11 resultados para acidolysis


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This study aimed to evaluate the sensitiveness of the information obtained for the residual lignin from Eucalyptus grandis kraft pulps analyzed through the nitrobenzene oxidation, copper oxide (CuO) reduction and acidolysis techniques. The chips were cooked, resulting pulps of kappa number 14,5 and 16,9, respectively. Both lignins' pulps were evaluated through three methods (nitrobenzene oxidation, copper oxide oxidation and acidolysis). Then, they were subjected to an oxygen delignification stage. The 16,9 kappa number pulp resulted in higher levels of non-condensed lignin structures by the acidolysis method, higher syringyl/vanillin ratios (S/V) by the nitrobenzene and copper oxide methods and better performance in the oxygen delignification stage. The different methods allowed to differ the residual lignin pulps with kappa number 14,5 and 16,9, and the nitrobenzene oxidation method showed the highest sensitiveness in this study results.


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A bacterium Bacillus polymyxa was found to be capable of selective removal of calcium and iron from bauxite. The bioleached residue was found to be enriched in its alumina content with insignificant amounts of iron and calcium as impurities. The developed bio- process was found to be capable of producing a bauxite product which meets the specifica- tions as a raw material for the manufacture of alumina based ceramics and refractories. The role of bacterial cells and metabolic products in the selective dissolution of calcium (present as calcite) and iron (present as hematite and goethite) from bauxite was assessed and possi- ble mechanisms illustrated. The effect of different parameters such as sucrose concentra- tion, pH, pulp density and time on selective biodissolution was studied. It was observed that periodic decantation and replenishment of the leach medium was beneficial in improving the dissolution kinetics. Calcium removal involves chelation with bacterial exopolysaccha- tides and acidolysis by organic acid generation. Hematite could be solubilized through a reductive dissolution mechanism.


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This report describes direct formation of giant vesicles from a series of poly(L-lysine)-block-poly(L-phenylalanine) (PLL-b-PPA) block copolymers from their water solution. These polymers are prepared by successive ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of the two alpha-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides and then removing the side chain protecting groups by acidolysis. The structures of the copolymers are confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and size exclusion chromatography ( SEC). The vesicles are studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Rhodamine B is used as a fluorescent probe to confirm the existence of the vesicle with an aqueous interior. The vesicle size is in the range 0.55-6 mu m, depending on the absolute and relative lengths of the two blocks, on initial polymer concentration, and on solution pH. The vesicles are still stable in water for 2 months after preparation. Addition of the copolymer to DNA solution results in complex formation with it. The complex assumes the morphology of irregular particles of less than 2 mu m. It is expected to be used in drug and gene delivery.


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A novel biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(L-lysine) (PEG-PLA-PLL) was synthesized by acidolysis of poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(F-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine) (PEG-PLA-PZLL) obtained by the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of epsilon-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine N-carboxyanhydride (ZLys NCA) with amino-terminated PEG-PLA-NH2 as a macro-initiator, and the pendant amino groups of the lysine residues were modified with a peptide known to modulate cellular functions, Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Tyr (GRGDSY, abbreviated as RGD) in the presence of 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole (CDI). The structures of PEG-PLA-PLL/RGD and its precursors were confirmed by H-1 NMR, FT-IR, amino acid analysis and XPS analysis. The cell adhesion and cell spread on the PEG-PLA-PLL/RGD film were enhanced compared to those on pure PLA film. Therefore, the novel RGD-grafted triblock copolymer is promising for cell or tissue engineering applications. Both copolymers PEG-PLA-PZLL and PEG-PLA-PLL showed an amphiphilic nature and could self-assemble into micelles of homogeneous spherical morphology. The micelles were determined by fluorescence technique, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and could be expected to find application in drug and gene delivery systems.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden durch Verwendung eines stereodifferenzierenden Kohlenhydrat-Auxiliars chirale Stickstoffheterocyclen und enantiomerenreine Piperidin-Alkaloide synthetisiert. Alkaloide mit einer Piperidin-Grundstruktur sind in der Natur weit verbreitet und weisen vielfältige biologische Aktivitäten auf. Zusammen mit synthetischen Derivaten sind sie daher von großem Interesse für die Wirkstoffforschung. Mit dem aus D-Arabinose zugänglichen 2,3,4-Tri-O-pivaloyl-D-arabinosylamin wurden mit hoher Stereoselektivität N-Glycosyl-dehydropiperidinone aufgebaut, die vielfältig modifizierbare Ausgangsverbindungen zur Synthese unterschiedlich substituierter Stickstoffheterocyclen darstellen. In einer Vielzahl vor allem metallorganischer Reaktionen waren regio- und stereoselektive Derivatisierungen an allen Positionen der N-glycosidisch gebundenen Dehydropiperidinone möglich. Durchgeführt wurden z. B. die Addition aktivierter Cuprate, elektrophile Substitutionen, Reduktionen, Iod-Magnesium-Austausch sowie palladium- und kupferkatalysierte Kupplungen. Die Kombination dieser Methoden führte zu mehrfach substituierten Piperidinen. In einer Ringschlussmetathese wurde zudem ein Zugang zu bicyclischen Heterocyclen geschaffen. Das Kohlenhydrat-Auxiliar steuert den stereochemischen Verlauf der Bildung der Dehydropiperidinone und der daran durchgeführten Funktionalisierungen. Die Konfigurationen der neu gebildeten Stereozentren wurden mittels Röntgenstrukturanalysen und NMR-Spektroskopie sowie durch die Überführung der Piperidin-Derivate in Alkaloide mit bekanntem Drehwert ermittelt. Die Stickstoffheterocyclen können nach Entfernen der Enamin-Doppelbindung durch milde Acidolyse vom Kohlenhydrat-Auxiliar abgespalten werden, wodurch man die enantiomerenreinen Alkaloide erhält.


