968 resultados para adesione pull-off DMA
L’industria enologica oggigiorno propone numerosi modi per sigillare le bottiglie in alternativa ai tappi di sughero: tappi sintetici, tappi a vite, tappi a corona. Tuttavia si conosce la preferenza del consumatore medio per il sughero. I motivi sono molteplici: il sughero restituisce un'immagine di qualità del vino, esprime la tradizione ed è un materiale vivo e naturale, così come il vino. La naturalità del sughero però comporta dei rischi. Ad esempio si stima in 10 miliardi di dollari a livello mondiale la perdita economica dovuta al "sentore di tappo" o "cork taint". Recenti ricerche attribuiscono la responsabilità di tale difetto a composti chimici che migrano dal sughero al vino. Innovazione e tradizione si sono incontrate nell'ideazione della "tecnologia a membrana" o "membrane technology". Essa consiste nell'isolare le teste dei tappi con delle pellicole multistrato per non far diffondere nel vino alcun tipo di agente contaminante. In questo studio si espone in dettaglio un metodo per misurare l'adesione di film multistrato polimerici – strato esterno in polietilene – su tappi di sughero monopezzo. I tappi già rivestiti sono stati forniti da un'azienda del settore senza alcuna specifica di fabbricazione. In particolare la fase di trazione è stata ideata in analogia alla prova meccanica nota come pull-off test, usata nell'ambito dell'ingegneria edile. La bontà dell'adesione è indagata dal punto di vista della fisica dei materiali. Per le misurazioni si è utilizzato il Dynamic Mechanical Analyser (DMA), modello Q800, che si trova presso il laboratorio CIRI-MAM ospitato dal Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia di Bologna.
This limited experimental investigation examined the relationships between the compressive strengths of cubes, cylinders, cores and the estimated compressive strengths derived from pull-off tests for a relatively low-strength structural-grade concrete (<35 N/mm2). Test specimens were cast and tested at 7, 14, 28, 56 and 84 days. The relationships of the trends of the test results to the trends of results of standard cube specimens and standard cylinder specimens were compared. It was found that the mean strength of each type of specimen tended to increase as a function of the natural logarithm of the specimen age. The mean strength of cylinders of length/diameter ratio 2.0 was found to be slightly greater (by about 7.5%) than the generally accepted value of 80% of the mean cube strength. Core results were corrected using correction factors defined in BS 6089 and the UK national annex to BS EN 12504-1. The mean corrected cube strength of cores taken from cubes was approximately 12% greater than the mean companion cube strength. The mean corrected cylinder strength of cores taken from cubes was approximately 5% greater than the mean companion cylinder strength. The potential cube and cylinder strengths of cores taken from slabs cured under different environmental conditions correlated well with companion cube and cylinder strengths respectively at 28 days. The pull-off test results gave a variable but, on average, slightly conservative estimate of the cube compressive strength of the relatively low-strength structural-grade concrete, using a simple general linear estimated compressive cube strength to tensile strength correlation factor of 10.
The car sequencing problem determines sequences of different car models launched down a mixed-model assembly line. To avoid work overloads of workforce, car sequencing restricts the maximum occurrence of labor-intensive options, e.g., a sunroof, by applying sequencing rules. We consider this problem in a resequencing context, where a given number of buffers (denoted as pull-off tables) is available for rearranging a stirred sequence. The problem is formalized and suited solution procedures are developed. A lower bound and a dominance rule are introduced which both reduce the running time of our graph approach. Finally, a real-world resequencing setting is investigated.
In this paper, we study the relationship between the pull-off force and the transition parameter (or Tabor number) as well as the variation of the pull-off radius with the transition parameter in the adhesion elastic contact. Hysteresis models are presented to describe the contact radius as a function of external loads in loading and unloading processes. Among these models, we verified the hysteresis model from Johnson{Kendall{Roberts theory, based on which the calculated results are in good agreement with experimental ones.
In this paper, a generalized JKR model is investigated, in which an elastic cylinder adhesively contacts with an elastic half space and the contact region is assumed to be perfect bonding. An external pulling force is acted on the cylinder in an arbitrary direction. The contact area changes during the pull-off process, which can be predicted using the dynamic Griffith energy balance criterion as the contact edge shifts. Full coupled solution with an oscillatory singularity is obtained and analyzed by numerical calculations. The effect of Dundurs' parameter on the pull-off process is analyzed, which shows that a nonoscillatory solution can approximate the general one under some conditions, i.e., larger pulling angle (pi/2 is the maximum value), smaller a/R or larger nondimensional parameter value of Delta gamma/E*R. Relations among the contact half width, the external pulling force and the pulling angle are used to determine the pull-off force and pull-off contact half width explicitly. All the results in the present paper as basic solutions are helpful and applicable for experimenters and engineers.
