947 resultados para accident occurrence analysis


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Big data analytics for traffic accidents is a hot topic and has significant values for a smart and safe traffic in the city. Based on the massive traffic accident data from October 2014 to March 2015 in Xiamen, China, we propose a novel accident occurrences analytics method in both spatial and temporal dimensions to predict when and where an accident with a specific crash type will occur consequentially by whom. Firstly, we analyze and visualize accident occurrences in both temporal and spatial view. Second, we illustrate spatio-temporal visualization results through two case studies in multiple road segments, and the impact of weather on crash types. These findings of accident occurrences analysis and visualization would not only help traffic police department implement instant personnel assignments among simultaneous accidents, but also inform individual drivers about accident-prone sections and the time span which requires their most attention.


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The study presented in this paper reviewed 9,358 accidents which occurred in the U.S. construction industry between 2002 and 2011, in order to understand the relationships between the risk factors and injury severity (e.g. fatalities, hospitalized injuries, or non-hospitalized injuries) and to develop a strategic prevention plan to reduce the likelihood of fatalities where an accident is unavoidable. The study specifically aims to: (1) verify the relationships among risk factors, accident types, and injury severity, (2) determine significant risk factors associated with each accident type that are highly correlated to injury severity, and (3) analyze the impact of the identified key factors on accident and fatality occurrence. The analysis results explained that safety managers’ roles are critical to reducing human-related risks—particularly misjudgement of hazardous situations—through safety training and education, appropriate use of safety devices and proper safety inspection. However, for environment-related factors, the dominant risk factors were different depending on the different accident types. The outcomes of this study will assist safety managers to understand the nature of construction accidents and plan for strategic risk mitigation by prioritizing high frequency risk factors to effectively control accident occurrence and manage the likelihood of fatal injuries on construction sites.


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The traffic conflict technique (TCT) is a powerful technique applied in road traffic safety assessment as a surrogate of the traditional accident data analysis. It has subdued the conceptual and implemental weaknesses of the accident statistics. Although this technique has been applied effectively in road traffic, it has not been practised well in marine traffic even though this traffic system has some distinct advantages in terms of having a monitoring system. This monitoring system can provide navigational information as well as other geometric information of the ships for a larger study area over a longer time period. However, for implementing the TCT in the marine traffic system, it should be examined critically to suit the complex nature of the traffic system. This paper examines the suitability of the TCT to be applied to marine traffic and proposes a framework for a follow up comprehensive conflict study.


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To enhance workplace safety in the construction industry it is important to understand interrelationships among safety risk factors associated with construction accidents. This study incorporates the systems theory into Heinrich’s domino theory to explore the interrelationships of risks and break the chain of accident causation. Through both empirical and statistical analyses of 9,358 accidents which occurred in the U.S. construction industry between 2002 and 2011, the study investigates relationships between accidents and injury elements (e.g., injury type, part of body, injury severity) and the nature of construction injuries by accident type. The study then discusses relationships between accidents and risks, including worker behavior, injury source, and environmental condition, and identifies key risk factors and risk combinations causing accidents. The research outcomes will assist safety managers to prioritize risks according to the likelihood of accident occurrence and injury characteristics, and pay more attention to balancing significant risk relationships to prevent accidents and achieve safer working environments.