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The synthesis of three bis[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]-protected (tetramine)dichloroplatinum complexes 2a – c of formula cis-[PtCl2(LL)] and of their cationic deprotected analogs 3a – c and their evaluation with respect to in vitro cytotoxicity, intramolecular stability, DNA binding, and cellular uptake is reported. The synthesis comprises the complexation of K2[PtCl4] with di-N-protected tetramines 1a – c to give 2a – c and subsequent acidolysis, yielding 3a – c. The cytotoxicity of the complexes is in direct relation to the length of the polyamine. Complexes 3a – c display a significant higher affinity for CT DNA as well as for cellular DNA in A2780 cells than cisplatin.


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The Fmoc synthetic strategy was employed to synthesise two identical combinatorial peptide libraries on a hydrophilic PEG-PS resin. One library was appended with boronic acid moieties at two positionally-fixed locations. Successful inclusion of the boronic acid units was confirmed using a novel UV fluorescent colorimetric assay employing carminic acid as the dye compound. A study of the effect had by the resin-bound peptides bearing boronic acid groups on the binding characteristics of vancomycin, a medically relevant antibiotic glycoprotein, was conducted. In all, 132 library compounds were tested for their binding affinity with vancomycin, via immobilisation of the glycopeptide onto the solid support through hydrogen bonding or complexation with the boronic acid moieties. Subsequent cleavage via acidolysis afforded vancomycin containing solutions which were quantified by growth inhibition of methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. Comparison of the diameters of the resultant zones of inhibition and those produced by vancomycin of known concentrations afforded a means of calculating the vancomycin concentration of the cleavage solutions, and thereby determining the binding affinity of vancomycin to each peptide sequence. Five peptide sequences and twenty one of the peptidyl-boronic acid sequences showed zones of inhibition, demonstrating their reversible affinity for vancomycin. Three peptide sequences showed zones of inhibition in both libraries. The presence of boronic acid was therefore shown to impart, enhance, detract and remove the affinity of vancomycin to a range of resin-bound peptide sequences.


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A modificação estrutural de óleos e gorduras é uma das principais áreas de interesse de pesquisa em diferentes setores industriais. No caso da indústria de alimentos, a interesterificação é empregada para melhorar propriedades nutricionais e funcionais, em que se obtêm compostos diferentes dos que lhes deram origem. As lipases microbianas são os biocatalisadores mais utilizados industrialmente, por serem mais estáveis, específicas e com propriedades bem mais diversificadas que as lipases de outras fontes. Este trabalho objetivou, primeiramente, a caracterização da gordura da pele de frango (GPF) e sua comparação com óleo de soja, como referência, visando a utilização de GPF em reações de interesterificação. Para isto foram caracterizados quanto aos índices de rancidez hidrolítica e oxidativa, bem como de matéria insaponificável, índices de saponificação, refração e iodo. Foi realizado ainda o fracionamento e perfil de ácidos graxos destes lipídios e suas frações, com o cálculo de seus índices nutricionais. Foi verificado que a GPF apresentou qualidade satisfatória devido aos baixos índices de acidez (0,65 g ácido oleico.100 g -1 ), peróxido (2,14 meq.kg-1 ), p-anisidina (0,70 unidades de absorvância.g-1 ), além de fonte de ácidos graxos mono-insaturados (40%), sendo fonte promissora para estudos de interesterificação. Em um segundo momento o objetivo foi produzir lipídios modificados ricos em ácidos graxos essenciais a partir da gordura da pele de frango e ácidos graxos ramificados, utilizando lipase sn-1,3 específica e interesterificação do tipo acidólise. Foram estudados os fatores concentração de enzima, adição de água, proporção de substratos e tempo, segundo um planejamento experimental fatorial completo 2 4 . As separações analíticas foram executadas em placas de cromatografia de camada delgada, sendo as frações posteriormente extraídas, ressuspensas e injetadas no cromatógrafo a gás. Foi verificado que a adição de água ao meio reacional apresentou efeito significativo (p<0,05) para todos ácidos graxos avaliados dos triacilgliceróis, sendo que para o ácido essencial linoleico (C18:2) o efeito do tempo de reação também foi significativo, sendo verificado que quanto maior o tempo de reação, menor a quantidade de água a ser adicionada. Em um terceiro momento, o objetivo foi produzir éster fenólico a partir do DHCA, além de realizar reações de transesterificação deste éster com tricaprilina. Para a reação de transesterificação, foi utilizado um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR) variando a quantidade de enzima, tempo de reação e temperatura sobre a resposta (%) dos reagentes consumidos. A lipase Novozym® 435 de Candida antarctica foi utilizada como catalisador de todas reações. Foi verificado que a maior produção de éster (50%) ocorreu em oito dias. Nas reações de transesterificação, as relações molares em que houve maior consumo do éster produzido foram 1:5 e 1:10, sendo obtidos 21,1% e 29,6% de residual de dihidrocafeato de octila, respectivamente em 24 h. Foi observado que em altas temperaturas e tempo superior a 26 h, houve o menor residual de dihidrocafeato de octila (18,2%). Foram identificados três diferentes compostos fenólicos, contendo em sua estrutura dihidrocafeato de octila e ácido caprílico.