Capillary forces are significantly dominant in adhesive forces measured with an atomic force microscope (AFM) in ambient air, which are always thought to be dependent on water film thickness, relative humidity, and the free energy of water film. We study the nature of the pull-off force on a variety of surfaces as a function of tip velocity. It is found that the capillary forces are of relatively strong dependence on tip velocity. The present experiment is expected to provide a better understanding of the work mechanism of AFM in ambient air.
要: We have recently proposed a generalized JKR model for non-slipping adhesive contact between two elastic spheres subjected to a pair of pulling forces and a mismatch strain (Chen, S., Gao, H., 2006c. Non-slipping adhesive contact between mismatched elastic spheres: a model of adhesion mediated deformation sensor. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 54, 1548-1567). Here we extend this model to adhesion between two mismatched elastic cylinders. The attention is focused on how the mismatch strain affects the contact area and the pull-off force. It is found that there exists a critical mismatch strain at which the contact spontaneously dissociates. The analysis suggests possible mechanisms by which mechanical deformation can affect binding between cells and molecules in biology.
Fibrillar structures are common features on the feet of many animals, such as geckos, spiders and flies. Theoretical analyses often use periodical array to simulate the assembly, and each fibril is assumed to be of equal load sharing (ELS). On the other hand, studies on a single fibril show that the adhesive interface is flaw insensitive when the size of the fibril is not larger than a critical one. In this paper, the Dugdale Barenblatt model has been used to study the conditions of ELS and how to enhance adhesion by tuning the geometrical parameters in fibrillar structures. Different configurations in an array of fibres are considered, such as line array, square and hexagonal patterns. It is found that in order to satisfy flaw-insensitivity and ELS conditions, the number of fibrils and the pull-off force of the fibrillar interface depend significantly on the fibre separation, the interface interacting energy, the effective range of cohesive interaction and the radius of fibrils. Proper tuning of the geometrical parameters will enhance the pull-off force of the fibrillar structures. This study may suggest possible methods to design strong adhesion devices for engineering applications.
A generalized plane strain JKR model is established for non-slipping adhesive contact between an elastic transversely isotropic cylinder and a dissimilar elastic transversely isotropic half plane, in which a pulling force acts on the cylinder with the pulling direction at an angle inclined to the contact interface. Full-coupled solutions are obtained through the Griffith energy balance between elastic and surface energies. The analysis shows that, for a special case, i.e., the direction of pulling normal to the contact interface, the full-coupled solution can be approximated by a non-oscillatory one, in which the critical pull-off force, pull-off contact half-width and adhesion strength can be expressed explicitly. For the other cases, i.e., the direction of pulling inclined to the contact interface, tangential tractions have significant effects on the pull-off process, it should be described by an exact full-coupled solution. The elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent pull-off force and adhesion strength. This study could not only supply an exact solution to the generalized JKR model of transversely isotropic materials, but also suggest a reversible adhesion sensor designed by transversely isotropic materials, such as PZT or fiber-reinforced materials with parallel fibers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Capillary forces are dominant in adhesive forces measured with an atomic force microscope (AFM) in ambient air, which are thought to be dependent on water film thickness, relative humidity and the free energy of the water film. In this paper, besides these factors, we study the nature of the 'pull-off' force on a variety of atmospheres as a function of the contact time. It is found that capillary forces strongly depend on the contact time. In lower relative humidity atmosphere, the adhesion force is almost independent of the contact time. However, in higher relative humidity, the adhesion force increases with the contact time. Based on the experiment and a model that we present in this paper, the growth of the liquid bridge can be seen as undergoing two processes: one is water vapour condensation; the other is the motion of the thin liquid film that is absorbed on the substrate. The experiment and the growth model presented in this paper have direct relevance to the working mechanism of AFM in ambient air.
Geckos and many insects have evolved elastically anisotropic adhesive tissues with hierarchical structures that allow these animals not only to adhere robustly to rough surfaces but also to detach easily upon movement. In order to improve Our understanding of the role of elastic anisotropy in reversible adhesion, here we extend the classical JKR model of adhesive contact mechanics to anisotropic materials. In particular, we consider the plane strain problem of a rigid cylinder in non-slipping adhesive contact with a transversely isotropic elastic half space with the axis of symmetry oriented at an angle inclined to the surface. The cylinder is then subjected to an arbitrarily oriented pulling force. The critical force and contact width at pull-off are calculated as a function of the pulling angle. The analysis shows that elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent adhesion strength which can vary strongly with the direction of pulling. This study may suggest possible mechanisms by which reversible adhesion devices can be designed for engineering applications. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.