999 resultados para accounting curriculum


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Abstract: The increasing significance of ethics in the accounting profession is evidenced by the seminal events that witnessed the collapse of major corporations (eg. Enron and WorldCom); regulatory interventions (eg. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA and the CLERP 9 Act in Australia); and calls for increased ethics interventions in the accounting curriculum. This project has two objectives: to investigate the nature of ethics education in the Australian accounting curriculum and how it has changed from 2000 to 2012; and to analyse the barriers to enhancing ethics education by soliciting the opinions of Heads of Department/Schools of Australian universities. Compared with early empirical evidence, universities responded to the call for ethics education with increased levels of ethics intervention, but had failed to enhance the extent of ethics education coverage in the intervening period in which the data were collected. He lack of qualified staff and research opportunities represent major obstacles to the enhancement of ethics education.


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This study investigates accounting students’ ethical decision-making judgments and behavioral intentions. The Multidimensional Ethics Scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with three moral criteria (Moral Equity, Relativism and Contractualism). The study specifically tests the differences in ethical decision-making between students who have been exposed to a dedicated ethics unit of study compared with students who have not studied ethics. The influences of culture and gender on students’ ethical decision-making are also addressed in the study. Ethical decision-making was assessed via three case studies describing moral dilemmas that an individual, business or professional person might face. The results provide support for the MES and the value added from incorporating a dedicated ethical decision-making unit in the accounting curriculum. The results also support prior evidence of gender bias and the impact of cultural differences on ethical decision-making.


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A useful attribute of the audit committee is to have accounting financial experts on that committee of the Board. Defond, Haan and Hu (2005) argue there is a positive market reaction to the appointment of such experts. This study analyses how many qualified accountants there are on the Boards of Australia’s largest companies. The study finds that, while many Boards have at least one qualified financial accountant on their audit committee, the great majority of members are not qualified accountants. The paper considers whether this paucity of professionally qualified accountants on audit committees has any implications for the curriculum development and learning objectives of corporate governance and related topic areas within the disciplines of accounting and auditing in undergraduate and graduate professional accounting programs within the international tertiary education sector?


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Big business continues to request universities to produce graduates who possess both technical and generic skills. Although work-integrated learning (WIL) programs can be used to develop these skills, WIL placements in Australia are undertaken by a minority of students. Perceiving a gap, one Australian university undertook a major WIL revamp to expand WIL offerings embedded within its courses. This required major organizational change that impacted significantly on curriculum design. From a quality assurance perspective, this paper provides an overview of a revised WIL program in the accounting discipline, and discusses the issues and challenges associated with the revised WIL program four years after its implementation. The findings demonstrate that the discipline area has not yet fully met the revamped WIL program as defined by university policy. Recommendations are provided that form a valuable learning tool for educational institutions considering embedding broadly defined WIL within their courses.


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Within the context of debate about the state of accounting education in general, introductory accounting subjects have been the target of considerable criticism, particularly in terms of narrow content, technical focus, use of transmissive models of teaching, and inattention to the development of students‟ generic skills. This paper reports on the results of an exploratory study of these issues in introductory accounting and which involved the review of subject outlines and prescribed textbooks, and the conduct of a cross-sectional survey of the introductory accounting teaching coordinators in Australian universities (n=21). The primary aims of the study were to establish and apply benchmarks in evaluating existing curricula with respect to subject orientation, learning objectives, topics, teaching delivery, learning strategies, and assessment. The results of our study suggest that traditional approaches to subject content and delivery continue to dominate, with limited indicators of innovations to enhance the diversity and quality of learning experiences and learning outcomes.


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The weaknesses of ‗traditional‘ modes of instruction in accounting education have been widely discussed. Many contend that the traditional approach limits the ability to provide opportunities for students to raise their competency level and allow them to apply knowledge and skills in professional problem solving situations. However, the recent body of literature suggests that accounting educators are indeed actively experimenting with ‗non-traditional‘ and ‗innovative‘ instructional approaches, where some authors clearly favour one approach over another. But can one instructional approach alone meet the necessary conditions for different learning objectives? Taking into account the ever changing landscape of not only business environments, but also the higher education sector, the premise guiding the collaborators in this research is that it is perhaps counter productive to promote competing dichotomous views of ‗traditional‘ and ‗non-traditional‘ instructional approaches to accounting education, and that the notion of ‗blended learning‘ might provide a useful framework to enhance the learning and teaching of accounting. This paper reports on the first cycle of a longitudinal study, which explores the possibility of using blended learning in first year accounting at one campus of a large regional university. The critical elements of blended learning which emerged in the study are discussed and, consistent with the design-based research framework, the paper also identifies key design modifications for successive cycles of the research.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify some key issues for the analysis of corporate governance based on the papers within this special issue including the Guest Editor's perspectives. Design/methodology/approach – The five papers included in this special issue are summarized and their main contribution to the literature is highlighted. Findings – The paper collectively deal with the role and impact of corporate boards on the quality of information provided to capital markets. Practical implications – The theoretical and empirical research included in the special issue advance the understanding of corporate governance which provides impetus for practitioner and policy change. Originality/value – The normative concepts of best practice need to be validated by empirical testing in the context of firms and their institutional settings. This suite of papers provides evidence of the effectiveness of corporate governance in improving accounting quality


