998 resultados para accessory sexual glands


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Vampire bats are notorious for being the sole mammals that strictly feed on fresh blood for their survival. While their saliva has been historically associated with anticoagulants, only one antihemostatic (plasminogen activator) has been molecularly and functionally characterized. Here, RNAs from both principal and accessory submaxillary (submandibular) salivary glands of Desmodus rotundus were extracted, and ~. 200. million reads were sequenced by Illumina. The principal gland was enriched with plasminogen activators with fibrinolytic properties, members of lipocalin and secretoglobin families, which bind prohemostatic prostaglandins, and endonucleases, which cleave neutrophil-derived procoagulant NETs. Anticoagulant (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI), vasodilators (PACAP and C-natriuretic peptide), and metalloproteases (ADAMTS-1) were also abundantly expressed. Members of the TSG-6 (anti-inflammatory), antigen 5/CRISP, and CCL28-like (antimicrobial) protein families were also sequenced. Apyrases (which remove platelet agonist ADP), phosphatases (which degrade procoagulant polyphosphates), and sphingomyelinase were found at lower transcriptional levels. Accessory glands were enriched with antimicrobials (lysozyme, defensin, lactotransferrin) and protease inhibitors (TIL-domain, cystatin, Kazal). Mucins, heme-oxygenase, and IgG chains were present in both glands. Proteome analysis by nano LC-MS/MS confirmed that several transcripts are expressed in the glands. The database presented herein is accessible online at http://exon.niaid.nih.gov/transcriptome/D_rotundus/Supplemental-web.xlsx. These results reveal that bat saliva emerges as a novel source of modulators of vascular biology. Biological significance: Vampire bat saliva emerges as a novel source of antihemostatics which modulate several aspects of vascular biology. © 2013.


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Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to determine the topography, biometry and light microscopy image of the vesicular and bulbourethral glands in order to analyze morphologic features of the accessory sexual glands in castrated and non-castrated animals. Materials and Methods: The morphology of the accessory sexual glands was investigated in 14 adult Santa Ines breed sheep, weighing 32 kg, on average. Six of them were castrated, and eight, non-castrated. For macroscopic study, the description of these two glands was carried out, as well as dissection and biometry study. Moreover, weight, length, height and width measurements were evaluated. For histological analysis, the vesicular and bulbourethral glands were sampled. Results: The topography of the reproductive glands was similar to bovine species. However, lower macroscopic measurements (p < 0,05) in the glands of the castrated sheep were evidenced when compared with the non-castrated ones. Characteristics such as shape of the glands, composition of the layer mucosa, the lamina propria, muscular, the excretory ducts and the adventitia were determined. Conclusion: Sheep castration promoted changes in the biometric measures of the glands, which were lower in castrated animals. The morphological and biometric characteristics of the vesicular and bulbourethral glands in sheep were determined.


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The spotted paca is the second largest rodent in Brazil, where it is of great economic interestin impoverished regions in view of its prominence as a low-cost source of protein. Littleis known about the morphology of the accessory genital glands of this species. Thus, westudied the position and morphology of the genitals in ten adult male spotted pacas. Theanimals were divided into two groups, five animals were used for fixing of samples in 10%aqueous formaldehyde for macroscopic studies and the other five animals were designatedfor microscopic analysis. These were arranged in pairs and had the vesicular, prostate,coagulating and bulbourethral glands identified, being structured as mucous glands, whichlead into the pelvic urethra. It was concluded that the accessory genital glands found in thepaca are the same as those found in most rodents, showing similar histological aspects


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the secretory epithelium of the seminal vesicle were studied in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Male adult albino Wistar rats were divided into two groups: alcoholic and control. Tips of the seminal vesicle were removed and prepared for light and electron microscopy. Ultrastructural observations on the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle showed reduced epithelial cell size, decreased apical secretory vacuoles, irregularly shaped nuclei with deep infoldings, increased lipid droplets and dense bodies, a small number of microvilli covering the cell surface, and signs of degeneration. In addition to the hormonal effects, alcohol may act on the secretory epithelium of the seminal vesicle.


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Morphological changes of coagulating gland of Wistar rats submitted to the experimental chronic alcoholism were noted. Ultrastructurally, it was observed reduction of the granular endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and nuclei with basal position and irregular shape. The epithelial cells presented pycnotic nuclei and the mitochondrial cristae disappeared, characteristic of cellular degeneration.


