low" properties, namely low porosity, low permeability, low formation pressure, low productivity and low gas abundance. Reservoirs in this field also feature in a large distribution area, thin single sandbody thickness, poor reservoir physical properties, thin effective reservoir thickness, sharp horizontal and/or vertical changes in reservoir properties as well as poor connectivity between different reservoirs. Although outstanding achievements have been acquired in this field, there are still several problems in the evaluation and development of the reservoirs, such as: the relation between seismic attributes and reservoir property parameters is not exclusive, which yields more than one solution in using seismic attributes to predict reservoir parameters; the wave impedance distribution ranges of sandstone and mudstone are overlapped, means it is impossible to distinguish them through the application of post-stack impedance inversion; studies on seismic petrophysics, reservoir geophysical properties, wave reflection models and AVO features have a poor foundation, makes it difficult to recognize the specific differences between tight sandstone and gas-bearing sandstone and their distribution laws. These are the main reasons causing the low well drilling success rate and poor economic returns, which usually result in ineffective development and utilization of the field. Therefore, it is of great importance to perform studies on identification and prediction of effective reservoirs in low permeable sandstone strata. Taking the 2D and 3D multiwave-multicomponent seismic exploration block in Su6-Su5 area of Sulige field as a study area and He 8 member as target bed, analysis of the target bed sedimentary characteristics and logging data properties are performed, while criteria to identify effective reservoirs are determined. Then, techniques and technologies such as pre-stack seismic information (AVO, elastic impedance, wave-let absorption attenuation) and Gamma inversion, reservoir litological and geophysical properties prediction are used to increase the precision in identifying and predicting effective reservoirs; while P-wave and S-wave impedance, ratio of P/S wave velocities, rock elastic parameters and elastic impedance are used to perform sandstone gas-bearing property identification and gas reservoir thickness prediction. Innovative achievements are summarized as follows: 1. The study of this thesis is the first time that multiwave-multicomponent seismic data are used to identify and predict non-marine classic reservoirs in China. Through the application of multiwave-multicomponents seismic data and integration of both pre-stack and post-stack seismic data, a set of workflows and methods to perform high-precision prediction of effective reservoirs in low permeable sandstone is established systematically. 2. Four key techniques to perform effective reservoir prediction including AVO analysis, pre-stack elastic wave impedance inversion, elastic parameters inversion, and absorption attenuation analysis are developed, utilizing pre-stack seismic data to the utmost and increasing the correct rate for effective reservoir prediction to 83% from the former 67% with routine methods. 3. This thesis summarizes techniques and technologies used in the identification reservoir gas-bearing properties using multiwave-multicomponent seismic data. And for the first time, quantitative analysis on reservoir fluids such as oil, gas, and/or water are carried out, and characteristic lithology prediction techniques through the integration of pre-stack and post-stack seismic prediction techniques, common seismic inversion and rock elastic parameters inversion, as well as P-wave inversion and converted wave inversion is put forward, further increasing the correct rate of effective reservoir prediction in this area to 90%. 4. Ten seismic attribute parameters are selected in the 3D multi-wave area to perform a comprehensive evaluation on effective reservoirs using weighted-factor method. The results show that the first class effective reservoir covers an area of 10.08% of the study area, while the second and the third class reservoirs take 43.8% and 46% respectively, sharply increasing the success rate for appraisal and development wells.


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Ordos Basin is one of the primary bases for petroleum exploration in our country. A series of Ordovician large gas fields were discovered, which suggest that the Lower Paleozoic carbonate, especiallly for Ordovician carbonate rocks, preserve plenty of hydrocarbon resources. Well Longtong 1 is studied as the typical exploration well. Acorrding to the specific research on the type of lithology, texture, structure and sedimentary sequence in Ordovician Majiagou Formation as well as additional data from another 20 wells, the sedimentary model has been built in Majiagou Formation. The sedimentary characteristics for each Member in Majiagou Formaiton and the feature of distribution are well understood as below: It suggests that period of Member 1, Member 3 and Member 5 in Majiagou Formation characterize with dry and hot climate as well as drop of the sea level. The area of Well Longtan 1 in the eastern basin is abundant of platform evaporite lithofacies with the depositional anhyrock and salt rock, whereas yield a suite of dolomite intercalated by the thin layers of anhyrock from the anhyrcok-dolomite platform sediment. It deposits muddy dolomite, dolomitic limestone and fine-grain dolomite in limestone-dolomite platform and restricted sea. During the stage of Member 2 and Member 4 in Majiagou Formation, the climate is wet and hot with increasing sea level. The study region occurs limestone with little dolomite in the open sea environment; but the margin area is the restricted sea settings with interbeding dolomite and limestone. Based on the thin section identification, element and isotope analysis as well as the study of texture and structure, it sugguests that the main reserviors are dolomite while the gypsum are major cap rocks. The Member 2 in Majiagou Formation is both the source rocks and the resveroirs; gypsum rocks widely occur in Member 3 as the better cap; similar to the Member 2, the Member 4 in Majiagou Formation is both the source rocks and the resveroirs; there are two source-reservoir-cap assemblages in the Member 5 alone and the cap is gypsum with high quality and great thickness, which is a favorite source-reservoir-cap assemblage.


