20 resultados para achene


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The study was conducted in two different locations in South Brazil, in tillage in the 2009/2010 season on eight sunflower hybrids, aiming to determine the path correlations and coefficients between primary and secondary characters on the main variable of achene productivity. The correlations were similar between environments. The characters of the head diameter and mass of a thousand achenes had a significant influence on sunflower productivity. Based on the magnitude of the direct and indirect effects, we highlighted all primary components on the main variable, beside the good determination coefficient and low residual effect. The secondary component, the number of achenes, despite the significant direct effect on productivity, was indirectly influenced by the primary components, making it an undesirable character for selection.


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通过野外观察,发现羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata Maxim.在形态上相似于短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata DC.及大叶铁线莲C. heracleifolia DC.,推测羽叶铁线莲为后二者杂交产生。本文从形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、分子生物学等方面寻找证据,为这一推测寻找证据: 1. 形态学 通过野外观察结合标本馆工作,对这三个种的外部形态性状及其变异进行全面的分析,以探讨羽叶铁线莲C. pinnata在形态上与二假定亲本的异同及其产生原因。发现花、叶、习性等性状,在二假定亲本种种内稳定,但种间差异很大,在羽叶铁线莲中,性状变异的幅度正是处于二假定亲本差异之间。 2.解剖学 在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下,观察了这三种铁线莲的叶表皮特征,结果表明:叶片上表皮均不具有气孔器,下表皮气孔器类型均为无规则型;表皮细胞多为不规则形,仅在短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的上表皮中为近多边形;上表皮角质膜均具细条纹,下表皮角质膜均具环状或放射状波状嵴。 在扫描电镜下对瘦果形态及宿存花柱进行观察,结果表明:瘦果均密被长柔毛,并有蜡质颗粒状附属物。 在三个种植物之间叶表皮和瘦果的特征均无明显差别,对解释所讨论的问题意义不大。 3.孢粉学 在扫描电镜下对这三种铁线莲的花粉粒进行观察,结果表明:短尾铁线莲的花粉粒具三沟;大叶铁线莲的杂性株中花粉高度败育,说明其杂性株其实即为雌株;羽叶铁线莲的花粉也高度败育,但本种均为两性株,支持本种为杂交种的推测。 4.等位酶研究 利用莽草酸脱氢酶SKD和苹果酸脱氢酶MDH对采自3个居群的羽叶铁线莲大叶铁线莲和短尾铁线莲进行等位酶试验,结果显示在短尾铁线莲与大叶铁线莲中分别出现种内一致的谱带,而羽叶铁线莲则显示出二者杂合的带型。这一结果有力的支持了羽叶铁线莲是由短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲杂交产生的推测。 5.居群遗传结构分析 利用随机扩增多态性DNA标记(RAPD)分别检测三个种的遗传多样性和居群遗传结构。15个随机引物对这三个种共160个个体 (短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata 五个居群73个个体;大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia五个居群75个个体;羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata三个居群12个个体。)进行分析,总共得到123个用于分析的条带。我们对这三个种扩增出的条带按照居群进行了聚类分析,结果表明这三个种在聚类树上能够很好的区分开,但是种内居群间没有表现出地理分布式样方面的信息;个体水平上聚类结果表明,百花山采到的7株无法确定的铁线莲幼苗有6株是短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata另外一株是羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata,这说明在幼苗形态上二者差别不大;我们对这三个种分别进行了居群遗传结构的分析,结果表明:短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的多态条带比率为90.65%,遗传变异主要分布在居群内,居群间分化较小,而大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia的多态条带比率为90.76%,居群间遗传变异占30.52%,居群间有明显分化。羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata的遗传多样性很低,有可能是由于营养繁殖造成的。 6.DNA序列分析 选取叶绿体基因组的trn L-F序列和核基因组的ITS序列进行了测序分析。发现从三个种十个个体得到的trn L-F序列之间几乎没有差异,在640 bp中只得到了3个信息位点。对ITS测序过程中发现短尾铁线莲可直接用PCR产物测序,而对大叶铁线莲和羽叶铁线莲必须进行克隆测序,由于时间关系,我们得到的序列不足以进行进一步分析。 基于以上研究结果,我们初步认为羽叶铁线莲是通过短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲的杂交而起源,并根据我们观察到的变异式样对羽叶铁线莲系的一些种类进行了分类学处理。