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. São encontrados nas regiões da Caatinga e do Cerrado Brasileiro e se reproduz ao longo do ano, apresentando um período de gestação de 48 dias e uma ninhada de 2 a 4 crias. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar histologicamente os componentes estruturais dos órgãos genitais de preás machos relacionando com a evolução cronológica destes órgãos na espécie. Foram utilizados para análise animais ao nascimento e aos 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 e aos 150 dias de idade. Fragmentos do epidídimo, ducto deferente, pênis e glândulas sexuais acessórias foram coletados, fixados e processados para descrição em microscopia de luz. O epidídimo apresentou epitélio colunar simples e em cada fase sexual notou-se diferença quanto ao tamanho do lúmen tubular e à presença de espermatozóides no lúmen aos 45 dias de idade. O epitélio do ducto deferente no preá mostrou-se pseudo-estratificado colunar com crescente presença de estereocilios com o avanço da idade. A glândula vesicular no preá apresentou uma mucosa com pregueamento variado, de acordo com a fase do desenvolvimento sexual. A próstata mostrou-se pouco desenvolvida, com lúmen pequeno nos preás ao nascimento e aos 15 dias de idade; aos 45 dias mostrou-se com um pregueamento do epitélio variável. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do preá passaram por transformações morfológicas no decorrer da idade e com o desenvolvimento sexual, isso colaborou para a determinação do início da fase da puberdade, que na espécie em estudo foi aos 45 dias de idade.


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. São encontrados nas regiões da Caatinga e do Cerrado Brasileiro e se reproduz ao longo do ano, apresentando um período de gestação de 48 dias e uma ninhada de 2 a 4 crias. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar histologicamente os componentes estruturais dos órgãos genitais de preás machos relacionando com a evolução cronológica destes órgãos na espécie. Foram utilizados para análise animais ao nascimento e aos 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 e aos 150 dias de idade. Fragmentos do epidídimo, ducto deferente, pênis e glândulas sexuais acessórias foram coletados, fixados e processados para descrição em microscopia de luz. O epidídimo apresentou epitélio colunar simples e em cada fase sexual notou-se diferença quanto ao tamanho do lúmen tubular e à presença de espermatozóides no lúmen aos 45 dias de idade. O epitélio do ducto deferente no preá mostrou-se pseudo-estratificado colunar com crescente presença de estereocilios com o avanço da idade. A glândula vesicular no preá apresentou uma mucosa com pregueamento variado, de acordo com a fase do desenvolvimento sexual. A próstata mostrou-se pouco desenvolvida, com lúmen pequeno nos preás ao nascimento e aos 15 dias de idade; aos 45 dias mostrou-se com um pregueamento do epitélio variável. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do preá passaram por transformações morfológicas no decorrer da idade e com o desenvolvimento sexual, isso colaborou para a determinação do início da fase da puberdade, que na espécie em estudo foi aos 45 dias de idade.


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The urethra is the main place of entry for sexually transmitted pathogens. However, there is little literature on the morphology of the urogenital system, principally the urethra and ducts of the sex accessory glands. The Mongolian gerbil is an insectivorous, herbivorous and monogamous rodent with nocturnal habits; it has been used successfully as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. Therefore, the objective of the present paper was to describe the structure and ultrastructure of the urethra and its relations to the ducts of the accessory sex glands of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), contributing to the understanding of the reproductive biology of the rodent and aiming to provide data for future experimental studies. Conventional techniques of light and scanning electron microscopy were utilized. The urethra and ducts of the accessory sex glands are similar to those of the albino rat and the mouse. However, there is variation in drainage type among accessory sex glands for the inner urethra. The ducts of the seminal vesicle, the ductus deferens, drain their contents independently into the ampullary duct that opens in the urethra. The ducts of the prostate, coagulating and bulbourethral glands drain their contents independently into the urethra.


