998 resultados para accessibilità HCI georeferenziazione multimodale Open Trip Planner
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quella di creare una interfaccia accessibile per il sito Web e software di creazione di percorsi urbani multimodali, denominato Open Trip Planner. L’obiettivo principale è rendere questo servizio di pianificazione di itinerari fruibile ad ogni tipologia di utente, rendendolo accessibile a persone con disabilità sensoriali e motorie, dando a queste ultime un aiuto, a volte indispensabile, per gli spostamenti all’interno delle città. Quello che il programma open source di Open Trip Planner deve fare dunque, è offrire le informazioni riguardanti i percorsi urbani e tutte le restanti informazioni presenti su di una mappa, come ad esempio punti di interesse, in maniera completamente fruibile per ogni utente che utilizza questo tipo di supporto alla navigazione. È stato d’aiuto nella tesi incentrare in un primo momento l’attenzione nei confronti delle leggi e le linee guida di accessibilità Web, studiando dunque come il Web deve essere accessibile per gli utenti, per poi concentrarsi sull’accessibilità delle mappe stesse. Un ulteriore scopo della tesi infatti è stato capire come i dati relativi alla navigazione che vengono prelevati dai satelliti, debbano essere presentati all’interno della mappa, fornendo un grado di accessibilità elevato, sia per gli utenti che per differenti hardware.
Traffic congestion has a significant impact on the economy and environment. Encouraging the use of multimodal transport (public transport, bicycle, park’n’ride, etc.) has been identified by traffic operators as a good strategy to tackle congestion issues and its detrimental environmental impacts. A multi-modal and multi-objective trip planner provides users with various multi-modal options optimised on objectives that they prefer (cheapest, fastest, safest, etc) and has a potential to reduce congestion on both a temporal and spatial scale. The computation of multi-modal and multi-objective trips is a complicated mathematical problem, as it must integrate and utilize a diverse range of large data sets, including both road network information and public transport schedules, as well as optimising for a number of competing objectives, where fully optimising for one objective, such as travel time, can adversely affect other objectives, such as cost. The relationship between these objectives can also be quite subjective, as their priorities will vary from user to user. This paper will first outline the various data requirements and formats that are needed for the multi-modal multi-objective trip planner to operate, including static information about the physical infrastructure within Brisbane as well as real-time and historical data to predict traffic flow on the road network and the status of public transport. It will then present information on the graph data structures representing the road and public transport networks within Brisbane that are used in the trip planner to calculate optimal routes. This will allow for an investigation into the various shortest path algorithms that have been researched over the last few decades, and provide a foundation for the construction of the Multi-modal Multi-objective Trip Planner by the development of innovative new algorithms that can operate the large diverse data sets and competing objectives.
A multimodal trip planner that produces optimal journeys involving both public transport and private vehicle legs has to solve a number of shortest path problems, both on the road network and the public transport network. The algorithms that are used to solve these shortest path problems have been researched since the late 1950s. However, in order to provide accurate journey plans that can be trusted by the user, the variability of travel times caused by traffic congestion must be taken into consideration. This requires the use of more sophisticated time-dependent shortest path algorithms, which have only been researched in depth over the last two decades, from the mid-1990s. This paper will review and compare nine algorithms that have been proposed in the literature, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm on the basis of five important criteria that must be considered when choosing one or more of them to implement in a multimodal trip planner.
El trabajo de fin de grado consiste en realizar una aplicación móvil basada en Android [7]. Para calcular la ruta más sombreada desde un punto de origen a un punto de destino. Dicha aplicación móvil realizará peticiones a un servidor que estará ejecutando un programa que realizará el cálculo de rutas conforme a los parámetros que elegirá el usuario desde su móvil. Estos parámetros pueden ser: la hora de partida, la fecha y la importancia de la sombra a la hora de calcular la ruta. Siempre podremos elegir entre una ruta más corta o una más sombreada, según la importancia que le quiera dar el usuario. La lógica de la aplicación del lado del servidor que realiza el cálculo está basada en Open- TripPlanner, el cual usa algoritmos de búsqueda para encontrar el camino más corto. Sirviéndonos de dicho algoritmo realizaremos las modificaciones e implementaciones necesarias para calcular la ruta más sombreada.
To promote the use of bicycle transportation mode in times of increasing urban traffic congestion, Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization funded the development of a Web-based trip planner for cyclists. This presentation demonstrates the integration of the ArcGIS Server 9.3 environment with the ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for Google Maps API and the Google Local Search Control for Maps API. This allows the use of Google mashup GIS functionality, i.e., Google local search for selection of trip start, trip destination, and intermediate waypoints, and the integration of Google Maps base layers. The ArcGIS Network Analyst extension is used for the route search, where algorithms for fastest, safest, simplest, most scenic, and shortest routes are imbedded. This presentation also describes how attributes of the underlying network sources have been combined to facilitate the search for optimized routes.
To promote the use of bicycle transportation mode in times of increasing urban traffic congestion, Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization funded the development of a Web-based trip planner for cyclists. This presentation demonstrates the integration of the ArcGIS Server 9.3 environment with the ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for Google Maps API and the Google Local Search Control for Maps API. This allows the use of Google mashup GIS functionality, i.e., Google local search for selection of trip start, trip destination, and intermediate waypoints, and the integration of Google Maps base layers. The ArcGIS Network Analyst extension is used for the route search, where algorithms for fastest, safest, simplest, most scenic, and shortest routes are imbedded. This presentation also describes how attributes of the underlying network sources have been combined to facilitate the search for optimized routes.