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This study analyzes an accident in which two maintenance workers suffered severe burns while replacing a circuit breaker panel in a steel mill, following model of analysis and prevention of accidents (MAPA) developed with the objective of enlarging the perimeter of interventions and contributing to deconstruction of blame attribution practices. The study was based on materials produced by a health service team in an in-depth analysis of the accident. The analysis shows that decisions related to system modernization were taken without considering their implications in maintenance scheduling and creating conflicts of priorities and of interests between production and safety; and also reveals that the lack of a systemic perspective in safety management was its principal failure. To explain the accident as merely non-fulfillment of idealized formal safety rules feeds practices of blame attribution supported by alibi norms and inhibits possible prevention. In contrast, accident analyses undertaken in worker health surveillance services show potential to reveal origins of these events incubated in the history of the system ignored in practices guided by the traditional paradigm.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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This study analyzes an accident in which two maintenance workers suffered severe burns while replacing a circuit breaker panel in a steel mill, following model of analysis and prevention of accidents (MAPA) developed with the objective of enlarging the perimeter of interventions and contributing to deconstruction of blame attribution practices. The study was based on materials produced by a health service team in an in-depth analysis of the accident. The analysis shows that decisions related to system modernization were taken without considering their implications in maintenance scheduling and creating conflicts of priorities and of interests between production and safety; and also reveals that the lack of a systemic perspective in safety management was its principal failure. To explain the accident as merely non-fulfillment of idealized formal safety rules feeds practices of blame attribution supported by alibi norms and inhibits possible prevention. In contrast, accident analyses undertaken in worker health surveillance services show potential to reveal origins of these events incubated in the history of the system ignored in practices guided by the traditional paradigm.


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El modo tradicional de estimar el nivel de seguridad vial es el registro de accidentes de tráfico, sin embargo son altamente variables, aleatorios y necesitan un periodo de registro de al menos 3 años. Existen metodologías preventivas en las cuales no es necesario que ocurra un accidente para determinar el nivel de seguridad de una intersección, como lo es la técnica de los conflictos de tráfico, que introduce las mediciones alternativas de seguridad como cuantificadoras del riesgo de accidente. El objetivo general de la tesis es establecer una metodología que permita clasificar el riesgo en intersecciones interurbanas, en función del análisis de conflictos entre vehículos, realizado mediante las variables alternativas o indirectas de seguridad vial. La metodología para el análisis y evaluación temprana de la seguridad en una intersección, estará basada en dos medidas alternativas de seguridad: el tiempo hasta la colisión y el tiempo posterior a la invasión de la trayectoria. El desarrollo experimental se realizó mediante estudios de campo, para la parte exploratoria de la investigación, se seleccionaron 3 intersecciones interurbanas en forma de T donde se obtuvieron las variables que caracterizan los conflictos entre vehículos; luego mediante técnicas de análisis multivariante, se obtuvo los modelos de clasificación del riesgo cualitativo y cuantitativo. Para la homologación y el estudio final de concordancia entre el índice propuesto y el modelo de clasificación, se desarrollaron nuevos estudios de campo en 6 intersecciones interurbanas en forma de T. El índice de riesgo obtenido resulta una herramienta muy útil para realizar evaluaciones rápidas conducentes a estimar la peligrosidad de una intersección en T, debido a lo simple y económico que resulta obtener los registros de datos en campo, por medio de una rápida capacitación a operarios; la elaboración del informe de resultados debe ser por un especialista. Los índices de riesgo obtenidos muestran que las variables originales más influyentes son las mediciones de tiempo. Se pudo determinar que los valores más altos del índice de riesgo están relacionados a un mayor riesgo de que un conflicto termine en accidente. Dentro de este índice, la única variable cuyo aporte es proporcionalmente directo es la velocidad de aproximación, lo que concuerda con lo que sucede en un conflicto, pues una velocidad excesiva se manifiesta como un claro factor de riesgo ya que potencia todos los fallos humanos en la conducción. Una de las principales aportaciones de esta tesis doctoral a la ingeniería de carreteras, es la posibilidad de aplicación de la metodología por parte de administraciones de carreteras locales, las cuales muchas veces cuentan con recursos de inversión limitados para efectuar estudios preventivos, sobretodo en países en vías de desarrollo. La evaluación del riesgo de una intersección luego de una mejora en cuanto a infraestructura y/o dispositivos de control de tráfico, al igual que un análisis antes – después, pero sin realizar una comparación mediante la ocurrencia de accidentes, sino que por medio de la técnica de conflictos de tráfico, se puede convertir en una aplicación directa y económica. Además, se pudo comprobar que el análisis de componentes principales utilizado en la creación del índice de riesgo de la intersección, es una herramienta útil para resumir todo el conjunto de mediciones que son posibles de obtener con la técnica de conflictos de tráfico y que permiten el diagnóstico del riesgo de accidentalidad en una intersección. En cuanto a la metodología para la homologación de los modelos, se pudo establecer la validez y confiabilidad al conjunto de respuestas entregadas por los observadores en el registro de datos en campo, ya que los resultados de la validación establecen que la medición de concordancia de las respuestas entregadas por los modelos y lo observado, son significativas y sugieren una alta coincidencia entre ellos. ABSTRACT The traditional way of estimating road safety level is the record of occurrence of traffic accidents; however, they are highly variable, random, and require a recording period of at least three years. There are preventive methods which do not need an accident to determine the road safety level of an intersection, such as traffic conflict technique, which introduces surrogate safety measures as parameters for the evaluation of accident risks. The general objective of the thesis is to establish a methodology that will allow the classification of risk at interurban intersections as a function of the analysis of conflicts between vehicles performed by means of surrogate road safety variables. The proposal of a methodology for the analysis and early evaluation of safety at an intersection will be based on two surrogate safety measures: the time to collision and the post encroachment time. On the other hand, the experimental development has taken place by means of field studies in which the exploratory part of the investigation selected three interurban T-intersections where the application of the traffic conflict technique gave variables that characterize the conflicts between vehicles; then, using multivariate analysis techniques, the models for the classification of qualitative and quantitative risk were obtained. With the models new field studies were carried out at six interurban Tintersections with the purpose of developing the homologation and the final study of the agreement between the proposed index and the classification model. The risk index obtained is a very useful tool for making rapid evaluations to estimate the hazard of a T-intersection, as well as for getting simply and economically the field data records after a fast training of the workers and then preparing the report of results by a specialist. The risk indices obtained show that the most influential original variables are the measurements of time. It was determined that the highest risk index values are related with greater risk of a conflict resulting in an accident. Within this index, the only variable whose contribution is proportionally direct is the approach speed, in agreement with what happens in a conflict, because excessive speed appears as a clear risk factor at an intersection because it intensifies all the human driving faults. One of the main contributions of this doctoral thesis to road engineering is the possibility of applying the methodology by local road administrations, which very often have limited investment resources to carry out these kinds of preventive studies, particularly in developing countries. The evaluation of the risk at an intersection after an improvement in terms of infrastructure and/or traffic control devices, the same as a before/after analysis, without comparison of accident occurrence but by means of the traffic conflict technique, can become a direct and economical application. It is also shown that main components analysis used for producing the risk index of the intersection is a useful tool for summarizing the whole set of measurements that can be obtained with the traffic conflict technique and allow diagnosing accident risk at an intersection. As to the methodology for the homologation of the models, the validity and reliability of the set of responses delivered by the observers recording the field data could be established, because the results of the validation show that agreement between the observations and the responses delivered by the models is significant and highly coincident.