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The East Kunlun area of Xinjiang (briefly EKAX) is the western part of broadly speaking East Kunlun orogenic zone. The absence of geological data (especially ophiolites) on this area has constrained our recognition to its geology since many years. Fund by National 305 Item (96-915-06-03), this paper, by choosing the two ophiolite zones (Muztag and Southwestern Margin of Aqikekule Lake ophiolite zones) exposed at EKAX as the studied objects and by the analysis of thin section, electron probe, XRF, ICP-MS, SEM and Sm-Nd isotope, totally and sys ematically dealt with the field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics (including trace, rare earth element and Sm-Nd isotope) and the tectonic setting indicated by them for each ophilite zone. Especially, this paper discussed the trace and rare earth element patterns for metamorphic peridotites, their implications and related them to the other components of ophiolite in order to totally disclose ophiolite origins. Besides, this paper also studied the petrological, geochemical and paleobiological characteristics for the cherts coexsisted with the Muztag ophiolite and the tectonic setting indicated by them. Based on these, the author discussed the tectonic evolution from Proterozoic to Permian for this area. For Muztag ophiolite, their field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics show that: ① outcropped along the Muztag-Jingyuhu fault with west-to-east strike, the ophiolite is composed of such three components as metamorphic peridotites, cumulates and volcanic rocks; ② metamophic peridotites consist of such types as lherzolites, serpentinized lherzolites and serpentinites, only pyroxenites is seen of cumulates and volcanic rocks include basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites; ③ mineralogical data on this ophiolite suggest it formed in supra-subduction zone (SSZ)environment, and its mantle wedge is heterogeneous; ④ whole-rock TiO_2 and Al_2O_3 of metamorphic peridotites indicate their original environment with the MORB and SSZ characteristics; ⑤ metamorphic peridotites have depleted LREE and flat REE patterns and volcanic rocks have enriched LREE patterns; ⑥ trace element characteristics of metamorphic peridotites imply that they had undergone Nb and Ta enrichment event after partial melting; ⑦ trace element characteristics of volcanic rocks and their tectonic diagrams show they are formed in the spreading and developed island arc environment with back-arc basin, such as rifted island arc, which is supported by the ε_(Nd)(t) -2.11~+3.44. In summary, the above evidence implies that Muztag ophiolite is formed in SSZ environment, where heterogeneous mantle wedge was metasomatised by the silica-enriched melt from subducted sediments and/or oceanic crust, which makes the mantle wedge enriched again, and this enriched mantle wedge later partially melted to form the volcanic rocks. For Southwestern Margin of Aqikekule Lake ophiolite, their field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics show that: ① it outcropped as tectonic slices along the near west-to-east strike Kunzhong fault and is composed of metamorphic perodotties, cumulates and volcanic rocks, in which, chromites are distributed in the upper part of metamorphic peridotites as pods, or in the lower part of cumulates as near-strata; ② metamorphic peridotites include serpentinites, chromite-bearing serpentinites, thlorite-epidote schists and chromitites, of which, chromitites have nodular and orbicular structure, and cumulates include pyroxenits, serpentinites, chromite-bearing serpentinites, chromites and metamorphically mafic rocks and only basalts are seen in volcanic rocks; ③ Cr# of chromites suggest that they formed in the SSZ and Al_2O_3 and TiO_2 of metamorphic peridotites also suggest SSZ environment; ④metamorphic peridotites have V type and enriched LREE patterns, cumulates have from strongly depleted LREE, flat REE to enriched LREE patterns with universally striking positive Eu anomalies and basalts show flat REE or slight enriched LREE patterns with no Eu anomalies; ⑤ trace element and Sm-Nd isotope characteristics of metamorphic peridotites imply their strikingly heterogeneous mantle character(ε_(Nd)(t)+4.39~+26.20) and later Nb, Ta fertilization; ⑥ trace element characteristics of basalts and their tectonic diagrams show they probably formed in the rifted island arc or back-arc basin enviromnent. In summary, the above evidence shows that this ophiolite formed in the SSZ environment and melts from subudcted plate are joined during its formation. Rare earth element, whole-rock and sedimentary characteristics of cherts with the Muztag ophiolite show that they formed in the continental margin environment with developed back-arc basin, and radiolarias in the cherts indicate that the upper age of Muztag ophiolite is early carboniferous. Based on the accreted wedge models of Professor Li Jiliang for Kunlunshan Mountain and combined with study on the two typical ophiolite profiles of EKAX, the author discussed the tectonic evolution of EKAX from Proterzoic to Permian.