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A well designed peer review process in higher education subjects can lead to more confident and reflective learners who become skilled at making independent judgements of their own and others’ work; essential requirements for successful lifelong learning. The challenge for educators is to ensure their students gain these important graduate attributes within the constraints of a range of internal and external tensions currently facing higher education systems, including, respectively, the realities of large undergraduate Accounting subjects, culturally diverse and time-poor academics and students, and increased calls for public accountability of the Higher Education sector by groups such as the OECD. Innovative curriculum and assessment design and collaborative technologies have the capacity to simultaneously provide some measure of relief from these internal and external tensions and to position students as responsible partners in their own learning. This chapter reports on a two phase implementation of an online peer review process as part of the assessment in a large, under-graduate, International Accounting class. Phase One did not include explicit reflective strategies within the process, and anonymous and voluntary student views served to clearly highlight that students were ‘confused’ and ‘hesitant’ about moving away from their own ideas; often mistrusting the conflicting advice received from multiple peer reviewers. A significant number of students also felt that they did not have the skills to constructively review the work of their peers. Phase Two consequently utilised the combined power of e-Technology, peer review feedback and carefully scaffolded and supported reflective practices from Ryan and Ryan’s Teaching and Assessing Reflective Learning (TARL) model (see Chap. 2). Students found the reflective skills support workshop introduced in Phase Two to be highly useful in maximising the benefits of the peer review process, with 83 % reporting it supported them in writing peer reviews, while 90 % of the respondents reporting the workshop supported them in utilising peer and staff feedback.


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Higher education is becoming a major driver of economic competitiveness in an increasingly knowledge-driven global economy. Maintaining the competitive edge has seen an increase in public accountability of higher education institutions through the mechanism of ranking universities based on the quality of their teaching and learning outcomes. As a result, assessment processes are under scrutiny, creating tensions between standardisation and measurability and the development of creative and reflective learners. These tensions are further highlighted in the context of large undergraduate subjects, learner diversity and time-poor academics and students. Research suggests that high level and complex learning is best developed when assessment, combined with effective feedback practices, involves students as partners in these processes. This article reports on a four-phase, cross-institution and cross-discipline project designed to embed peer-review processes as part of the assessment in two large, undergraduate accounting classes. Using a social constructivist view of learning, which emphasises the role of both teacher and learner in the development of complex cognitive understandings, we undertook an iterative process of peer review. Successive phases built upon students’ feedback and achievements and input from language/learning and curriculum experts to improve the teaching and learning outcomes.


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In recent times, the growing emphasis on graduate outcomes has led to a consensus amongst educators, employers and other stakeholders that a better mix of technical and generic skills should be fostered in accounting students. Given the increased importance placed on generic skill acquisition, this study seeks to gain an understanding of undergraduate accounting students’ perceptions of the skills they feel they acquire during their studies. The increased diversity of the background of students studying accounting in Australia has also raised concerns about the acquisition of generic skills among various student cohorts. Using a case study of accounting students studying at an Australian university, a logistic regression model is applied to determine differences in perceptions of generic skill development between two student cohorts (local and international). The findings indicate that while both groups perceived their degree studies contributed to the development of generic skills, international students thought that their studies aided the development of generic skills more so than local students. Furthermore, it appears that some skills appear to be more successfully integrated into the curriculum than others.


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This study investigates the ethical awareness and decision making of accounting students using three ethical decision making cases studies. Given the increased focus on ethics education by professional accounting bodies the study focuses on the differences in ethical decision making between students undertaking a final year ethics course with students who have not yet studied ethics in their accounting degree.

The study extends the work of Cohen et al. (1996) to incorporate individual background factors such as gender, residence and the study of ethics at university level in measuring ethical decision making.

The results show that there are significant differences between local and international students in ethical decision making possibly linked to cultural differences. The findings also lend strong support for the incorporation of ethics education in the curriculum given that the significant difference in the ethical decision making of students who had studied a compulsory ethics unit in their undergraduate degree program.


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine undergraduate students’ attitudes towards the accounting profession, including accounting as a career, as a discipline, as a profession and perceptions of the work activities of accountants.

Design/methodology/approach – The data set used in this paper was collected via questionnaires. The present study compares several aspects of a prior study of Marriott and Marriott using the Accounting Attitude Scale developed by Nelson.

Findings – Overall, the paper supports the view that exposure to accounting at university does not enhance positive attitudes about accounting as a discipline, but reinforces rule-memorisation, and lack of involvement with conceptual skills or judgement.

Research limitations/implications – The paper only examines students’ attitudes at one point in time and does not attempt to identify whether students’ attitudes change over the period of their study. The paper can only speculate as to why there is a difference between local and international students’ attitude towards the accounting profession. Third, the questionnaire is only administered at one institution. There is a scope to extend this study across institutions as well as conduct a longitudinal study. In order to validate the findings, further research via in-depth interviews with students may help determine the factors that influence students’ attitudes.

Originality/value – The results from this paper are expected to contribute to the body of research by providing accounting educators with insights into how the curriculum may influence students’ attitudes towards the profession, together with implications as to how the profession should be promoted to undergraduate students.


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This paper examines a case of accounting education change in the context of increased interest in ethical, social, and environmental accountability, presenting a reflexive case study of a new university accounting subject incorporating social and critical perspectives. Foundational pedagogical principles and key aspects of curriculum are outlined. The pedagogy draws on the integration of humanistic and formative education (principally based on Gramscian and Freirean approaches) and deep and elaborative learning. Two key aspects of curriculum and pedagogy are analysed. First, a curriculum based on a broad conception of accounting and accountability as power-laden social processes, drawing on a range of research literature. Second, the adoption of an authentic, supportive, and collegial team teaching approach. Students’ feedback relating to identified issues is presented. The paper contributes to the renewal of the social and ethical worth of accounting education, concluding that deep accounting educational change encompasses both the content and practice of classroom activity and changes in the self-consciousness of staff and students.