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O número de acidentes de trânsito é crescente nas últimas décadas no Brasil. Uma das principais causas de acidentes em rodovias brasileiras é o excesso de velocidade, que contribui para a possibilidade de ocorrência de acidentes. As velocidades praticadas pelos motoristas são também função dos elementos geométricos que compõem a via (raio, rampa, largura da faixa, etc). A consistência de traçado não afeta a expectativa dos motoristas e garante uma operação segura. A maioria dos motoristas consegue perceber as falhas de coordenação, mas tecnicamente, por exemplo, desconhecem a origem das mesmas. Esta pesquisa apresenta como objetivo a análise de consistência de um trecho de uma determinada rodovia do país de múltiplas faixas, com elevado índice de acidentes e alto fluxo de veículos comerciais. Os pontos com maior ocorrência de acidentes foram identificados e realizaram-se medições de velocidade para elaboração de um modelo de previsão de velocidade operacional (V85) do trecho de estudo. De posse deste modelo, procedeu-se à análise de consistência através do método dos critérios de segurança, que identificou 2 seções com problemas de consistência. Por fim, verificou-se se estas seções correspondiam aos locais de maior número de acidentes: a tangente T5 precede uma curva com alto índice de acidentes (km 511+000); o local com maior concentração de acidentes (km 514) foi classificado como RAZOÁVEL.


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Transportation Department, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.