777 resultados para adobe acrobat


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A 4-minute video that shows how students with dyslexia or visual stress can change the text and background colours in Adobe Acrobat Reader to suit their needs.


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This PowerPoint provides a step-by-step guide to the process of converting a document (such as your thesis) from Word to PDF.


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This video shows you how to create a single PDF file combining the contents of several files. The steps relate to using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro which can be accessed in any of the University's workstation rooms or can be installed from the Additional Software folder on a staff desktop. For best viewing Download the file.


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The publication of material in electronic form should ideally preserve, in a unified document representation, all of the richness of the printed document while maintaining enough of its underlying structure to enable searching and other forms of semantic processing. Until recently it has been hard to find a document representation which combined these attributes and which also stood some chance of becoming a de facto multi-platform standard. This paper sets out experience gained within the Electronic Publishing Research Group at the University of Nottingham in using Adobe Acrobat software and its underlying PDF (Portable Document Format) notation. The CAJUN project1 (CD-ROM Acrobat Journals Using Networks) began in 1993 and has used Acrobat software to produce electronic versions of journal papers for network and CD-ROM dissemination. The paper describes the project's progress so far and also gives a brief assessment of PDF's suitability as a universal document interchange standard.


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Este guião de apoio à formação tem como objectivo apoiar docentes na (1) utilização de funcionalidades avançadas do Adobe Acrobat Professional e (2) produção de documentos interactivos com fins educativos.


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Este artigo apresenta o resultado de experimentos realizados pelo Laboratório de Biblioteca Digital da PUCRS voltados para a captura e conversão de documentos a partir do formato tradicional (papel) para o formato digital. São apresentadas e avaliadas as principais etapas envolvidas no processo de digitalização utilizando duas sistemáticas diferentes: uma baseada na conversão para HTML; a outra baseada na geração de arquivos PDF usados pelo software Adobe Acrobat Reader. São abordados também fatores essenciais aos trabalhos de digitalização tais como tecnologias de Reconhecimento Óptico dos Caracteres (OCR) e avaliação das características do acervo a ser digitalizado. Por fim, é realizado um comparativo entre as duas sistemática estudadas, apontando pontos positivos e negativos que devem ser considerados na escolha de uma diretriz de trabalho.


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Aquest document presenta les possibilitats del programa Adobe Acrobat Professional per modificar un PDF creat i donar-li els últims retocs per convertir-lo en accessible.


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Aquesta guia explica com s’accedeix a la informació d’un document PDF.


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Aquesta guia explica com convertir documents Microsoft Word 2003 i 2007 a documents PDF.


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Aquesta guia explica com convertir documents Open Office Writer a format PDF.


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Aquesta guia explica com reparar documents existents en format PDF perquè siguin accessibles.


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Tässä insinöörityössä kehitettiin Agilent VEE -ohjelmaan pohjautuva tietokoneohjattu antennimittausjärjestelmä, joka mittaa ja piirtää tutkittavan antennin säteilykuvion. Työ aloitettiin perehtymällä radioaaltojen ja antennien ominaisuuksiin sekä antennien mittauspaikkoihin ja siihen, miten antennien ominaisuuksia mitataan. Näiden lisäksi kartoitettiin markkinoilla olevia valmiita mittausjärjestelmiä, selviteltiin niiden laajuutta, ominaisuuksia ja käyttömahdollisuuksia sekä selviteltiin vielä, minkälaiseen käyttöympäristöön ja tilanteeseen ne soveltuvat. Mittausjärjestelmä tehtiin liittämällä graafiseen Agilent VEE -ohjelmaan mittauksessa käytettävät laitteet ja ohjelmoimalla ne mittaamaan ja piirtämään tutkittavan antennin säteilykuviot. Lopuksi ohjelmaan liitettiin tulosten esittäminen, tulostaminen ja tallentaminen Adobe Acrobat -ohjelman avulla. Työn tuloksena syntyi yksinkertainen, nopea ja helppokäyttöinen antennimittausjärjestelmä, joka soveltuu antennin säteilykuvion mittaamiseen ja graafiseen esittämiseen. Ohjelmien päivityksellä saadaan mittausjärjestelmää kehitetyksi monipuolisemmaksi, etenkin graafisten tulosteiden osalta.


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The information and communication technologies (ICT) sectors are in a process of technological convergence. Determinant factors in this process are the liberalisation of the telecommunications markets and technological change. Many firms are engaged in a process of mergers and alliances to position themselves in this new framework. Technological and demand uncertainties are very important. Our objective in this paper is to study the economic determinants of the strategies of the firms. With this aim, we review some key technological and demand aspects. We shed some light on the strategic motivations of the firms by establishing a parallel with the evolution of the retailing sector


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The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity


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Customer satisfaction and retention are key issues for organizations in today’s competitive market place. As such, much research and revenue has been invested in developing accurate ways of assessing consumer satisfaction at both the macro (national) and micro (organizational) level, facilitating comparisons in performance both within and between industries. Since the instigation of the national customer satisfaction indices (CSI), partial least squares (PLS) has been used to estimate the CSI models in preference to structural equation models (SEM) because they do not rely on strict assumptions about the data. However, this choice was based upon some misconceptions about the use of SEM’s and does not take into consideration more recent advances in SEM, including estimation methods that are robust to non-normality and missing data. In this paper, both SEM and PLS approaches were compared by evaluating perceptions of the Isle of Man Post Office Products and Customer service using a CSI format. The new robust SEM procedures were found to be advantageous over PLS. Product quality was found to be the only driver of customer satisfaction, while image and satisfaction were the only predictors of loyalty, thus arguing for the specificity of postal services