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Climacteric and non-climacteric fruits have traditionally been viewed as representing two distinct programmes of ripening associated with differential respiration and ethylene hormone effects. In climacteric fruits, such as tomato and banana, the ripening process is marked by increased respiration and is induced and co-ordinated by ethylene, while in non-climacteric fruits, such as strawberry and grape, it is controlled by an ethylene-independent process with little change in respiration rate. The two contrasting mechanisms, however, both lead to texture, colour, and flavour changes that probably reflect some common programmes of regulatory control. It has been shown that a SEPALLATA(SEP)4-like gene is necessary for normal ripening in tomato. It has been demonstrated here that silencing a fruit-related SEP1/2-like (FaMADS9) gene in strawberry leads to the inhibition of normal development and ripening in the petal, achene, and receptacle tissues. In addition, analysis of transcriptome profiles reveals pleiotropic effects of FaMADS9 on fruit development and ripening-related gene expression. It is concluded that SEP genes play a central role in the developmental regulation of ripening in both climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. These findings provide important information to extend the molecular control of ripening in a non-climacteric fruit beyond the limited genetic and cultural options currently available.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A ocorrência de insetos fitófagos e de himenópteros parasitóides a eles associados, presentes em capítulos de Bidens pilosa são descritas para as condições do município de Botucatu, SP. Foram encontrados predadores de sementes da ordem Diptera, pertencentes aos gêneros Dioxyna, Melanagromysa e outro não identificado. As moscas Dioxyna depositam seus ovos no interior dos aquênios em estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento, permanecendo no interior do fruto até a emergência do adulto. Melanagromysa localiza-se entre as flores centrais desenvolvendose externamente aos aquênios. Foram observadas oscilações cíclicas e acopladas entre as curvas de abundância dos fitófagos e dos himenópteros parasitóides.


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The development of the ovule and of the fruit of Hypolytrum bullatum and H. schraderianum (Mapanioideae) and of Rhynchospora consanguinea and R. rugosa (Cyperoideae) are described. All species share anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate ovules, funicular obturator, megagametophyte of the Polygonum type, presence of starch grains in the mature megagametophyte, free-nuclear endosperm, Onagrad-type embryogeny, testal-tegmic seed, and a simple fruit of the achene type. Rhynchospora species have characters typical of the family: micropyle formed by the inner integument alone; 3-4-layered parietal tissue; and hard achene. Hypolytrum species differ in those characters by presenting a slightly zigzag micropyle formed by both integuments connected with the funicular obturator, 5-8-layered parietal tissue, and fibrous-spongy achene. The peculiar formation of the micropyle in Hypolytrum is a feature reported here for the first time in the family. The ontogeny provides evidence for a better understanding of the dispersal unit in Hypolytrum supporting the classification as a true achene, like that of Rhynchospora, which is characteristic of the family.


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The species is a very popularly used plant as woundwort. Leaves, top flowers and rhizomes are used. The objective of this work is a contribution to the germination study, photoblastism and more adequate temperature for reproduction of the species. The best temperature for the germination was found to be 20°C and no seeds germinated under continuous darkness, within 14 days; therefore, the seeds are positive photoblastics. The seed germination percentage was low, in relation to the mass of the achene produced, varying from 8,2 to 20,0%. The alternated temperatures of 20° and 30°C did not influence the seed germination and the average of the weight of 100 seeds was 0,026 1 g.


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The interference of weeds in sunflower cultivation can significantly reduce the productivity of achenes. The objective of this study was to determine the period before interference and total period of interference of the weed community on productivity and achene oil of sunflower cultivation. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in the fieldin Botucatu (SP) in the 2007/2008 agricultural year. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications. The treatments were composed of portions represent periods of control and presence of weeds. For control periods, the culture was kept free of weeds by increasing periods of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 110 days after the emergence (DAE) of sunflower. For periods of coexistence, the culture was maintained in the presence of the weed community for the same periods. We assessed the following variables: diameter of chapters, achene yield, oil yield of sunflower, density and dry matter of weeds and phytosociological indices. The period before the interference was 35 DAE culture to the productivity of achenes, and the total period of interference lasted until 24 DAE. For oil yield, the period before the interference was 25 DAE, whereas the total period of interference lasted for 14 DAE.


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Two experiments were conducted in southern Brazil in no-tillage system, in order to estimate genetic parameters and the direct and indirect effects of components for achene yield as a selection criterion in sunflower. We analyzed eight sunflower hybrids at two locations, in a randomized complete block design with four replicates, determined through quantitative descriptors: insertion height of the head, and head stem diameter, weight of 1000 achenes, number of achenes per head, mass by achene head and yield achene. Estimates of genetic parameters were based on combined analysis, decomposing interactions in genetic and environmental components. Considering the coefficient of genetic variation, indirect effects of components and heritability, there are higher possibilities for responses to selection in sunflower achenes by descriptors mass and mass of achenes per head, with its indirect association interrelated pathways for the increase in the achenes of yield.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)