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The Western Qinling Orogenie belt in the Taibai-Fengxian and Xihe-Lixian areas can be subdivided into three units structurally from north to south, which are the island-arc, forearc basin and accretionary wedge, respectively. The forearc basin developed in the Late Paleozoic mainly controls sedimentation and some larger lead-zinc and gold deposits in the western Qinling. Stratigraphically, the island arc is dissected into the Liziyuan Group, the Danfeng Group and the Luohansi Group. The metavolcanic rocks include basic, intermediate and acidic rocks, and their geochemistry demonstrates that these igneous rocks generated in an island arc. Where, the basalts are subalkaline series charactered by low-medium potassium, with enriched LREE, negative Eu anomaly, and positive Nd anomaly. Cr-content of volcanic rocks is 2-3 times higher than that of island arc tholeiite all over the world. In addition, the lightly metamorphosed accretionary wedge in the areas of Huixian, Chengxian, Liuba and Shiqun is dominated by terrigenous sediments with carbonatite, chert, mafic and volcanic rocks. The age of the wedge is the Late Palaeozoic to the Trassic, while previous work suggested that it is the Silurian. The Upper Paleozoic between the island arc belt and accretionary wedge are mainly the sediments filled in the fore arc basin. The fillings in the forearc basin were subdivided into the Dacaiotan Group, the Tieshan Group, the Shujiaba Group and the Xihanshui Group, previously. They outcropped along the southern margins of the Liziyuan Group. The Dacaotan Group, the Upper Devonian, is close to the island arc complex, and composed of a suite of red and gray-green thick and coarse terrestrial elastics. The Shujiaba Group, the Mid-Upper Devonian, is located in the middle of the basin, is mainly fine-grained elastics with a few intercalations of limestone. The Xihanshui Group, which distributes in the southern of the basin, is mainly slates, phyllites and sandstones with carbonatite and reef blocks. The Tieshan Group, the Upper Devonian, just outcrops in the southwest of the basin, is carbonatite and clastic rocks, and deposited in the shallow -sea environment. The faults in the basin are mainly NW trend. The sedimentary characteristics, slump folds, biological assemblages in both sides of and within those faults demonstrate that they were syn-sedimentary faults with multi-period activities. They separated the forearc basin into several sub-basins, which imbricate in the background of a forearc basin with sedimentary characteristics of the piggyback basin. The deep hydrothermal fluid erupted along the syn-sedimentary faults, supported nutrition and energy for the reef, and resulted in hydrothermal-sedimentary rocks, reef and lead-zinc deposits along these faults. The sedimentary facies in the basin varies from the continental slope alluvial fan, to shallow-sea reef facies, and then to deep-water from north to south, which implies that there was a continental slope in the Devonian in the west Qinling. The strata overlap to north and to east respectively. Additionally, the coeval sedimentary facies in north and south are significantly different. The elastics become more and more coarser to north in the basin as well as upward coarsing. These features indicate prograding fillings followed by overlaps of the different fans underwater. The paleocurrent analyses show that the forearc basin is composed of thrust-ramp-basins and deep-water basins. The provenance of the fillings in the basin is the island arc in the north. The lead-zinc deposits were synchronous with the Xihanshui Group in the early stage of development of the forearc basin. They were strongly constrained by syn-sedimentary faults and then modified by the hydrothermal fluids. The gold deposits distributed in the north of the basin resulted from the tectonic activities and magmatism in the later stage of the basin evolution, and occurred at the top of the lead-zinc deposits spatially. The scales of lead-zinc deposits in the south of the basin are larger than that of the gold-deposits. The Pb-Zn deposits in the west of the basin are larger than those in the east, while the Gold deposits in the west of the basin are smaller than those in the east. Mineralizing ages of these deposits become younger and younger to west.


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Facies descriptions of the Codó Formation in the Grajaú area are provided for the first time, and its sedimentary characteristics compared to those from the Codó area to allow paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Deposits in the Grajaú area include evaporites, limestones and argillites bearing features indicative of a shallow, low energy, subaqueous, saline environment exposed to meteoric and/or capillary conditions. Floodingevaporative concentration-desiccation cycles suggest a saline pan complex surrounded by extensive evaporitic mudflats. The location of the system, whether coastal or inland, is a matter open for debate. However, the later hypothesis is favored considering: 1. Sr isotopic data, with values higher than those expected for Late Aptian marine waters; 2. calcitic composition of limestones (instead of dolomitic and/or magnesitic as expected in coastal settings); and 3. presence of continental ostracods and lack of marine fauna. This interpretation is consistent with that proposed for UpperAptian deposits of the Codó area, but the depositional system there was one dominated by more stable, well-stratified, anoxic waters and evaporite precipitation in central lacustrine areas, while in the Grajaú area the salt pan was more oxygenated and ephemeral, with salt precipitation mainly in marginal areas or along surrounding mudflats.