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The urethra is the main place of entry for sexually transmitted pathogens. However, there is little literature on the morphology of the urogenital system, principally the urethra and ducts of the sex accessory glands. The Mongolian gerbil is an insectivorous, herbivorous and monogamous rodent with nocturnal habits; it has been used successfully as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. Therefore, the objective of the present paper was to describe the structure and ultrastructure of the urethra and its relations to the ducts of the accessory sex glands of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), contributing to the understanding of the reproductive biology of the rodent and aiming to provide data for future experimental studies. Conventional techniques of light and scanning electron microscopy were utilized. The urethra and ducts of the accessory sex glands are similar to those of the albino rat and the mouse. However, there is variation in drainage type among accessory sex glands for the inner urethra. The ducts of the seminal vesicle, the ductus deferens, drain their contents independently into the ampullary duct that opens in the urethra. The ducts of the prostate, coagulating and bulbourethral glands drain their contents independently into the urethra.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the level and location of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) expression in rat prostate. METHODS The ventral, dorsal, and lateral lobes of rat prostate were examined for PDE5 expression by Western blotting. Intact rat urogenital complex, including the urinary bladder and accessory reproductive glands, was examined for PDE5 expression by immunohistochemistry. Individual prostatic lobes were further examined by immunofluorescence for expression of PDE5, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and rat endothelial cell antigen. RESULTS Western blot analysis showed that PDE5 was expressed at a significantly lower level in dorsal lobe (DL) than in ventral lobe (VL) or lateral lobe (LL). Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence analyses showed that PDE5 was expressed in both acinar epithelium and periacinar smooth muscle. However, although similar levels of smooth muscle PDE5 expression were observed in all 3 prostatic lobes, significantly lower level of epithelial PDE5 expression was found in DL compared with VL or LL. In prostatic blood vessels, PDE5 expression was clearly visible in the endothelium but not as easily detectable in the smooth muscle. CONCLUSION PDE5 was expressed in the acinar epithelium and periacinar smooth muscle of rat prostate. However, the epithelial PDE5 expression was significantly less in DL than in VL or LL. Regardless, the acinar wall, not the blood vessel wall, is the predominant PDE5 expression site in rat prostate. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc.


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Antigen-specific circulating immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISC) migrate to various secondary and tertiary lymphoid tissues. To understand the migration of the cells into the genital tract and its regulation by sex hormones, spleen-derived SG2 hybridoma cells secreting immunoglobulin G2b (IgG2b) and Peyer's patch-derived PA4 hybridoma cells secreting polymer IgA were labelled with (3) H-TdR, and intravenously injected into syngeneic mice of both sexes. Using flow cytometry, surface molecular markers of plasma cells, CD38 and CD138, and adhesion molecules, CD49d, CD162, and CD11a were found to be positive in SG2 and PA4 cells, but CD62L, alpha4beta7 and CD44 were not expressed on these cells. The relative distribution indexes (RDIs) of the cells in genital tract and other tissues were measured. The means of RDIs of SG2 and PA4 cells in female genital tissues were 6.5 and 4.5 times as many as the means in male genital tissues, respectively. The treatment of ovariectomized mice with beta-oestradiol significantly increased the RDIs of PA4 cells in cervix and vagina, but decreased the RDIs of SG2 cells in vagina, horn of uterus, uterus and rectum (P <0.05). Progesterone treatment increased the RDIs of PA4 cells in vagina and rectum (P <0.05). The treatment with testosterone significantly increased the RDIs of SG2 and PA4 cells in epididymis and accessory sex glands (P <0.05). These results demonstrate that the female genital tract is the preferable site for the migration of circulating hybridoma cells to the male genital tract, and sex hormones play an important role in regulation of the migration of circulating ISC to genital tracts.


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Changes of the gonad. survival rate, and life span of the precocious (i.e., sexually mature in their first October-November, at the age of 5 or 6 months) Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) were studied in a small, shallow, macrophytic, freshwater lake along the middle reaches of the Changjiang River, China. The gonosomatic index (GSI) reached peak during the next March when the female GSI was 12.32 +/- 1.75 SD% and the male GSI A as 4.24 +/- 0.19%. The sexual glands degraded from then on. In the first ten-day period of the following July, there was no complete ovum in the ovary. and the sperm became thin and lost adhesion. The population declined sharply from November to July, and the last one (a female) died in the middle of July, which indicated that the life span of the precocious crab was about 12 months (from larval hatching in June to death in July of next year). The survival curve might be expressed as Y = 1.09exp(-0.018x) (Y survival rate; x: days) for the precocious crabs stocked in experimental cages.