The invited presentation was delivered at Queensland Department of Main Roads, Brisbane Australia, 17th June 2013
This poster summarises the current findings from STRC’s Integrated Traveller Information research domain that aims for accurate and reliable travel time prediction, and optimisation of multimodal trips. Following are the three selected discussions: a) Fundamental understanding on the use of Bluetooth MAC Scanner (BMS) for travel time estimation b) Integration of multi-sources (Loops and Bluetooth) for travel time and density estimation c) Architecture for online and predictive multimodal trip planner
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este artículo muestra cómo con bajo coste y riesgo se puede desarrollar un sistema de planificación de viaje multimodal, basado en un enfoque de código abierto y estándares ‘de facto’. Se ha desarrollado completamente una solución de código abierto para un sistema de información de transporte público puerta a puerta basado en estándares ‘de facto’. El cálculo de rutas se realiza mediante Graphserver, mientras que la cartografía se basa en OpenStreetMap. También se ha demostrado cómo exportar una base de datos real de horarios de transporte público como la del operador ETM (Empresa de Transporte Metropolitano de València) a la especificación de Google Transit, para permitir el cálculo de rutas, tanto desde nuestro prototipo como desde Google Transit
For many, an interest in Human-Computer Interaction is equivalent to an interest in usability. However, using computers is only one way of relating to them, and only one topic from which we can learn about interactions between people and technology. Here, we focus on not using computers – ways not to use them, aspects of not using them, what not using them might mean, and what we might learn by examining non-use as seriously as we examine use.
Open pit mine operations are complex businesses that demand a constant assessment of risk. This is because the value of a mine project is typically influenced by many underlying economic and physical uncertainties, such as metal prices, metal grades, costs, schedules, quantities, and environmental issues, among others, which are not known with much certainty at the beginning of the project. Hence, mining projects present a considerable challenge to those involved in associated investment decisions, such as the owners of the mine and other stakeholders. In general terms, when an option exists to acquire a new or operating mining project, , the owners and stock holders of the mine project need to know the value of the mining project, which is the fundamental criterion for making final decisions about going ahead with the venture capital. However, obtaining the mine project’s value is not an easy task. The reason for this is that sophisticated valuation and mine optimisation techniques, which combine advanced theories in geostatistics, statistics, engineering, economics and finance, among others, need to be used by the mine analyst or mine planner in order to assess and quantify the existing uncertainty and, consequently, the risk involved in the project investment. Furthermore, current valuation and mine optimisation techniques do not complement each other. That is valuation techniques based on real options (RO) analysis assume an expected (constant) metal grade and ore tonnage during a specified period, while mine optimisation (MO) techniques assume expected (constant) metal prices and mining costs. These assumptions are not totally correct since both sources of uncertainty—that of the orebody (metal grade and reserves of mineral), and that about the future behaviour of metal prices and mining costs—are the ones that have great impact on the value of any mining project. Consequently, the key objective of this thesis is twofold. The first objective consists of analysing and understanding the main sources of uncertainty in an open pit mining project, such as the orebody (in situ metal grade), mining costs and metal price uncertainties, and their effect on the final project value. The second objective consists of breaking down the wall of isolation between economic valuation and mine optimisation techniques in order to generate a novel open pit mine evaluation framework called the ―Integrated Valuation / Optimisation Framework (IVOF)‖. One important characteristic of this new framework is that it incorporates the RO and MO valuation techniques into a single integrated process that quantifies and describes uncertainty and risk in a mine project evaluation process, giving a more realistic estimate of the project’s value. To achieve this, novel and advanced engineering and econometric methods are used to integrate financial and geological uncertainty into dynamic risk forecasting measures. The proposed mine valuation/optimisation technique is then applied to a real gold disseminated open pit mine deposit to estimate its value in the face of orebody, mining costs and metal price uncertainties.
In this paper we introduce and discuss the nature of free-play in the context of three open-ended interactive art installation works. We observe the interaction work of situated free-play of the participants in these environments and, building on precedent work, devise a set of sensitising terms derived both from the literature and from what we observe from participants interacting there. These sensitising terms act as guides and are designed to be used by those who experience, evaluate or report on open-ended interactive art. That is, we propose these terms as a common-ground language to be used by participants communicating while in the art work to describe their experience, by researchers in the various stages of research process (observation, coding activity, analysis, reporting, and publication), and by inter-disciplinary researchers working across the fields of HCI and art. This work builds a foundation for understanding the relationship between free-play, open-ended environments, and interactive installations and contributes sensitising terms useful for the HCI community for discussion and analysis of open-ended interactive art works.
Our contemporary concerns about food range from food security to agricultural sustainability to getting dinner on the table for family and friends. This book investigates food issues as they intersect with participatory Internet culture--blogs, wikis, online photo- and video-sharing platforms, and social networks in efforts to bring about a healthy, socially inclusive, and sustainable food future. Focusing on our urban environments provisioned with digital and network capacities, and drawing on such "bottom-up" sociotechnical trends as DIY and open source, the chapters describe engagements with food and technology that engender (re-)creative interactions.
This paper gives an overview of the economic rationale for limited entry as a method of fishery management and discusses general advantages and disadvantages of license limitation and catch rights as the two primary methods of restricting access to marine fisheries. Traditional open-access methods of regulation (e.g., gear restrictions, size limits, trip limits, quotas, and closures) can be temporarily effective in protecting fish populations, but they generally fail to provide lasting biological or economic benefits to fishermen because they do not restrict access to the fishery. The general result of regulation with unrestricted access to a fishery is additional and more costly and complex regulations as competition increases for dwindling fishery resources. Regulation that restricts access to a fishery in conjunction with selected traditional methods of regulation would encourage efficient resource usage and minimize the need for future regulatory adjustments, provided that enforcement and monitoring costs are not too great. In theory, catch rights are superior to license limitation as a means of restricting access to a fishery.