3 resultados para acetogen


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Background: Forestomach fermentation in Australian marsupials such as wallabies and kangaroos, though analogous to rumen fermentation, results in lower methane emissions. Insights into hydrogenotrophy in these systems could help in devising strategies to reduce ruminal methanogenesis. Reductive acetogenesis may be a significant hydrogen sink in these systems and previous molecular analyses have revealed a novel diversity of putative acetogens in the tammar wallaby forestomach.Results: Methanogen-inhibited enrichment cultures prepared from tammar wallaby forestomach contents consumed hydrogen and produced primarily acetate. Functional gene (formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase and acetyl-CoA synthase) analyses revealed a restricted diversity of Clostridiales species as the putative acetogens in the cultures. A new acetogen (growth on H-2/CO2 with acetate as primary end product) designated isolate TWA4, was obtained from the cultures. Isolate TWA4 classified within the Lachnospiraceae and demonstrated > 97% rrs identity to previously isolated kangaroo acetogens. Isolate TWA4 was a potent hydrogenotroph and demonstrated excellent mixotrophic growth (concomitant consumption of hydrogen during heterotrophic growth) with glycerol. Mixotrophic growth of isolate TWA4 on glycerol resulted in increased cell densities and acetate production compared to autotrophic growth. Co-cultures with an autotrophic methanogen Methanobrevibacter smithii revealed that isolate TWA4 performed reductive acetogenesis under high hydrogen concentration (> 5 mM), but not at low concentrations. Under heterotrophic growth conditions, isolate TWA4 did not significantly stimulate methanogenesis in a co-culture with M. smithii contrary to the expectation for organisms growing fermentatively.Conclusions: The unique properties of tammar wallaby acetogens might be contributing factors to reduced methanogen numbers and methane emissions from tammar wallaby forestomach fermentation, compared to ruminal fermentation. The macropod forestomach may be a useful source of acetogens for future strategies to reduce methane emissions from ruminants, particularly if these strategies also include some level of methane suppression and/or acetogen stimulation, for example by harnessing mixotrophic growth capabilities


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Although the overall objective for undertaking this project is to help decide on the best way to produce CMA, the tasks to be performed deal primarily with acetic acid itself. The objectives of our part of this project can be restated here: A. Evaluate the cost and composition of potential low-cost fermentation substrates that are available in large quantity at central locations in Iowa. B. Compare the nutritional and physiological properties of a variety of homoacetogenic bacteria relative to acetic acid production, based on information available in the literature. C. Using both of these pools of information, evaluate the possibilities for use of substrates for acetic acid production that are significantly cheaper than the previous sugar, starch hydrolysate or whole corn based studies; also, compare the different acetogens encountered with the most commonly discussed acetogen, Clostridium thermoaceticum; arrive at conclusions on 1-3 of the best agriculture-derived substrates that should be further examined, and on 1-3 of the best organisms to evaluate experimentally. D. Collect experimental data at the tube and fermentor scale on 1-2 of the possibilities in C above. E. Comment on our understanding of acetic acid production possibilities from our perspective as microbiologists, and provide all this above information to Paul Peterschmidt for him to consider for his portion of this report. F. In addition, we would like to point out the possible advantage of examining the use of an agricultural by-product, corn steep liquor, as a direct, non-fermented feedstock for a non-acetic acid deicer.


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Työssä tutkittiin synteesikaasun komponenttien: hiilimonoksidin, vedyn ja hiilidioksidin liukoisuutta ja aineensiirtonopeutta fermentointiliuokseen. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään kaasujen liukoisuuksiin ja kaasu-nesteaineensiirtoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja esitellään korrelaatioita, jotka on kehitetty volumetrisen aineensiirtokertoimen ennustamiseen sekoitetussa fermentorissa. Kirjallisuus-osassa esitetään myös synteesikaasun komponenttien liukoisuudet veteen, etanoliin ja etikkahappoon 37 ºC lämpötilassa ja esitellään Flowbat-simulointiohjelman MHV2-mallin käyttöä kaasu-neste tasapainojen mallin-nuksessa. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin synteesikaasun komponenttien liukoisuuksia veteen ja kasvatusalustaan sekä kehitettiin mittausmenetelmä kaasu-neste tasapainojen mittaukseen. Tasapainomittauksissa tutkittiin etanolin ja etikkahapon konsentraatioiden vaikutusta synteesikaasun liukoisuuteen. Lisäksi mallinnettiin kaasu-neste tasapainoja monikomponenttisysteemeissä MHV2-mallin avulla. Kokeellisen osan aineensiirtomittauksissa tutkittiin sekoitusnopeuden ja kaasun volumetrisen syöttönopeuden vaikutusta hiilimonoksidin ja vedyn volumetriseen aineensiirtokertoimeen kLa kahden litran tilavuuksisessa laboratoriofermentorissa. Mittaustulosten perusteella kasvatusalustan komponentit vaikuttavat merkittävästi hiilidioksidin liukoisuuteen. Lisäys etanolin ja etikkahapon konsentraatioissa parantaa hiilimonoksidin liukoisuutta kasvatusalustaan. Kaasun volumetrinen syöttönopeus ja sekoitusnopeus vaikuttavat voimakkaasti volumetrisen aineensiirtokertoimen arvoon. Tutkitussa systeemissä korkein teoreettinen solutiheys, joka voitiin saavuttaa suurimmalla hiilimonoksidin aineensiirto-nopeudella, oli 3 g/L. Tämä on kaksinkertainen verrattuna aiemmissa VTT:n kokeissa saavutettuihin solutiheyksiin.